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NoCompromise: NorthKoreasNuclear Ambitions
SNUIncorporated, theAftermath
TheKoreanEngineeringProject intheHimalayas
Restaurant Review: Eat, Rest, PayandLeave
Volume 42
March 2013
The Space Race between
the Two Koreas

Cover Story March 2013. Vol. 42
uill Staff
Chief Managing Director Yeun-il Jeong
Editor-in-Chief Yun Hwan Chae
Vice Managing Director Eun Hur
Editor Haesol Kim
Seo Kyoung Lee
Editor Diana Cho
Regina Lee
Young Min Son
Arts and Culture
Editor Abhas Maskey
Tselmeg Chuluunbaatar
Hee Kyung Lee
Jane Park
Creative Director
Suzanne Park
Advisor Professor Eli Sorensen
Professor Eui Hang Shin
Sponsor SNUCollege English Program
Office of International Affairs
Printing Late Spring (0222698030)
Design Sun Hee Kim

November 2012. Vol. 41

In the past winter vacation, I went snowboarding for the very first time with a
couple of friends. None of us really knew what to expect and when we finally got
ourselves on the slope, the initial experience was terrible. The childish glee of gliding
through the snow was only momentary as fear took over and the board spiraled out of
control. My friends and I had chosen the gentlest slope, however, for the entire
afternoon session, none of us could master the techniques that we tried to learn through
youtube. Instead, we found ourselves trying to figure out ways to soften the eventual
crash as eight year olds zoomed past us in their skiing outfits.
As the sun fell down, the falling and crying out in agony had gotten the best of us
and we decided that wed risk death and take on an actual slope on the mountains
instead of an icy pasture of slight incline. Perhaps we lost our sense of pain and sanity
by then, as the gondola ride up towards the top seemed to promise only further pain
and suffering, but everyone was up for the challenge. When we finally took the leap of
faith down the slope, it was surprisingly easy. The soft fresh snow of the slope allowed
for us to actually control the snowboards and all the techniques came by naturally. The
steering and braking that had been impossible in the gentlest slope was incredibly
simple. I realized that the previous course was too icy for snowboarding and we had
basically wasted time falling down and hurting ourselves. I think I can draw
comparisons between this experience and my involvement in the Quill in the past two
The Quill has been established since 2005, however, despite the fact that we are
nearing our tenth anniversary, the Quill has experienced numerous difficulties. The
lack of financial and community support have hampered our progress towards
becoming a magazine that meets up to the expectations of SNU. Although we tackled
the various challenges head on, we have at times come to the point of stagnation. My
time with the Quill has been full of worries of eventual failure, just like my initial
experience with snowboarding. And it seems that we have been wrong in our approach
fundamentally. The platform of student journalism that Quill was originally founded
upon had long been replaced by aimless wandering without clear direction or ideals.
Starting of spring semester of this year, we have new goals in mind to become an official
independent student press and to be more proactive in dealing with issues that are
relevant to SNU students. With new leadership in the management department along
with the editorial staff and revisions to our constitution, we promise to aim to be the
standard of student journalism at SNU.
ith the successful
launching of the Naro-1
rocket in late January of
this year, South Korea joined the
exclusive space club that consists of
only thirteen countries. The success
marks a new shifting dynamic to the
space exploration scene that had been
previously dominated by a handful of
countries. South Korea follows the
recent success stories in orbital
launches by Iran and North Korea.
However, despite the technological
milestone that South Koreas space
program has achieved, the nearly half a
billion dollar project has raised eye
brows in the South Korean public as
questions remain whether the program
was a reactionary initiative in response
to North Koreas developments in
missile technology. The political
situation in the peninsula has taken
another turn for the worse from the
recent mini space race between the two
Koreas. The Quill has tackled the
technological and political implications
to the developments of rocket and
space technology of South Korea.
What is most ironic about aerospace
programs is that historically, they have
been motivated by geopolitics.
Although the technology enables
humanity to venture out into outer
space, the reasons behind these
programs are mostly to exert
geopolitical prowes on Earth. As
exemplified through the Cold War, the
United States (US) and the Soviet
Union space programs thrived during
the period for the sake of competition.
What had initially begun as an arms
race for advanced missile technology
became a matter of pride and power.
The political implications ultimately
outweighed the technological trickle
effect beget by the aerospace industry.
The apparent similarities between the
space race of the Cold War and the
current developments in the Korean
peninsula make the two situations
March 2013. Vol. 42
March 2013. Vol. 42
The two Koreas space programs both beganin the 1980s and since then,
both countries have launched satellites with their own rocket technologies.
The Space Race
between the Two Koreas
The core of the two Korean space programs is
undoubtedly motivated by regional politics. Each
development in space technology in the peninsula is
followed up by the other Korea. As the two Koreas first
delved into the aerospace industry in the 1980s (North), the
1990s (South) marked an era of development in satellites
based on indigenous technology. And since the beginning of
the 21st century both countries have focused their efforts on
producing rocket technology, as they both have succeeded in
recent months. Although similar to the cold war, there is a
crucial difference between the two space races.
