The Effect of - On - : How To Write A Lab Report

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How to Write A Lab Report

The Effect of _________ on ________ (Experiment Title) (Major Words Begin with Caps) (Begins on Very First Line of Notebook Paper) (All Lines Centered) (Skip a Line After the Title) (No period after a title) Purpose:
(Do not write anything else on this line) (Must be written as a question What is the effect of _________ on ___________?) (First line is indented and then all others go back to the margin.) (Skip a line after each section of the write-up)


(Do not write anything else on this line) (If ., then) (Must be written as a complete sentence) (Must mention all levels of IV) (First line is indented and then all others must go back to the margin line.


(Do not write anything else on this line) (Must be listed in a column going up and down) (All items must be indented evenly) (Must include everything necessary to complete the experiment except the paper and pencil) (Be specific Tell brand names, sizes, quantities, etc)


(Do not write anything else on this line) 1. (Indent first line of each numbered step and then all others go back to the margin) (Each step must be a complete sentence.) 2. (Your procedure must explain very clearly and completely exactly how to do everything in your experiment, as if the reader has no idea of what your project is.) 3. (Use as many steps as necessary to tell how to duplicate your experiment) (Skip a line between each numbered step) 4. (Use present tense. Tell others what to do not what you did.) (Dont say First you and then you ...)


(Do not write anything else on this line) (Must include a neat, complete, labeled data table) (Must include a full page appropriate style, neat, complete, labeled paper graph on graph paper)

(Must include all observations in addition to a data table.) (Minimum of TWO EXTRA observations that are not contained in the data table. More observations are better.)


(Do not write anything else on this line) (First line is indented and then all others go back to the margin line in paragraph style) (Use complete sentences) (Do not use it) (Address each of the following in the order they are given here . Each is a new piece of information that you must address.) ** (Restate and answer your purpose question) **(Summarize your findings and relate them to your graph) ** (Relate your conclusion to your hypothesis My data supports or does not support my hypothesis NOT my data proves or disproves my hypothesis.) **(Offer your best explanation for your findings, even if it is just your opinion) ** (State at least one idea for further research on this same topic.) **(Relate how your experiment relates to real life) **(Give any problems you had while conducting this experiment, and/or, any improvements that could be made in your procedure.)

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