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Doing the Word ~ James 1:22-25 July 8-12, 2013 Monday: Read James 1:22-25 James is a book that gives very practical ways to live as a Christian. This book will show how to turn the right beliefs into right living. It is uncertain which James wrote this letter. Some believe that it was Jesus brother and some believe it was the son of Zebedee and brother of John. James wrote this letter to the twelve tribes meaning either the people of Israel who had become believers in Christ or the church in a symbolic sense-both Jewish and Gentile believers. As we begin to dig into the book of James what does it mean to you to obey Gods word? What obstacles can you list that hold you up from obeying Gods word in all areas of your life? Tuesday: Read James 1:22 Too many of us mark our Bibles, but our Bibles never mark us. If we think we are spiritual because we hear the word, we are kidding ourselves. Verse 22 talks about deceiving ourselves because we merely listen to the word. Have you been deceiving yourselves by merely listing to the word and not doing what it says? What needs to change in your life for you to become more of a doer of the word? Does the sentence Do what it says come across to you as a suggestion or a direction? Wednesday: Read James 1:22-25 Verses 23-25 have to do with examination. This is the main purpose of owning a mirror. We need look at ourselves to examine what we see in regards to hair and clothes. Along the same lines we need to take an introspective look and honestly examine what we see. James mentions several mistakes that people make as they look into Gods mirror. They merely glance, they forget what they see, and they fail to do what the Word tells them to do. Do you carefully study yourself as you read Gods word? Do you read for information or for formation? Do you apply Gods word into your life often? Thursday: Read James 1:22-25 Verse 25 talks of the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom How do you need to look more intently into the perfect law that gives freedom? How have you seen that being a doer of Gods word gives you freedom? What does it look like for you to begin to do this and continue to do it? Friday: Read James 1:22-25 Verse 25 refers to examination, continuing to do so, not forgetting and doing brings blessing in what we do. All week we have focused on a theme of doing what Gods word says. What does this biblical principal say to you? In what ways are you praying for God to help you shape your life in accordance with his word? What will your life be like if you merely listen to the word, but not do what it says?

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