Whereas, the competition in the past were between two
global superpowers, the space race between South and North
Korea take place in the ball park of powerful neighbors such
as China, Japan, Russia and to a certain extent the US. Under
the watchful eyes of already technologically advanced
nations, the two Koreas follow drastically different models
for aerospace development. North Koreas development in
rocket technology can be regarded as a defensive maneuver
to bring leverage in its precarious diplomatic situation. North
Korea has gradually developed its rocket technology in
conjunction with their nuclear arms program. However,
these developments have only further isolated the
communist state from the rest of the world, and remains as
the only factor that ensures the dictatorships continual
power. Meanwhile, South Korea has taken a collaborative
effort with Russia in its aerospace program that has
culminated in the recent launching of the Naro-1 rocket.
The two stage rocket was developed by the two countries,
with the first stage rocket by a Russian manufacturer, while
the latter by the Korea Aerospace Research Institute.
Although South Koreas efforts are commendable, its rocket
technology has not matured to an alleged complete
autonomy like that of North Korea.
However, autonomous North Korean technology has
only been criticized by the international community. The
United Nations condemned North Koreas recent launching
as a facade for testing its missile technology and Japan has
launched two spy satellites in late January of this year,
intended to monitor North Korean developments in its
nuclear technology. Thus, the space race between the two
Koreas is regarded completely different from that of the
1960s. Instead of a struggle for national pride, North Koreas
developments are seen as a means for survival for the
totalitarian regime and South Koreas gradual progress in the
aerospace efforts is simply influenced and motivated by the
geopolitics of the region. Ultimately, the space race of the
two Koreas is hardly the competition of the golden age in
space developments, however, they represent a rising
importance of the peninsula in the global arena.
SouthKoreans watchthesuccessful launchingof theNaro-1.
1989 - Founding of Korean Aerospace
Research Institute (KARI)
1993 - Launching of the solid-fuel rocket KSR-1
1999 - Launching of the first Korean satellite
into space, Arirang-1, by a US rocket
June 2009 - Establishment of South Koreas first
space center the Naro Space Center
August 2009 - Unsuccessful launching of Naro-1
June 2010 - Second attempt at launching of Naro-1
fails again
January 2013 - Third and successful launching of Naro-1
1980s -Founding of Korean Committee of Space
Technology (KCST)
August 1998 -Unsuccessful launching of
Kwangmyongsong-1 Satellite using the
Paektusan Rocket
July 2006 -Unha-1 Experimental Rocket test
April 2009 -Unsuccessful launching of
Kwangmyongsong-2 satellite launch
using the Unha-2 Rocket
April 2012 -Unsuccessful launching of
Kwangmyongsong-3 satellite launch
using the Unha-3 Rocket
December 2012-Successful launching of
Kwangmyongsong-3 Satellite launch
using the Unha-3 Rocket
March 2013. Vol. 42
; 6
nprecedented reforms implemented by North
Korean leader Kim Jong-un immediately after his
inauguration in late 2012 raised subtle hopes that
North Korea may finally succumb to international pressure
and de-isolate. Indeed, photographs of actors in Disney
character costumes in the countrys eminent gala were
posted ubiquitously on the front pages of prominent
newspapers and had analysts speculating that its demeanor
was set to be commendable this regime. Yet regrettably for
them, such countenance turned out to be a guise; any hopes
that the new leader would be different from his predecessors
were emphatically quashed as North Korea, despite
unexpected opposition from its traditional ally China, carried
out a successful nuclear test on 12 February, 2013, precisely a
month after putting a satellite into orbit. The news was
certainly not what new president-elect Park Geun Hye
would have liked to hear at a busy time of transition and
would put serious question marks over her pledge to forge
closer ties with North Korea. As for North Korea, such
provocation is merely a display of their conventional
diplomacy. In fact, their rocket technology had been
gradually proliferating in both depth and quality with
clandestine aid from a myriad of other scientifically
formidable countries. It was a matter of time, rather than if,
the third nuclear test would genuinely transpire.
Kim Jong-un adopted insidious tactics to ensure the
international community turned a blind eye to its missile
developing programme. Unlike his predecessors, the juvenile
leader would initially act as if the country was embarking in a
process of reforms. Analysts sympathetic to him assert that
the leader did genuinely want to reform, but was pressurized
by the more belligerent sectors of his cabinet to carry out the
missile tests. Whatever the interpretation, it is clear that
North Korea, whether under the instruction of the powerful
military figures or under the direct instruction of Kim Jong-
un himself, never halted the development of missile
development during his reign. Initially of course, in the
diplomatic frame, North Korea agreed to suspend operations
at its Yongbyon uranium enrichment plant on February
2013, invite IAEA inspectors to monitor the suspension and
even implement moratoriums on nuclear and long-range
missile tests. As retribution, the United States promised the
provision of 240,000 metric tons of food to North Korea.
