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the voice of

It could have been worse

5, 2013








W a s h i n g t o n

A roundup of this years legislative session on page 7. connecting our local Jewish community


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israel: to your health

JTNews . . friday, july 5, 2013

Games people play, and other rehabilitation successes

Janis Siegel JTNews Correspondent
Two of the latest studies to come out of Israel have given hope to sufferers of neurodegenerative diseases and stroke victims alike, in two vividly different but successful research trials. For those who struggle with diseases like Alzheimers, Lou Gehrigs, and Parkinsons, the latest findings by Dr. Iliana Gozes, a Tel Aviv University researcher To Your who developed a new compound called Davunetide, or Health NAP, found that her proprietary peptide compound solution prevented further cell damage in the brain cells of mice and that it also repaired damaged nerve cells. In previous studies, NAP also showed positive results when it was tested on the damaged cells of patients with schizophrenia. In the second study comparing the rehabilitative progress of stroke patients who played video games to that of patients who had traditional physical therapy, TAU occupational therapist Dr. Debbie Rand found that subjects who played video games using Xbox Kinect, Sony PlayStation, and Nintendo Wii gaming consoles benefitted from two times the number of movements per session than those in a conventional physical therapy session. The video game group also continued progressing for months beyond the group that underwent conventional physical therapy. the journal Neurobiology of Disease. Gozes holds a composition of matter patent on NAP. She is a co-inventor named on over 15 other patents and patent applications for Allon Therapeutics Inc., in Vancouver, B.C., where she is a co-founder and the chief scientific officer. NAP is the companys premier compound. to experience a decline in function and degenerative symptoms. Gozes anticipates continuing her research to see how NAP may be applied to humans in a treatment setting and to determine which patients would benefit the most from the therapy.

Cell repair for the brain

Because nerve cells exist in a microtubule network that not only allows proteins to pass from cell to cell, but also enables communication between cells, people impaired by neurodegenerative diseases have networks that do not function properly, which affect a persons motor skills and brain function. Gozes injected study subjects with NAP, a compound solution derived from a hormone-regulating powerhouse protein called ADNP. It restored and stabilized the flow of those critical proteins to both compromised and chronically damaged cells and altered the progression of disease. There is no difference, Gozes told JTNews. NAP provides protection by restoring (or protecting) the transport system/scaffold of the nerve cell. In a statement to the university, Gozes said that NAP appears to have widespread potential in terms of neuro-protection. The studys results were published in

Game therapy the study

Rand looked at 40 stroke patients who had the event between one and seven years prior to the study. At two sessions per week for three months, one group of 20 received traditional physical therapy and the other group of 20 received video game therapy. Patients who played video games had a much greater frequency of movement, said Rand. Additionally, because the activity involved strategy, she said, the brain was also engaged to coordinate with the movement. This involvement caused the patient to concentrate less on having to perform a required activity and more on completing a fun task. Rand also found the interaction between brain and body contributed to brain plasticity, a necessary component in the reconnection of vital brain linkages in the stroke victim. The most striking advantage, Rand noted, was that the video game group continued its progress in grip strength for three months after the sessions ended while the other group did not show the same results. The study was a collaboration with Sheba Medical Center and funded by a Marie Curie International Reintegration grant. Study participants also reported that the group activity and interaction was an important part of the fun factor. Rand will continue studying the effects of video gaming on stroke patients by experimenting with solitary video game players.
Longtime JTNews correspondent and freelance journalist Janis Siegel has covered international health research for SELF magazine and campaigns for Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

The study
To test NAP, researchers injected two sets of mice with manganese to observe its path as it traveled through the animals brains. One grouping included normal mice whose microtubule system was damaged by the administration of compound substance. The second group of mice was genetically modified to produce Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrigs Disease) symptoms. Their microtubule systems were chronically damaged. Each group of mice was divided into those injected with NAP and the control group, which did not receive the NAP injection. In the brains of mice injected with NAP, whether their cells were genetically modified for ALS or impaired by the solution, the nerve pathways were either spared further damage or were returned to a healthy state. In both groups, the mice that did not get the injections continued


To our New Board MeMBers

susan edelheit

Moss Patashnik

Lori Gradinger

When people are made leaders of the community, the experience enriches them. Talmud, Yoma

fresh The



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friday, july 5, 2013 . . JTNews


the rabbis turn

letters to the editor

Seeking leadership

American Judaism
Rabbi Sarah Newmark Congregation Beth Hatikvah
When I tell people Im a Reconstructionist rabbi, I generally get this response: Ive heard of Reconstructionism, but I dont know anything about it. Those of us who trained at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College near Philadelphia are used to this. In fact, in our first class on Reconstructionist thought in the seminary, we are all assigned to write The Elevator Paper a summary of an entire movement that can presumably be presented to someone during a brief ride in an elevator! Since America celebrated its birthday yesterday, I thought it would be appropriate for me to get in the elevator with everyone who is reading and introduce you to Reconstructionism, the only form of Judaism born on American soil. The founder of Reconstructionism, Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan (1881-1983), did not intend to form a new branch of Judaism. His goal, rather, was to introduce a process by which Judaism would be continually re-constructed so successive generations of Jews could find meaning in Judaism in the era and culture in which they lived. He was profoundly influenced by living in America (he immigrated with his family in 1889) and was inspired by the democratic principles upon which the country was founded. Kaplans seminal work, Judaism as Civilization: Toward a Reconstruction of American-Jewish Life (1934), put forth this important doctrine: Judaism is the evolving religious civilization of the Jewish people. Kaplan used the word civilization consciously. He was influenced by the then-new field of sociology and argued that Jewish civilization included history and culture, language, literature, art, ethics and values, and beliefs and practices. He insisted that Jews who were not connected religiously to Judaism but who had different ties to it were still part of the civilization. But he himself was not a secularist. Kaplans view was that Judaism was the product of the religious experience of the Jews through the history of the Jewish people. Kaplan rejected the notion of what he called a super-natural God. He viewed divinity as the coordinating, integrating factor in nature that allows for the actualization of justice, truth, and compassion. He taught that human beings seek the divine because doing so adds meaning and purpose to their lives. Kaplan described the Torah as the earliest diary of the Jewish people. He believed Torah to be the record of our ancestors search for meaning as well as the repository of a societys moral principles, values and laws through which we are encouraged to become fully human. Reconstructionist theology teaches that Torah is the Jewish peoples response to Gods presence in the world. Kaplan taught that Jews living in democratic societies could and did live in two civilizations. I bristle when I hear the rather new appellation of Jewish-American. Im not a Jewish hyphen American. Im Jewish and Im an American. I take part in American political, social and cultural life. American English is my native language. I celebrate Thanksgiving and the 4th of July and other American civic holidays. My father (age 99) is a veteran of World War II and served in the European theater. My husband was a reservist who served in the Gulf War in Saudi Arabia. How much more American can we get? But we are also Jewish, and our personal calendars run according to Jewish rhythms. We are both: Jewish and American. Kaplan articulated this concept to Jews struggling with their new American identities and the old-world Judaism many had shed when they arrived on our shores. Reconstructionism teaches that the past has a vote but not a veto. Like Reform Judaism, it is a post-halachic movement. Reconstructionists study Jewish texts to discern answers to todays questions. Jewish tradition is the starting point for Reconstructionists, but it may not be the ending point. Teachings at odds with contemporary values may be rejected or transvalued given new meaning to match the sensibilities of contemporary life. Many American Jews of different denominations or of no denomination actually think about their Jewish lives much in the way Kaplan suggested without calling it Reconstructionism. It has been quite a long elevator ride, and Ive barely scratched the surface of Reconstructionist Judaism. I am a member of the third generation of Reconstructionist rabbis (the seminary was founded in 1968) and am one of about 335 Reconstructionist rabbis in the world. I wonder what Kaplan would have thought of our discussions of his theology

