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hi, im james
Im interested in understanding people, the why they want, not just what they want. I enjoy making instructions as its a puzzle to make sure they mean the same to everyone. I work best in groups where I can use my multidisciplinary knowledge to support those around me.

I like space and learning more about it I like travelling to strange places I like having discussions about... Well everthing

can we make our constantly changing technology sustainable?

in collaboration with

and to be featured in the

Project: Wandular Client : Sony

The challenge set by Sony was to design a product, or products, which could crack technology obsolescence and ensure the products value to the user for a lifetime.

The project was offered to Brunel design students and a group of seven of us decided to work together on it. We worked with Sony as design consultants developing the work over a period of four months. We split the design work between us to maximising our individual strengths. In this project the initial idea of a Core product was mine and my main role was to supervise the production of communication materials with third parties.

Core with customisable

This is a unit that will be interchangeable into different accessories via insertion and will carry the users preferences, settings and data. This could easily be inserted into wearable items that are kept on the user at all times such as necklace, bracelets and watches. Although the main key will stay the same, devices it will be used for will change over time opening up opportunities to produce and sell devices the product can be used with, and could potentially lead to collaborations with other companies from different markets.

Design work: James Burchill, Ben Clarke, Katherine Harris, Rich Larsen, Tahir Shabuden, Amy Huckfield and Jake Mcmillian. Photography and communication: James Burchill, Amy Huckfield, Paris Selinas and Ed Horsford. Models: Therefore design agency.

Initial Concept
Interchangeable Wearable Opportunity to sell accessories Market stretch On you all the time

Brunel Sony Wandular | Overview 21 January 2013

aim & goals

>> sustainable goals Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. >> emotional durability Mauris viverra orci id dui ullamcorper varius.




Initial Design

technological obsolescence

emotional durability

>> adaptive technolodgy Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et Brunel Sony Wandular | Concept overview 08/02/13 6 Wand malesuada fames ac turpis 1 Core and Core holder egestas. 4 AR Tablet
The core has a unique colour/pattern which the owner keeps from birth. The core holder (eg in wood or other material with emotional durability) rests in the nest - with or without the core Tablets could come in many simple geometries/sizes. They are enabled by the core. They are as minimal as practical

mobile life upgradability fashion different ages cloud computing various skins multiplicity modularity

Like the watch the Wand has an emotionally durable body and clip housing the core which is kept throughout adult life. Modules which can be used with the Wand include a display scrol and a projector. Both recieve gesture input from the Wand body.

Further Design

>> point four Nam massa libero, iaculis eu consequat sit amet, bibendum ullamcorper mauris.
3 Toy
The toy has a customisable cover/numerous versions. It is enabled by the core (eg by NFC),

2 Nest

5 Watch

The nest is a base for the cores, it can also be a display surface or incororate holographic display. It has pride of place in the home and is made of materials to reect its longevity (eg wood for the main external body)

The watch has an emotionally durable clasp/holder for the core. The band is a replaceable exible display




A lifetime bond in a small item that you carry with you, holding your memories and your experiences. It also serves as a personal cloud connection, managing the connection and enabling any device it connects with to contact the cloud.

The Toy monitors sound as well as health and happiness and adapts its output to how a child feels creating fun or helping soothe, depending on whats needed.

A platform for Cores to share data that might otherwise be forgotten. It forms a social hub for a family or other network and shares information based on the group context and personal preferences.




A product for the professional, it provides a screen and methods of control in a tiny package. It provides a portable desktop on the go.

This AR tablet interacts with the world just by looking at it. Designed to be used from childhood to senior years, with a simple interface supported by buttons that grow out of the surface.

The design was kept to a minimal shape to increase appeal across genders and age. The technology is hidden when you dont need it. This produces a very subtle piece of technology which doesnt clash with the owners choice of fashion

handpumps in africa keep breaking and remain broken. we need to know why?

Project: Intuitive water pump for Africa Student work : Final year major project

1 in 3
Pumps in Africa are broken. Some studies suggest pumps are breaking faster than they are being put in.



The minimum cost to provide a To replace broken pumps borehole for a pump to access which have working boreholes water in dry areas. to make use of this huge investment.

The project had two main focuses: the production of a working pump suitable for the environment and the creation of a system of instructions to allow users in Africa to assemble and maintain the product.

Significant time and effort went into the development of a set of instructions that would be understood by Africans. As the were not the resources to do this in Africa a series of tests were created for sample groups in the UK to try and obtain information which would be useful despite the cultural difference.