Yet once again North Koreas rhetoric was unveiled as a
strategy that would ensure the international society that the
regime was no longer war-mongering, yet intimately develop
a satellite launch in mid-April to celebrate the centennial
birthday of the countrys founder Kim Il Sung. Indeed as
promised, last 13th April, it attempted to launch a weather
satellite using the Unha-3, a three-stage liquid-fueled rocket
and consequently, the United States suspended its aid
programme. Yet humiliatingly for the reclusive nation, after
just 90 seconds, the rocket disintegrated in its first stage.
North Korea, unlike in April 2009 when it deceived the
public that a satellite was successfully put into orbit,
admitted that it had failed with its endeavor. To make
matters worse, in a military parade honoring the 100th
birthday of Kim Il Sung two days later, boasting six road-
mobile ICBMs (the KN-08), experts concluded that the
missiles were mock-ups with imagery analysis revealing
significant abnormalities in the design features. As a
No Compromise:
North Koreas
Nuclear Ambitions
consequence of such persistent mishaps, the international
society did not take North Koreas missile potential with
great asperity. Besides, it was implausible, they imprudently
assumed, that such a secluded and impoverished nation
could gain access to advanced technology that only a handful
of nations had acquired.
Conceivably, the United Nations Security Council
condemned North Korea's satellite launch, postulating that it
was violation of Security Council Resolutions 1718 (2006)
and 1874 (2009) and warned of an extension of sanctions.
The international society had believed that they had acted
sternly enough to repress North Koreas missile ambitions
and indeed North Korea remained comparatively indolent
for the best part of 2012. The latency was not to last very
long, however, as on the first day of December, the reclusive
state astounded the world by abruptly announcing their trial
of another long-range rocket satellite launch that month.
The Unha-3 rocket would be launched from the Sohae
Satellite Launching Station. In spite of international
condemnation, as had been forewarned, North Korea
launched the Unha-3 on 12 December, 2012. Shortly after
the launch the North Korean Central News Agency as well
as Japanese and South Korean officials reported that the
launch was a success and that a satellite had entered orbit. In
response, the United Nations Security Council passed
Resolution 2087 fortifying and expanding existing sanctions
put in place by the earlier resolutions, simultaneously
freezing the assets of additional North Korean individuals. If
the international body believed that such measures would
once again halt the progress of the North Koreans they were
soon found to be miscalculated as the North Korean
National Defense Commission announced its intentions to
conduct another nuclear test and persist its rocket launches.
On 12th February, the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
Organization detected seismic activity near North Korea's
nuclear test site with the CTBTO Executive Secretary Tibor
Toth claiming that the activity had explosion-like
characteristics. Furthermore, the South Korean Defense
Ministry estimated the yield at 6-7 kilotons and confirmed
that the activity had its origin in the district of the 2006 and
2009 nuclear tests.
North Korea remonstrated that the tests were directed at
its arch-enemy the United States and that two more
nuclear tests would take place this year. Indeed, it is feared
that Kim Jong-un may be going even further than his
predecessors since his approval among the highest ranks of
the country are second fiddle to that of his father. Since
missile power is the only avenue that the economically
impoverished country believes can demonstrate its strength,
it is feasible that North Korea will only become more
belligerent in the near future. The task for the international
society is not to simply tighten its sanctions or become more
belligerent in its rhetoric. It must actually halt the flow of
missile technology into North Korea. Although missile parts
were predominantly domestically produced, most of the vital
advanced missile technology knowhow was imported. An
abundance of reports have denounced Iran, Russia, China
and even Myanmar for bolstering North Koreas missile
potency. Yet never have these reports been seriously pursued
by the United Nations authorities, perhaps for fear of
provoking the states concerned. If the international society
truly craves a peaceful Korean peninsula, it must steadfastly
eliminate the origins of the North Koreas ever improving
missile potential, or face calamitous ramifications.
KimJong-uns regimehas beencriticizedfor its nuclear missileprogram ANorthKoreansoldier at therecent rocket launchsite
As we welcome everyone to a brand new year, we look
not only forward to greater expectations, but also bid
farewell to the past. 2012 was a great year seeing as we
avoided the apocalypse as some predicted in December 21st.
From the ludicrous theories of Planet X to the Mayan
calendar, its safe to say that doomsday theories wont be
resurfacing anymore in the near future.
According to the Chinese Zodiac, 2013 is the year of the
black snake, an animal that symbolizes abundance and good.
It is a sign of fortune as it symbolizes wealth, and the color
black represents unexpected changes and darkness. It is
clearly a mysterious year to look out for, but as it is the year
of water snake, there are a lot of good omens of finance and
wealth headed this year. In other words- be very careful, but
take opportunity at the chance it is given to you. With that
being said, we, Quill and Seoul National University, not only
welcome the New Year, but the freshmen along with all
transfer as well as exchange students from all over the world.
It is truly going to be a great year full of variety in the
thriving diversity at SNU with the events along the way.
Several events have already happened this year, from the
resignation of the pope and the inauguration of the first
female Korean president. The Seoul National University
community has also been active since the beginning of the
year with students participating in an engineering project in
Nepal that has supplied electricity to over 200 households.
