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Details T i t l e : M o n i t o ri n g T o o l

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P u b l i sh e d b y: The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) P u b l i ca t i o n d a t e : 02/07/2013 A p p l i ca t i o n De a d l i n e : No t i ce De a d l i n e Da t e : 26/07/2013 No t i ce De a d l i n e T i m e : 12:00:00 No t i ce T yp e : Contract Notice Ha s Do cu m e n t s: No A b st ra ct : The BBC is se e k ing to e stablish a Fram e work Agre e m e nt with a m ax im um of 3 Supplie rs awarde d against e ach of the 2 individual lots: Lot 1 - Monitoring Tool Lot 2 - Visualisation Tool The BBC is acting on its own be half and as age nt for BBC W orldwide Lim ite d, BBC W orld Se rvice , Global Ne ws Holdings Lim ite d, BBC Post Production and Studios, and Me dia AT. The BBC would conside r a pe rpe tual lice nce for e ithe r or both of the above Lots. Current Documents There are no documents attached to this document Replaced Documents There are no previous versions of these documents Contact Information M a i n Co n t a ct : A d m i n Co n t a ct : N/a T e ch n i ca l Co n t a ct : N/a O t h e r Co n t a ct : N/a Full Notice Text CONTRA CT NOTICE OFFICIA L JOURNA L SECTION I: CONTRA CTING A UTHORITY I.1) Name, A ddress and Contact Point(s) Official Name: The British Broadcasting C orporation (BBC ) Postal A ddress: Broadcasting House , Portland Place Town: London For the attention of: Paul Hurle y E-Mail: paul.hurle General A ddress of the contracting authority (URL) /supplying/ A ddress of the Buyers Profile (URL) Postal Code: W 1A 1AA Telephone: Fax: Country: UK

Furthe r inform ation can be obtaine d at: Spe cifications and furthe r docum e nts can be obtaine d at:

As in above m e ntione d contact point(s) O the r: Please complete Annex A.I As in above m e ntione d contact point(s) O the r: Please complete Annex A.II

Te nde rs or re que sts to participate m ust be se nt to:

As in above m e ntione d contact point(s) O the r: Please complete Annex A.III


Type of contracting A uthority and Main A ctivity or A ctivities Ministry or any othe r national or fe de ral authority, including the ir re gional or local subdivisions National or fe de ral age ncy/O ffice R e gional or local Authority R e gional or local Age ncy/O ffice Ge ne ral public se rvice s De fe nce Public orde r and safe ty Environm e nt Econom ic and financial affairs


Body gove rne d by public law

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He alth Housing and com m unity am e nitie s Social prote ction R e cre ation, culture and re ligion Education O the r (Please specify) Broadcasting The contracting authority is purchasing on be half of othe r contracting authoritie s: No

Europe an Institution/Age ncy or Inte rnational O rganisation

SECTION II: OBJECT OF THE CONTRA CT II.1) II.1.1) Description Title attribute d to the contract by the contracting authority Monitoring Tool II.1.2(a)) Type of work s contract

II.1.2(b)) Type of supplie s contract

II.1.2(c)) Type of se rvice contract Se rvice cate gory 7 II.1.2) Main site or location of work s, place of de live ry or pe rform ance BBC site s across the Unite d Kingdom ple ase re fe r to a full list of re le vant site s containe d within the Sim plifie d PQ Q docum e nt. NUTS C ode UK II.1.3) This notice involve s A public contract The se tting up of a Dynam ic Purchasing Syste m The e stablishm e nt of a fram e work agre e m e nt II.1.4) Inform ation on fram e work agre e m e nt (if applicable) Fram e work agre e m e nt with a single ope rators Fram e work agre e m e nt with se ve ral ope rators Num be r of participants to the fram e work agre e m e nt e nvisage d Max im um num be r:6 Duration of the fram e work agre e m e nt Pe riod in ye ar(s):3 Justification for a fram e work agre e m e nt the duration of which e x ce e ds four ye ars