The design of the pump itself was complicated by the need to have the components and manufacturing locally sourced in Africa. The design development focused mainly on trying to improve the water extraction technique and experimenting with locally available materials.

The output of the project produced three main results.

A set of rules was produced with detailed instructions which would allow more instructions to be created, especially how to construct or repair the system. These were created through repeated testing of different instructional techniques. A pump was also designed which could take all its The final achievement was proving that the design required components from locally available materials could function and with further development extract and be constructed using local tools and skills. This is enough water to feed a real need. a massive improvement over many pumps which rely on imported technology and components.

Rule 1 Perspective of photos

The rule
When taking photos, try to take pictures from a consistent perspective which only varies by small degrees. It is also important to not change the cropping of the photo and stay at a single zoom setting. Doing this helps people stay orientated with the process. Changing angle of view abruptly can lead to confusion resulting in errors in construction.

Rule 2 Changing angle

The rule
If you must change perspective or rotate the product, its best to do it through procedural images of the rotation. Changing the view step by step keeps peoples orientation with the product and reduces the chances of mistakes. This principle can also be applied if you need to zoom on the object in for a extended part of the instructions, If you need to continue showing the construction of the product at a closer view point.


You should not need more than four photos to convey a transition unless it is particularly complicated. After showing one transition you can reduce the number of steps showing the transition if it is repeated. When showing transitions do not show the object revolving purely on its own. Its more advisable to show humans moving it in the pictures as seen here. Zoom images requires only two images; one before zooming and one after the zoom. Both should be taken from the same angle and of the same content.

Take photos form a 3/4 perspective to the product. It allows the most visibility. When taking photos try to include humans in the image because it also provides reference to both scale and orientation. Use a consistent platform or set for the process because this also aids orientation. Pick your scale after looking through all components and processes involved in the assembly. Being cropped too wide can cause problems if the project has many small components.

Rule 3 One process per image

The rule
Only complete one process per image. By only having one process per image the instructions are much less likely mis interpreted. Each image has only one thing to communicate and so individuals find easier to notice what is going on in each image. This also goes for repetitive tasks. For example do not try to show multiple screws being placed in one image just because they are the same process. This can lead to individuals missing components or not perceiving every screw.

Rule 4 Proper tool use

The rule
When showing instructions relating to processes such as tightening screws, show procedural images to imply direction of movement. By adding two photos instead of one to show a user tightening up a nut it is more effective in improving users use of tools. Many users forego the use of tools and just use fingers if not properly instructed.

When taking pictures of processes do not expect users to do anything they have not been instructed to do. An image of a nut on a screw thread is not enough to communicate that nut must be done up.

When taking photos try to make the movement as unambiguous as possible. In the two adjacent pictures you can see the arm clearly move clockwise. This can be understood from the images because it would be highly unlikely for the arm to go from the first step to the second in a counter clockwise manner. In processes requiring precision or small amounts of force this method can also be used to communicate a need for a gentle touch. This is done by showing pictures of very small movements which help communicate the need for delicacy. .

is the QR code really the best we can do?

Project: Hex Student work Graphics module

Hex was a design exercise to replace the QR code with a better alternative. The QR code has numerous problems which has resulting in poor usage by the public and improper use by advertisers. The goal was to create a code which could supply the same functionality as a QR code but targeting some of the problem areas by improving its functionality and visual appeal

The development of Hex followed two paths: the creation of a code which would theoretically work, and the development of icons to communicate the type of media the code would lead to. This was shown to be important by user research because users never knew what type of content they were being connected to, leading to an apathy over using QR codes.





7 Y




The goal of this project was to produce a rival to the QR code. The project focused on developing visually appealing designs which could hold digital data and data useful to an untrained human observer. The resulting product was Hex, of which examples can be seen here. They illustrate how much more flexible the design is compared to a QR code and comparitvley how attractive the design is.

Hex eventually evolved into the graphic Below is a journal explaining precisely how Hex works and seen here. A small library of icons was the process through which it was designed. created to represent the different types of media accessed through QR codes. The concept was completely based on how QR codes work and as such would work with custom scanners.

Hex had a measurable improvement over QR codes in these factors: - It supports analytics providing accurate information on who uses Hex and where. -Its shape can be customised -It requires a smaller amount of space to function - It provides pictorial information on what the content it provides at a glance.

protecting those who protect.

Project: POC Zephyr Student work Contextual Module

The goal of this project was to alter an existing companies position in the market while keeping their design style and company values constant. Our team chose the company POC. POC produce high end, visually stunning, safety equipment for gravity sports such as mountain biking and skiing. I decided to create a gas mask for the fire services targeting the problems with current masks.