The Rabbis Turn on May 22 (What were all about) featured Rabbi Seth Goldstein of Temple Beth Hatfiloh in Olympia. While he provided interesting facts about the history of TBH and Olympias local Jewish community, he does a great disservice to those of us in Olympia who see that the very active and growing BDS movement and strong and well-organized groups of Israel demonizers have caused harm and promote anti-Semitism here in Olympia and beyond. If the rhetoric against Israel supposedly in support of the suffering Palestinians could have been curbed, or at least moderated, through some of our local Jewish leaders coming forward to counter the false claims and outright lies that have been spewed by the Evergreen State College professors and others, our community would not have been allowed to get so poisoned with these biased and false anti-Israel and anti-Jewish sentiments and propaganda. Our family has never joined the TBH congregation because we couldnt comfortably align ourselves with a rabbi and other Jewish leaders who wouldnt lead. Their peace-at-any-price attitudes and concessions to local Israel haters have led to the strengthening of the BDS movement at Evergreen and now South Puget Sound Community College and elsewhere in Olympia. Some openly Jewish and Israel-supportive students at these local public colleges have been harassed, shoved, intimidated, and threatened by Israel demonizers. The silence of most of our Jewish leaders has contributed greatly to the divisiveness, stress, and vitriol that most of us experience here. How can Rabbi Goldstein claim that we dont have a problem with the vocal minority in Olympia who hate Israel? I am actually offended that he has made this claim. Far too many of us have been affected! Some of us cant even comfortably express our support of Israel in our community at large without being shunned or attacked or intimidated. We have to constantly listen to the lies and hatred against Israel and fellow Jews that take place through professors, guest speakers, biased documentaries, and other events within our community. At a major intersection in Olympia, a large, in-your-face mural showing solidarity between Olympia and Rafah was painted by those who hate Israel. The anti-Israel organization, The Rachel Corrie Foundation, headquartered in Olympia, sponsors ongoing events that demonize Israel and its Jews. Longtime friends in Olympia no longer talk to each other because they have differing opinions on the merits of Israel and the Jewish people. What happened to a community that once prided itself on its diversity, tolerance, and acceptance? Is Rabbi Goldstein blind to what weve been forced to endure for all these years, including the Olympia Food Co-op boards unilateral decision, with BDS pressure, in July 2010, to boycott Israel and Israeli goods without input from members on this contentious issue? The anti-Israel proselytizing will take place, again, in September at Evergreen and SPSCC to another group of young, impressionable, and unsuspecting students, with no counterbalancing by Rabbi Goldstein or others. Another crowd of brainwashed students will then take up the cause against Israel, based on lies and misinformation. Truthful facts are not part of any dialogue, so proselytizing and hatred continue to foment in Olympia. Rabbi Goldstein has buried his head in the sand. L. S. Davis Olympia, WA

WRITE A LETTER TO THE EDITOR: We would love to hear from you! You may submit your letters to Please limit your letters to approximately 350 words. The deadline for the next issue is July 9. Future deadlines may be found online. The opinions of our columnists and advertisers do not necessarily reflect the views of JTNews or the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle.

at the seminary. Many of us are not Kaplanians; Reconstructionist prayer services would no doubt seem foreign to him. But Kaplan would probably be happy to see that Reconstructionist Judaism has continued to evolve. After all, he shocked the world, includ-

ing his own congregation, when his daughter Judith was called to the Torah to become the first Bat Mitzvah in 1922. America is the land of innovation, and Reconstructionist Judaism has found fertile soil here for its first 45 years.

I need to learn whats going on. I need to learn what the strengths are and what the areas of improvement will be. Keith Dvorchik, incoming CEO of the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle, on what he needs to do when he first arrives. The story is on page 6.

community news

JTNews . . friday, july 5, 2013

news briefs
Holocaust Center receives state funding
One big win for the Jewish community in this years legislative session came for the Washington State Holocaust Education Resource Center, which plans to build a standalone Holocaust museum. The Holocaust Center will be receiving $150,000 in capital support so they can build out their new facility in downtown Seattle, said Zach Carstensen, director of government affairs for the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle. Thats a huge victory for them. Dee Simon, the Holocaust Centers executive director, said the new museum will allow our community and students from throughout the region to view a new Holocaust and human rights center. Weve had many requests by community organizations and educators to visit our center and view the artifacts, but have not had the space to accommodate large visits. Legislators from the Jewish caucus as well Sen. Ed Murray (D-Seattle), a Holocaust Center board member, led the funding effort. The museum is expected to open in spring 2014.

Coming up
Sunday, July 14 at 6:30 p.m.

Jewish Peoplehood Crisis: A Call for Conversation

Following up on his book, Baseless Hatred, Seattle Jewish community member and retired University of Washington professor of pharmaceutics Rene H. Levy opens the floor to conversation about the age-old issue of Jewish unity and its obstacles, particularly lack of empathy. According to Levy, the erosion of empathy leads to the destruction of personal relationships and spreads to the community and world at large. Joel Benoliel will moderate the discussion. Kosher dessert reception to follow. At Town Hall, 1119 Eighth Ave., Seattle. Tickets are free but reservations are requested at For more information visit or call 732-788-6489. Minyan Ohr Chadash will celebrate its first Shabbat July 5-6. Ohr Chadash is a Modern Orthodox, Zionist minyan that encourages singing and group participation for men, women, and teens. The group will meet for Shabbat and holidays at the Caroline Kline Galland Home, 7500 Seward Park Ave. S, in the activity center. Youth programming for children ages 3-6 will be available in the adjacent day center. For Shabbat July 5-6, Mincha services will take place on Friday at 7:20 p.m. Saturday Shacharit begins at 9 a.m. (followed by kiddush), and Mincha, followed by Seuda Shlishit, takes place at 8:45 p.m. For more information or to join the mailing list, contact

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friday, july 5, 2013 . . JTNews



yiddish lesson
By Murray Meld Kleyne kinder, kleyne tsoris; groyse kinder, groyse tsoris. Little children, little troubles; big children, big troubles.

inside this issue

Meet the CEO
The Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle has announced its new leader, a current Hillel director who will move all the way across the country to start his new job.

As politics goes, compromises abound

With the end of the legislative session finally upon us, and a government shutdown averted, the analysis is that had it not been for unexpected revenue, things could have ended up a lot worse.

Remember when

A synagogue nears completion


After nearly two years of building, the Eastside Torah Centers new synagogue is coming close to its grand reopening, which its leaders hope will serve a wide swath of northern Bellevue, Redmond and even farther afield.

Cross-cultural honors
Al Maimon keeps plenty busy within his Jewish community, but his outreach to Spanish and Portugese speakers to educate about Sephardic culture brought him an award from the Spanish consulate.


The JCCs rebuilding begins


After many years of waiting, the first phase of the Stroum Jewish Community Centers remodel has gotten underway, with a makeover of its auditorium that leadership hopes will become a community centerpiece.

There is a future


While Jews outside of Israel focus on the situations with the Palestinians and Iran, most Jews in Israel are struggling just to get by and many are leaving. A Knesset member from a new centrist party was in Seattle last week to talk about whats really on her fellow citizens minds.

From JTNews, July 9, 2004. Its hard to believe Seattles new downtown library is nearly a decade old, but the Rem Koolhas structure has managed to keep em coming. SPLs head librarian at the time, Deborah Jacobs, was gracious enough to give our reporter an insiders tour of the then-new facility.

More Crossword 6 M.O.T.: The future of Jewish leadership 8 Community Calendar 9 The Arts 14 Lifecycles 19 Jewish & Veggie: Summer with strawberries 20 The Shouk Classifieds 16

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JTNews wins journalism award

JTNews is the Voice of Jewish Washington. Our mission is to meet the interests of our Jewish community through fair and accurate coverage of local, national and international news, opinion and information. We seek to expose our readers to diverse viewpoints and vibrant debate on many fronts, including the news and events in Israel. We strive to contribute to the continued growth of our local Jewish community as we carry out our mission.
2041 Third Avenue, Seattle, WA 98121 206-441-4553 JTNews (ISSN0021-678X) is published biweekly by The Seattle Jewish Transcript, a nonprofit corporation owned by the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle, 2041 3rd Ave., Seattle, WA 98121. Subscriptions are $56.50 for one year, $96.50 for two years. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to JTNews, 2041 Third Ave., Seattle, WA 98121.


At the annual conference of the American Jewish Press Association in Seattle on June 26, JTNews associate editor Emily K. Alhadeff won a Simon Rockower award for excellence in personality profiles. The article, Chief rabbis visit unites community, about the visit of former Israel Chief Rabbi Yisrael Meir Laus trip to Seattle, ran in June 2012. The NCSY youth groups national publication, Ignite, won two awards as well.

Reach us directly at 206-441-4553 + ext. Editor & Publisher *Joel Magalnick 233 Associate Editor Emily K. Alhadeff 240 Sales Manager Lynn Feldhammer 264 Account Executive Cheryl Puterman 269 Account Executive David Stahl Classifieds Manager Rebecca Minsky 238 Art Director Susan Beardsley 239

