IGBC Green Townships Rating System

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IGBC Green Townships

IGBC Green Townships Rating System

(Draft Version)
June 2010

Confederation of Indian Industry

CII-Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre

Copyright 2008 by the Indian Green Building Council. All rights reserved. The Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) authorises you to view the IGBC Green Townships draft Version 1.0 for your individual use. You agree not to sell or modify the IGBC Green Townships draft version 1.0 or to reproduce, display or distribute in any way for any public or commercial purpose, including display on a website or in a networked environment. Unauthorised use of the IGBC Green Townships draft version 1.0 violates copyright, trademark and other laws and is prohibited. Note that the National and local codes, norms, etc., used in the IGBC Green Townships draft version 1.0 are in the public domain. All other content in the IGBC Green Townships draft version 1.0 are owned by the Indian Green Building Council and are protected by copyright.

None of the parties involved in developing the IGBC Green Townships Version 1.0, including the Indian Green Building Council assume any liability or responsibility, to the user or any third parties for any injuries, losses or damages arising out of such use.

Indian Green Building Council C/o Confederation of Indian Industry CII Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre Survey No. 64, Kothaguda Post Near Kothaguda Cross Roads, R R Dist Hyderabad 500 084


IGBC Green Townships
5 6 6 8 9 10 14

Foreword from IGBC Introduction Township Defined Benefits of Green Township Benefits to Developers IGBC Green Townships Rating Levels Green Townships Project Checklist SITE SELECTION SS MR 1 SS MR 2 SS MR 3 SS MR 4 SS Credit 1 SS Credit 2 SS Credit 3.1 SS Credit 3.2 SS Credit 4 SS Credit 5 SS Credit 5.2 SS Credit 6 LAND USE PLANNING LP MR 1 LP MR 2 LP MR 3 LP Credit 1 LP Credit 2 LP Credit 3 LP Credit 4 LP Credit 5 LP Credit 6 Land Use Optimisation Regional / Local Regulations

18 19 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Avoid Development of Inappropriate Sites Preserve Existing Trees & Water Bodies Soil Erosion Control Connectivity to Existing Infrastructure Conserve Biodiversity Retain Natural Topography Public Landscape Areas Redevelopment of Contaminated Areas Preserve Agricultural Lands Community Farming Urban Microclimate

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41

Basic Facilities for Construction Workforce Basic Amenities within the Sector Mixed Use Development Housing Typologies Green Buildings Adaptive Reuse of Historical Buildings Employment Opportunities Social Initiatives


TRANSPORT PLANNING TP MR 1 TP MR 2 TP Credit 1 TP Credit 2 TP Credit 3 TP Credit 4 TP Credit 5 Long Term Transportation Management Plan Design for Differently Abled Access to Local Transit Facilities Alternate Refueling Stations Street Network Bicycle Lanes Pedestrian Network 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

INFRASTRUCTURE MANGEMENT IM MR 1 IM MR 2 IM Credit 1 IM Credit 2.1 IM Credit 2.2 IM Credit 3 IM Credit 4 IM Credit 5 IM Credit 6 IM Credit 7 IM Credit 8 Rainwater Harvesting, 25% Segregation of Solid Waste Rainwater Harvesting Waste Water Treatment Waste Water Reclamation Energy Efficiency On-site Renewable Energy Off-site Green Power Construction Waste Reduction Organic Solid Waste Management Recycled Materials 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61

INNOVATION IN DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY IDT Credit 1.1 IDT Credit 1.2 IDT Credit 1.3 IDT Credit 1.4 IDT Credit 1.5 IDT Credit 2 Innovation in Design & Technology Innovation in Design & Technology Innovation in Design & Technology Innovation in Design & Technology Innovation in Design & Technology IGBC Accredited Professional 63 63 63 63 63 64


Foreword from the IGBC
India is witnessing tremendous growth in infrastructure and construction development. The construction industry in India is one of the largest economic activities and is growing at an average rate of 9.5% as compared to the global average of 5%. As the sector is growing rapidly, preserving the environment poses a host of challenges. To enable the construction industry to be environmentally sensitive, CII-Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre has established the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC). IGBC is a consensus driven not-for-profit council representing the building industry, consisting of more than 903 committed members. The council encourages builders, developers and owners to build green to enhance the economic and environmental performance of buildings. The Green Building Movement in India has been spearheaded by IGBC since 2001, by creating national awareness. The councils activities have enabled a market transformation with regard to green building concepts, materials and technologies. IGBC continuously works to provide tools that facilitate the adoption of green building practices in India. The development of IGBC Green Townships Rating System is another important step in this direction.

IGBC Membership
IGBC draws its strength from its members who have been partners in facilitating the Green Building Movement in India. The local chapters led by individual champions and committed members have been instrumental in reaching out the vision of the IGBC at the regional levels. IGBC is today seen as a leader in spearheading the Indian green building movement. The council is member driven and consensus based. Contact: Indian Green Building Council C/o Confederation of Indian Industry CII Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre Survey No. 64, Kothaguda Post Near Kothaguda Cross Roads, R R District Hyderabad 500 084 India Ph: +91 40 23112971-74 Fax : +91 40 23112837 Email: igbc@cii.in Web: www.igbc.in

I. Introduction


Cities are the engines for social and economic growth of a country. The urban sector contributes nearly 50-60% to the nations GDP1. Cities have been pivotal in the creation of employment and the economic growth in the country. Creation of job opportunities coupled with higher incomes and standards of living has led to an influx of rural population into urban areas. As a result, India has witnessed an unprecedented growth in the urban population. As per 2001 census, 28 % of Indias total population resides in urban areas. It is estimated that by the year 2030, the urban population would rise to 42% of the total population of the country 2. Urbanisation, however, is coming at a price. Rapid growth in urbanisation has placed immense strain on land and other natural resources. The shortage of housing has led to creation of slums & unauthorised settlements. Rising pollution levels, traffic congestions and inadequate waste management have resulted in a deteriorated quality of life and environment in the urban areas. It is estimated that nearly 200 integrated township developments would be added to the countrys landscape in the coming years. This augurs well for the country and presents a wonderful opportunity to design these developments as green from day one. Against this background, Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) has launched IGBC Green Townships Rating System. The rating system is a tool which enables the designer to apply green concepts and criteria, so as to reduce environmental impacts that are measurable.

II. Township Defined :

A township is a combination of several communities; a community inturn is a combination of several sectors. Several townships form a city. A city typically has an administrative, legal, or historical status based on local law. A township, however, may not fall under the purview of the local government. Townships range in sizes and land uses. Townships are typically mixed-use in character. However, they can be predominantly commercial, industrial or retail but should necessarily comprise of a residential component. Atleast 30% of the development within the township should be earmarked for residential use for it to qualify for certification. Sector can be defined as the basic module of a city. Walkabiltiy, interconnectivity, compactness, diversity are quintessential of a sector. The size of a sector can be defined in terms of comfortable walking distances from the centre to its periphery. Typically, 400 to 800 m is considered as a comfortable walking distance. A sector should consist of a mix of land uses ranging from commercial to residential. Within the sector, the basic amenities as well as transit stops should be located within comfortable walking distance from various land uses.
1. Source: http://www.urbanindia.nic.in/urbanscene/urbanreforms/urbanreform.htm 2. Roberts, B., Kanaley T., (2006). Urbanization and Sustainability in Asia . Philippines. Cities Alliance.



