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APPENDIX A REFERENCES AR 40-501 AR 320-5 AR 320-50 AR 380-5 AR 380-40 AR 380-41 AR 385-10 AR 600-20 AR 700-8400-1 FM 1-100 FM 1-105 FM 1-110 FM 3-8

FM 3-10 FM 3-12 FM 5-15 FM 5-20 FM 5-21 FM 5-25 FM 5-26 FM 5-29 FM 5-3l FM 5-36 FM 7-11 FM 7-15 FM 7-20 FM 7-30 FM 8-35 FM 9-6 FM 10-8 FM 10-60 FM 11-50 FM 17-1 FM 17-15 AGO 8641A Standards of Medical Fitness. Dictionary of U.S. Army Terms. Authorized Abbreviations and Brevity Codes. Safeguarding Defense Information. Safeguarding Crypto Information. Control of Cryptomaterial. Army Safety Program. Army Command Policy and Procedures. Issue and Sale of Personal Clothing. Army Aviation Utilization. Army Aviation Techniques and Procedures. Armed Helicopter Employment. Chemical Reference Handbook. Employment of Chemical and Biological Agents. Operational Aspects of Radiological Defense. Field Fortifications. Camouflage, Basic Principles and Field Camouflage. Camouflage of Fixed Installations. Explosives and Demolitions. Employment of Atomic Demolition Munitions (ADM). Passage of Mass Obstacles. Boobytraps. Route Reconnaissance and Classification. Rifle Company, Infantry, Airborne and Mechanized. Rifle Platoon and Squads, Infantry, Airborne, and Mechanized. Infantry, Airborne Infantry, and Mechanized Infantry Battalions. Infantry, Airborne and Mechanized Division Brigades. Transportation of the Sick and Wounded. Ammunition Service in the Theater of Operations. Air Delivery of Supplies and Equipment in the Field Army. Supply of Subsistence in a Theater of Operations. Signal Battalion, Armored Infantry, and Infantry (Mechanized) Divisions. Armor Operations. Tank Units, Platoon, Company and Battalion. 151

FM 17-30 FM 17-36 FM 19-45-1 (Test) FM 20-15 FM 20-32 FM 21-5 FM 21-6 FM 21-10 FM 21-11 FM 21-26 FM 21-30 FM 21-40 FM 21-41 FM 2150 FM 21-75 FM 21-76 FM 22-5 FM 22-100 FM 23-90 FM 24-1 FM 24-17 FM 24-18 FM 24-20 FM 29-3 FM 30-5 FM 31-71 FM 31-72 (C) FM 32-5 FM-41-1O FM 44-1 FM 54-2 FM 55-35 FM 57-10 FM 57-35 FM 61-100 (S) FM 100-l FM 100-5 FM 100-10 FM 101-5 FM 101-10-1 FM 101-31-1

The Armored Division Brigade. Divisional Armored and Air Cavalry Units. Rear Area Protection. Pole and Frame Supported Tents. Landmine Warfare. Military Training Management. Techniques of Military Instruction, Military Sanitation. First Aid for Soldiers. Map Reading. Military Symbols. Chemical, Biological and Nuclear Defense. Soldiers Handbook for Chemical and Biological Operations and Nuclear Warfare. Ranger Training and Ranger Operations. Combat Training of the Individual Soldier and Patrolling. Survival, Evasion and Escape. Drills and Ceremonies. Military Leadership. 81mm Mortar M29. Tactical Communications Doctrine Tactical Communications Center Operations. Field Radio Techniques. Field Wire and Field Cable Techniques. Direct Support Supply and Service in the Field Army. Combat Intelligence. Northern Operations. Mountain Operations. Signal Security (U). Civil Affairs Operations. U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery Employment. The Division Support Command. Motor Transport Operations and Motor Transport Units. Army Forces in Joint Airborne Operations. Airmobile Operations. The Division. Doctrinal Guidance (U). Field Service Regulations; Operations. Field Service Regulations; Administration. Staff Officers Field Manual; Staff Organization, and Procedure. Staff Officers Field Manual; Organization, Technical, and Logistical DataUnclassified Data. Staff Officers Field Manual, Nuclear Weapons Employment, Doctrine and Procedures. AGO 8641A

(S) FM 101-31-2 FM 101-31-3 Pam 108-1 Pam 310-1 Pam 310-2 Pam 310-3 Pam 310-4 Pam 385-1 SB 11-6 SB 700-20 TA 50-901 TB Med 81 TB Med 269 TB Sig 189 TB Sig 346 TC 10-8 TM 1-300 TM 3-210 TM 3-215 TM 3-220 TM 8-366 TM 3-4240-202-15 TM 5-315 TM 5-330 TM 6-349 TM 8-601 TM 9-207 TM 9-278 TM 9-1300-203 TM TM TM TM TM TM TM TM TM TM TM TM AGO 8641A 9-1900 9-1960 9-8662 10-228 10-275 10-725 10-735 21-305 21-306 38-760 55-404 743-200-1

Staff Officers Field Manual; Nuclear Weapons Employment Effects Data (U). Staff Officers Field Manual; Nuclear Weapons Employment Effects Data (Unclassified). Index of Army Films, Transparencies, GTA Charts, and Recordings. Military Publications-Index of Administrative Publications. Military Publications-Index of Blank Forms. Military PublicationsIndex of Doctrinal, Training, and Organizational Publications. Military PublicationsIndex of Technical Manuals, Technical Bulletins, Supply Bulletins, Lubrication Orders and Modification Work Orders. Unit Safety Management. Dry Battery Supply Data, Army Adopted Items of Materiel. Clothing and Equipment (Peace). Cold Injury. Carbon Monoxide Poisoning, Etiology, Systems, Treatment and Prevention. Cold Weather Photography. Maintenance of Radiac Equipment. The Lightweight Rucksack: Nylon OG 106. Meteorology for Army Aviation. Fallout Prediction. Military Chemistry and Chemical Agents. Chemical, Bilogical and Radiological (CBR) Decontamination. Flame Fuels. Mask, Protective, Field, M17. Firefighting and Rescue Operations in Theaters of Operation. Planning, Site Selection and Design of Roads, Airfields, and Heliports in the Theater of Operations. Arctic Construction. Nutrition. Operation and Maintenance of Ordnance Materiel in Extreme Cold Weather (0 to 65 F.). Lubrication of Ordnance Materiel. Ammunition for Antiaircraft, Tank, Anti-tank, and Field Artillery Weapons. Ammunition, General. Rockets. Fuel-Burning Heaters for Winterization Equipment. Fitting of Footwear. Cold Weather Clothing and Sleeping Equipment. Stove, Tent, M1941, Complete, and Burner, Oil Stove, Tent, M114. Stove, Yukon, M1950. Manual for Wheeled Vehicle Driver. Manual for the Full Track Vehicle Driver. Army Equipment Record Procedures. Fundamentals of Army Airplane Maintenance. Storage and Materials Handling. 153

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