JNC 7 2003 ESH 2003 Chep 2004 HSSH 2005: Home BP Monitoring

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JNC 7 2003 CHEP 2004 ESH 2003 HSSH 2005

JSH 2004 BHS 2004

Home BP Monitoring Clinical Benefits

1. Diagnosis (hypertension, white coat
hypertension, masked hypertension)

2. Prognosis (Ohasama, Pamela, Sheaf, Didima) 3. Long-term follow-up 4. Improvement of patients compliance 5. Improvement of hypertension control

Home BP Monitoring Current Problems

1. Device accuracy 2. Observer bias 3. Observer misreporting 4. Variable monitoring schedule 5. Data summarizing

Journal of Hypertension 2003;21:821-848 Journal of Hypertension 2005;23:697-701

European Society of Hypertension Recommendations

Journal of Hypertension 2003;21:821-848

1. Oscillometric arm measuring devices. 2. Independently validated using established protocols. 3. Correct cuffs for individual arms. 4. Storage, transmission or printing capacity.

European Society of Hypertension Recommendations

Journal of Hypertension 2003;21:821-848

Diagnosis - Treatment Initiation n Duplicate morning (6-9 am) and evening (6-9 pm) measurements for 7 working days. n Exclude 1st day measurements. n Minimum of 12 readings in 7 days. n Average blood pressure taken as reference. Treatment Phase n As in diagnostic phase (trough measurements). Long-Term Observation n 1 week SBPM every 3 months (discard 1st day).

European Society of Hypertension Recommendations

Home Blood Pressure Monitoring
Validated electronic devices (arm) 7 days 2 morning (6-9 am) and 2 evening (6-9 pm) Average blood pressure (exclude 1st day) Storage, transmission or printing capacity.

European Society of Hypertension Recommendations

Home Blood Pressure Monitoring
Validated electronic devices (arm) 7 days 2 morning (6-9 am) and 2 evening (6-9 pm) Average blood pressure (exclude 1st day) Storage, transmission or printing capacity.

Microlife WatchBP Home Monitor

Microlife WatchBP Home

A home BP monitor designed according to European Society of Hypertension Working Group on BP Monitoring recommendations

Microlife WatchBP Home

Stergiou GS, Giovas P. Hypertension Center, 3rd University Dept. of Medicine, Sotiria Hospital, Athens, Greece Jaenecke B, Tan T. Microlife AG, Heerbrugg, Switzerland Chang A, Yen C. Microlife Corporation, Taipei, Taiwan

Validation of the Microlife WatchBP Home device for self-home BP measurement according to the International Protocol
Stergiou G, Giovas P, Gkinos C, Patouras J. Hypertension Center, 3rd University Department of Medicine Sotiria Hospital, Athens, Greece

Blood Pressure Monitoring 2006, in press

Microlife WatchBP Home


Automated oscillometric BP monitor for self-home measurement / arm

1. Dual-function (USUAL / DIAG). 2. Embedded ESH home BP monitoring schedule. 3. Memory - PC link capacity.

Microlife WatchBP Home

Microlife WatchBP Home


USUAL Casual home BP measurements mode DIAG mode

Home BP monitoring schedule strictly according to European Society of Hypertension (duplicate morning and evening measurements for 7 days)

Average home BP is displayed, as well as the individual readings

Microlife WatchBP Home

Microlife WatchBP Home

Microlife WatchBP Home


Microlife WatchBP Home

Microlife WatchBP Home

Microlife WatchBP Home

Stergiou, George

Microlife WatchBP Home

Microlife WatchBP Home Monitor

Unique Design Unique Function

Unique Solution

Microlife WatchBP Home

Pilot Study

Users Acceptance - Performance

20 consecutive hypertensives. Age 34-78 years, 13/7 men/women, low-high level of education. 7 days self-home Watch-BP use. Brief instructions (5 min) single-page handout.

Tuesday 17 Oct. 2006 Abstract 10573 Blood Pressure Monitoring (in press)

Microlife Watch BP Monitor

A tool for reliable home BP monitoring designed according to the European Society of Hypertension recommendations

Microlife WatchBP Home

Pilot Study

Users Acceptance - Performance

95% Effectively used the DIAG mode (19/20).
Used the USUAL mode (4 used only the 70% DIAG mode - 1 did not use the device). Easy or very easy to understand 90% the dual function and to use the device.

90% Dual mode useful or very useful.

Microlife WatchBP Home Monitor

1. Accurate BP measurement 2. Reliable assessment (no observer bias, no reporting bias) 3. Strictly adhering to European Society of Hypertension recommendations (measurement schedule - BP summary) 4. Convenient for patient - physician 5. Reasonable cost

Microlife WatchBP Home Monitor

A unique tool for optimal application of self-home BP monitoring in clinical practice strictly adhering to the

European Society of Hypertension


Microlife WatchBP Home Monitor

In press, Blood Pressure Monitoring

Watch BP Pro for the doctors office

doctor initiates Watch BP concept by Watch BP Pro measurement in his office Watch BP Pro supplies the office readings next to the home readings obtained by Watch BP Home can do simultaneous left right arm measurements to find out which arm shows higher readings can transfer data to Watch BP.net software via bluetooth 3 modes: 1st visit mode, further visit mode and also an auscultation mode LCD backlight Fully automatic measurement procedure Oscillometric method equipped with S, M and L cuffs (2 each) last reading memory, only

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