The first step was to produce a report on the company and the future direction the group aimed to take the company. We considered the needs of users were and how we could best provide for them using POCs style and ethos.

Burton was the first brand to really take off in the 60s, later on it created smaller sub brands that specialised in different areas of the snow sports, ANON, ANALOG and RED.

Due to POCs huge success Black Diamond, a notable brand in the outdoor community bought POC for 43.5 million dollars. Securing a foothold in the high pace market of bikes and snow boards, adding to its vast collection in outdoor sports and activities.


2001 2002 2000


1990 1960

Core Values
In direct correlation to the brands starting up, competitions and events were set up, really kicking of in the late 90s with the X-Games and the acceptance of snowboarding into the winter Olympics, this acceptance really legitimised it as a sport, and from that point a whole host of smaller sponsored tournaments took of.

In North America ... - There were 10 million Snow sportsman - 39 million Cyclists - Bike sales were over $46 billion - Snow sports sales were over $4 billion - All of which is a 20 percent market share of all sporting goods.


Technology Design
Safety Freedom Medical Innovation Performance
When developing a product at POC, we do it in the spirit of doing the best. We never compromise in choosing materials or construction, and we never compromise safety, quality or performance. -POC
Design Work: James Burchill, Adam James, Dan Tanner, Gelson Marcon,Josh Rex and Penn Lingris
22 POC

Mood Board
This mood board demonstrates what POC is all about. POC is a brand for the extreme, for people who push the limits, for those who do things out of the norm. It is a brand that prides safety and protection above all else, allowing its customers to go out, enjoy themselves and create memories. It allows you to get the most out of what you do, whatever you do, and at whatever level you do it at. POC focuses on good, clean design based around the latest technology and sound medical knowledge.

18 POC

19 POC

Common Persona Themes

After looking into potential future personas within the emergency services and looking into problems that each individual sector has, it is key to begin to evaluate. By evaluating the personas and picking out the key issues and problems that are common amongst all of them you can begin to build up a better understanding of areas that POC would need to address. The evaluation of the personas gives us the common values that each of these people embody and problems that all of these people face on an almost daily basis.

Common Values
Communicates protection to the user Reassurance Up to date Subtlety and calming design Reliability High Design Range of movement Longevity Gives an authoritative view Perceived as reassuring and calming Approachable Efficient Clean Quality Competence Professional Human

Common Problems
Lack of confidence in gear and situation Lack of confidence in themselves The Gear is not calming, it is too aggressive or intrusive at times Gear gets in the way The gear can be restrictive, there is a lack of freedom of movement Gear presents wrong perception to the public, it can be seen as aggressive and agitative Gear is to complicated and dont look easy to use Gear doesnt look up to date Gear isnt one complimentary system, there are many pieces of equipment that can do the same job

68 POC

This is a collection of some of the development sketches from the creation of the POC Zephyr

This was the final result. Produced mainly from Ureal, 3d printed pieces and vacuum formed plastic

The Zephyr was produced in conjunction with five other students who also produced items for POC to create of family of products within new market area and the brand style.

human factors redesign of a usb powered vacuum.

Project: Vacuum redesign Student work Human factors module

This project focused on the design of a simple USB vacuum. The vacuum was very poorly designed from a human factors point of view. The redesign was aided through the use HTAs to discover faults and gain an insight into how the product was used. A list of complaints was discovered and relevant human factors tools were selected to develop solutions to these issues.

Clean Desk

Grip to be altered.

Connect Usb

Select Correct Nozzle


Turn On Vacuum

Vacuum up mess

Turn Off Vacuum


Clean out vaccum box


Select Correct Nozzle


Is correct nozzle attached? N

Slide button to correct setting


Use Power Up button if appropriate


Slide button to correct setting


Remove Nozzle

Shape of Vacuum box needs to be altered to stop incorrect fixings

Light fixture needs to be moved

Power Up Button needs to be more Obvious and more pleasant to touch

Remove Nozzle EXIT


Empty container

Placement of the air vents to be changed.

Icons to be redesigned

Replace with correct nozzle



Replace nozzle

Material needs to be changed to feel more satisfying

Motor needs to move to balance product

The design improvements focused on the shape, as this would resolve a number of complaints discovered in the HTA. Also improved were the icon design and mapping as it was currently lacking clarity. Finally a standardised test by Elvin Karana was used to evaluate the material and decide on a more emotionally satisfying material to produce the product in.
The products redesign was based around looking at types of grip and preexisting solutions such as easy grip drill and screw drivers. It was aided by the creation of low fidelity models to test users responses.

