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The 4 International conference Faculty of Mechanical engineering, Technical university of Koice



Frantiek Trebua1, Peter Frankovsk2, Martin Gua3, Peter Hudk4
Abstract: The aim of the paper is to show numerical method that are used in the computation of the rotordynamics analysis using ANSYS workbench software. The goal of this analysis was to calculate frequencies and evaluate the Campbell diagrams. Keywords: Rotordynamics, Campbell diagram, ANSYS workbench

1. Introduction
Every spinning rotor has some vibration, at least a once-per-revolution frequency component (1st order), because it is impossible to make any rotor perfectly mass balanced. The experience has provided guidelines for quantifying approx. comfortable safe upper limits for allowable vibration levels on virtually all types of rotating machinery. The mechanics of rotating machinery vibration is an interesting subject with considerable technical depth and breadth. Many industries rely heavily on reliable trouble-free operation of rotating machinery, e.g., power generation, petrochemical process, manufacturing, heating and air conditioning, aerospace, computer disk drives, and home appliances. However, the level of basic understanding and competence on the subject of rotating machinery vibration varies greatly among the various affected industries. All industries reliant upon rotating machinery would benefit significantly from a strengthening of their in-house competence on the subject of rotating machinery vibration [1]. Rotordynamics analysis is essential to rotating machinery design. It enables the designer to understand the relationship between mechanical design choices including shaft size, bearing properties and housing stiffness and machine stability and safe operating range. The ANSYS workbench platform offers complete environment for rotordynamics simulation for industrial applications. An ANSYS mechanical APDL script was used to define material properties, spin velocities and element types, as well as to perform Campbell analysis using QRDAMP eigensolver. Bearing stiffness and disk radius were defined as input parameters for future design of experiments analysis.

Dr.h.c. mult. prof. Ing. Frantiek Trebua CSc., Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Kosice, Letn 9, 042 00 Kosice, Slovak republic. E-mail: frantisek.trebuna@tuke.sk 2 Ing. Peter Frankovsk, PhD., Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Kosice, Letn 9, 042 00 Kosice, Slovak republic. E-mail: peter.frankovsky@tuke.sk 3 Ing. Martin Gua, BSH Drives and Pumps, Tovrensk 2, 071 90 Michalovce, Slovak republic. E-mail: martin.gula@bshg.com 4 Ing. Peter Hudk, BSH Drives and Pumps, Tovrensk 2, 071 90 Michalovce, Slovak republic. E-mail: peter.hudak@bshg.com
Modelling of Mechanical and Mechatronic systems 2011, September 20 22, 2011 Herany, Slovak Republic 498


The 4 International conference Faculty of Mechanical engineering, Technical university of Koice

2. ANSYS workbench
In Fig.1 is shown ANSYS workbench schematic window with design modeler, meshing platform and ANSYS mechanical APDL as a system of linked tools that share data for possible further optimization study of the rotor.

Fig. 1 ANSYS workbench project schematic for rotordynamics problem

Geometry ANSYS Design modeler software can be used to import geometry file of rotor from step file and can be simplified to an axisymmetric representation for computational efficiency. Since the geometry did not fully describe the real model, additional disk and bearings locations were defined in ANSYS designmodeler (Fig.2).

Fig. 2 Simplified model in ANSYS designmodeler

Mesh used in analysis The geometry is meshed using the ANSYS meshing platform. The face sizing mesh control was used to appropriately mesh the surfaces (Fig.3). Named selections created in designmodeler are transformed to meshing, and these named selections are president throughout the project and appear in other analysis.

Modelling of Mechanical and Mechatronic systems 2011, September 20 22, 2011 Herany, Slovak Republic



The 4 International conference Faculty of Mechanical engineering, Technical university of Koice

Fig. 3 Mesh used in analysis

ANSYS mechanical APDL To perform task that is not natively available in ANSYS workbench, the APDL macro was added. This macro sends additional instructions to the solver. During the solution, this command is added to the input file for the ANSYS mechanical APDL solver. The APDL macro is used to define one input parameter, namely bearing stiffness, and output parameters such as critical speeds for further optimization analysis and plot results of rotordynamics analysis to Campbell diagram [2].

In this paper is described method for solving rotordynamics problem numerically using finite element method (ANSYS tool). A Campbell diagram plot represents a system's response spectrum as a function of its oscillation regime. In rotordynamical systems, the eigenfrequencies often depend on the rotation rates due to the induced gyroscopic effects or variable hydrodynamic conditions in fluid bearings. Numerically computed values of eigenfrequencies act as a function of the shaft's rotation speed. In Fig. 4 is shown plot of rotor system natural frequencies (vertical axis) versus rotational speed (horizontal axis). When the backward frequency (BW) or the forward frequency (FW) equal the spin speed the response of the rotor may show a peak. This is called a critical speed.

Fig. 4 Campbell diagram for 2x spin

Modelling of Mechanical and Mechatronic systems 2011, September 20 22, 2011 Herany, Slovak Republic 500


The 4 International conference Faculty of Mechanical engineering, Technical university of Koice

This contribution is the result of the project implementation: Center for research of control of technical, environmental and human risks for permanent development of production and products in mechanical engineering (ITMS: 26220120060) supported by the Research & Development Operational Programme funded by the ERDF. The authors express their thanks to grant agency VEGA M SR (project No. VEGA 1/0289/11).

[1] [2] [3] MAURUCE, L., ADAMS, Jr., Rotating machinery vibration from analysis to troubleshooting, Marcel Dekker, Inc., 2000, NY, ISBN 0-8247-0258-1 ANSYS Advantage, Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2010, p. 44-45 FRANKOVSK, P., GUA, M., MIKO, D., HUDK, P., HRIVK, J., Vyuitie modlnej analzy pri diagnostike vibrci strojnch zariaden, In: Transfer inovci, 2011, no. 19, ISSN 1337-7094, p. 178-184 TREBUA, F., IMK, F., Prruka experimentlnej mechaniky, TypoPress, Koice, 2007, ISBN 970-80-8073-816-7, 1526 p.


Modelling of Mechanical and Mechatronic systems 2011, September 20 22, 2011 Herany, Slovak Republic


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