Cad/cam/question Bank

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UNIT - I 1. Explain the factors, which inhibit the use of a very high resolution and a large number of colours for display in the case of raster scanning display devices? (May/June 09) Give the general configuration of a CAD computer system. In what ways CAD can help manufacturing activity? Discuss. CAD helps in integrating CAM- Justify this statement. How do you specify a plotter for graphics application? Explain the four types of production. Briefly describe the types of storage devices used in computers.

2. i ii 3 4. i. ii. 5. 6. i. ii. 7.

(May/June 09) (May/June 09)

(Nov 08,Jun 09) (Nov 08,Jun 09)

In design, what do you understand by synthesis and engineering analysis? Explain how CAD helps to synthesize a product design and do engineering analysis for getting optimal design. (Jine 09) Briefly explain the conventional process of the product cycle in the conventional manufacturing environment. 08) What is the structure of a computing system? What do you understand by the CPU? (Nov

8. i. ii. 9. i. ii.

(Nov 08)

List the advantages of computer aided design. Bring out clearly the diculties a design engineer has to face at each of the design stages if they are carried out manually. (Nov 08) How does a CRT work? What are the capabilities and limitations of directed beam refresh graphics terminal? Write briefly on the secondary storage devices used in CAD System. (Nov 08) What are the functions of an interactive graphic design workstation? (Feb 08,May 04) Explain with the help of a neat sketch, how an image is generated on a computer terminal. Elaborate on the basic requirements that a CAD software has to satisfy. Describe the various database models which are generally used. Write short notes on the following: Random scan graphic terminal Digitizers and Image scanners CPU What are the reasons for implementing a computer aided design system. With the help of a block diagram, explain the computer aided design process. Explain how an image is generated and maintained in a direct beam refresh terminal. What is a digitizer? Explain how it can be used for transferring paper drawing to CAD system. (Feb 08,Mar 06)

10. i. ii. iii. 11.. i. ii. 12. i. ii. 13. i. ii. iii. 14. i. ii. 16 i. ii.

(Feb 07)

(Feb 07)

UNIT - II 1. A scaling factor of 2 is applied in the Y direction while no scaling is applied in the X direction to the line whose two end points are at coordinates (1, 3) and (3,6). The line is to be rotated subsequently through 300, in the counter clockwise direction. Determine the necessary transformation matrix for the operation and the new coordinates of the end points. (May/June 09) The vertices of a triangle are situated at points (15, 30), (25, 35) and (5, 45). Find the coordinates of the vertices if the triangle is first rotated 100 counter clockwise direction about the origin and then scaled to twice its size.(May/June 09) Explain the details of polygon clipping. Give its advantages compared to the line clipping. (May/June 09) What is the need for concatenation of transformations? Explain what care should be taken in such cases. (Nov 08)

2. 3. 4..


Explain the method of back face removal. Give its advantages and limitations with reference to hidden line removal. (Nov 08) Explain the concept of obtaining a reflection about an arbitrary line starting from the plain reflection about an axis. How do you obtain the orthographic projections of 3D geometric data base? (Nov 08) What is meant by Interactive Computer Graphics? Explain its various elements. Describe the various database models which are generally used. (Nov 08) (Feb 08)


7. 8

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 21.

What are the different Radius graphic display devices? Explain? List at differet problems associated with raster graphic display device. What are normalized device co-ordinaters? What is display file? Explain the stricture of display file? What is transformation? How many types fo transformations ae there to change the geometry? What is a projection? Explain different types of projections? What is clipping? Explain with the help of a diagram. Explain Cohen-Sutherland algorithm for for clipping of lines Write down the different techniques for the hidden surface removerl. Explain?

UNIT - III 1. Specify the three principal classifications of the geometric modeling systems and write in brief about each of them. (May/June 09) For a cubic Bezier curve, carry a similar matrix formulation to a cubic spline. (May/June 09)

2. 3.