Figure 1: Schematic diagram showing the relationship between sectors, community and a township Figure 2: Schematic diagram showing mixed-use development with basic amenities within a sector Note: These figures are indicative only and should not be construed as recommendations


The IGBC Green Townships Rating System is designed to address the issues of sprawl, automobile dependency, social and environmental disconnect. Developments are evaluated on the following broad aspects: Environmental planning Land Use planning Resources management Community development

It is to be noted that the above aspects should be addresses at each sector level.

III. Benefits of Green Township

Application of IGBC Green Townships rating systems in large developments would address national priorities leading to benefits, such as efficient land use, habitat preservation and restoration, effective transport management, efficient use of resource and enhanced quality of life for the occupants. A) Efficient Land Use: In todays scenario, development has become synonymous with physical expansion or growth. There is a need for significant changes in the pattern of land use and construction that will provide communities with better quality of life and at the same time conserve natural resource. Green Townships rating system addresses the impacts of urban sprawl by encouraging compact, mixed-use developments and promotes higher urban densities without affecting the quality of life. B) Habitat Preservation & Restoration: Conventional development is generally insensitive to natural environment. Such developments may scar the landscape, take prime agricultural land out of production or destroy biodiversity and natural habitats. The green townships rating system is designed to facilitate restoration and preservation of the natural environment by encouraging strategies that aid interface between the built environment and natural environment. This approach will not only enhance the fabric of the planned development but also provide environments conducive for living and working. C) Efficient Transportation Management: Traffic congestion, long distance commuting, rising levels of air and noise pollution are pressing issues in todays cities. Efforts to relieve congestion such as constructing flyovers, road widening etc., are good initiatives but may not address issues such as fossil fuel consumption and associated emissions. Green Townships rating system addresses these issues by encouraging effective and efficient transportation management strategies. Such strategies include increasing opportunities for bicycling, encouraging pedestrian friendly network; reduce the number of automobile trips, promoting public transportation and use of alternative vehicles.


D) Efficient Use of Resources: Perhaps the most challenging problem facing our cities today is to meet the ever- rising demand for power, water supply and waste management. Meeting this demand requires enormous amounts of investments infrastructure. Efficient and effective use of resources is thus vital in augmenting the existing infrastructure. Adopting the IGBC Green Townships rating systems will reap the following benefits: o Water Efficiency: Most of the Asian countries are water stressed and in countries like India the water table has reduced drastically over the last decade. Green townships encourage use of water in a self - sustainable manner through reducing, recycling and reusing strategies and can save potable water to an extent of 30 50%. o Energy Efficiency: Green townships can reduce energy consumption through energy efficient street lighting, motors, pumps etc. The energy savings that can be realised by adopting this rating programme can be to the tune of 20 30%. Further, on-site power generation using various renewable energy technologies and other clean fuels can significantly reduce the load on grid power supply. o Waste Management: Green townships encourage effective waste management strategies by facilitating the segregating of waste at source and promoting the reuse / co- processing of products and materials. E) Enhanced Quality Of Life: The place that we live in has a profound effect on our lives. People have a natural predisposition to feel better and perform better in livable & safe environments. IGBC Green townships rating system promotes the creation of diverse, connected, affordable, safe and healthy communities that enhance social interaction and ownership. Green Townships developments are beneficial to the individual and community. Mixed land use and compact planning, characteristic of a green development reduce dependency on automobiles and associated green house emissions. The outdoor air quality is enhanced by providing landscaped areas, encouraging the use of clean fuels for vehicles. Noise levels are reduced by provision of vegetative buffer. Green buildings and energy efficient infrastructure further aid in reducing the green house gas emissions. Public landscaped areas, walkable streets, bicycling lanes, community gardens and public spaces encourage physical activity and help in improving public health.

Benefits to Developers
There is wide spread perception that environmentally responsive developments are time consuming and financially less rewarding. However, in reality well- executed green developments perform extremely well financially as they require lower operating costs, increase health and productivity of the citizens and have higher marketability. The immediate benefits include reduction in water and energy demand right from the initial stages of operation. The energy savings range from 20-30% and water savings around 30-50%.


Other benefits include : Reduced maintenance costs Reduced resource consumption Reduced waste generation Higher marketability Speedy approvals

IV. IGBC Green Townships Rating Levels

The guidelines detailed under each credit enable the design and construction of green townships of all sizes. IGBC Green Townships addresses green features under the following categories: Site Selection Land Use Planning Transportation Planning Infrastructure Management

Innovation in Design & Technology Every green township should meet certain mandatory requirements, these are non-negotiable. Different levels of green township certification are awarded based on the total credits earned. Innovation in design and technology recognises ideas that are not addressed under the rating system or the project demonstrates exemplary performance in any of the credits. Achievements under this credit should have significant environmental benefits and measurable. The threshold criteria for certification levels are as under: Certification Levels Certified Silver Gold Platinum a. When to use IGBC Green Townships IGBC Green Township rating system is designed primarily for urban level developments. The rating system is primarily designed to address planning and construction of large scale developments such as integrated townships, satellite cities, gated communities, campuses with multiple buildings etc. and for not individual buildings and land parcels. Residential component would necessarily be an integral part of such developments. Atleast 30% of the development within the township should be earmarked for residential use for it to qualify for certification. Points for Green Townships 100 119 120 139 140 159 160-200 Recognition Best practices Outstanding performance National excellence Global leadership



The project team can evaluate all the possible points to apply under the rating system using a suitable checklist. The project can apply for certification if it can meet all mandatory requirements and achieve the minimum required points. b. IGBC Green Townships Registration Project teams interested in IGBC Green Townships Certification for their project must first register with IGBC. Projects can be registered on IGBC website (www.igbc.in) under IGBC Green Townships. The website includes information on registration fee for IGBC member companies as well as non-members. Registration is the initial step which helps establish contact with IGBC and provides access to the required documents, templates, important communications and other necessary information. Visit the web site for important details about IGBC Green Townships, application as well as the certification review process, schedule and fee. c. Documentation The project team is expected to provide supporting documents at each stage of submission for all the mandatory requirements and the credits attempted. Supporting documents are those which provide specific proof of meeting the required performance level, such as, specifications, drawings (in native format only), purchase invoices and other documents. These details are mentioned in this draft, under each credit / mandatory requirement. Documentation is submitted in two phases design submittals and construction submittals: The design submission involves those credits which can be evaluated at the design stage. The draft provides the list of design and construction phase credits. After the design submission, review is done by third party assessors and review comments would be provided within 30 working days. The next phase involves submission of clarifications to design queries and construction document submittal. The construction document is submitted on completion of the project. This review will also be provided within 30 working days, after which the rating is awarded. It is important to note that the credits earned at the design review are only considered as anticipated and are not awarded until the final construction documents are submitted along with additional documents showing implementation of design features. If there are changes for any design credit anticipated, these changes need to be documented and resubmitted for the construction review phase. IGBC will recognise Townships that achieve one of the rating levels with a formal letter of certification and a mountable plaque.



d. Precertification Projects by developers can register for Precertification. This is an option provided for projects aspiring to get precertified at the design stage. The documentation submitted for precertification must detail the project design features, which will be implemented. The rating awarded under precertification is based on the projects design details that comply with the requirements of rating system. It is important to note that the precertification rating awarded need not neccesarily correspond to the final certification. Precertified projects are required to provide the status of the project to IGBC, in relation to the rating, once in every six months until the award of the final rating. Precertification gives the owner/developer a unique advantage to market the project to potential buyers. Those projects which seek precertification need to submit the following documentation: For each credit, a narrative on how the project would meet the goal Design calculations, wherever appropriate Drawings (in JPEG or PDF format only) as appropriate Filled in templates