The project, led by Professor Ahn Sung Hoon, was a success
and is a part of SNUs continuous efforts in third world
Starting the spring semester in the beginning of March,
there have so far been several orientations and welcoming
events. However, nothing screams welcome as best as the
gorgeous cherry blossoms that appears all throughout the
campus early-April. The annual spring festival that lasts for
three days on the Main Field in front of the Student Center
(Bldg. 63) happens mid-April, and the fall festival in mid-
October. Both festivals are by far the most popular student
events as the field is open to students during the festival
periods. Food and drinks are sold and everyone socializes
whilst on stage there are bands, performances and games by
the student organizations of different sorts (dongari). The
last night is always the most special as Kpop stars perform.
Last, last fall we had the Gangnam Style singer, Psy, last
spring- the Brown Eyed Girls and several more.
In order for these events to be successful, the student
body led by its representatives has to take greater interests
and responsibilities. However, as we have witnessed
consecutive resignations of the student council over the
years, we hope to see a rise in interest in the new student
council that will boost student opinions and SNU pride.
Last of all, SNU has undergone a great transition last year
through incorporation. Although tangible results have yet to
be noticed by the student body, 2013 promises a string of
new initiatives and changes that will be implemented in our
daily academic lives.
8 j
March 2013. Vol. 42
SNU Society
Cover Story Nuclear Power in Korea
Sims of Princeton University for their
study of the causal relationship
between macroeconomic policies and
economic contribution. He will be
teaching for two years at SNU until
Along with Sargent, SNU also
welcomed other several great scholars
such as Charles Lee whose work and
research in the field of human genome
genetics is highly recognized and is
currently the professor at Harvard
Medical School. Lee is going to be
lecturing at SNU as a visiting chair
professor starting this year.
The new school board anticipates
more scholars to knock their way into
SNU campus afterwards as they open
more doors for them.
Another news heading our way is
the construction of the second central
library of SNU. The school board has
decided to reinforce the schools
central library by constructing another
one just behind the current one.
Anyone who has been going regularly
to the schools central library for
occasional studies can agree that we
could all use a little upgrade to the
place. Thanks to a successful
fundraiser that raised 60 billion won
and the new school boards decision,
the new central library is set to be
finished in June 2014.
Another change with incorporation
concerns SNU students human
rights. One of the promises of SNU
Inc. board was to open up various
centers regarding the students
wellbeing. One of those promises was
to build the Human Rights Center of
SNU that opened in last June. The
center had its first big session in last
October concerning the status quo of
human rights of the graduate students
who are often subjected to harsh
conditions of living and studying.
Afterwards, in November, the center
had another forum with foreign
students of SNU concerning their
human rights and various prejudices
against them.
Another good news is that SNU
finally decided to build a new
dormitory building exclusively for
foreign students. The school board
announced that they were considering
to build such a facility in order to
promote diverse lifestyles of foreign
students of SNU last December and
they recently announced that the
government has already granted the
budget for the project. Though the
specific details has not been settled,
one can say that it is very good news
for the future SNU alumni from all
over the world.
Promising as it sounds, however,
there are still numerous concerns
about the future of SNU Inc. The
biggest concern is of course about the
fact that SNU now motivates itself
with efficient business models. There
had been many debates about how a
school should focus on making money
while many fear that this might
contradict with the ultimate purpose
of an educational institute to promote
the quality of its education rather than
making profits.
Regarding such views, there have
been some cutbacks on some of the
liberal arts subjects in the category of
physical education and music. The
SNU Liberal Education Department
announced that they are reforming
their courses and while doing so, they
might be cutting back on some on
classes open to all the students in order
to enhance the quality of the
remaining classes. Even though the
reasons for such reform sounds
convincing, there are suspicions within
the student body that the school is
starting its scheme to reform the
school courses and department
structures based simply on a cost
efficient model.
Meanwhile, there have been some
concrete issues regarding the
incorporation within the campus with
the on-campus laborers. Seeing that
the new personnel policy of SNU Inc.
differentiates the levels and incomes of
the on-campus laborers who, in the
past, were either employees of SNU or
government employees. Now they are
all employees of incorporated SNU.
Over the years, SNU had had two
types of on-campus laborers; ones
who had been hired by the school itself
and ones who had been put in by the
government. The problem is that the
ones from the government were and
still are eligible public servants who
had passed a certain exam to gain their
positions. So the board decided to let
the public servants have better
conditions than the other laborers.
Seeing that this is an act of
discrimination, the workers union
even conducted a strike over last
As SNU Inc. transitions into its
second year, it is now safe to say that
things are really happening. There is no
turning back. Though there are still
many pros and cons to weigh up, one
can only hope that the new system will
strive to bring about the most desirable
result for the members of the school in
the years to come.
March 2013. Vol. 42

After the brouhaha over the incorporation of SNU in the

last couple of years, it has come to the fact that Seoul
National University has indeed become an incorporated
organization. In fact, after the official launch of SNU Inc. on
the 28th of December 2011, the new version of our school
now marks its second year.
