Serving Others, July 2013

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Serving Others

Quilt Raffle See the beautiful quilt made by Diane Wadsworth as a gift of love to raise
money for the funding of our intern. It will be on display at St. Paul and at various community functions. Congregational members are invited to each take an envelope of tickets to sell. A drawing will be held on Nov. 18th.

Danbury Community Garden Our community garden is growing! Not just the plants, but
the relationships and outreach. We have a huge portion for the food pantry, so are asking for help with keeping up with weeding, watering and harvesting. Those who help are also welcome to eat of the harvest! If you have any questions, please contact Dick Arn. Thank you to the many who have already been participating!

Annual Baby Bottle Campaign If you forgot to turn in your Baby Bottle for Heartbeat
Pregnancy Center, please bring to the church office asap, or drop it off at Heartbeat in Port Clinton. Celebration Chorus is on break for the summer, and will return to practice Sept. on Weds. at 7:30 p.m., and will sing on September 15th as part of our worship for welcoming our new intern. Noisy Offering for July is for Vickie Avery, the niece of Shirley LaCumsky, who lost her home and her husband in a fire recently in Port Clinton. We hope to help Vickie with the purchase of small kitchen appliances, towels, etc. as she gets re-established in a new home. Food Pantry - For July, St. John is to bring Macaroni and Cheese, and St. Paul is to bring Spaghetti Noodles 1#. Next Pantry is July 20thth if you know anyone who would benefit or like to volunteer. Lutheran World Relief Projects WELCA is asked to bring erasers, infant gowns or sleepers without feet. Council Meetings Joint Council Night is Thursday, July 11th at St. Paul, Joint Parish Board at 5:45, All council worship and Pastors Report at 6:45, Council Meetings at 7:00 p.m. Internship Many thanks to all who are making this possible through their generosity! If you or your group have a fund-raising idea you will be planning, please keep your council presidents informed thank you! If you would like to make a donation, please designate it for the Seminary Fund. We still need to raise around $5,000. The rental of a house on Elizabeth Drive through Jack and Kay Tibbels has been approved by councils. Habitat For Humanity Volunteers needed to help with home located at 733 North Locust Street, Oak Harbor. Skilled and unskilled workers are needed, as well as, people to make lunches for the volunteers. Builds take place on Wednesdays and Saturdays only from 8:00am-3:00pm both days. Stay as long as you can. Turnouts have been low so we need as much as help as you can give! Wont you consider helping this young family get into their own home before the temperature drops?? Contact Bobby Beck at 567-262-3100.

Prayer Chain If you have someone to put on the prayer chain or would like to be one of the
prayers, you may call Joan Harris at 419-734-3971 or 419-341-6373 for St. Pauls prayer chain.

The St. John prayer chain contact is Myra Prokop at 419-798-5101. God promises that our prayers are heard! Prayer Shawl Plus Ministry - Meets Wednesdays after Bible Study at St. Paul, around noon. Thank you to this group for their Red, White and Blue shawls for armed forces families let us know if you know anyone with whom we might share our love and prayers! Also needed are White shawls for Baptism; Misc. shawls for our Church family and outreaches. Contact Sandra Reep at 419-732-7846 for patterns and yarn. PSM will take any donations of yarn, hooks, and needles. Mission Sundays for Northwest Ohio Synod - The third Sunday of each month is Mission Sunday and an offering basket is set out for donations to assist the ministries of our Synod, which includeTrinity Lutheran Seminary, Lutheran Outdoor Ministry of Ohio, Lutheran Disaster Relief, Global Mission, ELCA World Hunger, and others. Pastor Claude and Cameroon Pastor Please pray for safety for the Cameroon pastors and their families. In all the countries surrounding Cameroon there has been much rebel activity and killing of Christians. Safety is always a main concern for our team there.

Volunteer Opportunities -See for more opportunities for


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