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Ibps RRB model test papers and practice set

August 14

Expected questions for ibps rrb exams

IBPS RRB Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning ,Computer Knowledge, Numerical ability General Awareness Hindi And English Questions with answers IBPS RRB and All Banks Preparation Practice questions

We have divided Ibps RRB Model Papers in 2 Section, in first part we have covered three Sections

General Awareness Numerical Ability Reasoning

And in second Part we will cover Computer knowledge English Hindi

1) A mixture of 80 litres of wine and water contains water. How much water must be added to make the water content 20% of the resulting mixture? a) b) c) d) e) 5 20 7 15 10

2) Five litres of water is added to a certain quantity of pure milk costing Rs. 3 per litre. If by selling the mixture at the same price as before a profit of 20% is made. The amount of pure milk in the mixture is a) b) c) d) e) 20 12 25 15 10

3)In what proportion should one variety of oil at Rs. 9.50 a kg mixed with another at Rs. 10 per kg to get mixture worth Rs. 9.60 per kg ? a) 1:2 b) 4:1 c) 1:4

d) 1:3 e) 2:1

4) One vessel contains a mixture of 18litres of brandy and 7 litres of water and another contain 20 litres of brandy and 12 litres of water. What is the ration of the strength of the mixtures ? a) b) c) d) e) 125 : 144 15:16 15:12 25:11 144:125

5) There are some rabbits and pigeons in a zoo. If their heads are counted, these are 90 while their legs are 224. How many pigeons are there ? a) 58 b) 60 c) 90 d) 45 e) 68

6)A report consists of 20 sheets each of 55 lines and each such line consists of 65 characters. This report is retyped on to the sheetsw each of 65 lines such that each line consists of 70 characters. The % reduction in number of sheets is closest to : a) 15 b) 21 c) 25 d) 30

7)In a certain code NATURE is written as MASUQE, how would FAMINE be written in the same code.









8) Choose analogous pairs : Yawn : Boredom

a) Anger : Madness

b) Dream : Sleep

c)Smile : Amusement d)Impatience : Rebellion

9) ?



Stone :

a) (A)Glacier (B) Lake b) (P)Rock (Q)Pebble

(C)Continent (D)River ( R) Granite (S)Mountain

a) AR b) BP c) CD d)DQ

10) In a certain code language 123 means hot filtered coffee , 356 means very hot day , 589 means day and night. Which digit stands for very ?

a) 9




11) If bat is racket, racket is football, football is shuttle, shuttle is ludo and ludo is carrom. What is cricket played with ? (Debashish)

a) Football


c)Data Insufficient



15 261 ?


a) 125 b) 90 c) 105 d)225.

13)Ramu is the father of Shyamu. Ten years ago Shyamus age was 1/4th of his father. Ten years from now Ramu will be twice as old as Shyamu. What is the total age of both now ?

a) 90 years

b)50 years


d) 70 years.

14) .



a) b) c) d)

2031 731 1625 1

15. If people is coded as plpoee, how is trend coded ? a) tredn b) dnert c)tnerd d)trdne

16.(1/4) + 3/8 + 5/12) / (1/4) + 7/16 + 3/32) is equal to a) b) 4/3 c) 2 d) 17/32

17.A girls earns twice as much in December as in each of the other eleven months. What part of her entire years earnings does she earn in December ? a) 2/11 b) 2/13 c) 2 d) 1/7

18.Five equal squares are placed side by side to make a single rectangle whose perimeter is 372 cms. What is the area of each of the square ( in sq. cm) a) 72 b) 900 c) 984 d) 961

19.A bicycle has two unequal wheels, the front one having a diameter of 20cms and the back one having a diameter of 30cms. When the back wheel had made 240 revolutions, how many had the front one made ? a) 120 b) 160 c) 360 d) 420

20.A cart and bullock are bought for rs .1000. The cart is sold at a profit of 10% while the bullock is sold at a loss of 10%. The result is an overall profit of Rs. 26. What is the selling price of the bullock ? a) Rs. 748 b) Rs. 378 c) Rs. 420 d) Rs. 680

Questions 6 t o10. Choose the one which is closest in meaning


a) hidden b) desire c)forgive d)live

22.. INSURGENTa) intelligent

b)apprentice c)rebellious d)shy 23.. JOCOSE a) old b)valuable c)humorous d)knotty 24.. ASCRIBE a)assign b)write c)erase d)punish


a) militant b)dependent c)obese d)rude

26. How many days are there in w weeks and w days :-

(a) 7w2 (b) 7 (c) 8w (d) 14w (e) 7w

27.How many pupils can be seated in a room with s single seats and d double seats (a) sd (b) 2sd (c) 2(s+d) (d) 2d+s (e) 2s+d