Board of Directors
Chuck Stempler, Chair*; Jerry Anches; Shelley Bensussen; Lisa Brashem; Cynthia Flash Hemphill*; Ron Leibsohn; Stan Mark; Cantor David Serkin-Poole*. Nancy Greer, Interim CEO and President, Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle Celie Brown, Federation Board Chair *Member, JTNews Editorial Board Ex-Officio Member
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Coming up July 19
Focus on Bellevue

p u b l is h ed b y je w is h t r a n sc r i p t m edi a

community news

JTNews . . friday, july 5, 2013

Dont Let Age Slow You Down

by Mike Selinker & Gaby Weidling

Incoming Federation CEO is all ears

Joel Magalnick Editor, JTNews
Come next week, when Keith Dvorchik spends his first days in his office at the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle, hes got one item on his agenda: To listen. When I get off the plane, my first job needs to be to meet with people and to listen, said Dvorchik, the Federations incoming CEO. When Im done meeting with people and listening, I need to meet with people and listen. I need to learn whats going on. I need to learn what the strengths are and what the areas of improvement will be. The Federations board announced Dvorchiks selection on June 28, with an official start date of Aug. 19, following a year-long search after the resignation of Richard Fruchter last July. Dvorchik, 45, will come to Seattle from Hillel at the University of Florida, Gainesville, where he spent 15 years as the student organizations executive director and built the small organization into a powerhouse that serves between 8,000 and 10,000 students annually and has been recognized by Hillel International as well as by students both Jewish and non-Jewish. When he began at Hillel, there was very little impact on campus, Dvorchik said. We changed that fairly quickly. We made a decision that we would be out on campus, that we would be making a public presence, that we would become a significant part of the university and become an integral part of students lives. Today, he noted, the organization has strong ties with student government and has sent key leaders, including several student body presidents and former Gators football coach Urban Meyers, to Israel. And if the students dont know what goes on inside Hillel, they cant miss the building: Its across the street from the football and basketball stadiums, constructed from a capital campaign completed in 2004 under Dvorchiks leadership. We were able to secure a site that nobody thought we ever could have secured, said the lifelong sports fan. You come to Gainesville, you literally cannot miss us. Though the bulk of his career has been at Hillel, Dvorchiks life has taken some interesting twists and turns. He earned his undergraduate degree from Penn State in accounting, realized hed made a mistake, and a year later returned to Penn for a masters degree in counseling. His internship took him to Gainesville, where he ended up working in the criminal justice system with patients ranging from troubled adolescents to death-row inmates. When the Hillel opportunity was presented to me, I actually had two choices: One choice was to come work at Hillel, the other was to run an inpatient adolescent facility, he said. At the time, it was a big question. Dvorchik chose Hillel and threw himself into one of his greatest challenges during

Courtesy Keith Dvorchik

Keith Dvorchik with his wife, Alison. They and their two kids will move to the Seattle area later this summer.

The prosperity of a country can be seen simply in how it treats its old people, writes Rabbi Nachman of Breslov. If so, the persons spotlighted in this puzzle make their countries very prosperous indeed. Accomplishing their most notable achievements after seven decades or more, these five give us hope that it is never too late to dream.
ACROSS 1 Convenience store treats 6 Build up 11 Childs oft-repeated question 14 Mass times acceleration 15 Artist fond of haystacks 16 Color 17 He published his first comprehensive 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 30 32 33 34 35 40 41 42 43 48 49 50 53 54 55 56 58 62 63 64 65 66 67 DOWN 1 Otherwise 2 Brand with cans that change based on 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 18 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 35 36 37 38 39 40 44 45 46 47 50 51 52 54 55 56 57 59 60 61

dictionary at 70 Mischief maker Approximately Like candles on a cake Essen, in English Mao ___-tung Manipulate Cayman Islands account holders, perhaps She began painting at 76 ___ Rafael, CA UK record label Barts gramps He was elected president at 75 Color changer Place to get outdoor gear Laudatory poem She won her first Oscar at 80 Planetarium souvenir Prefix for some school subjects Weep One overly focused on fashion Each Back of a 56-Across or 38-Down Speedy aircraft He published his first book of game rules at 70 Night before What the 10 lords did Command posts According to the song, its good for absolutely nothing The protozoan Tetrahymena has seven What Febreze fights

temperature Clear, as a chalkboard Cave phenomenon Make a quilt Brand of sleep aid Word found in many yearbook awards Hill dweller View Brook Macys event Run smoothly Uh-huh! Jewelry designer Peretti Hullabaloo Ash carriers Hermione portrayer Narcissistic Country singer McEntire Seattle Center to International District dir. One who might do-si-do Withdraw, as from office Tends to Putins veto Sight on some whale watching tours Kind of tide Birdbrain? Ice cream brand namesake Fatboy Slim and Tisto, for example Bway sellout sign Urges Secret Service members Jonathan Coulton fan, perhaps Approval Hockey player from Alberta Sanctify The new one is from Argentina Mr. ___ (The Wind in the Willows character) Tevye, e.g. Longoria or Mendes Ruby ___ The Grinchs pup Game of Thrones network

Answers on page 13 2013 Eltana Wood-Fired Bagel Cafe, 1538 12th Avenue, Seattle. All rights reserved. Puzzle created by Lone Shark Games, Inc. Edited by Mike Selinker.

his tenure building excitement for an organization thats a five-hour drive from its biggest stakeholders in greater Miami. Its not easy to come see whats going on, he said. Its not easy to feel the passion first hand. But it gave him insight into how Hillel needs to serve a community beyond its walls, which he believes can transfer to Federation leadership as well. What he would like to see, he said, is a unified community with the Federation serving as its backbone. At an organizations event, for example, its not just a JFS event, its not just a day school event, its not just a JCC event, Dvorchik said, its a communal event. He also wants to be sure that any organization whether its his own or a partner agency is doing top-quality work. We cant waste peoples time, he said. Dvorchik has one pet peeve: I dont ever want to hear a reason for doing something is because weve always done it that way, he said. I dont accept that. But he also doesnt want to begin ruling with a heavy hand. I dont know what the community wants and what the community needs, he said. Celie Brown, the Federations board chair as of July 1, said Dvorchiks ability to listen is one of the key reasons he received her boards vote of confidence. During the search process, one of the comments that we got the most was that When he talked to me, he looked right at me and I knew he heard me, and that resonated with so many people, she said. Brown, who has a background in leadership coaching, said Dvorchiks skills as a change agent resonated with her. Dvorchik joins a Federation staff that has been humming relatively smoothly over the past year and has demonstrated a dedication to community building. We have the best staff since Ive been volunteering. Theyre all a team, theyre excited about him coming, Brown said. Will Berkovitz, who became CEO of Jewish Family Service on July 1, knew Dvorchik during his tenure as executive
XXPage 19

friday, july 5, 2013 . . JTNews

community news

Legislative session (finally) ends with compromise, relief

Janis Siegel JTNews Correspondent
Likening the final 2013-2015 state budget deal to a tied score baseball game in the bottom of the ninth inning, Washingtons Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee was philosophical about the inevitable compromises on new taxes and transportation funding. But, he said, hes ready to work with it. We didnt hit a home run, but we hit a solid double, Inslee told reporters at a post budget-signing press conference in downtown Seattle Tuesday. Off the table are catastrophic cuts to social services and help for the disabled that threatened to devastate the poor and needy in Washington throughout the early budget negotiation process. Inslee said it spared and in some cases, enhanced critical social services for lowincome residents, and extended healthcare to 300,000 citizens, while sometimes preserving and otherwise ending tax relief to businesses. Jewish communal leaders and aid agencies are also breathing a bit easier now since the late-breaking forecast from Washingtons Economic and Revenue Forecast Council found more than $300 million in additional monies in state coffers that averted the need to slash assistance programs. In this challenging 2013 legislative session, Rep. Marcie Maxwell (D-Renton), a member of the states Jewish caucus, told JTNews, weve worked hard to approve a state budget that makes these smart investments and preserves our community values. Our Jewish organizations have been strong advocates for budget decisions that value education (K-12, early learning, and higher education), ensure safe and healthy families and communities, protect vulnerable people of all ages and abilities, and grow economic opportunity. The state was $900 million in the hole when lawmakers began hammering out this bienniums budget, but the surprise additional revenue paved the way for a bipartisan agreement in the final hours of their second special session. The blacker bottom line came from privatized liquor sales, lottery sales, an increase in housing construction permits, and an anticipated contraction in consumer spending due to a 2 percent payroll tax increase that didnt happen. Within the 483-page document the legislature fulfilled its obligation to fund $1 billion for K-12 schools thats $500 per student, paid for, in part, by cuts in state building projects, increases in state employees health benefit premium cost-sharing, and no cost-of-living increases for teachers. This quality budget takes meaningful steps forward in funding public education from early learning, through higher education, and it protects the most vulnerable with important human and social services, Rep. Reuven Carlyle (D-Seattle) told JTNews. Carlyle is the chairman of the House finance committee and the House budget negotiator. Unfortunately, due to the Senates absolute unwillingness to close tax exemptions on the revenue side, Carlyle added, the spending plan is unsustainable in the long run and we will face similar challenges again soon. However, Rep. Cathy Dahlquist (R Enumclaw), the lead Republican on the House education committee, said she was pleased with the educational outcome. This bipartisan bill is the product of collaboration with stakeholders and legislators that starts us down a path to improve student outcomes and better support teachers, she said in a statement. Zach Carstensen, the director of government relations and public affairs for the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle, said he accepted the new budget, but he told JTNews the revenue wont keep up with the cost of running the state, and these challenges will persist. In the final compromise budget there are things that are not so great but could have been a lot worse, said Carstensen, who is acutely aware of the lingering budgetary woes from the 2008 economic fallout. Theres nothing terrible about this particular budget, but its cumulative. Were all going to have to struggle with [the effects of] the last five years. Carstensen said that Medicaid reimbursements to nursing homes remain frozen at 2009 recession levels, which continues to impact the always rising cost of
XXPage 11