However, we, the students did not really have the chance
to witness the impact of incorporation over the last year. The
tuition had not changed as dramatically as most had feared,
(in fact, it has been lowered by 0.25% this year.) nor were
there any major changes to the faculty.
The major difference between the original SNU and SNU
Inc. is that the decision making process has become more
autonomous. That is to say, prior to incorporation, SNU
was bound to the government and all the big decision
makers consisted of government officials. But now, the
school has its own board with diverse backgrounds. This is a
great deal than it sounds like because now SNU can function
without the interferences from the South Korean
government, allowing them to be more flexible with budgets
and infrastructure.
Now, all the school faculty members are solely SNU
employees whereas before, their position was rather obscure
as the South Korean government appointed them out. This
indicates that SNU can invite more scholars from abroad
since the procedure of hiring them has become much more
simple. Of course, this can only happen with budget
permitting but another good news is that after incorporation,
SNU is allowed to keep its original funding from the
government and on top of that, start its own business model
to promote profit.
One of the most significant changes within the campus
last year is that SNU employed some great scholars to teach
and research on its premises.
For the first time ever in Korea, the SNU economics
faculty welcomed the Nobel Prize winning scholar Thomas
Sargent last year. Sargent won the Nobel Prize for
Economics in 2011 and is a professor at New York
University. Sargent won the prize along with Christopher
SNU Society
Thomas Sargent, theNobel Prizewinner of 2011 is teachingat SNU
Diagramof thenewcentral library
March 2013. Vol. 42

Nepal, although rich in resources for renewable energy production, faces acute electricity shortage.
Even in the capital city of Kathmandu, residents must endure an average of fifteen hours of power
outage daily during the winter season. Thus, it is hard to imagine how isolated villages like Thingan,
sidelined from the main power grid, would be able to replace old kerosene lamps with safer
alternatives any time soon. The Quill talks to the man who tries to change just that.
Spring has come, and with it, the start of the new semester. For people who are still unsure about
what courses to take, here are some elective courses you might want to incorporate into course
plans. Take note, you wouldnt want to miss out on these interesting and educative courses while
you are at SNU.
Fine Arts
Introduction to the Performing Arts 003.061A
The course examines the boundaries of performing arts
through performing arts theories regarding the relationship
between the stage and the audience. Students study opera,
musikdrama, ballet and modern dance during the semester.
Detailed lectures as well as ample use of visual aids make the
course fun and interesting.
Understanding the Bible and Christian
Thought 024.024
The course aims to understand the Bible by learning about
historical backgrounds and symbols used in it. Instead of
learning about the interpretations and dogmas handed down
through the centuries, students will examine materials and
evidences for themselves in order to read and understand the
Old Testament and the New Testament.
Society & Ideology
Information Retrieval 005.045
Students will learn how to retrieve information through
the application of various researching methods. They will
also practice using digital information resources as well as the
university library during the class. The course promises that
students will be able to locate any information regardless of
its specific source or medium. The skills should come in
handy, especially if you are a freshman lost before handing in
your first paper.
Psychology of Interpersonal Relations 005.011
The course aims to increase the students understanding of
human relationships and to provide models for their analysis
and treatment. Small group activities offer the chance to
actually analyze and improve relationships, and at the end of
the term, group members often end up making new friends.
Parenting (005.026)
The course examines the true meaning of becoming a
parent. By learning about the role, value, belief of parents in
child development, students will learn how important and
necessary parental education is. The course promises to be
interesting and informing for future parents-to-be.
Nature and Technology
A Billion Dollar Molecule 027.006
Molecules have been the key players in the history of
science. While unknown to us, they triggered numerous
technological developments crucial in science. The courses
objective is to introduce students to the work of these small
molecules which, despite their size, can generate whole new
industries. Students without previous knowledge of physics,
chemistry or biology are welcome to sign up for the course,
so dont be daunted.
Liberal Education Special Programs
Career Development: Exploration and
Planning 009.013
The course aims to help students address career issues.
The course-work and assignments are designed to help
students achieve this. Through questionnaires such as MBTI
and group activities, students explore their true self. Alumni
interviews help students set and plan career goals. This
course is strongly recommended for undergraduate students
who are having career problems.
Volunteer Social Service 1, 2, 3 009.006
Volunteer Social Service courses offer an opportunity to
merge personal interest with schoolwork. Students who sign
up for the course receive education in basic knowledge and
practice method of volunteer work. Afterwards, they
participate in volunteer work at various local social service
agencies, putting knowledge into practice.
March 2013. Vol. 42 SNU Society
Binayak Bhandari sits comfortably on his chair at his
apartment as he narrates his side of the story while he
periodically sips a masala tea. A few weeks before, in the
remote Thingan Village of Makwanpur district in Nepal, he
was up on a hilltop overlooking the 20kW Pelton Turbine
Micro-Hydro Power Plant that he had designed from
Bhandari, a PhD candidate in the School of Mechanical
and Aerospace Engineering, was the one who spearheaded
the rural electrification project into effect in his native
country. This was not his first time leading such a project.