28.The chairman of a committee has to form a special 3-person sub-committee from A,B,C,D,E and F. A is willing to serve only if B is also selected .If D is selected , C will not serve The Chairman decided not to pick C. The Chairman asked B to serve , and B has accepted . How many committees can be formed . (a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d) 12 (e) 15

29. In a queue a Hemant is 14th from the front and John is 17th from the end, while Mary is in between Hemant and John. If Hemant be ahead of John and there be 48 persons in a queue, How many persons are there in between Hemant and Mary ? (a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 7 (d) 8 (e) 9

30.Pointing to a photograph, a woman says This mans sons sister is my mother inlaw How is the womans husband related to the man in the photograph? (a)Son (b)Nephew (c) Grandson (d) Son-in-law (e)None

31.From the word LAPAROSCOPY,how many independent English words can be formed without changing the order of the letters and using each letter only once. (a)1 (b)2 (c) 3 (d)4 (e)More than 4

32. Arun started walking positioning his back towards the sun.After some time, he turned left, then turned right and then towards the left again. In which is he going now ? (a)East or South (b)West or North (c)North or South direction

(d)South or West

33. Question 1 to 5. The given pair of words have a particular relationship with each other. Among the four choices, three pairs have a similar relationship as the given pair and only one pair does not have such a relationship. Choose that as your answer.

1. paragraph : prose a) stanza : poetry b) scene : drama c) street : poetry d) accompaniment : music

2. expunge : record a) erase : writing b) banish : citizen c) consume : food d) discard : rubbish

3. snake : reptile a) falcon : bird b) tiger : animal c) man : woman d) rose : flower

4. recondite : learned a) sober : drunken b) ascending : rising c) immutable : stable d) fortunate : lucky

5. sylvan : trees a) terrestrial : earth b) human : man c) honest : goodness d) lunar : moon

1.d, 2c, 3c, 4a, 5c

34. Madam Curie, a European investor, has recently acquired a famous company Radioactive Decay Ltd (RDL). She was browsing through the past record of RDL when she noticed that the sales of RDL have shown a steady increase (every year) of 10% over its value in 1986. The expense of RDL have shown a steady decrease (every year) of 2% over its value in 1986. The employee strength of RDL has shown a steady increase (every year) of 1% over its value in 1986. The asset base of RDL has shown a steady increase (every year) of 3% over its value in 1986. The exports of RDL have shown a steady increase (every year) of 10% over its value in 1986.

The export (Rs crore) of RDL in 1986 were 20 which was 5% of its asset base for the same year and the sales were Rs 100 crores more than its asset base. The expense were exactly half of its sales and number of employees was 200.

Note that al the increase/decrease mentioned are with respect to base year 1986 only and there is no compounded increase/decrease mentioned.

1. Total expense (Rs crores) of RDL over 1986-1990 were : 1) 1600 2) 1200 3) 1250 4) 1150

2. The asset base of RDL in 1988 was (Rs crores) : 1) 504 2) 416 3) 516 4) 424

3. Sales of RDL in 1989 exceeded its exports in 1990 by (Rs crores) : 1) 621 2) 508 3) 564 4) 622

4. Total exports of RDL over 1986-90 were (Rs crore) 1) 242 2) 120 3) 122 4) 98

5. The asset base of RDL in 1990 was (Rs crore) : 1) 448 2) 500 3) 600

4) 408


1. 2 2. 4 3. 4

4. 2 5. 1

35. Each of the following problems consists of questions and two statements labeled A and B. You must decide whether the data given in the statements are sufficient to answer the questions. Using the data, make the appropriate choice from 1 to 4 as per the following guidelines.
Select : 1) 2) 3) 4) if A alone is sufficient to answer the question if B alone is sufficient to answer the question if A and B both together are sufficient to answer if A and B both together are not sufficient to answer

1) Is A greater than B ? A) A2 is greater than B2

B) A+3 is greater than B + 2

2) Which of the two number M and N are positive? We know that they are both less than 20. A) M is less than 5 and N is less than 19 B) M + N = 24

3) Is 2k is divisible by 8 ? A) k is an integer greater than 5

B) k is an odd integer

4) What is the probability of drawing a red shirt ? A) The bag has 20 shirts not all red B) If the red shirts are removed from the bag, it will only have a few shirts left 5) What is the relationship between A and B ? A) A is older than B B) The mother of A is the niece of B

6) What is the difference of two quantities A and B ? A) A is greater than C by 6 units B) B is less than C by 8 units

7) Did Ramesh purchase the car ?

