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Wed, June 30, 2013 3:40pm Dear friends, Many of you have asked why I am running for governor of Wisconsin, which is a very valid question. I will endeavor to answer it. Why I am choosing to run for governor: 1. I am able to. Not only am I eligible for candidacy, but also I have the integrity, honesty, and confidence to run a clean and open campaign. 2. The current governor is not performing adequately. Mr. Walker and I have known each other for many years, and I can respect him for a few things such as his service to boy scouts and veterans, but I cannot respect many of the decisions he has made as governor. While he is trying to help the state, his method of trying to do so is arguably ineffective. Not only is the state in a bad position economically (see point 6.), but Mr. Walker has violated some basic human rights by passing legislation such as the collective bargaining law and promising to sign Senate bill 206 (the recent bill requiring ultrasounds for women seeking abortions). 3. Politics is my passion. (Politics and Space, to be exact) While I firmly believe that everyone should have a basic knowledge of the political discourse going on around them, I also believe that those who have the passion for leadership in politics should participate. Which leads me to the next point 4. We need another voice. This is a democratic republic. To me, that means that we must encourage a multitude of opinions, and a multitude of positions. There are some core issues we can all agree on, but if you are going to reflect the diverse opinions of people in this state, then you must give them diverse choices. The more choices the people have in elections, the more honest a representation of the peoples choice that election will be. Ergo, having more candidates from different parties is better for the people. 5. As a member of the Pirate Party, I have some new issues and different views to bring to the table than both the two party system and the existing third parties. These issues include Internet freedoms, civil rights, government transparency, and privacy of the individual. As a younger politician, I can bring a different perspective to the capitol, helping to find solutions outside of the box. 6. Fixing the economy needs a new approach. While the state of Wisconsin is indeed gaining jobs, it is not because of our current leadership, but instead due to the US rebound from the 2008 recession. Historically, therefore, this period of time for the state is critical. The entire country just saw a recession and is seeing a slow growth afterword, but if we institute economic policies

I would like to address another issue that some people have asked How do I think we will do in the election? Honestly, I dont know. I know that in order to feel like I did not fail miserably, I would at least like to get the 1% for ballot status. Ideally, I would like to win. However, I recognize the severely small chances of that happening. There is one thing, though, that we have to keep in mind: time. We have almost a year and a half to make this into what we want it to be. I am confident that with your help, we can change the two party system which has so often disappointed us. Questions regarding anything, from volunteer positions to my opinions on specific laws, are more than welcome. Feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns, and I will try to get back to you in as timely a manner as possible! Thank you for your support. ~Francis J. Klein Pirate Party candidate for governor

that help Wisconsin businesses by investing in venture capital, if we build a strong economy that focuses on making sure the allowances for corporations and the rich that created the recession are not repeated, then Wisconsin can emerge from this recession at the very least on par with its neighbors if not with a competitive edge, moving forward. I believe that Mr. Walker is not going about this the right way. While I am sure he has the best interests of the state at heart, his attempts to fix the Wisconsin economy seem more like social policies and help to large corporations, sprinkled with a few good things for the economy and dressed up with a big bow that says jobs. As governor, I would suggest to the legislature packages of economic reforms that are simple, straightforward, and that focus on both closing loopholes for the rich and for monopolies, as well as helping middle and lower class workers and employers. 7. Lastly, the more partyminded reason, I wish to help the Pirate Party gain ballot status in the state. Because of the principles of the Pirate Party, I believe it would not only be beneficial to the party but also to the people of the state to have our party on the ballot. This would give the people of Wisconsin more choices, and hopefully help to educate them about the Pirate issues that we believe in. Achieving ballot status in the state requires we garner 1% of the vote in a state election.

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