Given a point Q and a parametric curve in the Cartesian space, find the closest point P on the curve to Q. Hint: Find P such that (Q - P) is perpendicular to the tangent vector. (May/June 09) i. ii Derive the cubic spline equations. Explain the engineering application of cubic splines.


(May/June 09)

5. 7. 8.

Derive the condition for C0 and C1 continuity in a cubic Bezier composite surface of two patches. (May/June 09) What are the types of surfaces that CAD/CAM systems use? (Nov 08) What do you understand by the form element method of geometric construction? Specify the applications of this method of modeling in comparison to that of the variant type. (Nov 08) What are the limitations in utilizing the sweep method for geometric construction? (Nov 08)


10 i. ii.

Distinguish between interpolation and approximation approaches used in design of curves. Explain the basic curve fitting techniques.

(Nov 08)

11. i. ii.

Write on the importance of studying geometric modeling in CAD. What are entities? Explain the methods of defining lines, arcs and Circles in wire frame modeling?

(Feb 08,Jun 09)

12 Describe with the help of neat sketches the major surface entities provided by CAD/CAM systems .(Feb 08) 13. i. ii. 14.. How do you ensure convex hull property in Bezier surface? Describe the effect of characteristic polyhedron over the resulting Bezier surface. What do you mean by blending function? Explain reparametrisation of a surface. (Feb 08) (Feb 08) (Feb 08)

15. i. ii. 16. 17.

Write a note on: NURBS B-splines.

(Nov 07) (Nov 07)

Discuss the modeling guidelines to be followed by the user while constructing a surface modelasaCAD/CAM system.(Nov 07) Differentiate between Bezier and B- spline surface with reference to number of control points, order of continuity and surface normal. (Mar 06) Explain how a Bezier curve is defined. What are the advantages of Bezier curves over cubic spline. Explain how the curves are represented in Generic form Parametric form.

18. i. ii. 19. i. ii.

(Mar 06)

(Nov 05,May 04)

UNIT - IV 1. Find all the layer-related commands on your system, specifically how to select/deselect layers, assign entities to layers, assign layers to entities, assign colors to layers, modify layer colors and modify layers of existing entities. (May/June 09) What are the basic Geometric commands in AutoCAD? (May/June 09)

2. 3.

Give an example of how the centralized integrated database concept can help with the what-if situations that arise during the design process. (Nov 08,Jun 09) Describe various commonly used primitives for solid modeling and explain theBoolean operations. Describe the properties that a solid model should capture mathematically. (Nov 08) Develop an algorithm that can enable the user to create and manipulate boundary model by using set operations. Create the boundary model of the solid fillet. (Nov 08) It is desired to develop bounded primitives for a two- dimensional solid modeler based on the CSG scheme. Plate (rectangular plate and triplate) and disc primitives are to be developed. Find the mathematical definitions of these primitives. (Feb 08) Describe the various methods and operations required in each approach for the Connecting rod. (Feb 08)

4. i. ii. 5. i. ii. 6.

7. 8

What do you mean by geometric modeling? Enumerate various solid-modeling techniques and compare them. (Feb 07, ,Mar 06,Nov 06)


How do you represent a bracket with various primitives and sweep operations. Sketch with appropriate dimensions and explain the limitation. (Nov 07)

UNIT - V 1. i. ii Explain the G codes used for tool offset functions? Develop a macro for machining multiple grooves in a CNC turning center. Discuss the justification of CNC machines. Describe the features of CNC machining centers. Describe the axis representation system used for CNC Milling machines. Discuss the various interpolation methods used in NC machines. What is the purpose of a tool presetter? What is a CL data file? Explain its significance. Differentiate between horizontal and vertical flow patterns giving its utility. Explain the following types of flow pattern: i. Straight line flow ii. L-shaped flow iii. U-shaped flow iv. Circular flow v. Serpentine flow.