IGBC would take 30 working days to review the first set of precertification documents. On receiving the clarifications posed in the first review, IGBC would take another 30 working days to award the precertification. A certificate and a letter are provided to projects on precertification. e. Credit Interpretation Ruling (CIR) In some instances the design team can face certain challenges in applying or interpreting a mandatory requirement or a credit. It can also happen in cases where the project can opt to achieve the same goal through a different compliance route. To resolve this, IGBC uses the process of Credit Interpretation Ruling (CIR) to ensure that rulings are consistent and applicable to other projects as well. The following are the steps to be followed in case the project team faces a problem: Consult the Reference Guide for description of the credit goal, compliance options and calculations Review the goal of the credit or mandatory requirement and self-evaluate whether the project satisfies the goal Review the Credit Interpretation web page for previous CIR on the relevant credit or mandatory requirement. All projects registered under IGBC Green Townships will have access to this page If a similar CIR has not been addressed or does not answer the question sufficiently, submit a credit interpretation request. Only registered projects are eligible to post CIRs. Two CIRs are answered without levying any fee and for any CIR beyond the first two CIRs, fee is levied.


f. Appeal Generally credits get denied due to misinterpretation of the goal. On receipt of the final review, the project team has the option to appeal to IGBC for reassessment of denied credits or mandatory requirements. The documentation for the mandatory requirements or credits seeking appeal may be resubmitted to IGBC along with necessary fee. IGBC will take 30 working days to review such documentation. These submissions would be reviewed by an assessor not involved in the earlier assessments. Documentation for appeals should include the following: i. Documentation submitted for design submission ii. Documentation submitted for construction submission iii. Clarifications along with necessary drawings and calculations g. Fee Certification fee details can be found on IGBC website. h. Updates and Addenda This is the first draft version of IGBC Green Townships Rating Systems. As the rating system continues to improve and evolve, updates and addenda to the reference guide will be made available through the website. These additions will be incorporated in the next version of the rating system.



Checklist for IGBC Green Townships Rating System
Points Awarded

Site Selection
SS Mandatory Requirement 1 SS Mandatory Requirement 2 SS Mandatory Requirement 3 SS Mandatory Requirement 4 SS Credit 1 SS Credit 2 SS Credit 3.1 SS Credit 3.2 SS Credit 4 SS Credit 5.1 SS Credit 5.2 SS Credit 6 Regional/Local Regulations Avoid Development of Inappropriate Sites Preserve Existing Trees & Water Bodies Soil Erosion Control Connectivity to Existing Infrastructure Conserve Biodiversity Retain Natural Topography Public Landscape Areas Redevelopment of Contaminated Areas Preserve Agricultural Lands Community Farming Urban Microclimate Required Required Required Required 6 4 4 4 3 4 4 4


Land Use Planning

LP Mandatory Requirement 1 LP Mandatory Requirement 2 LP Mandatory Requirement 3 LP Credit 1 LP Credit 2 LP Credit 3 LP Credit 4 LP Credit 5 LP Credit 6 Land Use Optimisation Basic Facilities for Construction Workforce Basic Amenities within the Sector Mixed Use Development Housing Typologies Green Buildings Adaptive Reuse of Historical Buildings Employment Opportunities Social Initiatives Required Required Required 8 8 8 4 6 6


Transportation Planning
TP Mandatory Requirement 1 TP Mandatory Requirement 2 TP Credit 1 TP Credit 2 TP Credit 3 TP Credit 4 TP Credit 5 Long Term Transportation Management Plan Design for Differently Abled Access to Local Transit Facilities Alternate Refueling Stations Street Network Bicycle Lanes Pedestrian Network Required Required 8 6 8 6 10




Infrastructure Management
IM Mandatory Requirement 1 IM Mandatory Requirement 2 IM Credit 1 IM Credit 2.1 IM Credit 2.2 IM Credit 3 IM Credit 4 IM Credit 5 IM Credit 6 IM Credit 7 IM Credit 8 Rainwater Harvesting, 25% Segregation of Waste Rainwater Harvesting Waste Water Treatment Waste Water Reclamation Energy Efficiency On-site Renewable Energy Off-site Green Power Construction Waste Reductio n Organic Solid Waste Management Recycled Materials Required Required 8 4 4 6 10 15 6 6 6

65 Innovation in Design & Technology

IDT Credit 1.1 IDT Credit 1.2 IDT Credit 1.3 IDT Credit 1.4 IDT Credit 1.5 IDT Credit 2 Innovation in Design & Technology Innovation in Design & Technology Innovation in Design & Technology Innovation in Design & Technology Innovation in Design & Technology IGBC Accredited Professional 4 4 4 4 4 4

24 Total Maximum Points 200



IGBC Green Township Categories Categories Site Selection Land Use Planning Transportation Planning Infrastructure Management Innovation in Design & Technology Total Points Points 33 40 38 65 24


IGBC Green Township Certification Levels Certification Levels Certified Silver Gold Platinum Points for Green Townships 100- 119 120 139 140 159 160-200 Recognition Best practices Outstanding performance National excellence Global leadership





Site Selection




Design Submittal

Regional/Local Regulations
SS Mandatory Requirement 1

Ensure that projects comply with statutory laws and regulatory codes so as to support the local governments in implementing such requirements Compliance Options: Design the project to comply with regional and local planning regulations and policies Documentation Required: Provide approval documents and plans obtained from competent government authorities Approach and Methodologies: Survey the by-law requirements in the area of development. Ensure that these requirements are incorporated at the design stage. Large scale projects come under the purview of MoEF. Ensure that Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) has been conducted.




Construction Submittal

Avoid Development of Inappropriate Sites

SS Mandatory Requirement 2

Avoid developments in ecologically sensitive areas and negate the associated environmental impacts Compliance Options: Inappropriate Sites: Land whose elevation is lower than 5 feet above the elevation of the 100- year flood level Land which is specifically identified as habitat for any species on the threatened or endangered list of Wildlife Institute of India (http://www.wii.gov.in/nwdc) Within 100 feet of any wetland as defined by Environmental Information System (ENVIS), (http://www.wetlandsofindia.org) (OR) as defined by local or state rule or law, whichever is more stringent

Do not locate the project on any of the above listed inappropriate areas (OR)

For projects where part of the site contains any or all of the above listed areas, ensure that no development takes place in such areas Documentation Required:

A site and or vicinity map indicating that the project is not located on any of the areas identified as inappropriate sites (OR)

A site map indicating the areas identified as inappropriate areas within the site and a declaration that no developments would come up in these areas through the life of the project



SITE SELECTION Approach and Methodologies:


During the site selection process, give preference to those sites that do not include sensitive site elements and restricted land types. Design the new development with minimal footprint to reduce disruption of environmentally sensitive areas identified within the project.




Construction Submittal

Preserve Existing Trees & Water Bodies

SS Mandatory Requirement 3

Preserve existing trees and water bodies to minimize site disturbance, thereby protecting the habitat Compliance Options: Preserve / transplant atleast 25% of existing / uprooted trees within the project or preserve / transplant trees as per local by-law / EIA guidelines, whichever is more stringent (OR) Plant atleast ten new saplings for every tree uprooted. (AND) In sites having water bodies,protect and restore atleast 25% of the existing water bodies. Ensure that no developments take place within 100 feet radius of such areas Incase the project does not have any water bodies , maintain existing waterways or nallahs passing through the site , as appropriate Documentation Required: Provide a site plan showing existing trees, water bodies , existing water ways and nallahs within the project. Also support drawings with relevant photographs Provide a description of the strategies implemented on site to preserve or transplant existing trees and restoration & preservation measures taken for water bodies, water ways, nalahs etc,. A written commitment that no development will take place within 100 feet radius of water bodies or that the water ways would maintained for the life of the project whichever is applicable Provide a description on the strategies to be implemented on site to maintain the tree plantation during construction and post occupancy Approach and Methodologies: Conduct a site survey to identify trees and water bodies, such as lakes, ponds, streams, rivers etc., located within the project. Develop the project such that there is minimum disturbance to existing ecosystems. Demarcate construction boundaries to minimise disturbance of existing site and restore previously degraded areas to their natural state. Develop a long term plan to maintain the conserved areas during construction and post occupancy. Take appropriate measures to restrict development within 100 feet of such areas.