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m.o.t.:member of the tribe

JTNews . . friday, july 5, 2013

Mercer Island native speaks at Israel conference L&I director happy out west

Just a couple of weeks ago, Eliana Rudee was part of a panel on the future of Jewish leadership at the Israeli Presidential Conference in Jerusalem. The Mercer Island High School grad, whom friends and family call Ellie, was already in Israel. She is on a five-month Career Israel internship through Masa, a program of the Israeli govern- Member of ment and the Jewish Agency Sarah Schuman for Israel. Speaking at the the Tribe Ellie Rudee of Mercer Island participated in a panel discussion on the future of Jewish annual conference, which was leadership at the Presidential Conference in Israel in June. founded by Shimon Peres in 2008, was ninth president. Ellie reports the conon learning the panel topic. She knew it not originally on her agenda. ference was multi-disciplinary. Scienwas vital for a panel about the future of In early June, I spoke at an informatists, psychologists, politicians, actors and Jewish leadershipto have [the] perspectional session for future Birthright group actresses, economists, environmentalists tive ofa future Jewish leader, she said. leaders, telling them about my experiand Jewish leaders offered perspectives As president of the Israel club at ence, she wrote in an email. After the on problems and solutions in the Jewish, Scripps College in California, where she session, both a Masa director and a conIsraeli and world community, she wrote. will be a senior in the fall, and a board ference representative requested her bio. In Jerusalem for a five-month internmember and employee of Hillel, Ellie is A couple days later, someone from the ship at the Institute for Terrorism Research already an experienced Jewish leader comPC called me and said I had been nomiand Response, Ellie is also researching fortable with public speaking. nated by multiple parties to speak on a womens involvement in terrorism and The three-day conferences theme panel, she wrote. their motivations compared to men. was Facing Tomorrow and included While she was surprised at first at Growing up in Herzl-Ner Tamid Cona 90th-birthday bash for Peres, Israels being sought out, she was less surprised

Diana Brement JTNews Columnist


servative Congregation, Ellie says her involvement in Judaism is driven by passion and a sense of responsibility. I connect to faiththrough loving and helping my community, she writes, and in my opinion, one of the most important things as a human being is to be responsible for other human beings. I cannot accept that there are problems facing our community that are not worth solving, or unsolvable. And, she adds, it is simply fun for me! Describing herself as athletic and close to her family, since being in Israel shes taken up healthy cooking and buying fresh food from the shuk (market) and cooking for her friends.

In the mid 90s, Joel Sacks was working for Joe Dear at the Department of Labor and Industries (L&I) in Joels home state of New Jersey. Dear is a Washington native and in 1996 newly elected governor Gary Locke asked him to come home and lead our states L&I. Just on a whim, at Dears going away party, Joel asked him if he could get a job
XXPage 14

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The USOSupporting our troops overseas and at home

When people think of the USO (United Services Organizations) many often think of the entertainment tours they sponsor for our troops in combat zones or the care packages they send out. These important services are actually just a small part of the wide-ranging work the USO is doing to support our U.S. military service personnel and their families. In fact, while many of the USOs services are focused on supporting our troops in the field, a growing number of services are targeted at supporting the troops returning home and their families. QFC is proud to support the work the USO does to support our troops. The USO is our Charity of the Month for July. The USO was created in 1941 and has been continually active since 1951, but it is really only within the last decade that it has experienced a profound growth in the services it offers to pursue its mission, which is: The USO lifts the spirits of Americas troops and their families.Among the programs and services of the USO are: n USO centers for troops and families that include: n USO in box for troops in isolated combat areas n USO on wheels also for troops in the field n USO Day Rooms in hospitals and medical facilities n The Wounded Warrior Center in Landstuhl, Germany n Two USO Centers at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware to support the families of fallen soldiers n Operation Phone Home to facilitate calls from troops to their families n Pro vs. G.I. Joe, a real-time video gaming experience that pairs soldiers against professional athletes n Health and Recreation Programs including: n Ride to Recovery, a cycling program, and n Warrior Games, Olympic-style athletic competitions n Family Strengthening Programs such as: n A program featuring entertainer Trevor Romain to support military children as they adjust to a new normal with a wounded parent n Oxygen Couples Seminar to help work on and strengthen relationship issues n Healing Adventures Camps for families with a wounded or ill parent

Education and employment services such as: n Hire Heroes USA/USO Workshops n Career Opportunity Days n Purpose Driven Rehab n Rivers of Recovery, fly-fishing program with an emphasis on female wounded warriors Operation Enduring Care Grief Counseling such as: n TAPSTragedy Assistance Program for Survivors n Grief camps for children The USO is a nonprofit, congressionally chartered, private organization and is not part of the U.S. government. It relies on the generosity of individuals, organizations and corporations to support its activities. If you would like to support the great work of the USO in supporting our troops please hand a donation card to your checker the next time you visit QFC. Thank you! n n n

If you have comments or questions, please contact Amanda Ip at

friday, july 5, 2013 . . JTNews

community calendar

the calendar
to Jewish Washington
For a complete listing of events, or to add your event to the JTNews calendar, visit Calendar events must be submitted no later than 10 days before publication. 78:30 p.m. Everyday Kabbalah

Shelly Goldman at or 425-603-9677 or Mundane situations are where people encounter the Divine and find meaning and joy. Rabbi Yohanna Kinberg will explore the ancient Kabbalistic approach to finding meaning in everyday life. $5 payable at the door. On Tuesdays through July 23. At Temple Bnai Torah, 15727 NE Fourth St., Bellevue.

124 p.m. Camp Solomon Schechter Open House

Jef Nobbe at or 206-447-1967 or index.php/aboutus/openhouse2013 Feel the ruach (spirit) and energy of camp, introduce younger children to Schechter, reunite with old friends, and see the beautiful camp. $8 per person in advance or $10 at the grill. At Camp Solomon Schechter, Olympia. 6:308 p.m. Crisis in Jewish Peoplehood: A Call for Conversation

Rene Levy at or A community-wide discussion on Jewish unity, based on Rene Levys book, Baseless Hatred. Moderated by Joel Benoliel with kosher reception. Free with RSVP. At Town Hall, 1119 Eighth Ave., Seattle.

14 July


Candle Lighting July 5............................... 8:52 p.m. July 12............................. 8:48 p.m. July 19............................. 8:42 p.m. July 26............................. 8:35 p.m. Tuesday

9:1510:30 p.m. Tisha bAv Services

Heidi Piel at or 206-542-0075 or Tisha bAv services beginning Monday evening and ending Tuesday with Havdalah and a small breakthe-fast. At Congregation Beth Shalom, 6800 35th Ave. NE, Seattle.

15 July


45 p.m. Bullitt Foundation Outing

Ellen Hendin at or 206-461-3240 or See the worlds greenest building on a tour of the Bullitt Foundation and learn about the technically complex systems inside. Limited space available. Parking at Temple De Hirsch Sinai. At the Bullitt Foundation, 1501 E Madison St., Ste. 600, Seattle.

9 July


10:30 a.m.12 p.m. Coal Train Controversy

Ellen Hendin at or 206-461-3240 or William McPherson, a Sierra Club activist, will discuss why he is opposed to coal exports, including the environmental impact along rail lines, shorelines and waterways. At Temple Bnai Torah, 15727 NE Fourth St., Bellevue.

11 July

10:30 a.m.12 p.m. Tough New DUI Laws

Ellen Hendin at or 206-461-3240 or Recent tragedies involving drunk drivers have put substance abuse in the spotlight again. Laura Kramer, Jewish Family Service addiction counselor and educator, will discuss proposed legislation, ways to reduce DUI incidents, and the effectiveness XXPage 18

16 July

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community news

JTNews . . friday, july 5, 2013

New Chabad synagogue nearing completion

Gwen Davis JTNews Correspondent
Rabbi Mordechai Farkash of the Eastside Torah Center is thinking about the full synagogue experience. When people come in the shul, there will be couches in a section of the lobby, so if they are not comfortable yet with going to shul, they can just sit in the lobby and wait for services to end, said Farkash of his new $4.5 million synagogue set to open in the fall. Farkash wants the elaborate 20,000-square-foot Chabad-Lubavitch synagogue to serve all Jews, whether they are observant or not, young or old, single or with a family, natives or travelers, and anyone in between, even those nervous about attending an Orthodox synagogue. The property for the new synagogue, located at 16199 Northup Way, was purchased in 2006, with city permits acquired by late 2011. Since then, the building has been under construction and Farkash hopes to open its doors shortly after the High Holidays. Its a home for every Jew, especially for Eastsiders, he said about the diverse group of people that makes up the Eastside Torah Center. Some come for services, others for Bar Mitzvah celebrations, others for yahrzeits [anniversaries of a death], others for classes. Chabad emphasizes outreach to non-observant Jews, and subsequently caters to people who know very little or nothing about Orthodox Judaism. Farkash wanted the design of the building to keep these Jews in mind. There will be a womens section on the main floor with a mechitzah [barrier] for people who feel its important Gwen Davis to be up close, he Rabbi Mordechai Farkash points out the design plans of the new Eastside said, and a more Torah Center from inside the under-construction synagogue. traditional upstairs are houses for $300,000 or $400,000, there balcony for women who are more comare smaller houses, apartments or condofortable with that. miniums. The location, about a half mile from Having affordable housing nearby benits current spot on one floor of a Bellevue efits families who are not Orthodox but office complex, took its members housing may become so in the future, Farkash situations into consideration as well. noted. The synagogue will not have a set In this area there are opportunities for seating capacity, but will remain flexible people to find comfortable and affordable depending upon how many people come housing, Farkash said. There are houses to a given service or event. nearby for a million dollars or more, there At Simchat Torah last year we had such a packed crowd at the Torah Center that we had to dance outside in the parking lot, he said. The facility will include an outdoor playground and approximately 50 parking spaces. More parking will be available at the church next door. In addition to offices and a beit midrash, a space for learning, the synagogue will house the Eastside Jewish Public Library and have classrooms and a large recreation room with couches and ping-pong tables for the Torah Centers CTeen Club so teenagers can talk and schmooze, Farkash said. The Eastside Torah Center currently serves approximately 500 families. Some are regulars, while others show up for major events such as the High Holidays. However, whichever the attendance style, everyone is welcomed, Farkash said. Its an open door policy, [which is] Chabads traditional policy, he said. This is not a typical synagogue. Its not just for members. Its for every Jew to come and take advantage. Since 2002, when the current space for the Eastside Torah Center was purchased,
XXPage 18