This was the final design that was developed. It didnt solve all the problems in the HTA but was able to improve upon those rated to be most important to the user.

The existing layout and design of the icons was poor. The vacuum icon used on the product did not communicate its meaning and was replaced with a icon stylised like a tornado which is similar to some existing products. The mapping was also improved so that the button would sit beneath the icon it was initiating.

other work Im proud of.

Year in Industry Company: CCD Position: Student Designer

For my placement I worked at CCD design & ergonomics. My role was mainly as a graphic designer where I completed... -Redesign of companys literature -Production of poster and flyers -Icon design -Production of complex maps -Production of style guide As well as graphic design I was also responsible for other tasks, including... -3d Modelling -Meeting with clients -Rig building -Talking with focus groups

Year in Industry Company: CCD Position: Student Designer

For security reasons a lot of the graphic work I did over the year is unavailble for sharing. Here are some samples of the work I completed for front pages, diagrams or pamphlets which can be shared. The artwork is all stock imagery a lot of which which was either composited together or otherwise altered by me so as to stand out.

Solidworks Practice Student Work

As part of my placement the company encouraged me to use some of my time to improve my solidworks skills. I completed two tutorials to produce both the Lamborghini and motor cycle pictured below and greatly improved my skills In Solidworks.

Project: Compass Client: Tomtom Design process module

This was a project produced for Tomtom who requested concepts to improve the journey. This was the concept board that got into the last 14 of the TomTom competition, the final round of knockouts before being removed. TomTom said this concept was removed at this late stage because it is a project they are already working on.

C mpass
The Compass is active whenever your driving. Built into current TOMTOMs and existing Apps It senses your favourite and common journeys and the times of these by checking your driving patterns. It can also be programmed for one off important journeys It then checks using HD traffic if these journeys are going to be longer or shorter than normal. If so is there an alternate route that is availble? If anything like traffic or roadworks would cause significant delays it warns you via sms alert and tells you by what time you need to leave to be on time

This leads to a less stressful day and greater use of your TomTom device.

Project: Innovative Kitchen Design Student Work Design process module

JAAK was a fictional company created for a project with the goal to encourage children to cook with adults by adding character to everyday kitchen products. The JAAK concept company needed design guidance for its products. We generated a style guide and used the companys background to help produce a group of products all for JAAK.

Design Work: James Burchill, Adam James, Alicia Jenkins and Katherine Harris

Project: Innovative Kitchen Design Student Work Design process module

The design of my product focused around creating a child friendly measuring jug which ergonomically accommodated children and adults. The result was Twoo. An owl shaped measuring jug which functioned like a Tala measuring cone pictured below.

The design was produced with lots of low fidelity prototypes. This was to test the various potential shapes and designs as well as test how it would function when completing tasks.

Project: Le Nurb Student Paper

LeNurb is the student paper of Brunel. Towards the end of my second year at Brunel I joined the design team as a section designer. This is a spread from the May issue that I was responsible for. It was part of the two sections I designed for that issue.
8 Union News
Le Nurb - May 2011 May 2011 - Le Nurb

Union News 9

UBS President
Hi everyone. My name is Promise Phillips. I am a final year student currently studying financial computing and the President elect of the Union of Brunel Students. Firstly, I will like to thank the team of 2010/11 and most importantly the outgoing President, Priya Pallan. I believe a large proportion of students will agree when I say she has been an inspiration and a positive example to the entire staff that served under her. I aim to continue with the remarkable work of the outgoing team, who collectively have added so much to the positive direction and focus of the UBS. During the election, my selling point was to empower and engage students to achieve the best for themselves while in the university. It is my intention to create or develop more avenues that will better the studying environment for students while in the university and a network to reconnect to the university after their studies. With the above in mind, I sincerely seek for the full co-operation of all the students of Brunel University to be part of a new era that will bring about quality and excellence to the time spent while studying here. Finally, I am deeply honoured to have been elected as President and hope you will all participate next term in what will stand out to be a wonderful year.

How time flies...