Construction Submittal

Soil Erosion Control

SS Mandatory Requirement 4

Control soil erosion to preserve the top soil, avoid contamination of air and natural water bodies Compliance Options: Areas with slopes 10% o Avoid development on such portions and stabilise slopes through vegetative cover Areas with slopes < 10% o Implement soil erosion control measures conforming to best management practices highlighted in National Building Code (NBC) 2009 of India. This is to be addressed during construction and post occupancy o Remove, stack & protect the top soil from the development areas and reuse for landscaping, wherever applicable Documentation Required: For areas with slopes 10% o Provide survey plans indicating the slopes o Measures implemented to stabilise the slopes For areas with slopes < 10% o Provide survey plans indicating the slopes and areas marked for development o Develop site erosion and sedimentation control plan that conforms to the best management practices highlighted in the National Building Codes of India (NBC) Part 10, section 1, chapter 4 Protection of Landscape during Construction The plan shall meet the following objectives: Prevent loss of soil during construction by storm water runoff and/ or wind erosion, including protecting topsoil by stockpiling for reuse Prevent sedimentation of storm sewer or receiving streams and/ or air pollution with dust and particulate matter



SITE SELECTION Approach and Methodologies:


Consider retaining the areas with slopes greater than 10% and employ stabilising strategies, such as terraced horticulture and forestry. Develop and implement an erosion and sedimentation control plan during the design phase of the project. Consider employing strategies such as temporary and permanent seeding, mulching, earth dikes, silt fencing, sediment traps and sediment basins.




Design Submittal

Connectivity to Existing Infrastructure

SS Credit 1

Points: 2-6

Conserve natural resources required for infrastructure by linking new and existing developments Compliance Options: Locate project within 30 km of atleast 3 of the following existing infrastructure grid power railway stations airport water supply infrastructure waste water treatment facility

Note: For railway stations and airports distance will be measured from the project entries or exits Documentation Required: Submit an aerial map indicating the location and the distance of the project to the existing infrastructure Submit a brief narrative of the shared infrastructure

Approach and Methodologies: Survey the site vicinity and consider locating the project in close proximity to an existing infrastructure such as airport, railway station, grid power etc,. Explore the possibility of sharing infrastructure between the two.




Construction Submittal

Conserve Biodiversity
SS Credit 2

Points: 1-4

Protect and conserve diversity of species and their natural habitats from adverse impacts of development Compliance Options: Protect, restore atleast 25% of the natural habitat identified as vital for the conservation of biodiversity by Botanical Survey of India (BSI), Zoological Survey of India (ZSI), the Forest Survey of India, Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE), or any other competent authority. Points are awarded as below: Points for Conserving Biodiversity Percentage of Natural Habitat Conserved > 25% > 50% Points 1 2

(AND / OR) Implement strategies to enhance the biodiversity within the project which would demonstrate significant environmental benefits ( 2 Points )

Documentation Required: Provide site plan and photographs showing the location of the area earmarked for conservation Measures implemented to protect and restore the habitat Briefly describe measure implemented to enhance the bio diversity within the project such as bird sanctuary, butterfly park, adding to the flora and fauna species etc., Submit long term management plan (10 years) for the preservation of conserved areas A written commitment declaring that such areas will be protected through the life of the project

Approach and Methodologies: Earmark the areas vital for the conservation of biodiversity such as forests, grasslands, wetlands, coastal & marine ecosystems and desert ecosystems within the project. Implement measures to conserve the earmarked areas. Develop a long term plan to maintain the conserved areas during construction and post occupancy.




Construction Submittal

Retain Natural Topography

SS Credit 3.1

Points: 2-4

Conserve natural landscape by restricting developmental footprint, thereby minimising site disturbance and the associated environmental impacts Compliance Options: Retain atleast 25% of the sites natural topography. Points are awarded as below: Points for Retaining Natural Topography Percentage of Natural Topography Retained > 25% >35% Documentation Required: Provide drawings, calculations and photographs showing the percentage of the sites natural topography that has been conserved. Approach and Methodologies: Design the project with a minimal footprint through compact planning and increased densities. Consider retaining the natural topography in the site or design landscape to the extent possible. In areas which have fully grown trees, avoid destruction. Avoid developing paved surfaces on the site, as much as possible. Points 2 4




Design Submittal

Public Landscape Areas

SS Credit 3.2

Points: 2-4

Provide variety of open spaces to promote public health and encourage community interaction Compliance Options: Provide landscaped open areas to an extent of atleast 20% of each sector (OR) in accordance with the local by-laws, whichever is more stringent. The landscape requirement should be addressed at the sector level, i.e. for every 1.6 sq km area. Points are awarded as below: Points for Public Landscape Areas Percentage of Public Landscape Areas > 20% >30% Notes: Open area = Total Area Development Footprint Development foot print includes building footprint, multi-level car parking, service areas, roads and other similar areas Vegetated roofs can also be considered as landscaped areas Potted plants cannot be considered as landscaped areas Points 2 4

Documentation Required: Provide a narrative of the existing land conditions Provide a copy of local by-laws highlighting the open space requirements Provide landscape plans and calculations highlighting percentages of open landscape areas

Approach and Methodologies: Design the project with open landscaped areas to the extent possible. Ensure easy accessibility to all such landscaped areas. Avoid developing paved surfaces on the site, as much as possible.




Construction Submittal

Redevelopment of Contaminated Areas

SS Credit 4
Intent: Restore and reuse contaminated sites to reduce demand for undeveloped land Compliance Options:

Points: 1-3

Implement measures to rehabilitate contaminated areas. Contaminated areas are those where either the soil or water or both are polluted. Points are awarded as below: Points for Redevelopment of Contaminated Areas Percentage of Contaminated Areas Restored > 20% > 30% > 40% Documentation Required: Site plan indicating the areas within the project that are contaminated Confirmation that these areas are classified as contaminated sites from the competent government authorities Copy of site assessment and remediation report Calculations showing percentages of such areas restored Points 1 2 3

Approach and Methodologies: During the site selection process, give preference to contaminated/ brownfield sites. Adopt a site remediation plan and cleanup the site using remediation strategies, such as pump-and-treat, bioreactors, land farming or in-situ remediation.




Construction Submittal

Preserve Agricultural Lands

SS Credit 5
Intent: Avoid developments in fertile lands to preserve such areas for food production Compliance Options: Retain atleast 20% the sites agricultural lands. Points are awarded as below: Points for Retaining Agricultural Lands Percentage of Agricultural Resources (by area) > 20% > 30% (AND) Restore or enhance the productive capacity of atleast 50% of such lands Points for Restoring or Enhancing Productivity of Agricultural Lands Percentage of Areas Restored or Enhanced (by area) > 50% > 75% Documentation Required: Provide a site plan indicating the location of agricultural lands Points 1 2 Points 1 2

Points: 2-4

Provide description of measures implemented to restore the productive capacity of such lands Calculations showing the percentages of retained agricultural lands Declaration that no developments will be planned in such areas Approach and Methodologies: Conduct detailed soil surveys to identify agricultural lands. Consider environment friendly measures to restore the productive capacity of such lands. Earmark such areas to be utilized for agricultural activities only.




