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United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO Clubs

Astana - symbol of dynamically developing Kazakhstan and Independence of our Republic!

Astana is a large politicaladministrative, business and cultural center of the republic. All central authorities of the country, diplomatic missions, headquarters of domestic and foreign companies, leading universities, uptodate medical clinics and signi icant cultural institutions are located in this city. The capital city is connected with more than twenty cities of the world through friendly sister city relations. In July, 1999 by the decision of UNESCO Astana was awarded the title of World City. Since 2000, Kazakhstan's main city is the member of the International Assembly of Capitals and Cities.

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO Clubs


Location Kazakhstan Central Asia and Eastern Europe. Astana North of Central Kazakhstan.

Territory Kazakhstan 2,727.300 square kilometers (the ninth largest country in the world, the world's largest landlocked country). Astana about 710.2 square kilometers.

Population Kazakhstan 16.6 million people (in 2011). Astana 708,794 (1 August 2010).

Language Kazakh is the of icial language. Nevertheless, in state institutions and local administration bodies Russian is used equally with Kazakh.

Government Presidential Republic.

Administrative division 14 provinces. Almaty and Astana have the status of State importance and do not relate to any province. Currency Tenge (KZT)

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO Clubs

Borders Russian Federation, China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan Climate Autumn Month: August, September Record high C (F) 36.2 (97.2) 26.7 (80.1) 18.5 (65.3) Average high C (F) 18.6 (65.5) 8.5 (47.3) 3 (26.6) Average low C (F) 5.1 (41.2) 2.1 (28.2) 11.2 (11.8) Record low C (F) 8.2 (17.2) 25.3 (13.5) 39.2 (38.6)

Currency exchange rate (June 2013) 1 USD 150 KZT 1 EUR 194 KZT 1 GBP 243,8 KZT

Bank system Major European and international credit cards, including Master Card and Visa, are accepted in most hotels, malls and restaurants. There is a good network of ATMs throughout the city. Banking hours

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO Clubs

Money exchange Money can be exchanged in any bank rate is as stated on the information table. No commission is applied. ID is obligatory. It is wise to retain all exchange receipts. If you bring money in cash it should rather be in USD or Euro. Electricity Kazakhstan's voltage system is 220 volts. European twopin sockets are used.

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO Clubs

Arriving in Astana Many airlines operate lights to Astana, so you shouldn't have a problem inding one. You will land at an elegant but striking masterpiece by Japanese architect, Kisho Kurokawa Astana airport located 15 kilometers from the city. You will be greeted with the sign of UNESCO upon the arrival to Astana Airport.

Stay connected Telephone calls For local calls just dial six digits local number. To call outside the city or to a mobile, dial 8, add the city code (see table below) or a carrier. To dial from mobile to mobile dial 8 + the cell operator code (701/702/777 etc) + seven digits number. To dial from mobile to landline you have to start with pre ix 8 + city code (7172 for Astana) + six digits landline number. to call internationally, dial international access code: 810 + country code + area code + local number. To call Kazakhstan from abroad: dial the code for international access + Kazakhstan's country code (7) + the Kazakhstan city code + the Kazakhstan local telephone number. You can purchase a SIM card providing local number in airport (2nd loor) or big malls. All companies operate on a prepaid system. Once your credit runs out, it can be easily recharged at terminals throughout the city (every small shop has one).

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO Clubs

PHRASE Kazakh alphabet

Street signs Street Avenue Square Cafe Restaurant Hotel Post of ice Pharmacy Shop Car repair Filling station Shoe repair Dry cleaner Cloth repair Dentistry Beauty salon Hospital Open Close


United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO Clubs


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