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Amira Alyssa G.

Abdulcalim English 221 Argumentation and Debate Final Written Examination

May 22, 2013

Test I. 1. Argumentation Debate Argumentation is the process of influencing others through spoken or written word by giving out reasons and stirring the audience's/readers' feelings. Debate, on the other hand, is a form of argumentation. It is a direct formal contest in argumentation between two or more verbal exchange. Everything is into argumentation, but not all subjects can be debated. Aforementioned, argumentation maybe written or spoken while debate is a spoken word. In argumentation, the persons involved may not be in each other's presence in contrast to debate, where speakers must be in one place and should be in each other's presence. 2. Conviction Persuasion Conviction creates belief or disbelief through an appeal to the reason. On the contrary, persuasion creates belief or disbelief through an appeal to the emotions. Conviction is more on intellectual appeal in which, it makes the truth clear, logical and draws one to accept the truth. Compared to persuasion, it stirs favorable emotions to influence one to act in the way the speaker wants them to act. It directs the words to the feeling and leads one to embrace it. 3. Proposition of Fact Proposition of Policy Basically, the proposition of the fact answers the question Is this assertion true? while proposition of the policy deals with the question Should this course if action be followed?. Proposition of the fact is a simple logical inference. It creates a belief in the truth or falsity of an act of judgment. However, they do not have the force of legal rules. It is different from proposition of policy because the latter is concerned with the wisdom

or unwisdom, practicality or impracticability of a course of action. That being said, it aims at action hence, it must have a workable character plan. 4. Affirmative Side Negative Side Affirmative side is a side in a debate team who is against the status quo and demands to introduce change, whereas the negative side is the side will have to stick with the current state or condition. The affirmative side has the burden of proof therefore, the team must establish the case. The negative side initially bears the burden of rebuttal, but this shifts back and forth between the teams. 5. Evidence Proof Some people would think that evidence and proof have the same meaning but actually they are not really the same. Evidence refers to the medium or means whereby the facts are established. Whereas, proof is the conclusion produced by the evidence the evidence. Furthermore, proof is that which convinces while evidence is that which tends to convince. Test II. A. Proposition: Resolved, That proper education and political experience should be a prerequisite for candidates to run for public office in the national level. B. I guess I can say that my proposition meets the considerations for a good proposition. The first consideration is that it must fit the speakers, the audience and the occasion. In my proposition, it definitely fits the speaker, the audience and the occasion because I (speaker) honestly want to discuss this thoroughly since this was my first voting experience. Election was just a week ago, so it still fits the ocassion and it is timely. The audience also fits because we, the registered voters, are all involved here . It is the future of our country that is at stake so we really need to discuss this. This idea started when I read some negative reactions in the social networks, particularly in Twitter and Facebook, that they do not want Nancy Binay, daughter of

Jejomar Binay who recently elected as Senator --- one of the public offices in national level, to be part of the Magic 12 for the reason that she doesn't have any political experience except being his father's personal assistant for 20 years. So, it is assumed that the people who talks about her being elected is very much aware of the current happenings in our country and drawn into the situation. They are concerned for our future, as well. C. My side: I take the affirmative side. D. Personally, I choose to be on the affirmative side for the reason that I don't want to have trapos (short term for traditional politicians) sitting in public office with no experience on serving the public and all, and have no idea on what they are doing. Though they have consultants of their own, it is also necessary for them to make a decision coming from their personal views on the situation. Therefore, it is necessary for them to be a college graduate and should have experience and knowledge on how to govern a country inorder to help the country be a place where every citizen wants to live in and every tourist wants to visit. Practicability I believe that this proposition would be materialized, in time, because we now live in the 21 st century, where the current qualfication, able to read and write, would not suffice in governing the country. Hopefully, the House of Representatives will draft an amendment of the law to include the proposed qualifications. Necessity In the recently concluded elections, the Filipinos have, once again, entrusted our country to our twelve senators re-elect and newly elect. However, judging from the inferences of the voters who use the internet, they were not very much satisfied with the results. They think that some deserve to be proclaimed as winners, and some do not, due to the inexperience and lack of knowledge in the nature of work of the position aiming for. The status quo needs to be changed because the demands of the society is upgrading hence the need to amend the constitution

regarding the matter to cope up with the progress. I'm certain that these changes would help our country be a systematic one.

Beneficiality This proposition will benefit the citizens of the Philippines. The elected public officers would be smart enough and experienced enough to know the current state of our country and will then make laws that will benefit the common good.

Test III. Proposition: Resolved, That proper education and political experience should be a pre-requisite for candidates to run for public office in the national level. Side: Affirmative; the Introduction (1st speaker) Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. We, on the affirmative side, propose to amend the qualifications of the Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates provided in the 1987 Philippine Constitution Article VII, Sections 2 and 3, and also provided in the Omnibus Election Code Article IX, Section 63; Also, the qualifications of senatorial candidates provided in Article VI, Section 3 of the same constitution, to include or add the following qualifications(for the three aforementioned public offices): 1. Must be a graduate of any 4 or 5-year course and must have earned 3 units in the subject Philippine Constitution 2. Must have atleast 3 years experience, equivalent to one term, in local level, as Congressman and/or Governor (for the Presidential, Vice-Presidential and Senatorial positions), or Senator (for Presidential position). It is stated in the 1987 Constitution that the executive power shall be vested in the President of the Philippines while the Vice-President is second-highest executive official of the government of the Philippines, after the President. Both belong to the executive branch of the Philippine Government. The President shall have control of all the executive departments, bureaus, and offices. He shall ensure that the laws be faithfully executed. Senators, on the other hand, is part of the legislative department together with the Congressmen. However, we are to focus only on the senators because they are elected nationally. The Senate shall have the sole power to try and decide all cases of impeachment.

Knowing that, we can say that the President, the Vice-President and Senators have a very complex job that requires competent knowledge and experience to fully execute his/her job, where the the welfare of society and the country is at stake. Their job needs to consider a lot of factors before deciding on a certain subject that can wholly affect the nation. Hence, before they qualify for the position, they have to be a college graduate because almost all the professions in our country, before they can apply for a job, must have graduated in college. You may ask why does one need to be a college graduate in order to apply for a job, it is for the reason that while you're in college, the school provides you the proper education that will train you to become a professional and teaches you the skills and knowledge required the workplace. In addition to that, college prepares you before you enter the real world. What more if you're head of the state of the country and is authorized to pass and approve laws. To quote one of the speeches made by Sen. Miriam Santiago: Under the Police Act, no person can be appointed a policeman, unless he has a college degree. But any person can become president, vice-president, senator, or congressman of the country even without a college degree! Majority of the Filipinos are poor and, therefore, cannot afford to send themselves in school. Accordingly, the 1987 Philippine Constitution, under Article XIV, mandates the establishment of a system of free public education in the elementary and high school levels. Furthermore, the constitution provides for a system of scholarship grants, student loan programs, subsidies and other incentives. Now, you can see that the Filipinos have no reason not to attend school because there are actually a lot of ways to finish college.

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