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NAME: Chand Prakash Singh Rawat CONTACT NO. : +918153909490 EMAIL ID: CAREER OBJECTIVE:

To give my best to the organization for which I work with commitment that will contribute for the development of company and also take me towards the professional excellence.
EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION: Bachelor in Technology Technology From JIS College of Engineering, Kalyani (WB) under WBUT Stream: Information

ACADEMIC PROFILE Year SGPA (odd semester) 4th 3 2

rd nd

SGPA (even semester) 8.96 8.11 8.48 7.71 Year of Passing 2007 2005


8.19 7.96 8.03 6.67 Board CBSE CBSE

8.58 8.04 8.25 7.20 Percentage 63.8 64.3

1st Examination Passed Higher Secondary (10+2) Secondary(10)

TECHNICAL SKILLS: Languages: C, SQL, JAVA,PHP Operating system: Windows, Linux (Fedora14.Cent OS)

INDUSTRIAL TRAINING Training on: Oracle 10g PL/SQL Programming with Forms Duration:1 month Training imparted by: Globsyn Finishing School

PROJECT DETAILS: Project Title: Steganography Team Size: 4 Duration: 1 year Project Summary: Its basically passing of hidden message over e-media. Status: (Complete/on going): Completed.

PERSONAL PROFILE : Name: Chand prakash Singh Rawat Fathers Name: Bhupal Singh Date of Birth: 15/06/1989 Gender: Male Marital Status: Unmarried Nationality: Indian CONTACT DETAILS Correspondence Address: S/o 4176746X L/NK Bhupal Singh Q.No.413/4 C.V.D LANE, C.V.D Area Delhi Cantt-110011 Permanent Address:Village-Gurena,P.O-Raiagar,Upteh-Berinag,Teh-Didihat,DistPithoragarh (Uttrakhand) E-mail HOBBIES & EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES:

I like to work with electronic gadgets at chip Level. I have completed following Courses: 1.HACKING (CISE) Level 1 V2.0 from Inobuzz Knowledge solutions. 2. Mobile Reworking in 2009 and having experience of 2.5 years in same Field. I was State Level boxer for the State Himanchal Pradesh and for Pentangular Meet of Military Schools. Holder of NCC A Certificate for Indian Air Force for Camp held at AIR FORCE Station KULLU MANALI.


1.PMS(Project Management System) Description: It is a Project Management Tool which had Role Based Authentication and has access to defined rights given by Administrator and has Attendance Module and Employee Reporting Module and a Lot for project Management. 2.SPORTSBAM GAME Description : It it project that is Designed in YII Framework (One of the Leading PHP Frame work) Project was divided into different Modules Module 1: Game Logic Implementation and Making users Play Real Time game on the Basis of No. of Singups and Make Every Round get Executed By Means of CRONE JOB on LINUX SERVER(And Next Phases Going on For Live Data Feed From a third Party Website).

DECLARATION : I hereby declare that the information furnished above is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Date:23-June- 2013. Place: Ahmadabad.

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