where to worship
GREATER SEATTLE Bet Alef (Meditative) 206/527-9399 1111 Harvard Ave., Seattle Chabad House 206/527-1411 4541 19th Ave. NE Congregation Kol Ami (Reform) 425/844-1604 16530 Avondale Rd. NE, Woodinville Cong. Beis Menachem (Traditional Hassidic) 1837 156th Ave. NE, Bellevue 425/957-7860 Congregation Beth Shalom (Conservative) 6800 35th Ave. NE 206/524-0075 Cong. Bikur Cholim Machzikay Hadath (Orthodox) 5145 S Morgan St. 206/721-0970 Capitol Hill Minyan-BCMH (Orthodox) 1501 17th Ave. E 206/721-0970 Congregation Eitz Or (Jewish Renewal) Call for locations 206/467-2617 Cong. Ezra Bessaroth (Sephardic Orthodox) 5217 S Brandon St. 206/722-5500 Congregation Shaarei Tefilah-Lubavitch (Orthodox/Chabad) 6250 43rd Ave. NE 206/527-1411 Congregation Shevet Achim (Orthodox) 5017 90th Ave. SE (at NW Yeshiva HS) Mercer Island 206/275-1539 Congregation Tikvah Chadashah (LGBTQ) 206/355-1414 Emanuel Congregation (Modern Orthodox) 3412 NE 65th St. 206/525-1055 Herzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation (Conservative) 206/232-8555 3700 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island Hillel (Multi-denominational) 4745 17th Ave. NE 206/527-1997 Kadima (Reconstructionist) 206/547-3914 12353 8th Ave. NE, Seattle Kavana Cooperative Khal Ateres Zekainim (Orthodox) 206/722-1464 at Kline Galland Home, 7500 Seward Park Ave. S Mitriyah (Progressive, Unaffiliated) 206/651-5891 Secular Jewish Circle of Puget Sound (Humanist) 206/528-1944 Sephardic Bikur Holim Congregation (Orthodox) 6500 52nd Ave. S 206/723-3028 The Summit at First Hill (Orthodox) 1200 University St. 206/652-4444 Temple Beth Am (Reform) 206/525-0915 2632 NE 80th St. Temple Bnai Torah (Reform) 425/603-9677 15727 NE 4th St., Bellevue Temple De Hirsch Sinai (Reform) Seattle, 1441 16th Ave. 206/323-8486 Bellevue, 3850 156th Ave. SE SOuTH KiNg COuNTy Bet Chaverim (Reform) 206/577-0403 25701 14th Place S, Des Moines WEST SEATTLE Kol HaNeshamah (Reform) 206/935-1590 Alki UCC, 6115 SW Hinds St. Torah Learning Center (Orthodox) 5121 SW Olga St. 206/643-5353 WASHINGTON STATE AbERdEEN Temple Beth israel 360/533-5755 1819 Sumner at Martin bAINbRIdGE ISLANd Congregation Kol Shalom (Reform) 9010 Miller Rd. NE 206/855-0885 Chavurat Shir Hayam 206/842-8453 bELLINGHAm Chabad Jewish Center of Whatcom County 102 Highland Dr. 360/393-3845 Congregation Beth israel (Reform) 2200 Broadway 360/733-8890 bREmERTON Congregation Beth Hatikvah 360/373-9884 11th and Veneta EvERETT / LyNNWOOd Chabad Jewish Center of Snohomish County 19626 76th Ave. W, Lynnwood 425/640-2811 Temple Beth Or (Reform) 425/259-7125 3215 Lombard St., Everett FORT LEWIS Jewish Chapel 253/967-6590 Liggett Avenue and 12th ISSAquAH Chabad of the Central Cascades 24121 SE Black Nugget Rd. 425/427-1654 OLympIA Chabad Jewish Discovery Center 1611 Legion Way SE 360/584-4306 Congregation Bnai Torah (Conservative) 3437 Libby Rd. 360/943-7354 Temple Beth Hatfiloh (Reconstructionist) 201 8th Ave. SE 360/754-8519 pORT ANGELES ANd SEquIm Congregation Bnai Shalom 360/452-2471 pORT TOWNSENd Congregation Bet Shira 360/379-3042 puLLmAN, WA ANd mOScOW, Id Jewish Community of the Palouse 509/334-7868 or 208/882-1280 SpOkANE Chabad of Spokane County 4116 E 37th Ave. 509/443-0770 Congregation Emanu-El (Reform) P O Box 30234 509/835-5050 Temple Beth Shalom (Conservative) 1322 E 30th Ave. 509/747-3304 TAcOmA Chabad-Lubavitch of Pierce County 2146 N Mildred St.. 253/565-8770 Temple Beth El (Reform) 253/564-7101 5975 S 12th St. TRI cITIES Congregation Beth Sholom (Conservative) 312 Thayer Dr., Richland 509/375-4740 vANcOuvER Chabad-Lubavitch of Clark County 9604 NE 126th Ave., Suite 2320 360/993-5222 Congregation Kol Ami 360/574-5169 vASHON ISLANd Havurat Ee Shalom 206/567-1608 15401 Westside Highway P O Box 89, Vashon Island, WA 98070 WALLA WALLA Congregation Beth israel 509/522-2511 WENATcHEE greater Wenatchee Jewish Community 509/662-3333 or 206/782-1044 WHIdbEy ISLANd Jewish Community of Whidbey island 360/331-2190 yAkImA Temple Shalom (Reform) 509/453-8988 1517 Browne Ave.

friday, july 5, 2013 . . JTNews

community news


Sephardic community leader receives public service award

Charlene Kahn JTNews Correspondent
In a move that continues to cement the historic relationship between Spain and the Iberian Jews, a member of the Seattle Sephardic community received a public service award from the University of Washington for his commitment to preserving Ladino culture and heritage. On Friday, June 14, the 2013 Luis Fernando Esteban Public Service Award was presented to Seattle native Al Maimon, a descendant of both the Turkish and Rhodes Jewish communities, at a graduation celebration for 80-plus graduates of the University of Washingtons Spanish and Portuguese Studies department at the Center for Urban Horticulture. Officials presented Maimon with letters of commendation from statewide and international sources, after which Maimon gave the graduation address using a mixture of Spanish, Ladino and English. Recalling all the solemnity of official proclamations but laced with some informal Northwest humor department chair Anthony Geist was joined on the dais by Luis Fernando Esteban, honorary consul of Spain in Seattle and the programs namesake; Washington State Representative Marcie Maxwell (D-41) representing Gov. Jay Inslee; Dr. Ricardo Sanchez from Lt. Gov. Brad Owens office; and Rabbi Simon Benzaquen, rabbi emeritus of Congregation Sephardic Bikur Holim, bearing congratulations from the rabbi of the Israeli Knesset, Alex Hochman. A letter of commendation from Miguel de Lucas Gonzales, director of the Spanish government agency Casa Sefarad in Madrid, also attended. One person can make a difference, Maimon said, lauding Estebans role in so many ambitious and substantial educational, cultural and industrial projects here and in Spain. The award is presented in the name of Esteban for contributions to the region, in particular to its Hispanic community and the Spanish and Portuguese Studies department. In 2008 Esteban received the Washingtonian of the Year from Lt. Gov. Owen for his work on over 200 significant educational, cultural and commercial projects involving Spain and the state, according to the lieutenant governors office. Maimon taught his audience a few phrases in Ladino, the amalgam of medieval Spanish, Hebrew, Arabic and other languages, to show how it differs from modern-day Spanish. Maimon, who retired from Boeing in 1999, is a longtime community volunteer: He is currently board president of the Samis Foundation, sits on the UWs Sephardic Studies committee, and volunteers in his congregation, Sephardic Bikur Holim. He also sits on the board of the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle, and noted that his terms on the UWs Stroum Jewish Studies Program advisory board and the Seattle Association for the Jewish Disabled Foundation are expiring. He is also transitioning from interim director of the Vaad HaRabanim of Greater Seattle.

