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C ompiler problems

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BobEdge Hi

- 26th September 2006, 11:51

I am using the latest mplab, & latest micro code studio (downloaded yesterday), and version of PBPW.EXE I get this message when I try to compile any program on any chip "fatal: out of memory (pbpw.exe)" It worked ok this morning, but now it wont work. C an anyone please help? Regards Bob...

sayzer What is your OS? XP?

- 26th September 2006, 13:34

BobEdge Hi Sayzer, Yes it is XP pro.

- 26th September 2006, 14:24

sayzer Hi BobEdge,

- 26th September 2006, 14:43

If you do not have a virus and you are sure; becasue viruses love dos compatible *.exe files, then I can only think of compatibility issue. 1. Find pbpw.exe under your PBP directory. 2. Right click it => properties => compatibility. 3. "C heck" the box where it says run this with Windows 95 compatible mode. But still, your problem seems that you have a virus.

mister_e Yup it could be this or

- 26th September 2006, 14:48

Why do I get an "out of memory" error when I try to compile? C ompiling large PicBasic Pro source code files can tax the memory of the PC running the compiler. If an Out of Memory error is issued, an alternate version of PBP can be used. PBPW.EXE has been compiled to make use of all of the memory available to Windows 95, 98, NT and 2000. You must, of course, be running in a DOS shell from one of those Windows environments or within Microchip's MPLAB. To execute the Windows version from the DOS command line, simply substitute PBPW for PBP. PBPW options filename

BobEdge Hi guys,

- 26th September 2006, 15:11

There is deffo no virus. Micro code studio is trying to use PBPW.EXE, this is what the error message says. "fatal: out of memory (pbpw.exe)" I cant understand why it worked this morning but not now. Nothing has been changed on the computer.

mister_e and rebooting didn't solve the problem?

- 26th September 2006, 15:14

I remind to have this problem before on another computer... i can't confirm if it was a windows installation or else.. i'll try to dig in the forum first.

mister_e try...;en-us;324767

- 26th September 2006, 15:17

sayzer Here is the exact same problem. Just as I guessed; compatibility problem: SOLVED ! Pls check the post BobEdge.

- 26th September 2006, 15:24

BobEdge Hi again, Thanks for all your help.

- 26th September 2006, 16:03

I got it to work but I dont know how exactly. It was not the compatability thing tried win95, and win 2000. no joy. Reboot had no effect, re installing MC Studio had no effect. Also it was not a memory issue, system resource logging proved that. I saved the file on the c drive & compiled from there using MPASM, and it worked, but I have problems with MPASM, so I unchecked use MPASM, and it worked. So I then saved the bas file on the server, which has a very long file extension tree, with all the same settings as before, and bingo. Very confused about what was wrong, but at least it works now. Again thanks for your help Regards Bob...


- 26th September 2006, 16:09

OK, so i remind something about the length of the path but can't confirm the maximum allowed. 60-68 character or something like that I usually keep my stuff close to the root... something like c:\pbp_Prog


- 26th September 2006, 16:18

OK, so i remind something about the length of the path but can't confirm the maximum allowed. 60-68 character or something like that I usually keep my stuff close to the root... something like c:\pbp_Prog One thing to watch for is "special" folders like "My Documents" which although they appear to be high level folders are already C :\Documents and Settings\{username}\My Documents which is 39 characters PLUS the length of your user name and thats before you start adding folders like "\pic\{projectname}\{projectfile}.bas !!!

BobEdge The puzzling thing is that sometimes it works, & sometimes not.

- 27th September 2006, 12:01

The path is "\\tswsbs1\user data\bobe\my documents\proteus\proteus\da current feedback\finished programs\1200 settings.bas" which is 103 characters. Also it worked every time in windows 2k pro, which i was using until monday. Oh well some things just remain a mystery. At least I can move files to my c drive while working on them, and move them back to the server once complete. Thanks for all your help guys Regards Bob...


- 27th September 2006, 13:03

In addition to long path name issue, there is another issue to pay attention at. If the path has space, which is supported by MS Windows OSs but not by DOS, then you will have issues => inconsistent issues. That may explain why sometimes it works for you. For this reason the best way would be to open a project directory in root, and keep all project files in there. Root does not have to be C :\ drive though; D:\, E:\, F:\, G:\ etc. also ok.

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