(May/June 09)

2. i. ii 3. i. ii i. ii i. ii

(May/June 09)

(May/June 09)


(May/June 09)


(May/June 09)

6. i. ii. 7.

Describe the Binary coded decimal system used in NC machines for part programming. Why is parity check provided in NC punched tapes?

(Nov 08)

The top surface of a large cast iron plate is to be face milled. The area to be machined is 400-mm wide and 700-mm long. The insert type face milling cutter has eight teeth and is 100 mm in diameter. Define the origin of the axis system at the lower left corner of the part with the long side parallel to the x-axis. Write the APT geometry and motion statements for this job. (Nov 08)

8. i. ii.

Draw the Manual Part Programming sheet and explain how the entries are made in the sheet with the help of an example. Briefly discuss the following NC motion control systems. i. Point -to-point ii. Straight cut iii. Contouring (Nov 08) Discuss the several word functions in Numerical Control systems. What are the advantages of DNC over NC/CNC . Explain open loop system and closed loop system of numerical control. Enumerate the advantages of Adaptive Control System when compared with CNC/DNC. Briefly discuss about the coordinate systems in NC system. Discuss the principal functions of Direct Numerical Control Systems. Differentiate between i. Absolute and Incremental positioning system. ii. Fixed and Floating zero method. ii. Draw the block diagram of Adaptive Control System and explain briefly.

9. i. ii. 10. i. ii. 11. i. ii. 12. i.

(Nov 08)

(Nov 08) (Feb 08)

(Feb 08)


Distinguish between Numerical Control and Computer Numerical Control. (Feb 08) The figure shown below represents a part outline and is to be milled in two passes using the same milling tool. The tool is a 25mm diameter end mill. Write the part program using APT language. Assume the necessary data. {As showninthe Figure5b} Discuss the special features of NC machine tool when compared to the conventional machine tools. Write the mannal part program manuscript using the word address format and absolute positioning system to drill the holes in the part shown in the figure 1. (Feb 07) Discuss the difficulties encountered in using conventional numerical control. Enumerate the advantages of Computer Assisted Part Programming when compared to Manual Part Programming. (Feb 07,Mar 06) What is adaptive control system? Discuss its advantages to the manufacturing technology. Discuss the merits and demirits of NC system (Jun 09,Feb07,Nov 06)

15. i. ii.

16. i. ii.

17. i. ii.

18. 19. i.


Explain the APT statements: (i) GOTO and GO/TO (ii) GODLTA and GOBACK and (iii) INTOL and OUTTOL. (April/may04) Differentiate between: i) NC, CNC and DNC system ii) ACC and ACO adaptive control system Describe the parts classification and coding system. Enumerate advantages of GT (April/may04) (Apr/may-03) (Nov 02) (Jun 02)

20. 21.

Differentiate between CNC and DNC machining. What are the steps in APT?

UNIT-VI 1. What are the advantages of CAPP over Manual process planning? Explain in detail. 2. 3. How do you reduce the intra-cellular movement in Machine cells?

(May/June 09) (May/June 09)

Apply the rank order clustering technique to the following part-incidence matrix to group parts into part families. Minimum duplication of machines is allowed. (Nov 08) 4. Write the steps involved in Production flow analysis. Why do you carryout such analysis? (Nov 08) 5. Describe the Optiz classification system in detail. (Nov 08) 6. Explain the following: i. Composite component ii. Design and manufacturing attributes iii. Hybrid structures. (Nov 08) 7. i. Explain Opitz classification system. ii. Discuss the basic code structures used in group technology. (Nov 08) 8. i. Explain machine cell design in group technology. ii. Compare a process-type layout and group technology layout for batch production of a simple component. (Nov 08) 9. Define the following terms in respect of industrial robots : i. workspace ii. dextrous workspace iii.Accuracy and repeatability. 10. 11. Briefly describe the features of F.M.S . (April/may 03)

Define the term Group Technology and its importance in plant layout and manufacturing process planning . (April/may 03) List three advantages of G.T.? Explain the concept of FMS with a typical sketch describing its components. What do you understand by a composite part in group technology? Describe briefly the operation of a machining centre (Jan 01) (IES 96 (Nov 02)

12 13. 14. 15.