How quickly does time fly by? It feels like only yesterday I was dropped off at Mill Hall without a friend or a familiar face, nervous and shy; little did I know six years later (yes six years, and no I am not the female Raj) I would be writing my goodbye message as President of UBS. These last two years, undoubtedly are the best years of my life and this has been down to one thing; the people. I have met some amazing students and worked with wonderful and inspirational people both within the University and the Union. The highlight of my year as President, without a doubt, has to be the demonstration on 10.11.10, where over 400 Brunel students turned out to show their disgust for the Coalitions savage cuts to higher education. I can still see the vision in my head of hundreds of Brunel Students in top hats, carrying banners and chanting their hearts out on the streets of London. Never have I been so proud seeing our students peacefully and passionately standing up for what they believe in. That day will stay with me forever. There are so many other highlights of the year I could sit here for a while and list them, but if I think about the best bits, it always boils down to the work and effort of fantastic people. Its now time for a new set of Officers and Chairs to shape the Union and take it to new heights. I wish you all the best for the coming year. Make sure you take the time to relish your role, enjoy yourself and the people, the year shoots by and before you know it, its over. If I can leave you with a lesson I have learnt; it would be to make the most of every opportunity that comes your way during University and in life. Always remember you will only get back what you put in, take a step outside your comfort zone and trust me you will learn things about yourself that you would never have known! It has been an absolute pleasure and honour serving as your VicePresident and President and I wish you all the best wherever your journeys take you.


The build-up and the commotion of this years elections are over now, and I am really grateful that I have been successfully voted into the position. Seeing the belief and support you all have given me has been very humbling, and for that I am truly thankful. I am keen to highlight what the SU is really about, how you all can make a difference as individuals and how working as a group can improve standards throughout. As your elected Vice President Academic Representation, I am here foremost for you, to support you and represent you throughout the next year. Your ideas and issues have to be at the forefront

VP AC Representation
of what I do; my manifesto was built around the concerns and issues that have been brought to my attention throughout the last three years at Brunel. I am a Social Anthropology and have been involved with the Union for 2 years. The aim of next year, for me, is to campaign and put policy in place to build stronger foundations within the University; through lecturer delivery, teaching quality, the resources available, contact hours and Student voice. Too many times, I have heard people say that things are not consistent, things are not the same. I say, lets change that.

Hello everyone. Im Avina Patel and I am so grateful to everyone who voted during the elections and have given me the opportunity to be your VP Community Welfare for a second year. I am the only returning officer next year and I want to continue all the work Ive been doing over the past year. During this year, I have raised awareness of issues relating to the student body by organising various campaigns such as Sexual Health and Guidance (SHAG) Week, Alcohol and Drugs Week, Fairtrade Fortnight and Stress Less And Well Being. I have organised these campaigns to reach the most amount of students

VP Community Welfare
possible and to make them as fun and informative as possible. They have all been incredibly successful and Im hoping to have them again next year and make them even more successful. I have also resolved welfare issues relating to PHD students. So what do I have planned for next year? There are currently about 2000 students who volunteer for the Union and who dont get accreditation. I want them all to get accredited to acknowledge all the hard work that theyve put in and to help boost their employability status. I want to continue working with the university to become a

Fairtrade accredited university and to continue raising awareness of issues relating to students through campaigns. Last year, I split SHAG Week up into several dates throughout year so I could reach out to more students and this was really successful so I want to do this again in the upcoming year. I also want to encourage more people to start volunteering at the Union so weve set up an application form online at www. for anyone interested in volunteering and getting involved in Union activites. See you all next year!

Finally leaving Brunel!

BIG NEWS: GREENWOOD IS FINALLY LEAVING BRUNEL! Yes folks it is true, I am actually leaving Brunel after a fair few years. As a student it was amazing and as a student officer, it has been superb with many ups and a few downs. There have been some absolutely sublime moments such at the demonstration and achieving the sports strategy. I have met some great people along the way, but I have also met my fair share of clowns. This balance of people is why being a student officer is so great, you can educate as well as being supported on your campaigns. I would always recommend anyone going for election because it a great experience and a cracking C.V. builder. You are always learning and when I first came into the job I didnt have a clue how to do it (and some would say I still dont) and this is where my first thank you comes in. UBS staff I salute you. Through your great training and support it has developed myself and the other student officers into what we are today, always fighting the students corner. My second goes to all the part timers (Sam Middlewood excluded) and chairs of the Union, especially my sports chairs. You guys have had a tough time having to work with me, but I think we got though it really well in the end, and there will always be time for a students activities tequila. To the student officers, it has been immense working with you guys. You are the best colleges anyone could ask for. I hope we have passed on all the knowledge we can to the new lot (they dont know what they are letting themselves in for, but we were never going to tell them that). But my biggest thanks go to all the students who I have met and have support me through my time in office. It wouldnt have been the same without you guys (because someone else would have got it!!). So what is the future for me? Well I might become a student again doing a masters (dont worry not at Brunel), or I might hit the big bad world and get a job. I think that optimises how I have changed at Brunel and what I think of university life and I shall end it with a quote. Always keep your options open, because you dont which ones will close

My main aims for next year are: TO BE TAUGHT, NOT LECTURED We need to be ENGAGED, CHALLENGED and INSPIRED. Continue the I LOVE MY PT CAMPAIGN and Develop Assessment Feedback. STUDENT REPRESENTATION SCHEME Revamp. Next year is a year to watch, with many new faces and fantastic individuals being elected recently. As a group, we have a lot to offer but we cannot do it without you. So get in touch with us. Your ideas and your involvement makes the difference.