Charlene Kahn

The University of Washington Spanish and Portuguese Studies department chair Tony Geist, left, awards Al Maimon, right, the Luis Fernando Esteban Public Service Award for his work supporting the Sephardic community and culture. Esteban, the honorary consul of Spain, is standing in the center.

WWlegislative session Page 7

providing care at retirement, assisted-living, long-termcare facilities, and hospices like the Caroline Kline Galland Center. Additionally, he said, the loss of state funding for these programs only puts more financial pressure on private Jewish agencies like Jewish Family Service to make up the difference. In the current budget, Carstensen noted the supplemental food program is funded at 75 percent, which is below the level of need in the community. However, the 2013-2015 budget increased that amount by 25 percent from the previous biennium. Still, Carstensens reference point reaches back to the start of the recession, when so many programs were downsized. Those cuts, he said, are only compounded today. Its different than what it was a few years ago, he said. We had general assistance programs. We used to provide the disabled a modest cash stipend, a few hundred dollars a month, not enough to live on. Now, as theyre struggling with profound mental health issues and disabilities that havent quite reached the threshold to invoke federal support, we tell folks well give you a voucher for housing. According to the state revenue report, Washingtons economy will continue to experience moderate growth; however, overall employment numbers will remain tepid, at best.

I have a modest, informal distribution list for matters of Sephardic/ Ladino interest and I do poke my nose in a lot of different placesto make connections across organizations and/or community divides, Maimon said. He has collaborated with the Spanish and Turkish consuls and communities, the UWs library archives, and its Turkish, Greek, Spanish and Portuguese and music departments. Through his award, Maimon hopes to help achieve even greater accomplishments of academic scholarship and communal progress in understanding and realizing

the dignity and true strength of diversity in Seattle and around the world, he said. Geist plans to further the departments connection with Sephardic communities, specifically Seattles, one of the largest in the U.S. Its been my dream for years to establish links with the Seattle Sephardic community, Geist said. We have many historical, linguistic and cultural points of intersection that go back to the Middle Ages and the period of convivencia [coexistence] when Christians, Jews and Muslims lived together in peace for many centuries.

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focus on mercer island

JTNews . . friday, july 5, 2013

JCC remodel begins its first phase

Joel Magalnick Editor, JTNews
The Stroum Jewish Community Centers Mercer Island site looks the same until you make your way toward the back of the building. Thats where youll find temporary walls in front of the old auditorium, and youll hear plenty of construction noise, but what the JCC will unveil by early next year will be a completely different space from the dark, outdated room that preceded it. All of it is going to be fully remodeled, said Judy Neuman, the JCCs CEO. Its going to be a very fluid and flexible space. Aaron Alhadeff, the JCCs board president and capital campaign chair, said its no secret a remodel has been needed for the 45-year-old building. But just doing construction didnt resonate with donors without giving them an understanding of how it could benefit the people who will be using it. Once we shifted from what our facility needs were to what the community needs were, thats when we got traction, Alhadeff said. Permits were obtained early last month and work began soon after. The project will not just create a new auditorium, but also rework the space around it so what is currently a foyer and classroom will become a modular space for multiple uses, with a library and play area to draw people in from across the region. You could have a reception in the foyer one moment, and you could have drop-in play space for a family in the unscheduled times, Neuman said. The library room will open up into the foyer so you can have that as two distinctly separate spaces, or one space. All of which will flow into the centerpiece of this project, the auditorium. One of the big things well be doing is bringing natural light in, Neuman said. That will come through the installation of skylights as well as windows on the northfacing wall that opens onto the buildings rear courtyard. Seating capacity will increase by 50 percent. The way the space will be reworked will allow for the overall execution of the JCCs programmatic strategy: The new audiovisual system will have digital projection capabilities, surround sound, and the ability to stream online video, in line with the agencys takeover of the Seattle Jewish Film Festival last year. While the festival wouldnt move entirely in-house from its regular Seattle venues, this will create Mercer Islands only movie theater, as well as a more inviting performance space. Well be able to bring all kinds of talent and artists culturally that we havent been able to serve before, from a Courtesy SJCC standup comedian A rendering of how the foyer in front of the auditorium will look after this to dance troupes to first remodel phase. musical ensembles caust Education Resource Center that now to concerts, Neuman said. houses the JCCs Kesher garden, and proAlhadeff pointed to JCCs in New York gramming dollars. and San Francisco that have become cenThe programmatic money were getters of Jewish culture. ting is as significant, if not more signifiDemand is growing more and more cant, than rebuilding the facility, Alhadeff every day for a cultural and performing said. We were definitely intentional about arts central place in the Jewish communot building a wonderful vessel without nity, he said. being able to put anything in it. Alhadeff added that the space will be The campaign launched with a large suitable for wedding and Bnai Mitzvah lead gift and multiple community supreceptions as well. Still, Neuman noted porters, which Alhadeff called angel that becoming a cultural arts and events funders, as well as full board participacenter does remain secondary to the early tion. For future phases, the JCC will need childhood and camps programs, which much wider community support, he said. will make use of the space on a daily basis. As for the next phase, we want to see This phase, which the JCC expects how the community responds before we to be the first of several, raised $5 milput the date out there, Neuman said. lion and encompasses the remodel, land Right now our schedule is to get this projat the southern end of the property purect completed. chased from the Washington State Holo-

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friday, july 5, 2013 . . JTNews

focus on mercer island



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O'Clock News

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the arts

JTNews . . friday, july 5, 2013

Sunday, July 14 at 3 p.m. Mordy Ferber Concert Israeli guitarist Mordy Ferber is stopping in Seattle for one show only, following the success of his last invitation-only performance back in 2011. Ferber, who has been described by saxophonistDavid Liebman as a wonderful musician who digs deep in his writing and playing with a clear sense of communicating to the listener, will perform a house concert in the Arroyos in West Seattle. Seattle bass player Chuck Kistler will join him. For more information and to reserve tickets, visit Seating is limited to 35 people.

Through July 13 Louise Hoeschen-Goldberg Art exhibit Longtime, established Seattle artist Louise Hoeschen-Goldberg creates vivid works of faces, animals and bodies in bold colors reminiscent of Gauguin. Her paintings and sketches are both fantastical and childlike. But the artist prefers to let the art speak for itself, and it will be speaking from the walls of the Sisko Gallery for one more week. At the Sisko Gallery, 3126 Elliott Ave., Seattle. For more information visit or call 206-283-2998.

Jersey directly influenced his choice of career in public service, Joel says. His parout here, too. In 1998 there ents were both very active was an opening and Joel and in synagogue and growing his wife, Stephanie Hoffup in that Jewish environman, came to Olympia for mentgrounded [me] in a what they thought would be really strong belief in giving a few years overseas postback and convinced him ing, Joel joked. Fifteen years to spend my life in public later, theyre still here; and in service. January Joel took on the leadWhile he enjoys exerership of Washington States Courtesy L&I Department of Labor and Joel Sacks, the director of cising and reading, most Industries. W a s h i n g t o n S t a t e s of Joels free time is spent We just fell in love with Department of Labor and doing things with the kids. On Fathers Day the family the Northwest, says Joel, and Industries. drove to Paradise on Mt. the much healthier lifestyle, Rainier, where the piles of snow tempted kept them here along with their daughters, Gabby to climb higher and higher. Gabby, 9, and Samantha, 6. Plus, two of I kept reminding her that we had to Joels siblings have moved here, too. get down, which they did, Joel says, but it The family belongs to Olympias involved a lot more sliding than walking. Temple Beth Hatfiloh, where Joel served a term as the congregations vice president. TBH is just great, he says. Its ReconA correction: In my last column, structionist affiliation aligns with our I misidentified which college Julia values. Snyder attends. Julia is a student at Growing up in a Conservative synList College of the Jewish Theological Semagogue in Bellmawr in southern New inary and Columbia University.
WWm.o.t. Page 8

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Congregation Kol Ami (CKA) is a Reform congregation located in Woodinville. Led by Rabbi Mark Glickman, Kol Ami is a warm, intimate and dynamic community in which the Jewish ideals of worship, study and social action are fostered. Interfaith families and Jews by choice find Kol Ami a welcoming and nurturing environment. Shabbat services are held most Friday evenings at 7:30 pm, while Saturday morning Torah services are typically held concurrently with Bnai Mitzvah celebrations. Services are filled with stirring song, heartfelt prayer, and astute commentary. After services, Onegs include delicious treats and beverages over which lifelong friendships have been forged. The outstanding religious school offers students in grades K7 creative programming in all aspects of Jewish learning, including Hebrew, Torah, ethics, prayer, holidays, Israel and Jewish history. Classroom instruction is enhanced by prayer services, guest lectures and exploration of Jewish thought throughout the ages. CKA offers adult-ed programs under the guidance of Rabbi Glickman, and there are high school and junior high school-age youth groups. The Kol Ami family offers opportunities for members to participate in committees and activities focused on the needs of the congregation, the community, and beyond. Among these opportunities are social action, ritual, finance, membership, communications, education, outreach, Sisterhood, and Brotherhood. Strong and enduring friendships have emerged from this mutual commitment to the enjoyment of one anothers company in a social setting, while working to improve ourselves, the community, and the world. For more information about Congregation Kol Ami and to view the schedule of events: (425) 844-1604

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7-05 2013
Law Office of Joseph Rome, PS Inc. 425-429-1729  Our law firm focuses on defending the rights of people who have been negligently injured or accused of a crime. Please contact me for a free consultation.