Construction Submittal

Community Farming
SS Credit 5.2

Points: 2-4

Minimise environmental damage from long distance transportation of food and provide secure & affordable food production systems. Compliance Options: Dedicate permanent and viable growing spaces and provide associated facilities for the production & selling of produce, such that atleast 5% of vegetable and fruit requirements of the community within a project are met. Points for Community Farming Percentage of Food Requirements met > 5% > 10% Points 2 4

Note: Calculations can be based on the assumption that 350 gms per person per day is the vegetable and fruit consumption Documentation Required: Site plan showing the location and size of the areas allocated for growing produce and related facilities. Calculations showing that the food requirements of the households within the project are met as specified in the table. Written commitment that these spaces would be maintained and managed by an authorized entity. Approach and Methodologies: Consider utilising vacant lands, low density areas, under developed areas or residential backyards as growing spaces. Provide related facilities such as irrigation systems, green house facilities, secure storages spaces, soil enhancements, selling platforms etc,.




Construction Submittal

Urban Microclimate
SS Credit 6
Intent: Reduce heat island effect to minimise impacts on urban climate Compliance Options: Address the following in all areas under developers scope

Points: 3-4

For footpaths, pathways, roads and other non-roof impervious areas (except surface parking areas)- Provide tree cover (within 5 years) / shading with high reflectance material/ open grid pavement for atleast 50% of the such areas. Points are awarded as below: Points for enhancing urban microclimate Percentage of areas under tree cover/ high reflectance material/ open grid pavement > 50% > 75% (AND) Points

1 2

Surface Parking Spaces- Provide tree cover / shading with high reflectance material/ open grid pavement for 50% of such areas (2 points)

Documentation Required: Provide drawings and calculations indicating the areas provided with tree cover / shading with high reflectance material/ open grid pavers Support the drawings with relevant photographs

Approach and Methodologies: Provide shades to constructed surfaces on the site through landscape features and utilise highreflectance materials for hardscapes. Consider replacing constructed surfaces (i.e., roof, roads, sidewalks etc.,) with vegetated surfaces, such as open grid paving or specify high-albedo materials to reduce the heat absorption.





Land Use Planning




Design Submittal

Land Use Optimisation

LP Mandatory Requirement 1

Encourage compact and dense developments to reduce urban sprawl, thereby conserving land Compliance Options: Design residential and non- residential areas to meet the density requirements specified in local by-laws Documentation Required: Submit land-use plan indicating residential and non-residential areas Submit a document indicating the local by-law requirement of residential and nonresidential densities Show calculations showing the percentage of residential and non-residential densities achieved

Approach and Methodologies: Adopt compact land use planning strategies. Plan the residential and non- residential areas within the project for medium to high density development. Ensure that livability and quality of life is not compromised in any way in such areas.




Construction Submittal

Basic Facilities for Construction Workforce

LP Mandatory Requirement 2

Promote welfare of construction workforce by providing safe and healthy work environment Compliance Options: Provide basic facilities such as: Adequate housing for workforce during construction Medical and emergency facilities Sanitary measures (1 Toilet seat and 1 urinal per 40 workers) Drinking water facilities Canteen facilities Provision of personal protective equipment Dust suppression measures as illustrated in NBC Illumination levels in work areas in accordance with NBC

Documentation Required: A brief description of the measures implemented to address safety and health aspects of the construction workers Plan highlighting the location of the facilities

Approach and Methodologies: Estimate the population of construction workforce expected to be employed within the project. Consider planning for all basic faculties to provide safe and healthy living conditions for the workers and their families.




Design Submittal

Basic Amenities within the Sector

LP Mandatory Requirement 3

Locate basic amenities at walkable distances within the sector so as to reduce dependency on automobiles and associated emissions Compliance Options: Provide atleast 10 basic amenities within 800 meters from the centre of the sector. Provide transit stops at convenient location within the sector 1)Grocery shop, 2) Bank/ ATM, 3)Pharmacy, 4)Medical clinic, 5)Post office / courier service, 6)Auto rickshaw / taxi stand, 7)Laundry, 8)Electricity / water / telephone bills payment centers, 9)Parks with walking tracks, 10)Day care, 11)Coffee shop, 12)Restaurant, 13)Internet centre, 14)Stationery shop, 15)Beauty salon, 16)Hardware shop, 17)Place of worship, 18)Fire station, 19)Library, 20)School, 21)Community center, 22)Sports club / Fitness centre, etc., Note: Proximity is determined by drawing an 800 meter radius circle from the centre of the sector and counting the services within that radius Documentation Required: Provide a site plan (to scale) of each sector showing the location and distance of the basic amenities and transit stops.

Approach and Methodologies: Plan the basic structure of the sector so as to provide all basic amenities within walkable distances. Basic amenities should be accessible by convenient pedestrian pathways or by use of bicycles. Restaurants can be counted twice and all other amenities are to be considered only once.




Design Submittal

Mixed Use Development

LP Credit 1

Points: 8

Provide mutually compatible urban land uses within the sector to reduce dependency on automobiles and associated emissions Compliance Options: Design for mixed use development within the sector. Provide atleast four developments within each sector: o o o o o o Residential Commercial Medical Institutional Recreational Cultural

o Entertainment Documentation Required: Site plan indicating the location of the specified number of diverse land uses within each sector Indicate the area percentage of each development within the sector

Approach and Methodologies: Promote mix of land uses within the sector to enhance walkability and community vitality. Integrate the location of parks, community gardens, greenways, transit facilities, pathways into the sector design.




Design Submittal

Housing Typologies
LP Credit 2

Points: 8

Provide a range of housing types to encourage social and economic mix within the society Compliance Options: Promote diversity by including a variety of housing types, unit sizes, rents, and prices (2 points) Provide atleast two of the following housing typologies within each sector: (4 points) o High Income Group (HIG) o Middle Income Group (MIG) o Low Income Group (LIG) (AND) Earmark atleast 10% of housing within the sector for Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) or in accordance with the local by-laws, whichever is more stringent. (2 points) Documentation Required: Provide the site plan showing the location of residential areas within the project Legend showing different housing types, areas, prices, etc. within the sector Calculations indicating the percentages of each housing type

Approach and Methodologies: Incorporate various housing types and sizes within the sector and develop the master plan accordingly




Design Submittal

Green Buildings
LP Credit 3

Points: 2-8

Encourage design and construction of eco- friendly buildings to minimise negative environmental impacts associated with development Compliance Options: Design atleast 20% of the built-up area within the project in accordance with appropriate green building rating systems, such as IGBC and LEED India (eg., factories, homes, commercial buildings, etc.,) Points for Percentage of Built -Up Areas Percentages of Built up Areas 20% 30% Points Awarded Registered 2 4 Certified* 4 8

Note: * The buildings should be individually certified at the time of township certification. Documentation Required: Provide documents to show that the buildings are registered / certified, as applicable Submit calculations to show the required percentage of areas are being constructed as green buildings. Approach and Methodologies: Select appropriate green building rating systems to design and construct the buildings within the project as green buildings.