A) The finance company provided finance at a very attractive rate B) Cars can be purchased by Ramesh using financing schemes.

8) Can Rohan do the job alone in the stipulated time of 2 days? A) Time taken by Ganesh is 50% more than the time taken by Rohan to do the job (both working alone) B) Ganesh, working at half his regular speed, can finish the job in 8 days while working alone 9) Is N odd or even (N > 0) A) N is not a prime number B) B) N is not more than 6 and its square is less than 26

10) What is my age ? A) My age, increased by 20 years, still falls short of my fathers age by half of the above mentioned increased age B) My father is 60 years old. Answers

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

4 4 1 4 4 3 4 3 4 3

Directions : Study the following table carefully and answer the questions given below :

36. Loan Disbursed by Five Banks (Rupees in crores)

Banks 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994

A B C D E Total

18 27 29 31 13 118

23 33 29 16 19 120

45 18 22 28 27 140

30 41 17 32 34 154

70 37 11 43 42 203

1. In which year was the disbursement of loans of all the banks put together least compared to the average disbursement of loans over the years ?
a) 1990 b) 1991 c) 1992 d) 1993 e) 1994 2.What was the percentage increase of disbursement of loans of all banks together from 1992 to 1993 ? a) 110 b) 14 c) 10 d) 90 10/11 e) none

3In which year was the total disbursement of loans of the banks A and B exactly equal to the total disbursement of banks D and E ? a) 1991 b) 1992 c) 1993 d) 1994 e) none

4In which of the following banks did the reimbursement of loans continuously increase over the years ? a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E

5If the minimum target in the preceding years was 20% of the total disbursement of loans, how many banks reached the target in 1991 ? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 e) None

6In which bank was loan disbursement more than 25% of the disbursement of all bank together in 1994 ? a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E

Answers :

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

a c e e b a

Logical Reasoning
Each question contains six statements followed by sets of combinations of three. Choose options in which the statements are logically sequenced.
Q1. a) All men are liable to error c) All saints are liable to error b) All saints are men d) All men are saints

e) All those who are liable to error are men f) All those who are liable to error are saints. 1. cab 2. adf 3. dfa

Q2. a) Some doctors are surgeons c) Some surgeons are devoted people e) Some devoted people are doctors 1. bde 2.bdf 3. aed

b) All surgeons are doctors d) Some devoted people are surgeons f) Some doctors are not surgeons

Q3. a) Some vehicles run on petrol c) All Cars run on petrol e) All Buses run on diesel 1. acf 2. cfa 3.deb

b) Some vehicles run on diesel d) All auto-rickshaws run on diesel f) Some vehicles are cars 4. abf

Q4. a) Some engineers are architects c) All those who earns well are engineers e) All architects are engineers 1. abc 3. cbe

b) All architects earn well d) Some of those who earn well are architects f) Some engineers earn well 4. afb

Q5. a) Some dogs are pets c) No dog is a cat e) No cat is a dog 1. cbd 2. abc

b) Some cats are pets d) Some pets are not dogs f) All dogs are pets 3.ebd 4. feb

Read the following Carefully

Ram always lies and Shyam always tells the truth. Both always answer any question asked if possible as per the above condition. Both know each other well.

Q6. A person asks Ram Dear friend, is your name Shyam? 1. 2. 3. 4. Ram will not be able to answer Ram will say No Ram will not say Yes None of the above

Q7. Ram meets Shyam and asks : Am I Ram? 1. 2. 3. 4. Shyam can not answer Ram cannot ask such questions Shyam saysYes none of the above

Q8. The antonym of the synonym of the antonym of the synonym of ABDICATE is: 1. Abdicate 2. Usurp 3. Live 4. Please

Q9. If your answer to every question whose answer yes is No, and your answer to every question whose answer should be no is Yes then your reply to a question :DO YOU LIE? would be: 1. Yes 2. No 3. Cant Say 4. Both 1&2

Q10. If your answer to every question whose answer no is MAY BE, and your answer to every question whose answer should be yes is NO; then your reply to a question :DO YOUALWAYS TELL THE TRUTH? will be:

