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Week/ Dates Week 1 June 10,14 Week 2 June 17, 19 Week 3 June 24-28 Topic /Activity Introduction and Orientation to the Course Goal Setting C. Wright Mills. The Sociological Imagination

Chapter 1. The Promise. Peter Berger. Invitation to Sociology.

Chapter 1. Sociology as an Individual Pastime Chapter 2. Sociology as a Form of Consciousness

Week 4 July 1 5

Why Things Matter to People. Andrew Sayer

Chapter 7. Critical Social Science and its Rationales (pgs. 216-245) Chapter 8. Implications for Social Science (pgs. 246-252)

Week 5 July 8 12

The Sane Society. Erich Fromm Chapter 1. Are We Sane? (pgs. 13-20)

Chapter 2. The Pathology of Normalcy (pgs. 21-28)

The Social Construction of Reality. Peter Berger Chapter Two. Society as Objective Reality (pgs. 63-146) Chapter Three. Society as Subjective Reality (pgs. 147-204)

Week 6 July 19


Week 7 July 22 26

Monumental Ambivalence. Lisa Breglia

Chapter 1. A New Approach to Heritage (pgs. 5-28) Chapter 7. The Ambivalence of Inheritance (pgs. 207-212) Social Capital. John Field

Chapter 4. Social Capital in a Changing World (pgs. 101-131) Chapter 5. Policy and Politics: Social Capital in the Real World (pgs. 132-155)

Week 8 July 29 Aug 2

Visualizing American Empire. David Brody

Chapter 3: Disseminating Empire: Representing the Philippine Colony (pgs. 59-88) Chapter 6: Building Empire: Architecture and Philippine Imperialism in the Philippines (pgs. 140-163)

31: Holiday (Feast of St. Ignatius) Week 9 Aug 5 9 Environmental Change and Forced Migration. James Morrissey

(pgs. 1-49)

8-10: Faculty Retreat Week 10 Aug 12 16 13-14: College Fiesta 15: Holiday (Assumption Day) The Social Body. Nick Crossley

Chapter 6: Habitus, Capital and Field. Embodiment in Bourdieus Theory of Practice (pgs. 91-119) Chapter 8: Reflexive Embodiment: Being, Having and Difference (pgs. 140-160)

Week 11 Aug 19 23

Sociology of Health and Illness. Kevin White

Chapter 2: The Social Construction of Medical Knowledge (pgs. 14-31) Chapter 7: Foucault and the Sociology of Medical Knowledge (pgs. 117-129)

21: Holiday (Ninoy Aquino Day) Week 12 Aug 30 MIDTERM EXAM Week 13 Sept 2 6 Between Facts and Norms. Jurgen Habermas 27: Holiday (National Heroes Day)

Chapter 1: Law as a Category of Social Mediation Between Facts and Norms (pgs. 1-41) Chapter 2: The Sociology of Law Versus the Philosophy of Justice (pgs. 42-81)

Week 14 Sept 9 13

Social Frameworks of Knowledge Explorations in Interpretative Sociology. Georges Gurvitch Part One. Microsociology of Knowledge (pgs. 45-58) Part Two. Particular groups as social frameworks of knowledge (pgs. 59-88)

Encountering Development. Arturo Escobar

Chapter 2: The Problematization of Poverty: The Tale of Three Worlds and Development (pgs. 21-54) Chapter 6: Imagining a Post-Development Era (pgs. 212-226)

Week 15 Sep 16 20

Made in the Philippines. James Tyner

Chapter 2: The Discontinuities of Philippine Migration (pgs. 21-54) Chapter 3: The Making of Migrants (pgs. 55-84)

Week 16 Sept 23 27

Resisting Rebellion. Anthony James Joe

Chapter 6: Establishing Civilian Security (pgs. 105-121) Chapter 17: Elements of a Counterinsurgent Strategy (pgs. 232-255)

Rethinking the Bangsamoro Crucible. Bobby Tuazon (ed.)

Chapter 2: Multiple Colonialism in Moroloand (pgs. 28-37) Chapter 5: Ruminations on the Bangsamoro Struggle and Neoliberal Globalization (pgs. 66-78)

Week 17

Guns, Germs and Steel. Jared Diamond Chapter 4:Farmer Power: The roots of guns, germs, and steel (pgs. 85-92)

Sept. 30Oct. 4 Week 17 Oct 7 13

Epilogue: The Future of Human History as a Science (pgs. 403-426)

Third Wave. Alvin Toffler Chapter 27: The Political Mausoleum Chapter 28: Twenty-First Century Democracy

Our Posthuman Future. Francis Fukuyama

Chapter 6: Why We Should Worry (pgs. 84-104) Chapter 12: Policies for the Future (pgs. 203-218) Week 18 Oct 14-18 (Note: This scheduled outline is a general reference. There may be changes with the schedule due to unforeseen circumstances. There may also be additional inputs like films, and other materials and activities as the class progresses.) FINAL EXAM

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