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A Sort of-like Cinderella Story

A long, long time ago there was a young beautiful girl named Cinderella. Because of various circumstances, she was constantly bullied by her stepmother. Still, the ever compassionate girl lived a humble life. Stepmother: Cinderella! Where did you run off to? Are you done with our ball gowns, Cinderella? Dont you know that the royal balls tonight? Cinderella drinking tea and said, Im right here Stepmother: Youre still sitting around drinking tea? That nonchalant attitude of yours tells me that you must be done with them. Stepsister: UmmMother? Cinderella: How could a person who lacks the necessary expertise possibly make a ball gown? Of course, if you wish to be made the laughing stock of the ball, I wont stand in your way. Stepmother: Of course, I dont. Cinderella: Lets not talk about that first. Care to join me for some tea, my sister? Stepsister: Wow! May I? Tonights the royal palace ball where its said that the prince will use this chance to find himself a bride. The wicked stepmother, desperate to marry her daughter off to royalty and enjoy the luxuries that come with this, it is understandably frantic. Stepmother: If you wish to see your precious elder sister again, youd best be getting those gowns ready. Cinderella: How did it come down to this? My sister is now a hostage because of the prince had to have his royal ball. I will not forgive him for this! In that case, Ill need to infiltrate into that ball but I have to finish making those gowns. What a dilemma. Better drink some tea to calm myself. Fairy god wizard: Rest your mind at ease. Cheer up, gentle Cinderella. For tonight, I shall grant you any wish you so desire. Cinderella: Then raze the palace ballroom to ashes, if you please. Fairy god wizard: Alas, that would be a felony. Please keep your wishes soft and simple. Cinderella: I wish to eat Barbecue. Fairy god wizard: Thats not what I meant. Stepmother: Cinderella! Cinderella: Oh dear, it is mother. Stepmother: For the last time! Are those ball gowns rea.what? So you were done with them!

Cinderella: Yup. Not quite sure when though. Stepsister: They look so wonderful. Did you make all of these yourself? Cinderella: Well. Stepmother: Forget it! Get dressed! We are going out! Stepsister: Eh? But what about Cinderella? Stepmother: She is watching the house! Cinderella: Well done, Fairy god wizard. I wont tell a soul about this. Fairy god wizard: Now its your turn, Cinderella. Lets have your wish. A pumpkin coach to attend the palace ball it is! Under the fairy god wizards insistence, Cinderella is finally able to attend the palace ball. Meanwhile, the palace ball is actively in process. Princes friend: Hey, whats with the sullen face? This ball was held for you, ya know! Go hook up with a babe or something. Prince: Shut up! I aint interested. Go hook up on your own. Princes friend: Geez, you are always like this. No wonder.. Prince: What?! Princes friend: Is that the kind of attitude you show to someone whos concerned about you? Youre the one in the serious need of a wife. Despite his good friends constant egging, nothing he said could get the prince to dance. Girl 1: Dance with me, my prince. Prince: I refuse. Girl 2: My prince! Please dance with me. Prince: I refuse! Go find someone else! Stepsister: My prince.. Prince: I said I aint dancing!!!! Naturally, the prince also coldly refused the stepsisters invitation to dance. After rejecting so many girls, the princes depression sank to a new low! Just then, the ever confident Cinderella appears. The prince was forced to ask her to dance by his friend. Cinderella: Oh my, Its barbecue. Prince: Hey you! Come.. DANCE WITH ME!!!!

Cinderella: Hmm? (ate the barbecue and ignored prince) Prince went back to his friend. Prince: I got dumped. Princes friend: Just be natural and go chat her up, prince. Prince went back to Cinderella. Prince: Did you come here for barbecue? Cinderella: Sure. Prince: I was thinking we could have a chat or something. Cinderella: Chat? Dong! The clock chimed midnight. Cinderella: Dear me I must be getting back. Prince: Yes! Cinderella giving her slipper to the prince said, Ill be leaving this with you then.. Pity. I wished there was more time to eat barbecue Princes friend: You could use this as a clue to find her. Prince: Forget it. Why bother? Princes friend: Theres a chance you will see her again and you are giving up? And you dare call yourself a man? Fuelled by his friends impassioned speech, the princes heart begins to stir. Thats right. The prince has realized something important. How he really wished to see her again. And so, the prince called on every household in his kingdom to try the glass slipper on every fair maiden. For surely, the girl whom the slipper fits must be the one hes searching for. Finally, the prince arrived at Cinderellas home. Stepsister: I am afraid this slipper isnt mine. Prince: Are there any other maidens in your estate? Stepmother: Oh no! Theres not even a rat. Prince: Great! Then, I m going back. Stepsister: Please wait! Theres still Cinderella. Prince: Who asked you to answer?! Cinderella entered the room eating hot pot and said, Dont shout at her. I shall not forgive those who would think of harming my sister. I have been expecting your arrival, prince. Indeed, it was I who had left that glass

slipper behind. NOW RETURN IT! I also know your reason for being here. You are here to ask for my sisters hand in marriage, yes? Prince: Are you out of your mind? How is the possible? Cinderella: It cant be that youre here to ask for my hand in marriage Dear me, what a nightmare that would be. Prince: NIGHTMARE WOULD BE AN UNDERSTATEMENT! ITLL BE LIKE BEING CONDEMNED TO THE PITS OF HELL! Fairy god wizard: Your words have all been heard. Cinderella: Ah, you have arrived, my faithful servant. Fairy god wizard: Im not your servant. I understand now that the union between you and the prince will not be possible. As such, I will ask once again. What is it that you truly wish for? Cinderella: I wish to run a barbecue shop with my sister. And so, Cinderella and the prince embark on separate journeys. And the barbecue shop opened with much fanfare. Cinderella lived happily ever after proving that females need not always rely on marriage to support themselves and continues to live independently.


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