Ques 18

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1. The strength of electric eld E on charge q for a force of F is, (a) mF (b) q/F (c) F/q (d) mq 2.

Two parallel plates are separated by a distance of 2cm, with a potential of 3V applied across them. An electron starts at rest from negative plate, then its acceleration is (a) 0.264 1012 m / sec2 (b) 2.64 1013 m / sec2 (c) 0.264 1013 m / sec2 (d) 2.64 1012 m / sec2 3. An electron starts at rest on one plate of a parallel plate capacitor , whose plates are 5cm apart. The applied voltage is zero at the instant the electron is released and it increases linearly form 0 to 10v in 0.1 msec. With what speed will the electron strike the positive plate? (a) 1.58 104 m/sec (b) 1.58 m/sec (c) 1.58 106 m/sec (d) 1.8 106 m/sec 4. The path traversed by an electron in an uniform magnetic eld where the direction of magnetic eld and motion of electron are perpendicular is ............. (a) Parabola (b) Helical (c) Ellipse (d) Circle 5. The signal to observed on the screen of a CRO is applied to (a) Accelerating anodes (b) Focusing anodes (c) X - Plates (d) Y - Plates 6. In Electrostatic focusing system the ratio of second anode voltage to rst anode voltage is generally kept at ratio. (a) 4:2 (b) 1:5 (c) 5: 1 (d) 3:1 7. If a negative potential is given to the upper vertical deection plate with respect to the lower one then (a) the spot on the screen will move downward (b) the spot on the screen will move in a horizontal direction (c) the spot on the screen will move upward (d) the spot on the screen will not move 8. In an electrostatic deecting CRT the length of deecting plates is 2 cm and the spacing between them is 0.5 cm. The distance from the center of the deecting plates to the screen is 25v Assume nal anode potential is 100v what is the value of deection sensitivity? (a) 2/25 cm/v (b) 40 cm/v (c) 1/20 cm/v (d) 20 cm/v 9. In a CRT, the length of the deecting plates in the direction of the beam is 2 cm, the spacing of the plates is 0.5 cm and the distance of the orescent screen from the centre of the plate is 18 cm. Calculate the deection sensitivity if the nal anode voltage is 1500 v (a) 24 m/v. (b) 0.024 m/v (c) 0.24 m/v (d) 2.4 m/v 10. The light emitting property of phosphorous is called as (a) Fluorescence (b) Persistence (c) Phosphorescence (d) Medium persistence 11. A germanium atom contains (a) Five conduction electrons (b) Four conduction electrons (c) four valence electrons (d) six valence electrons 12. Hall coecient RH is equal to (a) (b) wr (c)

(d) w 13. When no electric eld is applied to semiconductor the motion of free electron is (a) helical (b) linear (c) random (d) parabolic 14. The maximum energy level that can be occupied by the electrons at 00 K is known as (a) Valance band (b) Fermi level (c) Dirac level (d) Conduction level 15. The value of ionization energy for silicon is (a) 0.044 eV (b) 0.0044 eV (c) 4.4 eV (d) 0.44 eV 16. The diusion current is inuenced by (a) Electric eld (b) Concentration gradient (c) Electrostatic eld (d) Electromagnetic eld 17. Diusion capacitance is due to (a) excess minority carriers (b) positive ions (c) negative ions (d) majority carriers. 18. Avalanche breakdown in a semiconductor diode occurs when (a) the potential barrier is reduced to zero (b) reverse bias exceeds a certain value (c) forward bias exceeds a certain value (d) forward current exceeds a certain value 19. In a tunnel diode, impurity concentration is of the order of (a) 1 in 103 (b) 1 in 107 (c) 1 in 109 (d) 1 in 105 20. In a varactor diode using alloy junction, the transition capacitance is proportional (a) 1/ V (b) 1/V (c) V 2 (d) 1/V 2

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