Hi guys, my name is Gary OBrien a current 3rd year sport sciences student, squash chair and general Brunel enthusiast...some may even say keeno. Firstly, I would like to thank all of you who took time to vote for your favourites in the elections; you can expect all of the elected to work very hard for you next year especially your VP SA elect! Next year is all about increasing the status of Brunel RAG, sport and societies to a level like never before. This status will not just be increased within the university, it wont just be increased within the

VP Student Activities
local community but to national and even international years. Lets look forward to a year where every individual at Brunel (whether part of a club and society or not) can say they have had the best year ever; where they can say that there have been more steps taken into ensuring and creating success and where they can say the union were efficient in providing as many opportunities as possible. I have many ideas that were in my manifesto, i have one of them which is currently already being worked on with the volunteering chair. You guys are the voice of this

university, i want to hear all your views and really step up on union efficiency to transfer your views into actions. Finally i would just like to add that other candidates had some cracking ideas which i would love to take on board and include in my programme as i know some were well supported and will be of great benefit to us. It will be a pleasure working for the students of the best university there is....Bru Wha? Gary OBrien

See you at the bar!

Coming towards the end of my term and I have decided that its a strange job being an Officer of a SU. 12 months as a Student Officer is not long enough, but when you look at Greenwood and Priya I guess 2 years is too long! Being a student in Freshers is amazing, and being a Contact of any variety is even better, so I had no idea what to expect as an Officer. Aside from the Student Rep recruitment talks and the induction talks to over 400 new freshers every day, Freshers Week as a VP is pretty sweet indeed. Working with a fantastic team in the Union, the Contacts representing the Union and seeing the freshers having a damn good time absolutely awesome. But from then it goes downhill. Emails, meetings, phone calls, web updates, articles for LeNurb, report writing, conferences and projects all really kick off when Freshers is done and dusted, and none of it stops until just before you are leaving Office. I know most students at Brunel, and probably at any Uni, see the Student Officers as layabouts that get paid to do pretty much nothing but sit in the bar all day and I agree that Greenwood portrays that beautifully but it really is so much more. This year alone we have done so much,. Personal highlights have been my own priority campaign of I <3 My PT and the amazing joint effort of the Officers and Chairs in promoting of the National Demo against fees and cuts which resulted in 400 of you coming along! A huge thanks to the 650 of you that took the time to let me know your thoughts on what works and what doesnt with Personal Tutoring, results are going to the University this month and action will be taken to improve it in each School to the level that you want to see it. The success of the campaign is largely down to the volunteers who all helped out in the promo, so a big hand to all those involved. The Demo was absolutely stonking! Such a great day out but also proving that students need to be heard. Regardless of the news coverage and the focus on the violent aspects, I am still proud to have marched with Brunels finest. Working in your Union alongside the greatest President and Vice Presidents that the UBS has seen has been an incredible privilege and pleasure and I will always remember it as my best year at Uni. Well thats me. 5 years is a long time and I am getting the hell out of here. Its been a pleasure Brunel See you in the bar.

Quick poster designs Self motivated work

These are a small selection of images created on Adobe Suite for personal entertainment. They are all created within a very short time frame, taking less than an hour in some cases and up to a maximum of five hours.

thanks for reading

contact me at or call me on 07775337868
8 Union News
Le Nurb - May 2011 May 2011 - Le Nurb

Union News 9

UBS President
Hi everyone. My name is Promise Phillips. I am a final year student currently studying financial computing and the President elect of the Union of Brunel Students. Firstly, I will like to thank the team of 2010/11 and most importantly the outgoing President, Priya Pallan. I believe a large proportion of students will agree when I say she has been an inspiration and a positive example to the entire staff that served under her. I aim to continue with the remarkable work of the outgoing team, who collectively have added so much to the positive direction and focus of the UBS. During the election, my selling point was to empower and engage students to achieve the best for themselves while in the university. It is my intention to create or develop more avenues that will better the studying environment for students while in the university and a network to reconnect to the university after their studies. With the above in mind, I sincerely seek for the full co-operation of all the students of Brunel University to be part of a new era that will bring about quality and excellence to the time spent while studying here. Finally, I am deeply honoured to have been elected as President and hope you will all participate next term in what will stand out to be a wonderful year.