Design Submittal

Adaptive Reuse of Historic Buildings

LP Credit 4

Points: 4

Restore and reuse historical buildings to maintain cultural connectivity and reduce environmental impacts resulting from new construction Compliance Options: Integrate into the project any building of historical significance Conserve and restore the building as specified under byelaws for conservation Documentation Required: Submit a site plan highlighting all historical buildings present within the project Submit signed documentation declaring the site as heritage building from relevant government authorities Brief description of conservation strategies adopted along with photographs Submit a brief narrative of the adaptive reuse of the historical building into the planning and development process heritage building

Approach and Methodologies: Adaptive reuse is the process of adapting existing structures for purposes other than those initially intended while retaining their historic features. Consider integrating existing buildings of cultural and historical importance in the planning process for economic, cultural, environmental, and community benefits. An old monument can become a hotel or a library or run down post office may be converted to a retail store or a museum. Asses the buildings structural integrity, if required implement measures to restore the building for reuse.




(Post Occupancy)
Design Submittal

Employment Opportunities
LP Credit 5

Points: 2-6

Provide opportunities of employment for people within the township to combat sprawl and reduce long distance travel & associated emissions Compliance Options: Provide full time employment opportunities for atleast 20% of the population Ensure that the employment opportunities are diverse and cater to all sections of the society Points for Employment Opportunities Employment as a Percentage of Total Population 20% 30% 40% Documentation Required: Provide a brief description of the employment opportunities created interms of numbers and diversity Provide calculations to indicate the percentages of employment opportunities created within the project as per the table. Points 2 4 6

Approach and Methodologies: Consider creating opportunities for employment within the project at the design stage. Estimate the percentage of employment to be generated within the project. Locate workplaces closer to the residential sector Ensure that the jobs created cater to all sections of the society. Provide a diversity and range of employment opportunities such as full time, part time, technical jobs, service oriented jobs, retail and hospitality etc,.




Design Submittal

Social Initiatives
LP Credit 6

Points: 3-6

Encourage the project to take up social initiatives, within or outside the project boundary to create a harmonious relationship with local community Compliance Options: Three or more of the following measures can be considered (3 points for any three measures implemented) Promote local traditions through craft and cottage industry. Drinking water facilities Employment opportunities for local farmers Building of schools and hospitals for locals Vocational training institutes for women Any other social initiatives which would have a positive impact on the local community

Documentation Required: Provide a detailed narrative on the initiatives taken and their impacts. Approach and Methodologies: Survey and estimate the total percentage local population within and beyond the project boundary. Develop strategies for the welfare and rehabilitation local communities. Some measures can be providing potable water facilities, sanitation, health care centers, schools, vocational training institutes for school and college drops- outs, rural women and other marginalized groups , etc,. Consider involving NGOs, social welfare organizations etc.,





Transportation Planning




Design Submittal

Long Term Transportation Management Plan

TP Mandatory Requirement 1

Encourage long term planning of cohesive transportation system to reduce adverse environmental impacts emanating from future traffic volumes Compliance Options: Develop a long term transportation management plan that includes the following: Estimation of the traffic volumes expected to be generated in the next 5, 10 &15 years Measures implemented to manage traffic volumes expected to be generated 5, 10 & 15 years Strategies to incorporate public transportation facilities such as MRT, local bus service, etc,. Measures to mitigate environmental impacts due to traffic emissions

Documentation Required: Submit Transportation master plan of the project Provide a copy of the traffic analysis report Description of short term and long term measures to be implemented to manage traffic and reduce congestion Provide documentation showing compliance with the norms specified in the latest edition of Bharat Standard for Vehicular Emissions for all public transport Approach and Methodologies: Estimate the total traffic volumes to be generated by proposed developments, expected patterns of traffic movement, sector-wise peak period traffic volumes. Provide efficient transportation systems. Consider strategies such as providing lanes for high occupancy vehicles (HOV), carriageways, expressways, service roads, one-way streets, synchronisation of traffic signals, etc.,. Consider measures such as road pricing, high parking charges, preferred parking for van pools, car pools and encourage the use of public transportation for reducing traffic congestion. Measures such as street tree plantation, street walls, auto use restrictions and no honking rules absorb and deflect sound due to vehicular movement.




Design Submittal

Design for Differently Abled

TP Mandatory Requirement 2

Ensure that the public spaces and transit facilities are accessible to differently abled people Compliance Options: The master plan shall incorporate the following provisions for differently abled people: Design for safe, comfortable and easy access to all public spaces and transit stops Uniformity in flooring level / ramps at public spaces and transit stops Appropriately designed preferred car parking spaces at public spaces and transit stops

Documentation Required: Provide drawings showing provisions for differently abled people Approach and Methodologies: Identify all possible facilities required to cater to differently abled people. Design the public spaces and transit facilities to ensure that certain basic provisions for differently abled people are incorporated into the planning.




Design Submittal

Access to Local Transit Facilities

TP Credit 1

Points: 8

Encourage the use of public transportation and minimize the use of private vehicles, thereby reducing fossil fuel consumption, vehicular emissions & its adverse effects on public health Compliance Options: (2 points for each measure) Provide access to public transportation, such as public bus stations or railway stations, within a distance of 1 km from the centre of the sector Ensure full visibility of approaching vehicles at transit facilities. Sightlines on the right side of the transit facility should be clear of obstructions such as trees, poles, buildings etc., All transit stop facilities to be sheltered and provided with 1.25 W/ ft2 illumination and seating capacity for atleast 10 passengers . Provide route maps in all transit facilities Provide toilets near every alternate bus stops and at each rapid transit station

Documentation Required: Provide site plan(s) indicating distances from the centre of the township to the railway station and bus stops Provide a description of comfort and safety measures adopted in the design of transit stops

Approach and Methodologies: Locate and design the local transit facilities such that it is easily accessible from any point within the township.




Constructional Submittal

Alternate Refueling Station

TP Credit 2

Points: 2-6

Encourage the use of eco-friendly vehicles by providing alternate refueling stations, thereby reducing fossil fuel consumption, vehicular emissions & its adverse effects on public health Compliance Options: Provide alternate refueling facilities such as electric recharging points / alternate refueling facility (eq .CNG, biofuels etc,) in atleast 50% refueling stations within the project boundary. Points awarded are as follows: Points for Alternate Refueling Stations Percentage of Refueling Stations 50% 75% 100% Documentation Required: Provide plans showing provisions for electric recharging / alternate refueling facility at refuelling stations Provide calculations demonstrating that eco-friendly refueling facilities provided within the project to meet the credit criteria Approach and Methodologies: Survey the type of eco-friendly vehicles already plying on the roads and also survey the kind of vehicles which may come up in the future. Consider providing sufficient charging facilities/refueling stations for such modes of transportation at public parking spaces. While considering such facilities, ensure that all safety aspects have been addressed. Points 2 4 6




Design Submittal

Street Network
TP Credit 3

Points: 8

Provide interconnected street network to facilitate transport efficiency and easy connectivity Compliance Options: (2 points for each measure) Design interconnected street network such that streets intersect at every 75 -150m intervals within each sector (Figure1) Width of the street network to be 20m or as specified in byelaws which ever is higher All streets to be accessible to general public (AND) Design street networks to facilitate interconnectivity between the sectors so that there is an intersection at every 75-150 m along the boundary of the sectors (Figure1) 75 -150 M Intersection Interval Distance at sector boundary

75-150 M

75 -150 M

Intersection Interval Distance within the sector

Figure1- Street Network within a Sector Documentation Required: Submit drawings highlighting the street network ,intersection intervals and width of streets within the sector and along the boundary of sector Submit a declaration that the streets are accessible by the general public for the life of the project. Approach and Methodologies: Design streets for better connectivity and pedestrian access. Make streets livable by slowing traffic and provide attractive streetscapes by adding trees, plants, lights, and signage, etc.,




Design Submittal

Bicycle Lanes
TP Credit 4

Points: 6

Reduce automobile dependency for short distance commuting, thereby reducing vehicular emissions, traffic congestion and promoting physical activity & public health Compliance Options: Encourage the use of bicycle as an environment friendly transportation choice. (2 points for each measure) Provide lanes on both sides of the street, for all non motorized vehicles (NMV) such as bicycles, cycle rickshaws etc., The lanes to be atleast 3m in width or as specified in the byelaws Design NMV lane network to connect to all basic amenities and transit facilities Develop strategies and measures to ensure that lanes are not encroached by vehicular traffic or pedestrians Documentation Required: Submit street plans indicating the layout, widths and connectivity of the bicycle lanes within the sector Approach and Methodologies: Provide separate lanes for bicycle users, and allot parking spaces for bicycles.