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Financial Services
Hamrick Investment Counsel, LLC Roy A. Hamrick, CFA 206-441-9911  Professional portfolio management services for individuals, foundations and nonprofit organizations.

Funeral/Burial Services
Congregation Beth Shalom Cemetery 206-524-0075 This beautiful cemetery is available to the Jewish community and is located just north of Seattle.

Eastside Insurance Services Chuck Rubin and Matt Rubin 425-271-3101 F 425-277-3711 4508 NE 4th, Suite #B, Renton Tom Brody, agent 425-646-3932 F 425-646-8750  2227 112th Ave. NE, Bellevue We represent Pemco, Safeco, Hartford & Progressive

Care Givers
HomeCare Associates A program of Jewish Family Service 206-861-3193  Provides personal care, assistance with daily activities, medication reminders, light housekeeping, meal preparation and companionship to older adults living at home or in assisted-living facilities.

B. Robert Cohanim, DDS, MS Orthodontics for Adults and Children 206-322-7223  Invisalign Premier Provider. On First Hill across from Swedish Hospital.

Solomon M. Karmel, Ph.D First Allied Securities 425-454-2285 x 1080  Retirement, stocks, bonds, college, annuities, business 401Ks.

Hills of Eternity Cemetery Owned and operated by Temple De Hirsch Sinai 206-323-8486 Serving the greater Seattle Jewish community. Jewish cemetery open to all preneed and at-need services. Affordable rates Planning assistance. Queen Anne, Seattle

Barrie Anne Photography 610-888-5215  Specializing in portraits,mitzvahs, weddings and fashion. My philosophy is to create beautiful, unique and timeless images that go beyond the memories of these special times in life, allowing you to relive them all over again, and become as priceless as life itself.

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Professional Directory to Jewish Washington Look for it in this issue!

Seattle Jewish Chapel 206-725-3067 Traditional burial services provided at all area cemeteries. Burial plots available for purchase at Bikur Cholim and Machzikay Hadath cemeteries.

Hospice Services
Kline Galland Hospice 206-805-1930  Kline Galland Hospice provides individualized care to meet the physical, emotional, spiritual and practical needs of those in the last phases of life. Founded in Jewish values and traditions, hospice reflects a spirit and philosophy of caring that emphasizes comfort and dignity for the dying.

Newman Dierst Hales, PLLC Nolan A. Newman, CPA 206-284-1383  Tax Accounting Healthcare Consulting

Michael Spektor, D.D.S. 425-643-3746  Specializing in periodontics, dental implants, and cosmetic gum therapy. Bellevue

Dani Weiss Photography 206-760-3336  Photographer Specializing in People. Children, Bnai Mitzvahs, Families, Parties, Promotions & Weddings.

College Placement
College Placement Consultants 425-453-1730  Pauline B. Reiter, Ph.D. Expert help with undergraduate and graduate college selection, applications and essays. 40 Lake Bellevue, #100, Bellevue 98005

Wendy Shultz Spektor, D.D.S. 425-454-1322  Emphasis: Cosmetic and Preventive Dentistry Convenient location in Bellevue

Senior Services
Hyatt Home Care Services Live-in and Hourly Care 206-851-5277  Providing adults with personal care, medication reminders, meal preparation, errands, household chores, pet care and companionship. References and discounts available.

College Planning
Albert Israel, CFP College Financial Aid Consultant 206-250-1148 Learn strategies that can deliver more aid.

Jewish Family Service Individual, couple, child and family therapy 206-861-3152  Expertise with life transitions, addiction and recovery, relationships and personal challenges all in a cultural context. Licensed therapists; flexible day or evening appointments; sliding fee scale; most insurance plans.

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Jewish Family Service 206-461-3240  Comprehensive geriatric care management and support services for seniors and their families. Expertise with in-home assessments, residential placement, family dynamics and on-going case management. Jewish knowledge and sensitivity.

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community news

JTNews . . friday, july 5, 2013

There is a future
Emily K. Alhadeff Associate Editor, JTNews
In its brief existence, Israel has made enormous strides. But the popular impression that the state is an indefatigable miracle of creation is eroding. Will Israel exist in 50 years? is no longer a cynical question. Thats my husband! Adi Koll exclaimed. Sometimes he says, Lets go to IowaThey have no problems. At 37, Koll is a doctor of law and the award-winning founder of University of the People, which offers free courses at Tel Aviv University. And shes one of the 19 members of the new Yesh Atid (Theres a Future) party in the Israeli Knesset, a party populated by a diverse group of individuals new to politics. Koll was in Seattle last week as a guest of the Israel lobbying organization J Street to introduce herself and the partys platforms, which claim to represent the broad swath of Israels secular middle class. Yesh Atid is focused on reforming Israels civil society, from creating a more effective government to overhauling education and jump-starting the economy. We want to change the way politics have been done in Israel to make it more accessible, Koll told JTNews. Using social media to their advantage, Yesh Atid members invite Israelis to ask questions through a website called Your Friend in Knesset a new move for Israeli politicians. The party also sports Facebook and Instagram pages. When Yair Lapid, handsome news anchor turned finance minister, launched

Yesh Atid last year, he invited Koll to join and didnt stop inviting until she said yes. Other members of the party include Haredi, Americanborn Dov Lipman; Penina Tamnu-Shata, the first Ethiopian-Israeli woman in the Knesset; and Mickey Levi, chief of police in Jerusalem during the second intifada. Others members are social activists, journalists, former military figures, and immigrants. We all came from the outside, and we all felt the need to make a difference, and we all decided that we want to do it from within, Koll said. As far as the hot-button issues in the American Jewish community, namely the conflict with the Palestinians and the religious-secular divide, Ill start with the easier one, said Koll.

Koll has been working with Haredim to understand their world better, and to bring them into the fold. There are 26-year-old kids who have, like, $100,000 debt, and they have no way to cover it, she said. And working is not part of their tradition. She believes army or civil courtesy Yesh Atid service, the shared experience among Israeli youth, will help close the gap. After the army, you work, she said. This is the main issue: Educating people to work and to support themselves. Americans should understand that the cost of living is the biggest concern to the majority of Israelis, Koll said, as opposed to the Iran threat or the matzav, the conflict. No one cares and no one talks about the matzav anymore. I think you talk about it more than us, she said. Ive been

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3 new teachers needed for exciting childrens education program for Kol HaNeshamah, a dynamic and progressive congregation in West Seattle. Classes start in September and meet two Saturday mornings a month (9:3011:30 a.m.), followed by Shabbat morning services, and one Saturday or Sunday afternoon a month (3:005:00 p.m.). Rate is 58.50/session, plus $50 per teachers meeting (1x/month). Qualifications: Experience in teaching in Jewish supplemental or day school setting. Lots of support as well as opportunity to be creative in implementation of curriculum.


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friday, july 5, 2013 . . JTNews

community news


here for four days meeting a lot of Jews that are involved in J Street especially, and theyre talking about Oslo agreements. People in Israel dont have a clue what the Oslo agreement is about. This is what Yesh Atid came to talk about, she continued. We cant ignore it anymore if we want Israels future to be secured as ademocratic Jewish state. Additionally, the longer liberal, democratic ideals flourish among young Israelis, the sooner theyll feel Israel is not their home, Koll explained. She cites the stagnated political process and Orthodox control as factors driving Israelis to other lands. This is a real threat, she said. The answer too often is that we shouldnt be here. Yesh Atid comes to say that we have to be here, but we have to change. The problems are personal for Koll, who got married in the U.S. to avoid the rabbinic establishment. She would like to start a family, but is not religious enough to be approved to adopt and raise a Jewish baby, who would likely have to go through an Orthodox conversion first. These are things that bother people, she said. They dont want to live in a country like that. Koll hopes Judaism can be a bridge between democracy and security, and that a new, pluralistic Jewish voice will emerge. I think protecting the fact that its a Jewish democratic country is something we need to do with all the forces that we have, she said. This is why Im there.

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community calendar

JTNews . . friday, july 5, 2013

WWcalendar Page 9

of ignition interlocks. At Temple De Hirsch Sinai, 1441 16th Ave., Seattle. 2:454 p.m. Tisha bAv Video Program A

Rabbi Avrohom David at info@seattlekollel. org or 206-722-8289 or Watch a video from the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation featuring Rav Yitzchok Scheiner and Rav Yissocher Frand. Optional donation: $15 adults, $10 students. At Bikur Cholim Machzikay Hadath, 5145 S Morgan St., Seattle. 6:308 p.m. Tisha bAv Video Program B

Rabbi Avrohom David at or 206-722-8289 or Choice by Choice, Step by Step from the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation featuring
WWeastside torah center Page 10

Rabbi Eytan Feiner and Rabbi Eli Mansour. Optional donation: $15 adults, $10 students. At Sephardic Bikur Holim, 6500 52nd Ave. S, Seattle.


