Direct Daygame

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Core Mindsets 1not giving genuine compliment is rude 2start living authomatically and loving making womans day

3beautiful women are easier 4going for what you want is sexy ..makes you a BaUs 5There is no such thing as rejection 6youre competing with 3 %!!! Why direct ? More authentic - it is natural Saves time - psychological energy you get more action (youre asking for it ) you end up with women who like you you get more friends you develop your self esteem no angry girls-more girlfriends Mindsets for direct youre entitled to pussy(tu tienes derecho a una vagina)(asi como estan ahora sin mas sin ningun estudio solo con tener un pene basta) youre fearless(eres valiente) youre cleare about your intent youre unapologetic you act without hesitation (0 second rule) youre a man that knows that he wants keys to direct say it with your eyes say exactly whats on your mind put yourself on the line if you dont like me i will walk away i like you but you dont like me.... see ya its ok if youre not interested,really smile pre-frame 0 second rule run be persistent only go for hotties no jerking off (no masturbarse) the 3 musts genuine compliment pull the trigger curiosity you are georgeous we need coffe relax---->hechabdote hacia atras ,hablando y moviendote lento ,sonriendo y miran do a los ojos atraccion---->se dominante , confidente,sexual,espontaneo,aventurero confianza(lidera-dominancia , pasa tiempo con ella,abrete ante ella)----> comfort(tocandola) chocando los cinco con las manos ,lectura en frio ,recorriend o tus dedos atraves de su pelo

conexion ---pasatiempos , deportes , musica,relaciones

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