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This Week on the School Calendar:

Week 9: July 8 - 12 July 8 12 1st Quarter Assessment for IEP Students July 8 Judging for LS1 and LS3 2013 Speaking and Writing July 9 Judging for LS2 and LS4 2013 Speaking and Writing All Teachers: Ron is still looking for a guitar player, a drummer, an electronic keyboard player, and lots of singers for volunteers for his BCC Anniversary Performance. Participation in extra-curricular activities does not substitute for the many things teachers are required to do, but it can definitely earn you a gold star. In fact, participation in school events is actually among the criteria for a good evaluation, so make sure that your own talents are recognized and utilized. 2013 Speaking and Writing Competition July 8 -9, Students from IEP, the EIP and the Regular Program will compete to be one of 3 top students from each learning stage to represent BCC at the Petyod Mongkut competition. Speaking will be judged by Ron (LS1) Jon (LS2), Irving (LS3), and John (LS4). Writing will be judged by Ron (LS1), Matt (LS2), David (LS3) and Jay (LS4). Writing Monday, July 8, 2013 Writing will be judged by The writing is due back to your coordinator by the end of the day Tuesday. About the Newsletter The IEP Newsletter includes information about main school calendar events, reminders, special instructions, new policies, and sometimes a cartoon or bit of humour, a note of congratulations or thanks, or a short article related to Western, Thai or Bangkok culture. Of course your main source of information should always be your learning stage coordinator and the hard-copy memos you receive. On the back of the newsletter are articles from a website called eLearning coach by Connie Malamed. These articles are recommended reading by the BCC School Board. They comprehensively cover the important aspects of brain-based learning in concise articles that are so cleverly presented in such accessible, colloquial language that after reading them, you are likely to think the information itself was a no-brainer. If you want to know what professionals know about brain-based learning, go online and check out, or simply read the back of the newsletter. Teachers are also invited to submit short articles that relate to any of the categories listed above. Although there is really no set word count, a reasonable length would be between 60 - 150 words (similar in size to anything that has been run before). They must be received a week in advance, and they will be edited for brevity and content. Submissions can be left on the Coursework Server in coursework\Learning Stage 3\1314 IEP Newsletter\1314 Submissions. No anonymous submissions please.

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