9:30 a.m.3:30 p.m. Camp SEED Arts and Music Camp

Mrs. Shaindel Bresler at or 206-722-8289 or Special three-day arts and music camp. $90. Contact for location information. Camp SEED Three-Day Overnight Camping Trip

Mrs. Shaindel Bresler at or 206-722-8289 or

17 July

For Jewish children ages 5-12. Campers build meaningful friendships, engage in an array of activities, and learn to appreciate their heritage and its values. A wholesome camp experience in a friendly and safe environment. $90. Contact for location information.

$4, 5 and under free. At Temple Bnai Torah, 15727 NE Fourth St., Bellevue.



5:308:30 p.m. Get Smore Shabbat

Karen Sakamoto at or 425-603-9677 or Camp-style Shabbat service for families, singles, and couples young and old. Non-members invited. With burgers, hot dogs, veggie burgers, salads, fruit, and smores. Dinner at 5:30; service at 7. RSVP required. Adults $10, children 6-12

19 July

9:30 a.m.3:30 p.m. Camp SEED

Mrs. Shaindel Bresler at or 206-722-8289 or Camp SEED for Jewish children ages 5-12. Week 1: Sports Camp with Jim Weisen July 22-July 26. Week 2: Day Trips Camp July 29-August 2. Week 3: Hiking, Biking and Overnighting Camp August 5-9. Seedlings camp for children ages 2-5. Before- and after-camp care available. $185 per week. Contact for location information.

22 July

the center has grown to the point where a new building made sense. This wasnt something that was a pri-

ority for me to build, Farkash said. Construction and fundraising isnt my cup of tea. Im more of a people person in terms of teaching and counseling and creating opportunities for people to come and cel-

senior living

ebrate Judaism and life. But our place was just becoming too small. More than two thirds of the money to build the synagogue has been raised. Farkash hopes the sell the current facility for an additional $500,000. Farkash and his wife, Rochie Farkash, are well suited to the growth of the Chabad movement. When the couple started out 18 years ago, very few people were involved. Now their efforts have

extended to more than a thousand participants. Rochie Farkashs parents, Rabbi Sholom Ber and Chanie Levitin, opened Chabads first center in the Pacific Northwest in 1972; now, Rabbi Levitin is the director of Chabad for the Pacific Northwest. Mordechai Farkash was born and raised in Jerusalem. His brother, Rabbi Shalom Berry Farkash, runs the nearby Chabad of the Central Cascades.

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friday, july 5, 2013 . . JTNews



Bertram M. Schenck February 13, 1924-June 12, 2013
The first half of Berts life was spent in Philadelphia. He was a graduate of the Wharton School of Business. A World War II veteran, and an intellect with strong knowledge of government and politics, eventually, after many years of running the family-owned and operated Philadelphia Paper and Card Co., he left for Seattle where he met his wife JoAnn. His new venture included owning and operating retail establishments, including Abby Carpet Stores, and cookie/coffee shops that his wife helped operate. Bert resided on Mercer Island with his wife for 40 years. Together they had one child, Jahneen. Other living relatives include Libby Goldstein, David Van Gelder, Adrienne and Jim Moore, and other Schenck relatives living within the Los Angeles area. Bert was a very kind and patient man, an honest man, and highly intelligent. He will be greatly missed. Donations may be sent to Jewish War Veterans, World Jewish Congress, and the International Jewish Braille Institute.

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Express yourself with our special Tribute Cards and help fund JFS programs at the same time meeting the needs of friends, family and loved ones here at home. Call Irene at (206) 861-3150 or, on the web, click on Donations at Its a 2-for-1 that says it all.

Bar Mitzvah

Daniel Albert Almoslino

Daniel will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah on July 20, 2013, at Congregation Beth Shalom in Seattle. Daniel is the son of Michael and Laurie Almoslino and the brother of Suzanne DeSelms. His grandparents are Arnold and Beverly Slatin of Scottsdale, Ariz., Minnette Almoslino of Seattle, and the late Danny Almoslino. Daniel is entering 8th grade at Eckstein Middle School. He enjoys football, biking, movies, anything Batman, and hanging out with friends. For his mitzvah project, he is collecting funds and sports equipment for children who want to play sports but cant afford the equipment or fees.

WWdvorchik Page 6

director of Hillel at the University of Washington. He called Dvorchik a big-tent thinker. He understands the diversity of the Jewish community [and] he understands the ability of how to engage the next generation, which I think is vital, Berkovitz said. [The Federation needs] somebody who is going to bring a very different perspective to what it means to convene community and what it means to build community. Rabbi Oren Hayon, the current Green-

stein executive director at Hillel UW, agreed. I am personally very pleased about his background in the Hillel world because Hillel is an organization that rewards creativity, agility, thoughtfulness and innovation, all of which are qualities that will mean the success of the new Federation CEO, Hayon said. At the same time, however, Hayon cautioned that a lot is riding on Dvorchik. Everyone recognizes that the stakes are really high with this appointment, he said. Its a time that the Federation needs to succeed.

How do I submit a Lifecycle announcement?

Send lifecycle notices to: JTNews/Lifecycles, 2041 Third Ave., Seattle, WA 98121 E-mail to: Phone 206-441-4553 for assistance. Submissions for the July 19, 2013 issue are due by July 9. Download forms or submit online at Please submit images in jpg format, 400 KB or larger. Thank you!

senior living

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jewish and veggie

JTNews . . friday, july 5, 2013

A foodie twist on a summery, American classic

Michael Natkin JTNews Columnist
To my way of thinking, more flavor. This wont turn summer hasnt started until pale, flavorless berries into weve had our first big bowl gold, but it can make fair ones of strawberry shortcake. Gentaste a lot better. erally I make it with big, Okay, I know youve read flaky biscuits, but for some this far but you are really reason this year it crossed my thinking: Tarragon whipped mind to try it with cornbread cream? Really? Well, all I instead. Corn and strawbercan tell you is that I think it ries go really well together, goes beautifully with the berand they both speak of Amerries and cornbread. If this is Jewish and icana, so why not? too out there for you, or just I modified my regular Veggie violates everything you think cornbread recipe by using a strawberry shortcake should slightly lower corn-to-flour ratio, skipbe, I can accept that. But if you are on the ping the brown butter, and adding a bit of fence, I think you should try it! Something vanilla to make it slightly more cakey and about the anise-y intensity of the herb dessert-like without being overly sweet. adds just the right balance against the corn There are two ways to think about the and strawberries. strawberries for strawberry shortcake. Ideally, of course, you would have the Strawberry Shortcake with Cornbread freshest berries from the farmers market, and Tarragon Whipped Cream still warm from the field and one of the For the tarragon-infused whipped cream: delicate, perfumed varieties that dont 2 cups heavy (whipping) cream travel well enough to be found at the gro4 tsp. tightly packed fresh tarragon leaves cery. If you are so lucky, you might want to 1/4 cup confectioners sugar macerate them less or not at all. For the strawberries: If your strawberries arent quite that 6 cups fresh strawberries, hulled and halved or good, a longer maceration period with quartered (depending on size) plenty of sugar will cause them to break 1/2 cup sugar down and be more tender and release For the cornbread (makes more than you need):
occasionally. For the cornbread: Preheat the oven to 375 and butter an 8x8 baking pan. In a small bowl, whisk together the buttermilk, melted butter, eggs, and vanilla extract. In a medium bowl, whisk together the cornmeal, flour, salt, and baking soda. Pour in the wet ingredients and gently fold together to just combine. Do not overbeat. Pour the mixture into the prepared baking pan and bake until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean, about 25 minutes.

Michael Natkin

1 cup buttermilk 1/2 cup butter, melted 2 eggs, lightly beaten 1 tsp. vanilla extract 2/3 cup cornmeal 1-1/2 cups all-purpose flour 1 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. baking soda For the whipped cream: Bruise the tarragon leaves by rubbing them between your fingers. Stir into the cream and refrigerate for at least one hour. If you like a stronger tarragon flavor, overnight is even better. Strain the cream, add the confectioners sugar, and whip until it holds firm peaks or use a cream-whipping device. For the strawberries: In a medium bowl, gently toss together the strawberries and sugar. Set aside to macerate for about one hour, tossing

To serve: Cut four generous squares of cornbread, and then cut those in half horizontally. Place one half in the bottom of each of four bowls and ladle in some of the strawberries and their juice. Add another half piece of cornbread and divide up the remaining strawberries and juice. Top with a generous portion of the tarragon whipped cream and serve immediately. Serves 4.
Local food writer and chef Michael Natkins 2012 cookbook Herbivoracious, A Flavor Revolution with 150 Vibrant and Original Vegetarian Recipes, was a finalist this year for a James Beard award. The recipes are based on his food blog,

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