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History of makeup

Secrets of feminine beauty Did you know that women used to use make up made of lethal poisons, lead, mercury and tar? And that man who wore make up was common thing until mid 19 th century? We are witnesses that make up trends are constantly changing, so its interesting to look up into make up history because it had been used for centuries. How it all began It seems that women started to think how to tamper with nature in old Egypt. Archaeologists have found evidence of cosmetics or makeup being used in Egypt dating back far as the four thousand years BC. Then it was trendy to appear godlike and holly and it could be done only with look in which had been invested lots of time (even couple of hours every day). Egyptians were well aware of the beauty of soft skin and seductive eyes so they used natural ingredients such as balm, a hydrating substance, and eye make up, to beautify the skin and appearance. Women traced the veins in their temples and breasts with blue paint. Rouge was considered essential, just henna which they used like primitive nail polish. These women invented first anti wrinkle crme which was made of incense, almond oil, grass and fermented fruit juice that was supposed to be used every day. In ancient Greece, a more natural effect was usually preferred, but in the 4th century B.C., Grecian women painted their faces with white lead and used crushed mulberries for rouge. Romans used dark eye make up (usually coal), chalk for pale cheeks. Roman philosopher Plautus wrote, "A woman without paint is like food without salt." But that was not unusual because he was writer. Rich women had at least one slave for her beauty treatments and makeup applying.

Medieval beauty In medieval in Europe pale look was sign of wealth (they didnt have to work outside so they stayed indoor). Women of that period used extreme measures to achieve pale looks (usually they bled themselves). To preserve pale looks women wore womans hats and parasols; they also cover visible skin parts with bleach or stain removers which caused many deaths for their poisonous effects. During the Italian Renaissance, lead pain was used to lighten the face, which was very damaging to the wearer. Aqua Toffana was a popular face powder named for its creator, Signora Toffana. Made of arsenic, Signora Toffana instructed her rich clientele to apply the makeup only when their husbands were around. It's interesting to note that Toffana was executed some six hundred dead husbands later. Cosmetics were seen as a health threat in Elizabethan England, although women wore egg whites over their faces for a glazed look. During that era, the most important cosmetic item was rouge, which was used by everyone (woman, man and even children). At that time, eyebrows were blackened and hair was dyed. To prevent a low hairline and hair loss, a forehead bandage dipped in vinegar in which cats dung had been steeped was worn. First metro sexual was King George IV who spent fortune on cold cream, powders, pastes, and scents. However, not all men wore makeup, as many looked upon a man with rouged cheeks as a dandy. Victorians detested makeup and associated its use with prostitutes and actresses (which many considered one and the same). Any sight of tampering with ones natural color was looked with contempt. At that time respectable woman would use home-prepared face masks (based on food such as oatmeal, honey, and egg yolk). When makeup began to resurface, full makeup was still seen as sinful, although natural tones were accepted to give a healthy, pink-cheek look. Modern ages

However, the Victorian look remained in fashion until mass makeup marketing came in 1900s. The 1920s brought about two revolutions: the red lipstick and the Tan. The newly emancipated woman of America began to display their independence by free use of red lipstick, which was often scented with cherry. In medieval rich people did not work and stay inside so they have had pale looks in 1920s rich people did not work so they out and played in the Sun and that brought up new trend golden, tanned skin. This is era of first liquid nail polish, several forms of modern base, powdery blushes, and the powder compact. Cosmetics and make up was now booming business which continued to grow until today corporate giants such as Max Factor, LOreal, and Maybelline Today we have thousands of cosmetic products with different usage and color types. New area is corrective surgery with Botox, collagen injections, face liftings But thats theme for another paper.

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