Carrying Britain All Throuh Life

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This is a class individual task to be submitted no later than Tuesday, December 18, 2012: (a) soft copy via with the subject FKIP ENG INA TRANS and (b) hard copy to my secretary at FS UKI. Carrying Britain All Through Life Wet. That was the first impression about London that would stick in Riri Rizas mind as he came to the city in 2011. He encountered rain and puddles almost every day. But they soon became trifling for the famous Indonesian film-maker. The thing is that, also every day, the UKs capital city offeered so many interesting cultural activities. Not to mention his hectic academic life at the University of Londons Royal Holloway College, where he took his MA in screenwriting. Why did Riri choose the UK? He said that at the time he could go to the United Sates, but he felt that his references to Hollywood films were already more than adequate. Meanwhile the UK held strong attraction for him. The country hosted so many masters of the cinema whom he loved, Mike Leigh to name just one. He was therefore very happy when he received the Chevening scholarship. The oneyear study period suited him perfectly. At the time, Riri had just had a huge success with Petualangan Sherina (Sherinas Adventure) and he did not want to leave the industry for too long. At university he learnt a lot about how to build ideas up to make a ready-to-film script. He developed several manuscripts there, one of them being Eliana, Eliana which received much praise. During his study he did not only learn about how to write film scripts. His most memorable experience in London was his meeting with scripts agents which gave him strong inside into how a script travels from the writers desk to the hands of the producers. He also learnt a lot about film politics in the UK. They have access to lottery funds which are granted to assist the film industry, says Riri, who has just released his new film 3 Hari untuk Selamanya (Three Days to Forever). The hectic pace of his life made the one year study period, which he had itially considered idea, seem too short. To use a diving methapor, it was like having to come up to the surface before managing to reach the depths. The interesting thing is that British alumni often consider the one year study period rquired for a Masters programme as one of the main factors that influence their decision to study in the UK. This is especially true for those who study at their own expense, such as Anya Rompas. The difference between one and two years is significant, as the cost for an individual studying in the UK in a graduate programme is 16.000 or around Rp 312 million per year. The study period was not the only reason why Anya followed a programme on the Gothic Imagination at the University of Stirling in Scotland in 2004-5. From her childhood she had been introduced to stories with British or European backgrounds. Essentially my heart has been hooked to Britain, says Anya who, after graduating, works as an English teacher and is renowned as the founder of the poetry lovers community of Bunga matahari (Sunflower).

Basah, Itulah kesan pertama tentang London yang melekat dalam pikiran Riri Riza ketika ia tiba di kota tersebut pada tahun 2011. Dia menjumpai hujan dan genangan air hampir setiap hari. Tapi mereka kemudian menjadi biasa bagi sutradara film terkenal. Hal tersebut, hampir setiap hari, Ibukota Inggris tersebut menawarkan banyak kegiatan kebudayaan yang menarik begitu juga dengan sibuknya kehidupan akademinya di universitas Londons Royal Holloway College, dimana ia mengambil gelar Master of Arts nya di bidang penulisan naskah. Mengapa Riri memilih Inggris? Dia mengakatakan bahwa saat itu dia bisa saja pergi ke amerika serikat, tetapi dia merasa bahwa pengetahuan nya terhadap film Hollywood sudah lebih dari cukup. Sementara itu, Inggris menawarkan daya tarik yang kuat untuknya. Negara tersebut memiliki begitu banyak ahli sinema yang ia gemari, Mike Leigh salah satunya. Karena itulah ia begitu bahagia ketika ia menerima beasiswa Chevening. Satu tahun masa kuliah disesuaikan nya dengan sempurna. Saat itu, Riri sudah mendapatkan sukses besar dengan petualangan Sherina (Sherina Adventure) dan dia tidak mau terlalu lama meninggalkan industri perfilman. Di universitas, dia belajar banyak bagaimana untuk membangun beragam ide untuk membuat persiapan skrip film. Dia mengembangkan beberapa naskah di sana. Salah satu nya adalah Eliana, Eliana menerima banyak apresiasi.

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