Estim ate d total value of purchase s for the e ntire duration of the fram e work agre e m e nt R ange be twe e n 600 000and 800 000C urre ncy: GBP Fre que ncy and value of the contracts to be awarde d


Short de scription of the contract or purchase (s) The BBC is se e k ing to e stablish a Fram e work Agre e m e nt with a m ax im um of 3 Supplie rs awarde d against e ach of the 2 individual lots: Lot 1 - Monitoring Tool Lot 2 - Visualisation Tool The BBC is acting on its own be half and as age nt for BBC W orldwide Lim ite d, BBC W orld Se rvice , Global Ne ws



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Holdings Lim ite d, BBC Post Production and Studios, and Me dia AT. The BBC would conside r a pe rpe tual lice nce for e ithe r or both of the above Lots.


C om m on Procure m e nt Vocabulary (C PV) Main vocabulary Main obje ct Additional obje cts 72500000 72000000 Supple m e ntary vocabulary (when applicable)


C ontract cove re d by the Gove rnm e nt Procure m e nt Agre e m e nt (GPA)


Division into lots Ye s Te nde rs m ay be subm itte d for: one lot only one or m ore lots all lots


W ill variants be acce pte d No

II.2) II.2.1)

Quantity or Scope of the Contract Total quantity or scope The BBC is acting on its own be half and as age nt for BBC W orldwide Lim ite d, Global Ne ws Holdings Lim ite d, BBC Post Production and Studios, and Me dia AT.


O ptions The BBC re se rve the right to e x te nd the fram e work agre e m e nt by up to twe lve (12) m onths. Provisional tim e table for re course to the se options

Num be r of possible re ne wals

In the case of re ne wable supplie s or se rvice contracts, e stim ate d tim e fram e for subse que nt contracts SECTION III: LEGA L, ECONOMIC, FINA NCIA L A ND TECHNICA L INFORMA TION III.1) III.1.1) Conditions Relating to the Contract De posits and guarante e s re quire d Guarante e s m ay be re quire d. III.1.2) Main Te rm s of financing and paym e nt and/or re fe re nce to the re le vant provisions


Le gal form to be tak e n by the grouping of supplie rs, contractors or se rvice provide rs to whom the contract is to be awarde d W he re the re is m ore than one e conom ic ope rator, the BBC re se rve s the right to re quire a grouping of e conom ic ope rators to tak e a particular le gal form or to re quire a single e conom ic ope rator to tak e prim ary liability or to re quire that e ach party unde rtak e s joint and se ve ral liability.

III.1.4) III.2) III.2.1)

O the r particular conditions to which the pe rform ance of the contract is subje ct Conditions for Participation Pe rsonal situation of e conom ic ope rators, including re quire m e nts re lating to e nrolm e nt on profe ssional or trade re giste rs Inform ation and form alitie s ne ce ssary for e valuating if re quire m e nts are m e t:



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Supplie rs Instructions - How to Ex pre ss Inte re st in this Te nde r: 1. You should first go to the BravoSolution e Te nde ring portal at the following link : 2. O nce in the BravoSolution portal you have 2 possible options: a) W ITHO UT HAVING TO R EGISTER you can se le ct Vie w te nde r opportunitie s' and click on C urre nt O pportunitie s' to vie w a sum m ary of this proje ct. If you would the n lik e to form ally e x pre ss an inte re st and vie w the docum e ntation you should follow the instructions in b) be low. b) R e giste r your com pany (if not alre ady re giste re d) by click ing on the R e giste r' button (this is only re quire d once ). Ne x t, you should acce pt the te rm s and conditions and click continue - Ente r your corre ct busine ss and use r de tails - Note the use rnam e you chose and click Save whe n com ple te - You will shortly re ce ive an e m ail with your unique password (ple ase k e e p this se cure ). You can now form ally e x pre ss an inte re st in this te nde r. 3. Ex pre ss an Inte re st in the te nde r - Login to the portal with the use rnam e /password - C lick the PQ Q s / ITTs O pe n To All Supplie rs link . (The se are Pre - Q ualification Q ue stionnaire s or Invitations to Te nde r ope n to any re giste re d supplie r) - C lick on the re le vant PQ Q / ITT to acce ss the conte nt. - C lick the Ex pre ss Inte re st button in the Actions box on the le ft-hand side of the page . This will m ove the PQ Q /ITT into your My PQ Q s/ My ITTs page . (This is a se cure are a re se rve d for your proje cts only) -You can now acce ss any attachm e nts by click ing the Se ttings and Buye r Attachm e nts in the Actions box . 4. R e sponding to the te nde r - You can now choose to R e ply or De cline to R e spond (ple ase give a re ason if re je cting) - You can now use the Me ssage s function to com m unicate with the buye r and se e k any clarification Note the de adline for com ple tion, the n follow the onscre e n instructions to com ple te the PQ Q / ITT - The re m ay be a m ix ture of online and offline actions for you to pe rform (the re is de taile d online he lp available ) You m ust the n subm it your re ply using the 'Subm it R e sponse ' button in the Actions box on the le ft-hand side of the page . If you re quire any furthe r assistance ple ase consult the online he lp, or contact the e Te nde ring he lp de sk (contact de tails can be found at ).