We have, including this one, completed four projects in
Nepal, recalls Bhandari, We had a 2.2kW PVP in Lamtang
in 2011, a rather small PVP installation in Rimche and in
2011 and 2012, a 7kW PVP installation in Thingan. The
current project was an expansion to what we did last year.
We refers to the Solar Nepal Volunteer Corps that
consists of thirty seven Korean students and three professors
led by Prof. Ahn Sung Hoon (MAE,SNU) who has been
actively supporting Bhandaris mission.
This time, Bhandari undertook a government level project
that involved High Voltage Transmission which had to be
distributed to about 126 new houses. The whole project
incorporated three sources of energy: A 3kW Wind Turbine,
2kW PVP (Solar Panels) and a 20kW Hydro Power Plant.
In addition, the project implemented the ondol system and
organized a science exhibition in a local school as part of the
social responsibility program. It was an achievement in itself
for Bhandari to convince Prof. Ahn that he was capable of
completing such a project as large amounts of funding were
obviously required.
For students, this is a mega project. I dont think there
has been a student project of such scale in Korean history
claims Bhandari, Fortunately, the Korean government and
private donors financed us.
But what made a mechanical engineering graduate take on
such an ambitious civil project?
We wanted to impact the lives of people living in rural
Nepal and we found out that the best way to do so was to
focus on renewable energy. This required both mechanical
and civil engineering. With the suggestion and help of some
of my colleagues and professors and with a handy
handbook, not only were we able to attract funds and design
the whole project but also implement it on the field in a
short span of time.
The design and placement of the powerplants in the
project are unique. The whole system is, in fact, a smaller
And... There Was Light!
The Korean Engineering Project in the Himalayas
Elective Courses in SNU
Handingit over : Prof AhnSungHoonshakinghands withthepresident of the
villageelectricityconsumers communityonFebruary3rd.
version of a grid, or rather called a
mini-grid where power plants are
interconnected to provide a stable
supply chain. So if one of the sources
needs maintenance or fails abruptly,
there will still be power. But first, the
sources need to be synchronized to
one another.
We are still working on that, states
Bhandari in between tea sips, It is
definitely a technical hurdle right now.
We have thought of two methods
through which this can be
accomplished, one possible being the
Grid Tie Inverter which automatically
matches the frequency between the
Follower (slave) and Leader
(master) sources. He further adds
that this will take more time.
The Korean Volunteer team arrived
a week before the handing over
ceremony of the project to the local
consumer community and worked
extremely hard in an unfamiliar
climate. By the time they had worn
the silk scarf as a gesture of
appreciation from the village, they had
been able to install ondol- the
Korean traditional floor heating
technique- in some homes and
organize a science exhibition in a local
The project was supposed to begin
on February 3rd but due to a host of
unavoidable circumstances, it could
not take place. Firstly, we could not
obtain the hardware required in time
and secondly, working with backward,
illiterate and untrained workforce was
challenging. The deal was simple: the
village provided the labor force while
Korea financed. Even so, as Bhandari
states, it was difficult to get the locals
to work daily. This eventually
prevented the project to meet its
The project now is at its final stage.
We want a sustainable future for the
people of the village. adds Bhandari,
Keeping this model in mind, we have
encouraged and helped the villagers to
start a poultry farm, mushroom farm
and an electric mill so that they could
turn energy into hard cash. Not only
are we aiding in eradicating darkness
but poverty as well.
It is a project like this that improves
how people go on about their lives. A
small combined effort from the
fortunate to the unfortunate can make
a world of a difference. However,
Bhandari insists that this needs
continuity and that the next
generation should, at least, help those
who need the most.
The Quill insists the same.
Bhandari would like to thank Prof
Ahn Sung Hoon(Seoul National
University) , Prof. Caroline S. Lee
(Hanyang University), Prof. Song Chal
Ki (Gyeongsang National University),
Prof. Ramesh K. Maskey (Kathmandu
University, Nepal), Prof. Won Shik
Chu (Seoul National University),
Volunteers, Lab friends, and most
importantly, his wife Pratibha.
March 2013. Vol. 42
SNU Society
30,000mlong transmission line
5000kmBhandari on his motorbike
2,000 directly affected villagers
200 rural houses
25kWof energy production
3 months construction time
2 Schools, 1 Cottage industry, 1
Health Post, 1 Police Station
Terms for Dummies:
- PVP: Photo Voltaic Panel or rather
Solar Panel
- kW: Kilo Watt. Also known as Power
- Grid: Network transmission lines
through which electricity is
transmitted. Look for National Grid
- Mini-Grid: A Main Grid like grid
system interconnecting energy
- Hybrid-Grid: Interconnecting
heterogeneous energy sources
- Pelton Turbine: High head Turbine
Team Alpha
- Nepal Solar Volunteer Corps
- Director: Prof. Ahn Sung Hoon
- 37 Korean Volunteers
- 7+ 1 Universities (Korea + Nepal)
- 3 + 1 Professors
- 4 Nepali Volunteers (Studying in
Defyingtime: Koreantraditional roomheating
techniqueOndol installedinonehousehold.