How time flies...

How quickly does time fly by? It feels like only yesterday I was dropped off at Mill Hall without a friend or a familiar face, nervous and shy; little did I know six years later (yes six years, and no I am not the female Raj) I would be writing my goodbye message as President of UBS. These last two years, undoubtedly are the best years of my life and this has been down to one thing; the people. I have met some amazing students and worked with wonderful and inspirational people both within the University and the Union. The highlight of my year as President, without a doubt, has to be the demonstration on 10.11.10, where over 400 Brunel students turned out to show their disgust for the Coalitions savage cuts to higher education. I can still see the vision in my head of hundreds of Brunel Students in top hats, carrying banners and chanting their hearts out on the streets of London. Never have I been so proud seeing our students peacefully and passionately standing up for what they believe in. That day will stay with me forever. There are so many other highlights of the year I could sit here for a while and list them, but if I think about the best bits, it always boils down to the work and effort of fantastic people. Its now time for a new set of Officers and Chairs to shape the Union and take it to new heights. I wish you all the best for the coming year. Make sure you take the time to relish your role, enjoy yourself and the people, the year shoots by and before you know it, its over. If I can leave you with a lesson I have learnt; it would be to make the most of every opportunity that comes your way during University and in life. Always remember you will only get back what you put in, take a step outside your comfort zone and trust me you will learn things about yourself that you would never have known! It has been an absolute pleasure and honour serving as your VicePresident and President and I wish you all the best wherever your journeys take you.

C mpass
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The build-up and the commotion of this years elections are over now, and I am really grateful that I have been successfully voted into the position. Seeing the belief and support you all have given me has been very humbling, and for that I am truly thankful. I am keen to highlight what the SU is really about, how you all can make a difference as individuals and how working as a group can improve standards throughout. As your elected Vice President Academic Representation, I am here foremost for you, to support you and represent you throughout the next year. Your ideas and issues have to be at the forefront

VP AC Representation
of what I do; my manifesto was built around the concerns and issues that have been brought to my attention throughout the last three years at Brunel. I am a Social Anthropology and have been involved with the Union for 2 years. The aim of next year, for me, is to campaign and put policy in place to build stronger foundations within the University; through lecturer delivery, teaching quality, the resources available, contact hours and Student voice. Too many times, I have heard people say that things are not consistent, things are not the same. I say, lets change that.

Hello everyone. Im Avina Patel and I am so grateful to everyone who voted during the elections and have given me the opportunity to be your VP Community Welfare for a second year. I am the only returning officer next year and I want to continue all the work Ive been doing over the past year. During this year, I have raised awareness of issues relating to the student body by organising various campaigns such as Sexual Health and Guidance (SHAG) Week, Alcohol and Drugs Week, Fairtrade Fortnight and Stress Less And Well Being. I have organised these campaigns to reach the most amount of students

VP Community Welfare
possible and to make them as fun and informative as possible. They have all been incredibly successful and Im hoping to have them again next year and make them even more successful. I have also resolved welfare issues relating to PHD students. So what do I have planned for next year? There are currently about 2000 students who volunteer for the Union and who dont get accreditation. I want them all to get accredited to acknowledge all the hard work that theyve put in and to help boost their employability status. I want to continue working with the university to become a

Fairtrade accredited university and to continue raising awareness of issues relating to students through campaigns. Last year, I split SHAG Week up into several dates throughout year so I could reach out to more students and this was really successful so I want to do this again in the upcoming year. I also want to encourage more people to start volunteering at the Union so weve set up an application form online at www. for anyone interested in volunteering and getting involved in Union activites. See you all next year!


Hi guys, my name is Gary OBrien a current 3rd year sport sciences student, squash chair and general Brunel enthusiast...some may even say keeno. Firstly, I would like to thank all of you who took time to vote for your favourites in the elections; you can expect all of the elected to work very hard for you next year especially your VP SA elect! Next year is all about increasing the status of Brunel RAG, sport and societies to a level like never before. This status will not just be increased within the university, it wont just be increased within the

VP Student Activities
local community but to national and even international years. Lets look forward to a year where every individual at Brunel (whether part of a club and society or not) can say they have had the best year ever; where they can say that there have been more steps taken into ensuring and creating success and where they can say the union were efficient in providing as many opportunities as possible. I have many ideas that were in my manifesto, i have one of them which is currently already being worked on with the volunteering chair. You guys are the voice of this

university, i want to hear all your views and really step up on union efficiency to transfer your views into actions. Finally i would just like to add that other candidates had some cracking ideas which i would love to take on board and include in my programme as i know some were well supported and will be of great benefit to us. It will be a pleasure working for the students of the best university there is....Bru Wha? Gary OBrien

The Compass is active whenever your driving. Built into current TOMTOMs and existing Apps

See you at the bar!