Econom ic and financial capacity Inform ation and form alitie s ne ce ssary for e valuating if re quire m e nts are m e t: The BBC will e valuate te chnical ability/financial standing of the bidde rs in accordance with Article s 45 to 52 of Dire ctive 2004/18/EC and R e gulations 23 to 25 of the Public C ontracts R e gulations 2006 (as am e nde d), and a de taile d e x planation of the e valuation m e thodology and m inim um crite ria to be satisfie d are se t out in the Sim plifie d PQ Q docum e nt. Minim um le ve l(s) of standard possibly re quire d Ple ase re fe r to Se ction C 4 in the Sim plifie d PQ Q Docum e nt.


Te chnical capacity Inform ation and form alitie s ne ce ssary for e valuating if re quire m e nts are m e t: The BBC will e valuate te chnical ability/financial standing of the bidde rs in accordance with Article s 45 to 52 of Dire ctive 2004/18/EC and R e gulations 23 to 25 of the Public C ontracts R e gulations 2006 (as am e nde d), and a de taile d e x planation of the e valuation m e thodology and m inim um crite ria to be satisfie d are se t out in the Sim plifie d PQ Q docum e nt. Minim um le ve l(s) of standard possibly re quire d Ple ase re fe r to Se ction C 4 in the Sim plifie d PQ Q Docum e nt.


R e se rve d contracts The contract is re stricte d to she lte re d work shops The e x e cution of the contract is re stricte d to the fram e work of she lte re d e m ploym e nt program m e s

III.3) III.3.1)

Conditions Specific to Service Contracts Is provision of the se rvice re se rve d to a spe cific profe ssion? No


W ill le gal e ntitie s be re quire d to state the nam e s and profe ssional qualifications of the pe rsonne l re sponsible for the e x e cution of the se rvice ?

SECTION IV: PROCEDURE IV.1) Type of Procedure O pe n Acce le rate d re stricte d Acce le rate d ne gotiate d R e stricte d Ne gotiate d C om pe titive dialogue



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Justification for the choice of acce le rate d proce dure


Have candidate s alre ady be e n se le cte d? No


Lim itations on the num be r of ope rators who will be invite d to te nde r or to participate Envisage d m inim um num be r 5 and m ax im um num be r 6 O bje ctive crite ria for choosing the lim ite d num be r of candidate s The BBC will e valuate te chnical ability/financial standing of the bidde rs in accordance with Article s 45 to 52 of Dire ctive 2004/18/EC and R e gulations 23 to 25 of the Public C ontracts R e gulations 2006 (as am e nde d), and a de taile d e x planation of the e valuation m e thodology and m inim um crite ria to be satisfie d are se t out in the Sim plifie d PQ Q docum e nt.


