Engineering Mechanics QB

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Mechanical Engg. Department
_________________________________ _Facullty: Mr. Anurag Kushawaha

1. Discuss various laws and principle of engineering mechanics.
2. Explain various force systems.
3. Explain principle of transmissibility of a force.
4. What are the necessary and sufficient conditions of equilibrium of a system of coplanar force
5. Define moment of force about a point. Also explain varignonss theorem of moments.
6. Explain free body diagram with suitable examples.
7. Explain the following
a. Polygon law of forces b. Parallelogram law of forces
c. Triangle law of forces
8. Explain laws of static and dynamic friction.
9. Write notes on:
a. Cone of friction b. Coeff. of friction
c. Angle of friction d. Angle of repose e. Limiting friction
10. Find expressions for the following due to belt friction in a pulley drive:
a. Tension in the belt on tight and slack side (T2 = T1.e
b. Torque transmitted. c. Reaction on the bearing of pulley.
11. What is friction? Give some useful application of friction.
12. Define a beam and classify different types of beams on the basis of:
a. Support conditions.
b. Loading

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13. What do you understand by shear force and bending moment and what is their importance in
beam design?
14. How shearing force and bending moment diagrams are drawn for a beam?
15. Explain rules for shear force and bending moment diagram.
16. What do you understand by the term Point of contraflexure?
17. Define a truss. What is the difference between a frame and truss?
18. How the trusses are classified? Define the following trusses.
a. Perfect truss b. Imperfect truss.
c. Deficient Truss d. Redundant truss.
19. What is simple truss? What assumptions are made in the analysis of a simple truss?
20. What are various methods of analysis of truss? What is basically found when analysis of
truss is done? What is the advantage of method of section over the method of joint?
21. What is the difference between a simply supported truss and a cantilever truss? Discuss
the method of finding out reactions in both the cases. Is it essential to find out the reactions in a cantilever truss
before analyzing it?
22. Explain the following elastic constants and establish relation between them:-
a. Modulus of elasticity b. Modulus of rigidity
c. Bulk modulus d. Poissons ratios.
23. Draw stress-strain diagram for structural steel and C.I.
24. Explain the following:
a. Complementary shear stress
b. Shear strain energy.
25. What are the assumptions made in the theory of pure bending?
26. Explain the following:
a. Pure Torsion b. Section modulus
c. Polar section modulus
27. What is the moment of a couple? Find the magnitude of a couple of two forces F1 and F2 both
equal in magnitude co opposite in direction acting at d1 and d2 distance from a fixed point in a body.
28. State Lamis theorem.
29. Prove that moment of inertia of a triangular section about the base of the section is given by bh
/12 (Where b
base of section and h
height of the section)

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30. Prove that moment of inertia of a disc of radius R about Z axis perpendicular to its plane is Izz =
31. Explain the parallel axis theorem and perpendicular axis theorem with an example.
32. What do you mean by:
a. Centre of gravity b. Centroid c. Principle of moment of inertia
d. Composite bodies.
33. Define radius of gyration.
34. How do you determine centroid of composite area?
35. The moment of inertia of a circular disc of radius r and mass m about any diameter is mr
Calculate the moment of inertia about an axis passing through the centre and perpendicular to its plane.
36. Show that moment of inertia of a rectangular section of bxd is (bd
/12) and (bd
/13) about
horizontal axis passing through C.G. and about horizontal axis passing through base respectively.
37. Determine the centroid for the following cases by first principal.
a. Centroid of a triangle b. Centroid of a semicircle.
38. Show that the moment of inertia of a circular area about the centroidal axes Ixx =t D
/64 .Where D
is the diameter circle.
39. Find the mass moment of inertia of a sphere of radius r and mass m will it be different along x,y
and z axis.
40. Explain polar modulus. Calculate it for circular section (Torsion of shaft)
41. Show that the total strain energy U = t
/4G X volume.
42. Stating the assumptions drive torsion equation T / I p = t / r = Gu /I .
43. Explain: a. pure torsion b. Compound shaft c. Polar moment of inertia.
44. What do you by simple bending. What are the assumptions taken in the theory of pure bending.
45. Drive the relation E = 2G (I +u ).
46. Draw stress strain diagram for Aluminum and cast iron.
47. What is strain energy ? Show U = 0.5 o
/ E be the strain energy per unit volume due to direct
stress o .
48. Define poissons ratio, resilience, modulus of rigidity, shear strain and proof stress.
49. Explain ductile and brittle materials.
50. Explain the principle of super position and show the stresses in bars of varying cross section o l =

+ + +


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51. Show that the elongation of a rectangular body due to self wt. is o l =
and elongation of a
circular body due to self wt. is o l =
) 2 1 (
d d E

52. Show that the fallowing relationships.
a. E = 3K (1 2u ) B. G =
) 1 ( 2 u +
C. E=
+ 3

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