1. Yes

2. No

3. MayBe

4. None of these

1.4 2.1 3.2 4.3 5.1 6.4 7. 3 8.1 9.2 10.3

Simple Interest
1. A lent Rs. 1200 to B for 3 years at a certain rate of simple interest and Rs. 1000 to C for the same time at the same rate. If he gets Rs. 50 more from B than from C, then the rate percent is : a) 8 1/3% b) 6 2/3% c) 10 1/3% d) 9 2/3%

2. Rahul borrowed Rs. 830 from Mr. Lal at 12%pa S.I. for 3 years. He then added some more money to the borrowed sum and lent it to Shobha for the same period at 14% p.a. rate of interest. If Rahul gains Rs. 93.90 in the whole transaction, how much money did he add from his side ? a) Rs 35 b) Rs. 55 c) Rs 80 d) Rs. 105

3. The difference between the interests received from two different banks on Rs 500 for 2 years is Rs 2.50. The difference between their rates is: a) 1% b) 0.5% c) 0.25% d) 2.5%

4. The simple interest on Rs. 1820 from March 9, 1994 to May 21, 1994 at 7 % rate will be a) Rs. 29 b) Rs. 28.80 c) Rs 27.30 d) Rs. 22.50

5. A sum was put at simple interest at a certain rate for 2 years. Had it been put at 3% higher rate, it would have fetched Rs. 72 more. The sum is : a) Rs. 1200 b) Rs 1500 c) Rs 1600 d) 1800

6. A watch which gains 5 seconds in 3 minutes was set right at 7am. In the afternoon of the same day, when the watch indicated quarter past 4 oclock, the true time is : a) 59 7/12 min past 3 b) 4 pm c) 58 7/11 min past 3 d) 2 3/11 min past 4

7. A watch which gains uniformly is 2 minutes slow at noon on Monday and is 4 min 48 sec fast at 2pm on the following Monday. When was it correct ? a) 2 pm on Tuesday b) 2pm on Wednesday c) 3pm on Thursday d) 1pm on Friday

8. At what time between 5:30 and 6 will the hands of a clock be at right angles ? a) 43 5/11 past 5 b) 43 7/11 past 5 c) 40 min past 5 d) 45 min past 5

9. At what time between 4 and 5 oclock will the hands of a watch point in opposite directions ? a) 45 min past 4 b) 40 min past 4c) 50 4/11 min past 4 d) 54 6/11min past 4

10.At what time between 7 and 8 oclock will the hands of a clock be in the same straight line but, not together ? a) 5 min past 7 b) 5 2/11 past 7 c) 5 3/11 min past 7 d) 5 5/11 min past 7


Simple interest
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. a d c c a

6. b 7. b 8. b 9. d 10. d

Analogy of Words
Directions : In each of the following questions, a related pair of words or phrases is followed by five lettered pairs of words or phrases. Select the lettered pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.

1. Goose : Gander a) duck : drake b) hen : chicken c) sheep : flock d) dog : kennel e) horse : bridle

2. Dungeon : Confinement a) church : chapel b) school : truancy c) asylum : refuge d) hospital : mercy e) courthouse : remorse

3. Fox : Cunning a) dog : playful b) hyena : amusing c) beaver : industrious d) vixen : cute e) colt : sturdy

4. Range : Mountains a) atlas : map b) plain : prairie c) string : beads d) novel : short stories e) sea : rivers

5. Snicker : Disrespect a) whimper : impatience b) chortle : glee c) frown : indifference d) sneer: detachment e) glower : cheerfulness

6. Hobble : Walk a) Gallop : Run b) stammer : speak c) stumble : fall d) sniff : smell e) amble : stroll

7. Rubber : Elastic a) paper : brittle b) diamond : hard c) satin : sheer d) metal : heavy e) dust : allergic

8. sculptor : stone a) essayist : words b) painter : turpentine c) composer : symphony d) logger: timber e) etcher : acid

9. Moisten : Drench a) enclose : confine b) prick : stab c) disregard : ignore d) scrub : polish e) heat : chill

10. stare : glance a) participate : observer b) scorn : admire c) hunt : stalk d) gulp : sip e) confide : tell

11. Plead : Supplant a. disperse : rioter b) shun : outcast c) reverse : elder d) beg : philanthropist e) translate : interpreter

12. Tryst : Clandestine a) reverie : dreamy b) acquaintanceship : brief c) expectation : hopeless d) glance : resentful e) journey : leisurely

13. Elusive : Capture

a) persuasive : convince b) elastic :stretch c) headstrong : control

d) sensible: decide e)gullible : trick

14. Sign : Zodiac a) poster : billboard b) letter : alphabet c) prediction : prophecy d) signal: beacon e) rhyme : almanac