R e duction of the num be r of ope rators during the ne gotiation or dialogue R e course to stage d proce dure to gradually re duce the num be r of solutions to be discusse d or te nde rs to be ne gotiate d


A ward Criteria A) Lowe st Price No B) The m ost e conom ically advantage ous te nde r in te rm s of: B1) C rite ria as state d in contract docum e nts: Ye s B2) C rite ria as state d be low: No C rite ria

W e ighting


An e le ctronic auction will be use d Ye s The BBC m ay carry out a e le ctronic re ve rse auction if appropriate .

IV.3 A dministrative Information IV.3.1) R e fe re nce num be r attribute d to the notice by the contracting authority PR O C 2013 14 PH IV.3.2) Pre vious publication(s) conce rning the sam e contract Prior Inform ation Notice Notice on a Buye r Profile

O the r pre vious publications


C onditions for obtaining spe cifications and additional docum e nts O btainable until Price (where applicable) C urre ncy:

Te rm s and m e thod of paym e nt: IV.3.4) Tim e -lim it for re ce ipt of te nde rs or re que sts to participate 26-07-2013 12:00 IV.3.5) Date of dispatch of invitations to te nde r or to participate to se le cte d candidate s Estim ate d date 02-09-2013 IV.3.6) Language or language s in which te nde rs or re que sts to participate can be drawn up EN



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Minim um tim e fram e during which the te nde re r m ust m aintain the te nde r


C onditions for ope ning te nde rs Pe rsons authorise d to be pre se nt at the ope ning of te nde rs (where applicable) Date : Place

SECTION VI: OTHER INFORMA TION VI.1) Indicate whether this procurement is a recurrent one and the Estimated timing for further notices to be published June 2017. VI.2) Does the contract relate to a Project/Programme financed by Community Funds? No If yes, indicate the project/programme and any useful reference VI.3) A dditional Information In the case of te chnology re quire m e nts, the BBC m ay involve its te chnology partne r (Atos IT Solutions and Se rvice s Lim ite d) to assist in the scoping and drafting of invitations to te nde r and/or the e valuation of te nde rs.Howe ve r, the final de cision as to which is the m ost e conom ically advantage ous (by re fe re nce to the award crite ria) will be m ade by the BBC . The awarding authority re se rve s the right not to award a contract and to annul the procure m e nt proce ss at any stage . Te nde rs and all supporting docum e nts m ust be price d in ste rling and all paym e nts will be m ade in ste rling. The contract shall be subje ct to English law. The awarding authority doe s not bind itse lf to acce pt the lowe st, or any te nde r and re se rve s the right to acce pt part of a te nde r unle ss the te nde re r e x pre ssly stipulate s othe rwise in the te nde r docum e nt. To pre ve nt BBC e Te nde ring portal e m ail ale rts from be ing quarantine d by your organisation's fire wall or spam filte r, you are advise d to instruct your IT te am to acce pt all e m ails with a e x te nsion (our portal provide r) or from he . If Se ction II.1.9 shows 'Ye s', variants will be acce pte d provide d the y m e e t the core re quire m e nts of the proje ct. Procedures for appeal Body responsible for appeal procedures Official Name: Postal A ddress: Town: E-Mail: Internet address (URL): Body responsible for mediation procedures Official Name: Postal A ddress: Town: E-Mail: Internet address (URL): VI.4.2) VI.4.3) Lodging of appeals Precise information on deadline(s) for lodging appeals: Service from which information about the lodging of appeals may be obtained Official Name: Postal A ddress: Town: E-Mail: Internet address (URL): VI.5) Dispatch date of this Notice 26-06-2013 A NNEX A A dditional A ddresses and Contact Points I) A ddress and contact points from which further information can be obtained Official Name: Postal A ddress: Postal Code: Telephone: Fax: Country: Postal Code: Telephone: Fax: Country: Postal Code: Telephone: Fax: Country:

VI.4) VI.4.1)


Town: For the attention of: E-Mail: Internet A ddress (URL): II)

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Postal Code: Telephone: Fax: Country:

A ddress and contact points from which specifications and additional documentation may be obtained Official Name: Postal A ddress: Town: For the attention of: E-Mail: Internet address (URL): Postal Code: Telephone: Fax: Country:


A ddress and contact points to which Tenders/Requests to Participate must be sent Official Name: British Broadcasting C orporation Postal A ddress: Town: For the attention of: E-Mail: Postal Code: Telephone: Fax: Country:

Internet address (URL): A NNEX B Information A bout Lots Lot No: 1 1) 2) Title: Monitoring Tool Short Description A ge ne ral Monitoring Tool for Ne twork and Host De vice s, Syste m s and Applications Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV) Main vocabulary Main obje ct Additional obje cts 72500000 3) Quantity or scope Estim ate d C ost Ex cluding VAT: R ange : be twe e n 300 000 and 400 000 GBP. 4) 5) Indication about different contract dates Duration in m onths: 36 (from the award of the contract). A dditional Information about lots In the case of te chnology re quire m e nts, the BBC m ay involve its te chnology partne r (Atos IT Solutions and Se rvice s Lim ite d) to assist in the scoping and drafting of invitations to te nde r and/or the e valuation of te nde rs.Howe ve r, the final de cision as to which is the m ost e conom ically advantage ous (by re fe re nce to the award crite ria) will be m ade by the BBC . The awarding authority re se rve s the right not to award a contract and to annul the procure m e nt proce ss at any stage . Te nde rs and all supporting docum e nts m ust be price d in ste rling and all paym e nts will be m ade in ste rling. The contract shall be subje ct to English law. The awarding authority doe s not bind itse lf to acce pt the lowe st, or any te nde r and re se rve s the right to acce pt part of a te nde r unle ss the te nde re r e x pre ssly stipulate s othe rwise in the te nde r docum e nt. To pre ve nt BBC e Te nde ring portal e m ail ale rts from be ing quarantine d by your organisation's fire wall or spam filte r, you are advise d to instruct your IT te am to acce pt all e m ails with a e x te nsion (our portal provide r) or from he . If Se ction II.1.9 shows 'Ye s', variants will be acce pte d provide d the y m e e t the core re quire m e nts of the proje ct. A NNEX B Information A bout Lots Lot No: 2 1) Title: Visualisation Tool Short Description A Visualisation Tool to aggre gate , corre late and analyse all m onitoring and pe rform ance data from any planne d or adhoc source Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV) Main vocabulary Main obje ct Additional obje cts 72000000 Supple m e ntary vocabulary (when applicable) 72000000 Supple m e ntary vocabulary (when applicable)



72500000 3) Quantity or scope Estim ate d C ost Ex cluding VAT: R ange : be twe e n 300 000 and 400 000 GBP. 4) 5)

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Indication about different contract dates Duration in m onths: 36 (from the award of the contract). A dditional Information about lots In the case of te chnology re quire m e nts, the BBC m ay involve its te chnology partne r (Atos IT Solutions and Se rvice s Lim ite d) to assist in the scoping and drafting of invitations to te nde r and/or the e valuation of te nde rs.Howe ve r, the final de cision as to which is the m ost e conom ically advantage ous (by re fe re nce to the award crite ria) will be m ade by the BBC . The awarding authority re se rve s the right not to award a contract and to annul the procure m e nt proce ss at any stage . Te nde rs and all supporting docum e nts m ust be price d in ste rling and all paym e nts will be m ade in ste rling. The contract shall be subje ct to English law. The awarding authority doe s not bind itse lf to acce pt the lowe st, or any te nde r and re se rve s the right to acce pt part of a te nde r unle ss the te nde re r e x pre ssly stipulate s othe rwise in the te nde r docum e nt. To pre ve nt BBC e Te nde ring portal e m ail ale rts from be ing quarantine d by your organisation's fire wall or spam filte r, you are advise d to instruct your IT te am to acce pt all e m ails with a e x te nsion (our portal provide r) or from he . If Se ction II.1.9 shows 'Ye s', variants will be acce pte d provide d the y m e e t the core re quire m e nts of the proje ct. SF 22

Further Information No furthe r inform ation has be e n uploade d.

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