Thecombo: Solar Panels (PVP) withtheWind
Renewableall theway:
ThePeltonTurbinereadyfor service.
March 2013. Vol. 42
; 6
In 1999, Shiri, a Korean blockbuster
directed by Kang Je Kyu, was released
and became an instant hit. It was the
first of its kind, and was to pave way
for movies dealing with the tricky
topic of North Korea. Joint Security
Area (2000) followed, and since then
the theme of international conflict
between North Korea and South
Korea has become a favorite with
movie directors, perhaps due to the
fact it is based on the real-life situation
the Korean people face as a citizen of a
divided nation.
The Berlin Fileis another (and
rather successful) attempt at following
this time-old tradition, but with colors
of its own. In Shiri, we saw a South
Korean secret agent fighting to
conserve national security threatened
by the mortal enemy, North Korea.
Joint Security Area focused more on
individuals oppressed under national
feelings and examined how a new sort
of relationship could develop between
North and South Koreans. The
budding relationship even evolved into
camaraderie approaching brotherhood
in The Secret Reunion (2010), in
which a former North Korean spy and
South Korean intelligence agent bond
with one another as they go through a
series of events. Now, in 2013, The
Berlin Filepresents a North Korean
as the main protagonist of the movie.
Although there are also other
On one of the mainstreets of Seoul National University
Station, Muksheedona (Literally interpreted as eat, rest, pay,
and leave), has quite a large hold on a diverse range of
customers. Perhaps it is the direct, concise nature of the
name or because of its well-known appearances on local
television shows, this restaurant is quite popular with all age
groups. Whether it is the nostalgic older crowd searching for
a taste of childhood, or the younger generation looking for a
cheap eatery, this restaurant facilitates to all such demands.
This chain restaurant prepares its own rendition of the
traditional Korean ddukboki dish prepared over a stove.
The ups of the location are that it is just a couple of steps
in front of exit 3 of the subway station. Its display is easily
overlooked, but more than often, its crowd is not.
As you enter, the order is a self fill-out as at the table there
is a checklist of all the variations you can order. The aura is
that of a retro-esque diner of the older generation, with self-
serve water and utensils. Surprisingly, lack of service is often
overlooked, as people go to enjoy the blast from the past.
You have a choice between cheese, beef, sausage,
vegetable, or seafood ddukboki. Additional add-ons mount
to just a thousand won, including various choices from
noodles to eggs to dumplings. Popular choices, according to
the local owner, include cheese and seafood, with optionable
addons such as ramen and dumplings. The restaurant is also
well known for its healthy ingredients, as they are organically
produced. Ddubokki, a traditional Korean dish, which is
usually followed by an unhealthy stigma, takes on a opposite
role at this restaurant.
Price is also relatively cheap compared to other restaurants
nearby, and reasonable in terms of how much is given. You
have a choice between cheese, seafood, or regular ddukboki
(spicy rice cakes) and optional add-ons (noodles, kimbab
rolls, dumplings, sausages, etc.). Be sure to ask for
bokkumbab (fried rice) as you devour the last of the dish!
Restaurant Review:
Eat, Rest,
Pay and
The Berlin File
Seafood Ddubokki 2,000 won
Cheese Ddubokki 2,000 won
Meat Ddubokki 2,000 won
Vegetable Ddukbokki 2,000 won
Ramen Noodles 1,000 won
Udon Noodles 1,000 won
Dangmyun Noodles 1,000 won
Yaki Dumplings 1,000 won
Fish 1,000 won
Meat Dumplings 1,000 won
Egg 1,000 won
Ham 1,000 won
Added Cheese 1,000 won
Common Menu Choices
HaJung-wooas PyoJong-seong GiannaJeonas RyeonJung-hee
March 2013. Vol. 42
j 8
March 2013. Vol. 42 A&C
n this ever-changing era of the
perspective change towards
the Korean culture around the
globe, one of the most definite
changes in the scene that has
occured has happened within the
Korean film industry. Yes, you
have heard of many Korean
actors engaging in the bigger
screen. Not to mention Ms. Bae
Doona whose recent film debut
in Hollywood, the Cloud
Atlas has been a major success and Rain, who has been
nominated by TIME as one of the hundred most influential
figures in the world twice in a row after starring in several
Hollywood blockbusters. However, it was not until now
that the Korean film directors had so eagerly engaged in
setting their foot outwards into Hollywood.
Director Park Chanwook, although already recognized for
his famous revenge thriller piece, Old Boy has been busy
directing the mystery thriller Stoker. It premiered in the
Sundance movie festival and has been largely acclaimed by
the media. The movie is set to open at 28th of February.
Director Bong Junho, whose original Korean films such as
The Host and Mother are already yielding promising
results around the world, has also been directing a
Hollywood based flick named Snowpiercer. The movie is
set to release on July and it stars Chris Evans and Song
Kangho (A friendly face, maybe?).