15. Rout : Defeat a) ovation : applause b) triumph : failure

c) grief : loss d) pathway : ruin e) memory : oblivion

Answers : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. a c c c b b b a b d e a c b a

Time and Work


2. 5 2/3 4. 3 2/3 2. 15 4. 25

A can do a piece of work in 12 days and B alone can do it in 15 days. How 1.6 2/3 much time will both A and B take to finish the work ? 3. 4 2/3 If A and B together can finish a piece of work in 12 days and B alone can 1. 10 finish it in 30 days. In how many days can A alone finish the work ? 3. 20 A,B,C are three typists who, working simultaneously can type 216 pages in four hours. In one hour C can type as many pages more than B as B can type more than A. During a period of five hours C can type as many pages as A can during seven hours. How many pages does each of these type per hour?


No options

A can do a piece of work in 12 days and B in 16 days. After working for four 1. 4 days with A, B leaves the work. In how many days more will A finish the 3. 6 work? A can do a piece of work in 120 days and B can do it in 150 days. They work 1. 200 together in 20 days. Then B leaves and A alone continue the work. 12 days later, C joins A and the work is completed in another 48 days. In how many 3. 240 days can C do it if he works alone ? A can do a piece of work in 10 days, B in 15 days. They work together for 5 1. 20 days. The rest of work is finished by C in 2 days. If they get Rs 150 for the 3. 30 whole work, how much should C get ? A can do a piece of work in 24 days, B in 32 days and C in 64 days. All begin 1. 20 to do it together, but A leaves after 6 days and B leaves 6 days before the 3. 22 completion of the work. How many days did the work last? A is thrice as good a workman as B and is therefore able to finish a piece of 1. 20 work in 60 days less than B. Find the time in which they can do it working 3. 22 together. 2 men and 3 women working 7 hours a day finish a work in 5 days. 4 men 1. 5 and 4 women working 3 hours a day do the same work in 7 days. Find the number of days in which the work is done by 7 men only, working 4 hours a 3. 7 day. A can do a piece of work in 40 days. He works at it for 8 days and then B 1. 13 finishes it in 16 days. How long will they take to complete the work if they 3. 14 do it together.

2. 5 4. 7 2. 220 4. 260

2. 25 4. 35 2. 21 4. 24 2. 21 4. 24 2. 6 4. 8


2. 13 1/3 4. 14 1/3

Answers :

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

1 3 na 2 3 2 1 3 1 2

Problem on Ages
1. Average age of A and B is 24 years and average age of B,C and D is 22 years. The sum of ages of A,B,C and D is : a) 90 years b) 96 years c) 114 years d) Data inadequate

2. The sum of the ages of A,B and C is 96 years. To find out Bs age, which of the following information given in the statements P and Q is/are sufficient ? P: A is 6 years older than C Q : The total of B and Cs ages is 56 years

a) P

b) Q

c) both P and Q

d) None of these.

3. If 6 years are subtracted from the present age of Gulzar and the remainder is divided by 18, then the present age of his grandson Anup is obtained. If Anup is 2 years younger to Mahesh whose age is 5 years, then what is the present age of Gulzar ? a) 96 years b) 84 years c) 48 years d) 60 years

4. Kamla got married 6 years ago. Today her age in 1 times her age at the time of marriage. Her sons age is 1/10 times her age. Her sons age is a) 2 years b) 3 years c) 4 years d) 5 years

5. The age of father 10 years ago was thrice the age of his son. Ten years hence, the fathers age will be twice that of his son. The ratio of their present ages is : a) 5:2 b) 9:2 c) 7:3 d) 13:4

Insert the missing number

1. 15, 31, 63, 127, 255, _________ a) 513 b) 511 c) 517 d) 523

2. 71, 76, 69, 74, 67, 72, _______ a)77 b) 65 c) 80

d) 76

Find out the wrong number in the series

1. 5, 15, 30, 135, 405, 1215, 3645 a) 3645 b) 1215 c) 405 d) 30 e) 15

2. 190, 166, 145, 128, 112, 100, 91 a) 100 b) 166 c) 145 d) 128 e) 112

3. 10, 26, 74, 218, 654, 1946, 5834 a) 26 b) 74 c) 218 d) 654 e) 1946

Answers :

Problem on Ages

1. d 2. c 3. d 4. b 5. c Insert the missing number 1. b 2. b

Find out the wrong number in the series 1. d 2. d 3. d

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