Design Submittal

Pedestrian Network
TP Credit 5

Points: 10

Provide well designed interconnected pedestrian network to provide a safe and comfortable walking experience Compliance Options: (2 points for each measure)

Design and construct integrated and cohesive pedestrian network to all local transit facilities and between residential & local commercial ,civic structures & plazas and Provide exclusive & shaded footpaths and pathways having a minimum width of 2 m for comfortable pedestrian access Provide street lighting for entire pedestrian network. Lux levels of the street lighting to conform with values specified in NBC standards. Provide full cut-off fixtures which focus light downwards and do not cause glare.

Design footpath and pathways to be barrier free and navigable by differently abled people Develop strategies and measures to ensure that the footpaths and pathways are not encroached by hawkers and street vendors

Documentation Required: Provide typical site plan indicating the footpath & pathway networks and its integration with the surrounding vicinities Provide typical drawings and details of footpaths and pathways Support drawings with relevant photographs Provide a declaration that the pedestrian paths would be preserved for the life of the project

Approach and Methodologies: Design footpaths and pathways for better connectivity and pedestrian access. Ensure that the pathways and footpaths are clear of any obstructions such as light poles, plantation, street furniture etc,. Consider designing a separate street lighting plan for pedestrian network. Height of light poles should be designed as keeping in mind the width of the pathway / footpath width. Provide lux levels in accordance with the land use. Higher lux levels for non- commercial, isolated areas and lower for commercial or high activity areas. Ensure that street tree plantations do not block the light from street light poles




Infrastructure Management




Design Submittal

Rainwater Harvesting, 25%

IM Mandatory Requirement 1

Harvest rainwater to enhance the ground water table and reduce municipal water demand Compliance Options: Provide rainwater harvesting or storage system (sector level) to capture atleast 25% of 5-year average one day rainfall from the projects developed areas (areas within the scope of the developer). Note: In areas where recharging the aquifer is not feasible, collection and reuse may be considered Documentation Required: A site plan indicating the projects development footprint Provide rainfall data of the region Provide details of the installed rainwater harvesting system, volume of water captured and storage capacity

Approach and Methodologies: Survey the water table in the zone. Design appropriate harvesting system based on the sub-surface characteristics. Factors to be considered include weathering, fractures & joints for rocky sites and thickness of aquifer for sedimentary sites. Capture rainwater from roof & non-roof areas for reuse. The design should also include arrangements to filter out pollutants from the captured rainwater. Such pollutants and impurities include paper waste, leaves, bird droppings, dust, etc.




Design Submittal

Segregation of Solid Waste

IM Mandatory Requirement 2

Reduce disposal of waste in landfills and facilitate reuse of such waste, during post-occupancy Compliance Options: Develop a project waste management plan and identify methods to segregate & dispose the waste efficiently. Identify local agencies / recyclers to collect and dispose the segregated waste. The following strategies can be incorporated for solid waste segregation & disposal: Garbage segregation shall be as per Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Management & Handling Rules, 2000 Place colour coded waste bins in all public areas to enable segregation of waste. Provide centralised collection & storage area for recyclable waste, such as paper, glass, metal, cardboard, plastics, e-waste & organic waste, as applicable

Note: For MSW (Management & Handling) Rules, 2000 refer Research & Publications at www.green-ensys.org Documentation Required: Provide detailed description on the waste management plan adopted within the project Description of the measures adopted to segregate waste at sector level Submit detailed drawings showing the location and area of the centralized waste collection & storage facility within the project List the local agencies / recyclers responsible for collection and disposal the segregated waste Approach and Methodologies: Allocate suitable area for sorting out dry and wet wastes. Examine the scope for recycling items of waste collected within the project. Identify local vendors/ recyclers of waste materials, such as paper, glass, plastic, cardboard, metal, organic wastes and e wastes & batteries. Educate the occupant about recycling methods.




Design Submittal

Rainwater Harvesting
IM Credit 1

Points: 4-8

Harvest rainwater to enhance the ground water table and reduce municipal water demand Compliance Options: Provide rainwater harvesting or storage system to capture atleast 50% (sector level) of 5-year average one day rainfall from the projects developed areas (areas within the scope of the developer). Points are awarded as below: Points for Rainwater Harvesting Rainwater Harvesting System to Capture / Recharge 50 % runoff 75 % runoff 95% runoff Points 4 6 8

Note: In areas where recharging the aquifier is not feasible, collection and reuse may be considered Documentation Required: Provide rainfall data of the region Provide details on the rainwater harvesting system, volume of water captured and storage capacity Provide calculations showing the percentage of captured rainwater

Approach and Methodologies: Survey the water table in the zone. Design appropriate harvesting structure based on the sub-surface characteristics. Factors to be considered include weathering, fractures & joints for rocky sites and thickness of aquifer for sedimentary sites. Capture rainwater from roof & non-roof areas for reuse. The design should also include flushing arrangement to let out impurities in the first few showers. Such pollutants and impurities include paper waste, leaves, bird droppings, dust, etc.




Design Submittal

Waste Water Treatment

IM Credit 2.1
Intent: Encourage treatment of waste water to avoid pollution of natural water streams Compliance Options:

Points: 4

Provide centralised waste water treatment infrastructure to treat 100% of the waste water generated within the project (3 points) (AND)

Ensure that the treated waste water conforms to the quality standards as prescribed by central or state pollution control board (1 point)

Documentation Required: Provide a detailed description and drawings of the installed on-site waste water treatment system Provide water balance (approximate) of the project Show calculations indicating the percentage of waste water treated as specified in the table A written declaration that the treatment facility conforms to the quality standards prescribed by central or state pollution control board Approach and Methodologies: Calculate the waste water volumes generated within the project. Design appropriately the capacity of the on-site waste water treatment system. While designing the treatment system, ensure that the treated waste water meets the required quality standards based on its purpose of application. Install signage to caution occupants that this water is not potable. Ensure periodic testing of the treated water to meet the quality standards as prescribed by central / state pollution control board.




Design Submittal

Waste Water Reclamation

IM Credit 2.2
Intent: Encourage the use of recycled water to reduce demand for municipal water Compliance Options:

Points: 2-4

Provide waste water distribution infrastructure so as to convey atleast 75% of the treated waste water to large turf areas (parks and golf courses, landscaped public areas etc.,), horticulture / irrigation and other areas of non potable uses. Points are awarded as below. Points for Reuse of Treated Waste Water Percentage of Treated Waste Water Reused 75 % 100 % Points 2 4

Note: This point can be claimed only if the waste water that is reused is treated in-situ Documentation Required: Provide a detailed description of the water requirements for landscaping and other non potable uses Provide calculations showing the percentages of waste water reused as specified in the table Provide a drawing and brief description of the infrastructure provided to convey the waste water to landscaped areas and other non potable uses Approach and Methodologies: Ensure that the quality of the treated waste water is fit and safe for reuse. Prioritise the use of treated waste water based on the demand. Treated waste water can be used for irrigation, flushing and make-up water for cooling towers. Ensure periodic testing of the treated water to ensure that the water is fit for reuse.