Coming towards the end of my term and I have decided that its a strange job being an Officer of a SU. 12 months as a Student Officer is not long enough, but when you look at Greenwood and Priya I guess 2 years is too long! Being a student in Freshers is amazing, and being a Contact of any variety is even better, so I had no idea what to expect as an Officer. Aside from the Student Rep recruitment talks and the induction talks to over 400 new freshers every day, Freshers Week as a VP is pretty sweet indeed. Working with a fantastic team in the Union, the Contacts representing the Union and seeing the freshers having a damn good time absolutely awesome. But from then it goes downhill. Emails, meetings, phone calls, web updates, articles for LeNurb, report writing, conferences and projects all really kick off when Freshers is done and dusted, and none of it stops until just before you are leaving Office. I know most students at Brunel, and probably at any Uni, see the Student Officers as layabouts that get paid to do pretty much nothing but sit in the bar all day and I agree that Greenwood portrays that beautifully but it really is so much more. This year alone we have done so much,. Personal highlights have been my own priority campaign of I <3 My PT and the amazing joint effort of the Officers and Chairs in promoting of the National Demo against fees and cuts which resulted in 400 of you coming along! A huge thanks to the 650 of you that took the time to let me know your thoughts on what works and what doesnt with Personal Tutoring, results are going to the University this month and action will be taken to improve it in each School to the level that you want to see it. The success of the campaign is largely down to the volunteers who all helped out in the promo, so a big hand to all those involved. The Demo was absolutely stonking! Such a great day out but also proving that students need to be heard. Regardless of the news coverage and the focus on the violent aspects, I am still proud to have marched with Brunels finest. Working in your Union alongside the greatest President and Vice Presidents that the UBS has seen has been an incredible privilege and pleasure and I will always remember it as my best year at Uni. Well thats me. 5 years is a long time and I am getting the hell out of here. Its been a pleasure Brunel See you in the bar.

Finally leaving Brunel!

BIG NEWS: GREENWOOD IS FINALLY LEAVING BRUNEL! Yes folks it is true, I am actually leaving Brunel after a fair few years. As a student it was amazing and as a student officer, it has been superb with many ups and a few downs. There have been some absolutely sublime moments such at the demonstration and achieving the sports strategy. I have met some great people along the way, but I have also met my fair share of clowns. This balance of people is why being a student officer is so great, you can educate as well as being supported on your campaigns. I would always recommend anyone going for election because it a great experience and a cracking C.V. builder. You are always learning and when I first came into the job I didnt have a clue how to do it (and some would say I still dont) and this is where my first thank you comes in. UBS staff I salute you. Through your great training and support it has developed myself and the other student officers into what we are today, always fighting the students corner. My second goes to all the part timers (Sam Middlewood excluded) and chairs of the Union, especially my sports chairs. You guys have had a tough time having to work with me, but I think we got though it really well in the end, and there will always be time for a students activities tequila. To the student officers, it has been immense working with you guys. You are the best colleges anyone could ask for. I hope we have passed on all the knowledge we can to the new lot (they dont know what they are letting themselves in for, but we were never going to tell them that). But my biggest thanks go to all the students who I have met and have support me through my time in office. It wouldnt have been the same without you guys (because someone else would have got it!!). So what is the future for me? Well I might become a student again doing a masters (dont worry not at Brunel), or I might hit the big bad world and get a job. I think that optimises how I have changed at Brunel and what I think of university life and I shall end it with a quote. Always keep your options open, because you dont which ones will close

It then checks using HD traffic if these journeys are going to be longer or shorter than normal. If so is there an alternate route that is availble?

My main aims for next year are: TO BE TAUGHT, NOT LECTURED We need to be ENGAGED, CHALLENGED and INSPIRED. Continue the I LOVE MY PT CAMPAIGN and Develop Assessment Feedback. STUDENT REPRESENTATION SCHEME Revamp. Next year is a year to watch, with many new faces and fantastic individuals being elected recently. As a group, we have a lot to offer but we cannot do it without you. So get in touch with us. Your ideas and your involvement makes the difference.

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