Crooners: A New Race For Apocalypse Prevention, Inc. by Eloy Lasanta

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A New Race for Apocalypse Prevention, Inc.

by Eloy Lasanta
In memory of Andy Hallett (August 4, 1975 March 29, 2009)


Dynamic Gaming System
Demond Thompson (order #4800349)

Other Names: Altos, Readers, Karaokies Stereotypes: Empathic, Impressive Singers, Cowards


The Crooners come from a dimension of absolutely nothing. No plant-life, no music, no happiness, no fun. They were forced to eat squirmy worms, drink lizard milk, and wear the most horrible furs and skins known to fashion. They were a lesser race of several that lived in their homeworld, Altoos, until they evolved with a simple, melodic squish of worm goo. They began to dance, sing, and perform in the most outrageous of original shows, but this behavior was not well received by the others in the dimension. The more powerful races didnt comprehend music or what concerts even were and took these these new displays as devices the Crooners were trying to use to overthrow their superiority. Many Crooners were put into slavery to the giant kings or killed outright for their seemingly traitorous actions. They were easy prey after all, since they were small and physically frail. A few escaped to the mountains for refuge and thats where they met an Apocalypse Prevention, Inc. unit on a recon mission over eighty years ago. One of their many random dimensional expeditions just happened to land them in Altoos, but it was certainly to the Crooners benefit. Agents did there best to save as many of the green, horned demons as they could afford to, but the giant king could slay many of their numbers with one swing of their weapons. The battle that ensued left many more agents dead than giants The API team returned to Earth with this entirely new demon species with little knowledge of what do to with them. Altoos was registered in company logs as currently too dangerous, but they may return again one day. The few Crooners that were saved were given amnesty after equating that their ability to read the future had no adverse side-effects for Earth like that of the Oracles. A few even serve the company to this day.

Roaring Twenties. Their elongated lifespan allowed them the luxury of evolving alongside the American music scene, from jazz and swing to rock and roll to modern day hip hop. As masters of all things song, they have found ways of mixing each of these individual styles into curious amalgamations that are both strange and pleasing to the ear. They are known for gathering once a year for huge festivals for the remaining of their kind, where they put on music competitions and contests with snazzy duds as the usual prizes. Their entire culture revolves around music. Without it, they would never have made it to Earth or learned of their abilities of empathic reading of others that sing. It is their sanctuary and the love of their lives, the thing that tucks them in at night and wakes them up in the morning. Life is nothing without music and this stands even truer for the Crooners. Many wish that they could go on to become musical superstars, selling millions of albums, singing on stages with Motown greats, or playing with blues favorites, but their obviously hideous appearance holds them back from the limelight. Instead, some start karaoke bars that provide the extra service of a fortune reading to those in the know. Some become singing coaches, going on to mentor many of the most prolific singers and performers today. They gain great pride by placing the lost on the right path to their fate. However, much like the Oracles, the more malicious of their race can purposely give information that can lead the subject to their deaths or even worse. Others grow bored with reading the future for others, developing a sense of depression over their own unknown futures. These are also the first Crooners to give blatant readings to purposefully lose their gift, feeling relieved to no longer be fates puppets. Some take this sentiment even further, actively spurning their musical gifts as the reason for their expulsion from Altoos and their current depression or rage. They often become hermits, getting as far away from music, the sounds of laughter, or hu-


The Crooners believe that they came to Earth at just the right time for their development, during the

Demond Thompson (order #4800349)

man (or demon) contact of any kind so they can to avoid the thing that reminds them of so much hurt.


objects (not counting armor or cybernetic implants that must be individually targeted). Living beings that fail their check are dealt 5 (L) and are stunned for 5 Counts. Deaf characters are unaffected.

Being rescued from Altoos is seen as both a blessing and a curse for most Crooners. They hoped to come to Earth and live free and happy lives, but instead found themselves bogged down with requests for enlistment to Apocalypse Prevention, Inc. Luckily for them, they mostly proved to be a hindrance in the field and not that much help in the offices as they sang and danced while everyone else tried to do their jobs. The majority were let go to live as they saw fit, but were kept on permanent standby. They are often called on by agents for prophetic guidance on missions or information, as they do like to surround themselves with other demons regularly. A few were actually suited for service and did stay behind with the company, showing great loyalty. They proved that they can be great encouragement for their squad, with a kind word or song at a moments notice. Their shattering screams are also quite useful for stunning opponents and supernatural threats, but squad members had best have their earplugs in to avoid the same effects.

Gift Reading the Pitch

Crooners begin with a free specialty in Performance (Singing) due to their mastery of the art form. They are so interconnected to singing that they can also read the emotional state and fate of a person as they sing. They can perform their song with or without music and how good they sing has no bearing on this Gift. Though, singing your best for the Crooner does make them more likely to want to listen. Their subject must only sing for them to sense their emotional state, not requiring a check of any kind. However, with a Moderate (20) IQ + Perception check, they can discern any major events that will occur for the person within the next week. A Tough (30) check can reveal events up to a month ahead and a Legendary (40) check for events up to a year away. The information they receive is very much focused on the subject that is singing and is never general. The Crooner cannot use this ability on themselves.

Drawback Cryptic Lessons

Appearance (Fear 14)

Their appearance certainly belies their actual demeanor. They are lean and green demons with long noses and two small horns that jut out of their foreheads. They have hair much like a human, but theirs is tinged orange or red. Their look is quite startling and intimidating, even though they are often cowards. Theyve become accustomed to wearing expensive suits, jewelry, boas (on occasion), and other fashionable things by human standards. Theyll never be seen in the rags they used to wear on Altoos. They have melodic voices and some enjoy their presence just to hear them talk. Their average lifespan is 300 years of age.

While they can read the very lives of someone that sings before them, they cannot reveal the complete future to these beings without consequence. They can try to give an idea of what is to come, but are limited to cryptic messages. If they sense a man is depressed and is likely to commit suicide, the Crooner may simply suggest that they call up a friend that makes them laugh. If they meet a woman that is asking for love advice and she is headed to an abusive relationship, the Crooner may simply set her up with his nice friend down the street instead. In the end, if they are too direct, they loose their Reading the Pitch Gift for one month. They also suffer from incredible bad luck for this period, suffering a -2 penalty to all checks until their Gift returns.

Gift Piercing Scream

(Speed 8, Stamina 5, 5 or 10 (L)) While not warriors, these demons do have a trusty defense mechanism built into their great singing voices. They can belt out a loud scream to shatter glass, barriers, or even stun their opponents. Everyone within 50 ft. or hearing range must make a contested VIG + Fortitude check against the Crooners CHM + Performance (Singing). The scream automatically inflicts 10 (L) to all inanimate

Drawback Lovers, Not Fighters

Crooners are not built for combat. They are skinny and almost cowardly if a fight rears its head. They begin play with half of their starting Initiative (rounded up) and -6 Health. They also begin with Weak Attribute for POW.

Demond Thompson (order #4800349)

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