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Message Strategy and Tactics in Advertising Management ~ DailyTopBlog


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Message Strategy and Tactics in Advertising Management

4:30 PM Faizan Malik No comments


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Message strategy and Tactics

The actual development of an advertising campaign involves several distinct steps. First, the advertising manager must decide what the advertising is meant to communicate-by way of benefits, feelings, brand personality, or action content. We call this message strategy and devote five chapters in Part III to it. Once the con tent of the campaign has been decided, decisions must be made on the best and most effective ways to communicate that content. These executional decisions, such as the choice of a spokesperson, the use of humor or fear or other tones, and the selection of particular copy, visuals, and layout, are what we call message tac tics.

Message strategy
One of the first strategic objectives has to be the design of an advertisement that gains attention, for without that nothing else is possible. Message Strategy, attention and comprehension theories of attention. comprehension, and perception processes and discuss how advertisements can be created that capture and retain a consumer's attention. How can attention bes1 be captured in an age in which thousands of advertisements compete for attentior and in which consumers can flip television channels with a mere flick of a remote control device? Understanding Benefit-Based Attitudes then examines theories of benefit-based attitudes. Much of the material draws on recent work 0 consumer behavior researchers in this area, particularly in extending our under standing of learning, attitudes, and attitude change. It focuses on how decision: can be made about which attributes and benefits to emphasize in the advertising. Focus on theories and research that contribute to our understanding of advertising that is explicitly designed to generate emotional response in the audience, such as warmth, excitement, pride, and so on, and to "transform the brand by associating these feelings with it. How should advertisers choos which emotions to evoke, and how can they tell when they have been successful as: What is brand equity? How can it be measured? What personality dimensions or traits can brands acquire through advertising? What are the situations when brand personality is more important in driving purchase? What is the importance of brand personality in creating long-term "goodwill" for a brand? Most impor tantly, how can advertising and other marketing mix elements create such a brand image? Next, Group Influence and Word-of-Mouth Advertising looks at the processes of group influence and word-of-mouth advertising and examines how advertising can help shape group norms and fashions. In what advertising sit uations is group influence likely to playa major role? It is often useful to conduct a personal influence audit.

Message Tactics
The pros and cons of different kinds of spokespersons and the kinds of advertising sit uations in which they may be most appropriate are presented and discussed. Other decisions on "tone and format," such as the use of fear, humor, comparative advertising, and devices to increase distraction. The content and tone must eventually be translated into specific advertise ments. Throughout the process, decisions Dave to be made concerning which dif ferent copy approaches, scripts, and final advertisements will be used. Art of Copywriting) examines some of the existing knowledge on the princi ples of good copywriting for each of the major media (print, television, radio, out door), and presents capsule portraits of some of the creative geniuses that have graced the advertising business. Assessments of what makes for "good" copy are not merely subjective, of course, and several kinds of research-based tests can be used, in the laboratory or in the field, to enable a creative team to check the evolving campaign continually against its objectives. Production and Implementation examines how advertisements actually get


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Message Strategy and Tactics in Advertising Management ~ DailyTopBlog

created, produced, and implemented and de scribes the client-agency relationship through which this happens.
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