Qestionnaire: Name of The Respondent: Name of The School Age of The Child Occupation of The Respondent

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Name of the Respondent: Name of the School Age of the child Occupation of the respondent:

Q1. Does your child enjoys going to the school A. YES B. NO

Q2. Do you find the premises of the school bright and attractive? A. YES B. NO

Q3. Do you find any progress in your child? A. YES B. NO

Q4. Does the school keeps you informed about your childs progress or development? A. YES B. NO

Q5. Do the teachers keeps you updated about the activities planned for the children? A. YES B. NO

Q6. Does the staff informs you about its procedures for the personal care of your child? A. YES B. NO

Q7. Does the school seeks the views of the parents and takes account of their suggestions and concerns? A. YES B. NO

Q8. Do you feel you have admitted your child in the right school? A. YES B. NO

Q9. What is the fee structure annually? A.Less than Rs. 3000 B. Rs. 3000-5000 C.MorethaRs. 5000

Q10. Are you satisfied with the development of your child with respect to the fees? A. YES B. NO

Q11. Do you think the fee structure is justified? A. YES B. NO

Q12. What is the school timing? A.Morning(7-19.30) B.Day(10-11.30) C. Others

Q13. How many classes are there? A.3-5 B. 5-10 C. Less than 3

Q14. What is the strength of students of each class? A.Less than 10 B. 10-15 C. !5-25

Q15. How many teachers are allotted for one class? A.1 B. 2 C. 3

Q16. Does the school arrange for any special activities during holidays? A. YES B. NO

Q17. Does the school give homework to the children? A. YES B. NO

Q18. How often do they give homework? A.Weekends B. Everyday C. Only in holidays

Q19. Has the school provided any workbooks? A. YES B. NO

Q20. If not where from do you buy them- School campus or outside book shop? A.School campus B. outside book shop

Q21. Do you find the staff approachable, helpful with any problem or complain? A. YES B. NO

Q22.Does your child finds interests in the range of activities done in school?



Q23. How do you find the quality of the school reports? A.Good B. Medium C Could have been better

Q24. Does the school encourage outdoor activities or games? A. YES B. NO

Q25. How do you think the school takes the responsibility of your child? A.Good B. Fair C. Satisfactory

Q26. Does the school involves the parents for the special events like children day celebrations and other events? A. YES B. NO

Q27. Does the school give importance on activity based learning or traditional classroom learning? A. YES B. NO

Q28. Does your child able to recollect what has been done in class? A. YES B. NO

Q29. Does your child able to recite the rhymes done in school? A. YES B. NO

Q30. How often does the school calls for parent teacher meetings? A.Every week B.Every month C. As and when needed

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