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vjysawant / botany department


B.Sc.II Practical Exam.


Paper VII

Q1. Describe, identify and classify up to the genus and

Species, giving reasons specimen ‘a’ Give floral formula and floral diagram
Flowering twigs of following plants
1. Ranunculaceae - Ranunculus scleratus
2. Brassicaceae – Brassica campestris
3. Malvaceae - Hibiscus rosa- sinensis
4. Rutaceae - Citrus medica
5. Papilionaceae - Clitoria ternatea
6. Caesalpinaceae – Caesalpinia pulcherima
7. Mimosaceae - Acacia nilotica
8. Apiaceae - Coriandrum sativum
Dissecting microscope, slides, cover slip, water, needle, blade, blotting paper etc.

*Scheme of marking –
Description with the diagram 10
Classification with reasons 05
Floral formula 02
Floral diagram 03

Q.2. Describe, identify and classify up to the family, giving reasons specimen ‘b’ Give floral
Flowering twigs of following plants
1. Apocynaceae - vinca rosea
2. Asclepiadaceae - calatropis procera
3. Solanaceae - Datura innoxia
4. Acanthaceae – Adhatoda vasica
5. Lamiacaeae – Oscimum sanctum
6. Chenopodiaceae – Chenopodium album
7. Euphorbiaceae - Euphorbia pulcherrima
8. Liliaceae - Allium cepa
9. Poaceae - Triticum aestivum
Desecting microscope, slide, cover slip, water, needle, blade and blotting paper
*Scheme of marking –
Description with the diagram 10
Classification with reasons 03
Floral formula 02
vjysawant / botany department

Q.3. Describe anatomical features of specimen ‘C’ (gymnosperms) and make double stained
permanent slide.
Cycas rachis,
Cycas leaflet
Pinus young stem
Pinus old stem,
Pinus needle
Ephedra stem

Microscope, slide, cover slip, water, needle, blade, blotting paper, watch glasses,
safranin, light green,
Different alcohol grades - 30% alcohol, 50% alcohol, 70 % alcohol, 90% alcohol and 100%
Different grades of alcohol and xylene - 3:1 alcohol : xylene, 2:2 alcohol:xyline, 1: 3 alcohol :
xylene, pure xylene, Cycas corolloid root,
Safranin made in 70% alcohol,
Light grain made in 100% alcohol,
Mounting medium DPX/ Glycerin jelly / Canada balsm.

*splitting of marks –
description with the diagram 10
hand section 5
staining 5

Q.4.D and E – (Angiosperms morphology)

1. Valvate aestivation in Acacia
2. Twisted aestivation in Vinca
3. Imbricate aestivation in Caesalpinia
4. Vexillary aestivation in Clitoria
5. Cruciform corolla of Brassica
6. Papilionaceousa corolla of Clitoria
7. Infundibuliform corolla of Datura
8. Bilabiate corolla of Oscimum
9. Tetradynamous stamens of Brassica
10. Didynamous stamens of Oscimum
11. Monadelphous stamens of Hibiscus
12. Diadelphous stamens of Clitoria
13. Translators of Calatropis
14. Marginal placentation in Caesalpinia
15. Parietal placentation in Brassica
16. Axial placentation in Citrus
17. Racemose inflorescence in Caesalpinia
18. Cymose inflorescence in Calatropis
19. Umbel inflorescence in Coriandrum
20. Spike inflorescence in Adhatoda
21. Verticillaster inflorescence in Oscimum
22. Cyathium inflorescence in Euphorbia
23. Siliqua fruit of Brassica
24. Hesperidium fruit of Citrus
25. Legume fruit of Acacia
vjysawant / botany department

26. Cremocarp fruit of Coriandrum

27. Etaerio of follicles of Calatropis
28. Capsule fruit of Datura
29. Regma fruit of Ricinus
30. Caryopsis fruit of Wheat

F- Angiosperms (economic importance)

Black funnel Butter cup Mustard Radish Shoeflower
Cotton Citrus Aegle Soya bean
Pea Tamarind Gold Mohor Babul
Siris Coriander Brahmi Periwinkle
Sarpagandha Madar Milkweed Datura
Potato Vasaka Barleria Basil
Menthe Spinach Chenopod Castor
Amla Onion Asparagus Wheat

G & H : Gymnosperms
1. Cycas normal root t. s.
2. Cycas stem t.s.
3. Cycas ovule l.s.
4. Cycas male cone w.m.
5. Cycas megasporophyll w.m.
6. Pinus root t.s.
7. Pinus male cone l.s.
8. Pinus female cone l.s.
9. Ephedra male cone l.s.
10. Ephedra female cone L.s.
11. Impression
12. Compression
13. Petrifaction
14. Amber

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