UNIT -VII 1. 2. i. ii 3. What is meant by Kaizen in JIT? Discuss it in detail. Discuss the role of Human resources in FMS. Discuss a few applications of FMS in detail. (May/June 09)

(May/June 09)

Explain JIT production system with respect to the following: i. Batch size ii. Setup time iii. Product schedule. Discuss the important features of Lean Manufacturing . Explain JIT production system with respect to the following: i. Inventory ii. Quality control iii. Production line. Describe hardware configuration of CIM with the help of a sketch. i. ii.

(Nov 08)

4. 5.

(Nov 08) (Nov 08)

6. 7.

Explain the application and advantages of integration of CAQC with CAD/CAM systems. With the help of schematic diagram explain the operation of scanning laser beam system. Explain its application in CAQC systems. (Nov 08) Explain the applications of Computer Integrated Manufacturing systems. Discuss the possible computer applications in Manufacturing Planning activities. Discuss the advantages of non-contact inspection techniques. Explain briefly the data requirements of MRP?

8. i. ii. 9. i. ii.

(Nov 08)

(Nov 08)

10. i. ii. 13.

Explain the miscellaneous functions of a manufacturing cycle that interface with production planning functions.(Feb 08) Explain general types of non-optical, non-contact inspection methods. What are the objectives of CAQC? Explain the different computer aided inspection methods

(Nov 06, 03 June 01)

UNIT-VIII 1. 2. Discuss the role of CAPP in CIM in detail. (May/June 09)

When do you say that a manufacturing system is Flexible? What are the tests to be fulfilled by such system? (May/June 09) How does CIM integrate all activities of industry? Explain. (May/June 09)

3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

In which type of production, FMS is applied? What are the advantages of FMS? (Nov 08) Describe the role of RS232C, DNC and LAN in integrating various components of FMS. (Nov 08) A flexible machining system consists of two machining workstations and a load/unload station. Station 1 is the load/unload station. Station 2 performs milling operations and consists of two servers (two identical CNC milling machines). Station 3 has one server that performs drilling (one CNC drill press). The stations are connected by a part handling system that has four work carriers. The mean transport time is 3.0 min. The FMS produces two parts, A and B. The part mix fractions and process routings for the two parts are presented in the table below. Determine, i. maximum production rate of the FMS, ii. corresponding production rates of each product, iii. utilization of each station and iv. number of busy servers at each station. (Nov 08) i. Describe a materials handling system. ii. What are the three major elements of an ASRS? Explain. (June 09,Nov 08) i. Discuss the principle of variant process planning. (Feb 08) ii. With the help of a block diagram explain the different sub-modules of a typical Material Requirements Planning system. Explain with a block diagram the Computer-Integrated-Production-Planning Control-System. Explain in detail the dierent types of database requirements in CIM. Discuss the integration of CAD database and CMM operation. (Feb 08)

10. i. ii.

(Feb 07)

11. i. What is computer integrated manufacturing? Explain. ii. Distinguish between Automation and Computer Integrated Manufacturing iii. Explain briefly the scope of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 12. 13. 14. 15. i. ii. 16. i. ii.

(Feb 07). (Nov 07)

State the principles upon which the concept of concurrent engineering is based. Explain with the aid of a block diagram the concept of CIM What is computer integrated manufacturing? Explain. Explain the applications of Computer Integrated Manufacturing systems. Discuss the possible computer applications in Manufacturing Planning activities (Nov 07) (Nov 06,May 04)

(Nov 06,May 04)

What is generative process planning? Explain. With the help of a block diagram explain the different typical modules of a shop floor control software. (Mar 06)

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