Last but not least, there is Last Stand directed by Jin-
woo Kim. The movie has already opened in other areas of
the world and is set to open on the 21st of February. The
highly acclaimed action flick is significant as it stars Arnold
Schwarzenegger. Even though critics has denounced the
movie as a way for Mr. Terminator to come back to the
film scene after years of retirement, (Rember Sylvester
Stallone and Bruce Willis?) the film promises to be a
delicious piece of old-fashioned action flick.
On the other hand, Korean directors who are sticking to
the Chungmuro film scene are doing just as fine as the
directors who have leaped into Hollywood. Most recently,
Mr. Ryoo Seungwan, another influential director from
Korea, has released the film The Berlin File. Set in the heart
of Germany, the movie tells us the story of a North Korean
assassin who was abandoned by his own country and who
tries to reclaim his innocence. Although critics claim the
movie to be almost identical to the already well-known
Bourne series and the 007 franchises, the movie has clearly
proved to the world that the Korean movie industry is
getting serious about its quality.
If Director Ryoos style is about applying Korean culture
into Westernized story-telling methods, there is another
director who chooses to go by an ever-so self-culture
oriented sort of style. Director Hong Sangsoo is an indie
movie director of South Korea who is famous for his
authentic Korean themed films. Not recognized very often
in his own home country due to his overly exhausted
Korean styled mise-en-scenes, his films are critically
acclaimed overseas. Though he had failed his second attempt
to win the Golden Bear Award at the Berlin Film Festival
just recently, the critics are saying that this meisters latest
film, Nobodys Daughter Haewon is the sheer proof that
this modernist is trying to describe postmodernist
characters in his own ways.
Needless to say, this year is going to be a great one for
Korean film buffs and also a good chance for moviegoers
around the globe to finally witness the current situation of
the Korean movie industry and be mesmerized by it.
characters, there can be no doubt that the film revolves
around the character of Pyo Jong-seong, a North Korean
secret agent caught in a deadly crossfire between
international powers.
Pyo Jong-seong is a unique character. Played by the actor
Ha Jung-woo, Pyo first comes alive on screen as a North
Korean agent who is nicknamed ghostfor his particularly
deadly and dangerous espionage skills. However, as the
movie progresses, Pyo finds himself in the midst of a
complicated plot from which he must extricate himself.
Making matters worse, Dong Myung-soo, a North Korean
agent with as ruthless and deadly skills as Pyo himself, is hot
on his trail as Pyo is accused of treason against his country.
Pyo is unable to trust anyone, even his wife Jung-hee, who
seems to play a part in the events around him. The way Pyo
faces seemingly insurmountable ordeals and confronts
overwhelming number of enemies is reminiscent of the way
Jason Bourne tackles his foes in the international hit, the
Bourne series. Pyo bears some resemblance to Bourne as
well. Like Bourne, Pyo Jong-seong is essentially a loner. He
is not a character who openly forms bonds with those
around him. By nature, he is a man of few words, and his
position as a spy in a foreign country makes him naturally
distrustful of others. However, behind the facade of wooden,
unemotional face he hides conflicts triggered by the
circumstances surrounding him. Pyos inner conflict arises
from struggles between what he was brought up to be, a
loyal agent to the North Korean party,and his precarious
position as a runaway which forces him to accept a new set
of values and a way of life alien to him. As long as this
conflict is not completely resolved, Pyo will continue to be a
loner. In other words, Pyo Jong-seong is a figure which
could be seen as a Korean Bourne,only with grim
determination the harsh reality of a divided nation can
endow to a character.
Action scenes in The Berlin Fileare captivating as well.
During their flight for their lives, North Korean agent Jong-
seong and his wife Jung-hee must face enemies who seek to
hunt down the couple with differing motives. As Jong-seong
pits his wits and strength against vicious foes, the movie
plays out into an exhilarating panorama of action after
action. Director Ryu Seung-wan and the martial arts director
Jung Doo-hong are known devotees to the Korean action
genre. Their accumulated experience resulted in speedy,
powerful, but realistic action sequences exceeding
This is not to say that the movie does not have its weak
points. Although the plot attempts to be complicated, it
does sag at points. Without action to spice it up, the movie
might have amounted to a dull 120 minutes. Also, for some,
the casts smattering of North Korean dialects might be
hard to bear (and quite incomprehensible as well, making the
twisted plot even harder to understand). However, the
Korean Bourne,Pyo Jong-seong is certainly a fascinating
discovery, which is why it might be safe to have high hopes
for Vladivostok(if there is one).
Director HongSangsooat theBerlinFilmFestival
HanSuk-kyuas JungJin-soo RyuSeung-beomas DongMyung-soo
1 2
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
TheSeoul Race
3 4 5 6
7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15
Rufus Wainwright
Concert at UniqloAx
Seoul International
17 18 19 20 21 22
Seoul ComicWorld
Festival at YangjaeAT
(~ 3/24)
Seoul FashionWeek
(~ 3/30)
25 26
TheScript Concert at
27 28
Seoul Motor Show
JaneBirkinSings Serge
Gainsbourgat Universal
Art Center
Culture Calendar
National Galleryof
Pragueat Deoksugung
Art Museum
( ~ 3/31)

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