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LYCEUM NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Institute of Graduate and Professional Studies Tapuac District, Dagupan City

Doctor of Business Administration

Dear Respondent: Greetings! The undersigned is currently conducting a study entitled, The Implementation of Pag-IBIG Multi-Purpose Loan in Dagupan City: A Needs Assessment, in partial fulfillment for the degree of Doctor in Business Administration at Lyceum Northwestern University, Dagupan City. In line with this, I would like to ask for your cooperation if you could share some of your time to answer the attached questionnaire. I assure you that the information gathered will be used for academic purposes only and would be treated with utmost confidentiality. Thank you very much for your time and consideration. More power and God bless!

Truly yours, CHARMAINE D. POSADAS Researcher

Noted by: DR. PEDRO F. SISON Adviser

Approved by: DR. ROMANA O. FABREGAS Dean, Graduate Studies

Block I. THE RESPONDENTS PROFILE Directions: Answer the following questions by putting a check on the space provided. a. Age : _____ 18 to 29 years old _____ 30 to 39 years old _____ 40 to 49 years old b. Gender: _____ Male c. Civil Status: _____ Single _____ Married d. Highest Educational Attainment: _____ Elementary _____ High School _____ College e. Monthly Net Income: _____ P5,000 and below _____ P5,001 to P15,000 _____ P15,001 to P25,000 f. What is your current membership type? _____ Government _____ Private _____ Self Employed _____ 50 to 59 years old _____ 60 years old and above

_____ Female _____ Legally Separated _____ Widowed _____ Vocational _____ Post Graduate _____ others, specify: ________ _____ P25,001 to P35,000 _____ P35,001 and above _____ others, specify: ________ _____ Individual Payor _____ Overseas Contract Worker _____ Non Working Spouse

g. How long have you been a member of Pag-IBIG Fund? _____ New Member _____ 11 years to 15 years _____ 1 month to 4 years _____ More than 15 years _____ 5 to 10 years _____ others, specify: ________ Block II. PROFILE OF IMPLEMENTATION Title: The Implementation of Pag-IBIG Multi-Purpose Loan in Dagupan City: A Needs Assessment Directions: Answer the following questions by putting a check on the space provided.

1. Have you availed of a Multi-Purpose Loan? If yes, answer number 2-4. _____ Yes _____ No 2. What is your primary loan purpose? (check one) _____ For childrens education (any school-related expenses) _____ To pay off existing loan (ex. Mortgage, bills, etc.) _____ For health-related expenses (such as hospital bills, medicines) _____ To purchase a good (ex. food, appliances, clothing, etc.) _____ For application for a new job _____ To spend on luxuries (ex. travel, jewelries, gadgets, etc.) _____ Others, specify: _________________________________________ 3. How do you pay your loan? _____ Over-the-counter _____ Through a liaison officer 4. How often do you pay your loan? _____ Monthly _____ Quarterly _____ collecting banks/bayad centers _____ Others, specify: ______________ _____ Semi-annually _____ Others, specify: ______________

Block III. MULTI-PURPOSE LOAN PROBLEMS Directions: Check on the appropriate box corresponding your choice. Legend: 5 4 3 2 1 Very serious Serious Moderately serious Slightly serious Not serious 1 2 3 4 5

Problems Relating to Multi-Purpose Loan 1. The lack of visual aids showing the step-by-step procedure and requirements on loan application creates difficulty to members. 2. The absence of information guide (paraphernalia) on Pag-IBIG Multi-Purpose Loan makes members unaware of the program. 3. The nature of Multi-Purpose Loan (loan amount, term and loan maturity and interest rate) is not known to members. 4. The scope of Fund Briefing conducted by Marketing Division is not extensive enough to inform new or existing members.

Problems Relating to Multi-Purpose Loan 5. The loan officers show impoliteness or discourteousness to members applying for a loan. 6. The processing time of loan application is very slow and time-consuming. 7. The place is not conducive and spacious to accommodate loan applicants. 8. The member does not receive billing statement or notice regarding their monthly amortization and loan balance. 9. The absence or inaccessibility of payment centers creates difficulty to members in paying their loan. 10. The member is not informed that they are penalized on late loan payments or loan may be offsetted (deducted) from their contributions in case of no payment. Block IV. NATURE OF MULTI-PURPOSE LOAN

Directions: Answer the following questions by putting a check on the space provided. 1. What are the basic requirements? (check 3) _____ Loan application form _____ Proof of Income _____ Valid IDs _____ Proof of Billing _____ Latest payslip (1 month) _____ Barangay Clearance _____ Voucher _____ Police Clearance _____ Service record _____ Others, specify: ________ 2. How many months are required to make a loan? _____ 12 months / 1 year _____ 48 months / 4 years _____ 24 months / 2 years _____ 60 months / 5 years _____ 36 months / 3 years _____ others, specify: ________ 3. How much is the loanable amount for 59 months and below? _____ 50% of TAV _____ 80% of TAV _____ 60% of TAV _____ 90% of TAV _____ 70% of TAV _____ others, specify: ________ 4. How much is the loanable amount for 60 months to 119 months? _____ 50% of TAV _____ 80% of TAV _____ 60% of TAV _____ 90% of TAV _____ 70% of TAV _____ others, specify: ________

5. How much is the loanable amount for 120 months and above? _____ 50% of TAV _____ 80% of TAV _____ 60% of TAV _____ 90% of TAV _____ 70% of TAV _____ others, specify: ________ 6. How much is the interest rate? _____ 8.75% per year _____ 9.75% per year _____ 10.75% per year 7. How long will you pay for the loan? _____ 12 months / 1 year _____ 24 months / 2 years _____ 36 months / 3 years _____ 11.75% per year _____ 12.75% per year _____ others, specify: ________ _____ 48 months / 4 years _____ 60 months / 5 years _____ others, specify: ________

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