Design Submittal

Energy Efficiency
IM Credit 3

Point: 2-6

Maximise energy efficiency in infrastructural equipment, thereby reducing the environmental impacts resulting from energy use Compliance Options: Design exterior street lighting, traffic lights, motors and water pumps to exceed the efficiency requirements of ECBC / ASHRAE 90.1 by atleast 10% Points are awarded as below. Points for Infrastructure Energy Efficiency Percentage of Energy Savings > 10 % > 15 % > 20% > 25% >30% Documentation Required: List all infrastructural equipments and lighting systems installed within the project Calculations showing percentage savings exceeding the baseline requirements specified in ECBC / ASHRAE Brief narrative explaining how the savings will be achieved Points 2 3 4 5 6

Approach and Methodologies: Identify the products and equipment available in the market and their properties with regard to energy performance. While selecting these products and equipment, consider their associated environmental impacts. Decision making with respect to selection of products can be based on the life cycle assessment approach rather than the initial cost. Determine the applications where automatic controls can help in energy savings. Obtain details of the controls and ensure proper installation.



Design Submittal

Onsite Renewable Energy

IM Credit 4

Points: 6-10

Promote the use of renewable energy technologies to reduce the impacts associated with the energy produced from fossil fuel Compliance Options: Install renewable energy systems to generate power through solar, wind, bio-mass, bio-gas, biodiesel or any other forms of renewable energy so that their installed capacity is atleast 20% of the annual energy consumption in areas under the developers scope. Points are awarded as follows: Points for On -site Renewable Energy Power On site renewable energy as a percentage of annual energy consumption > 20 % > 30 % > 40 % Documentation required: Description of the renewable energy and associated technologies installed within the project Calculations indicating the percentages of electrical load met through renewable energy technologies Submit installation details for renewable energy source Provide purchase invoice Points 6 8 10

Approach and Methodologies: Take into consideration the renewable energy feasibility while determining the power requirement from the local utility. The following are the sources of renewable energy that can be considered under this credit - Solar energy, wind energy, biomass, bio-gas etc.,




Design Submittal

Off-site Green Power

IM Credit 5

Points: 10-15

Encourage utilities to buy off-site renewable energy so as to reduce the environmental impacts associated with the energy produced from fossil fuels Compliance Options: Demonstrate the project has invested in off-site green power for atleast 50 % of the total annual consumption in areas under developer's scope Points are awarded as follows: Points for Off-Site Green Power Off site green power as a percentage of annual energy consumption > 50 % > 60 % > 70 % > 80 % > 90 % > 100 % Documentation Required: Provide documents indicating the green power provider with the contract details Total connected electrical load and total annual green power purchase need to be provided Points 10 11 12 13 14 15

Approach and Methodologies: Estimate the energy needs of the project on annual basis. Install off-site green power plants which meet atleast 25 % of the total energy requirement of the project. Green power can be derived from solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, or low impact hydro sources.




Construction Submittal

Construction Waste Reduction

IM Credit 6

Points: 3-6

Avoid construction waste and debris from being sent to landfills and ensure that the recyclable waste is redirected to manufacturing units or reused in appropriates sites Compliance Options: Avoid atleast 50% of the waste generated during construction and demolition from being sent to landfills and incinerators. Segregate waste generated during construction and subsequent diversion for recycling or reuse. Calculate percentage either by weight or volume. Points are awarded as below: Points for Waste Reduction, During Construction Percentage of Waste Diverted > 50 % > 75 % Documentation Required: Develop and implement waste management plan Submit records of total waste generated Provide calculations showing the quantity of waste diverted from landfills Points 3 6

Approach and Methodologies: Collect and segregate all construction debris generated on site based on their utility. Examine means of sending such waste to manufacturing units, which use them as raw materials. Typical construction debris generated during construction in the zone include broken bricks, steel bars, broken tiles, glass, wood waste, paint cans, cement bags, packing materials, etc.,. Develop local vendors to handle and divert the waste for recycling or reuse.




Design Submittal

Organic Solid Waste Management

IM Credit 7

Points: 3-6

Ensure effective organic waste management within the project so as not to dispose useful waste to landfills, post occupancy Compliance Options: Install on-site treatment plant to treat atleast 50% of organic waste generated within the project. The output from such systems like manure, power, etc., should be reused within the project. Points are awarded as below: Points for Organic Waste Management Percentage of treated organic waste > 50% > 75 % Points 3 6

Note: Organic waste includes household kitchen waste and garden waste. Documentation Required: Submit design details of the organic waste treatment plant installed Calculations indicating the quantities of organic waste generated within the projects and treated Quantity of treated organic waste reused within the project

Approach and Methodologies: Calculate the quantum of organic waste generated on the site. Design the waste treatment plant with suitable capacity to efficiently manage the waste and recover resources. Typical technologies recognised are vermicomposting, digesters, gasifiers, etc.,




Construction Submittal

Recycled Materials
IM Credit 8

Points: 3-6

Encourage the use of materials with recycled content to reduce environmental impacts associated with the use of virgin materials Compliance Options: Select materials having recycled content such that the total recycled content constitutes atleast 10% (by cost; civil materials only) of the materials used for construction of infrastructure, such as roadways, surface parking lots, pavements, sidewalks, underground cement piping etc,. Points are awarded as below: Points for Materials with Recycled Content Percentage of Recycled Content > 10% > 20 % Notes: Material Cost = Total Cost (Labour Cost + Installation Cost) If Labour and Installation cost is not known, the default material cost can be considered as 60% of the total cost of the material Cost of mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems need not be considered in the total material cost Documentation Required: Provide details on all materials used along with the material cost Specify recycled content in the materials used Submit letters from manufacturers specifying the recycled content of the materials used in the construction Approach and Methodologies: Survey the materials with recycled content and identify local suppliers. Some of the materials with recycled content are- portland cement pavements & aggregates, portland cement piping , asphalt concrete pavements, cement, fly ash blocks, tiles, etc., Points 3 6





Innovation in Design & Technology




Design / Construction Submittal

Innovation in Design & Technology

IDP Credit 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5

Points: 20

Provide design teams and projects the opportunity to be awarded points for exceptional performance above requirements set by the IGBC Green Townships Rating System and/or innovative performance in categories not specifically addressed by the rating system. Compliance Options: Credit 1.1: Innovation in Design & Technology Identify the intent of the proposed innovation credit, the proposed requirement for compliance, and the proposed documentation to demonstrate compliance, and the design approach used to meet the required elements. Credit 1.2: Innovation in Design & Technology Same as credit 1.1 Credit 1.3: Innovation in Design & Technology Same as credit 1.1 Credit 1.4: Innovation in Design & Technology Same as credit 1.1 Credit 1.5: Innovation in Design & Technology Same as credit 1.1 Documentation Required: Provide narratives, drawings, photographs, calculations, whichever is applicable Approach and Methodologies: The following can be considered for credit points under innovation: Exemplary performance under any of the credit Strategies or measures not covered by IGBC Green Townships such as: o Adoption of passive architecture techniques o Green education, etc.,




Design Submittal

IGBC Accredited Professional

IDP Credit 2

Point: 4

Support and encourage the involvement of IGBC AP accredited professionals in the Green Township project Compliance Options: Atleast one principal participant of the project team shall be an IGBC Accredited Professional (IGBC AP). Documentation Required: Submit IGBC AP certificate of principal participant. Approach and Methodologies: Educate the project team members about the Green Township rating systems.



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