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Desktop Applications IT Training

MS Office 2007: Written to MOS Exam Guidelines

WORD 2007 INTRODUCTION Estimated study time: 8 and a half hours
The Word 2007 Introduction tutorial takes you step by step through the core tasks in Word 2007, covering the following topics:
Introducing Word 2007 Creating, Opening and Saving Selecting, Moving and Copying Formatting Text Tabs and Tables Proofing, Printing and Searching Objects and Mail Merge

WORD 2007 INTERMEDIATE Estimated study time: 8 and a half hours

The Word 2007 Intermediate tutorial takes you step by step through the intermediate tasks in Word 2007, covering the following topics:
Formatting Documents Paragraphs and Columns Working with Graphics Customisation and Word Options Outlining and Templates File Management Web Tools

WORD 2007 ADVANCED Estimated study time: 7 and a half hours

The Word 2007 Intermediate tutorial takes you step by step through the intermediate tasks in Word 2007, covering the following topics:
Linking and Charting Advanced Tables and Macros Protection and Collaboration Forms Working with Long Documents Master Document

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Desktop Applications IT Training

MS Office 2007: Written to MOS Exam Guidelines

EXCEL 2007 - INTRODUCTION Estimated study time: 7 hours
The Excel 2007 Introduction tutorial takes you step by step through the core tasks of Excel 2007, covering the following topics:
Introducing Excel 2007 Creating, Opening and Saving Working with Cells Formulas and Functions Formatting Worksheets Charting Preparation and Printing

EXCEL 2007 - INTERMEDIATE Estimated study time: 6 and a half hours

The Excel 2007 Intermediate tutorial takes you step by step through the intermediate tasks of Excel 2007, covering the following topics:
Working with Functions Charting Templates and Macros Customisation and Excel Options Workspace Linking, Hiding and Freezing Outlining and Consolidation Web Tools

EXCEL 2007 - ADVANCED Estimated study time: 6 and a half hours

The Excel 2007 Advanced tutorial takes you step by step through the advanced tasks of Excel 2007, covering the following topics:
Named Ranges and Lookup Data Management Collaboration Formatting, Auditing and Scenarios Forms and Analysis Tools Pivot Tables

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Desktop Applications IT Training

MS Office 2007: Written to MOS Exam Guidelines

POWERPOINT 2007 INTRODUCTION Estimated study time: 9 and a half hours
The PowerPoint 2007 tutorial takes you step by step through the core to advanced tasks in PowerPoint 2007, covering the following topics:
Introducing PowerPoint 2007 Creating, Opening and Saving Moving, Copying and Formatting Working with Images Masters, Headers and Footers Charts and Objects Preparation and Printing Slide Shows

POWERPOINT 2007 ADVANCED Estimated study time: 10 hours

The PowerPoint 2007 Advanced tutorial takes you step by step through the advanced tasks in PowerPoint 2007, covering the following topics:
Presentation and Graphics Templates and Importing Customisation and PowerPoint Options Working with Charts Embedding, Linking and Macros Animation and Slideshows Working with Tables PowerPoint and the Web Collaboration

OUTLOOK 2007 INTRODUCTION Estimated study time: 7 and a half hours

The Outlook 2007 tutorial takes you step by step through the core to advanced tasks in Outlook 2007, covering the following topics:
Introducing Outlook 2007 Outlook Folders Creating and Sending Mail Working with Messages Basic Scheduling Views and Finding Items Contacts Notes and Printing

Continued over

Desktop Applications IT Training

MS Office 2007: Written to MOS Exam Guidelines

OUTLOOK 2007 ADVANCED Estimated study time: 6 and a half hours
The Outlook 2007 Advanced tutorial takes you step by step through the advanced tasks in Outlook 2007, covering the following topics:
Signatures and Stationery Advanced Tools Working with Folders Meetings and Events Calendar Features Customisation and Outlook Options Tasks List and Journal

ACCESS 2007 INTRODUCTION Estimated study time: 8 hours

The Access 2007 Introduction tutorial takes you step by step through the core to intermediate tasks in Access 2007, covering the following topics:
Introducing Access 2007 Creating and Opening Databases Working with Tables Working with Forms Retrieving Information Reports and Printing

ACCESS 2007 ADVANCED Estimated study time: 7 hours

The Access 2007 Advanced tutorial takes you step by step through the advanced database tasks using Access 2007, covering the following topics:
Working with Tables Working with Queries Working with Forms Working with Reports Importing, Exporting and Macros

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Desktop Applications IT Training

MS Office 2007: Written to MOS Exam Guidelines

PUBLISHER 2007 Estimated study time: 4 and a half hours
The Publisher 2007 tutorial takes you through basic and intermediate tasks in creating publications using Publisher 2007, covering the following topics:
New Publications Using Existing Publications Shapes, Proofing and Printing Using Master Pages Template, Print and Proof Marks

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