Excel Learning Format

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The Excel Screen Moving around a Sheet Displaying other Areas Mouse Movements Viewing other Sheets Selecting Cells Inserting Text and Numbers Typing the Text Adjusting Column Widths Typing Numbers Saving a Workbook The My Places Bar File Properties Alignment and Indenting Indenting Centre Aligning Merging and Centring Calculations BEMDAS Rule AutoSum Filling the Formula Basic Formulas AutoCalculate Cell Editing Multiple Worksheets Copying Sheet Contents Data Entry Ranges Calculating across Worksheets Copying Formulas Functions Function Syntax The AVERAGE Function The MAX Function The MIN Function Working with Worksheets Renaming Sheets Inserting a Sheet Deleting Sheets Formatting Fonts and Font Sizes Number Formatting Formatting a Group of Sheets Borders

Absolute Cell Referencing Functions Function Syntax The MAX Function The MIN Function The COUNT Function The IF Function Financial Functions Date Functions - Today, Now, Month Range Names Defining Range Names Names in Formulas Navigating with Names Using Named Constants Documenting Range Names Conditional Formatting Conditional Formatting from cell value Conditional Formatting from a formula AutoFill Filling Dates Filling Text Custom Lists Database Lists Extended Formatting and Formulas Adding Records Sorting Data Filtering Records Advanced Filter Subtotals Outline Symbols Using Other Subtotal Functions Using Page Breaks Removing Subtotals Outlining Hiding Detail Showing Detail Grouping Rows Charts The Chart Wizard The Chart Toolbar Changing the Chart Type The Legend Gridlines

The Format Painter Cell Shading Font Colour Inserting Images Proofing Checking Spelling AutoCorrect Find and Replace Comments Sorting Charts Column Chart Pie Chart Print Preview Page Break Preview Adjusting the Page Breaks Previewing the Workbook Zoom Margins and Column Widths Column Widths in Print Preview Page Setup Orientation Scaling Margin Settings Headers and Footers Built-In Headers and Footers Custom Headers and Footers Sheet Options Page Breaks and Print Areas Inserting a Page Break Setting a Print Area Printing

Removing an Axis Formatting Charts Deleting a Data Table Printing Charts Separate Chart Sheets Coloured Sheet Tabs Chart Titles Formatting Chart Titles Printing Separate Chart Sheets

File Protection Attaching a Password Modifying a Password Cell Protection Protecting Cells Circular References Circular Error Messages The Circular Reference Toolbar Functions Function Overview Math and Trig Functions Financial Functions Logical Functions The AND Function The OR Function Nesting Functions The VLOOKUP Function The HLOOKUP Function Concatenating Functions Index and Match Functions Using Help for Functions Goal Seek Using Goal Seek Solver Saving a Scenario Solver Reports Scenarios Adding a Scenario Showing Scenarios Linking Worksheet Linking Workbook Linking Data Validation Data Consolidation Importing Data Importing CSV Files Text Import Wizard Exporting Data Choosing a Specific Format Exporting to Word Pasting Data with a Link Copying a Graph with a Link PivotTable Reports

Recorded macros Macro recorder overview Recording, modifying and running macro Relative recording Running a relative recording Viewing the module Recorder WorkShop Creating a recorded application Examining the data Recording summation, averaging, maximum, minimum and divisional macros Testing macros Objects to run macros Assigning a macro to an object User-defined functions Creating and using a user-defined function Creating another function Passing multiple arguments Modifying a function Creating a function library Using the VBA editor Opening and closing the editor Project explorer, properties window and using the work area Working with a code module Procedures from the editor Set break points in the editor Step through a procedure Understanding VBA Using the immediate window Working with object collections Setting property values Working with worksheets Programming object browser Procedures Creating a command procedure Making sense of IntelliSense Commenting statements Bookmarking in procedures Using Variables Creating and using variables Implicit and explicit declarations The scope of variables Procedure and module level scoping

PivotTable Layout Rearranging Data Filtering a Report Adding Fields Field Settings Refreshing Data Formatting a PivotTable Showing Detail Create a Calculated Field Advanced Data Field Settings PivotChart Reports Creating a PivotChart Creating PivotChart Reports from Scratch Adding Fields to a PivotChart Macros Recording a Macro Editing a Macro Relative/Absolute Recording Stepping through a Macro Macro Buttons Customising the Toolbar Deleting a Macro

Public scoping of variables Passing variables by reference and value Avoiding variant data types Using arrays Using Excel Objects Splitting the screen Workbook and worksheet objects Using worksheet and range Using objects in a procedure Programming techniques Programming conventions Communicating with the user Prompting for user input Using the input method Using IF to make decisions Multiple condition looping Creating custom forms Custom forms overview Creating and running custom forms Changing the form properties Adding text boxes to forms Moving controls and adding label controls to forms Changing text box and label properties Combo box, option, command Programming custom forms Forms programming Initialising and closing the form Updating the list Creating error checking procedure Running a form from a procedure Custom menus Creating a new menu and cascade menu Adding and assigning macros to menu commands Removing a menu Custom menus quick reference Automatic startup Programming automatic events Running automatic procedures Automatically starting the workbook

Error code Description

##### #VALUE! #NAME? #REF! #DIV/0! #N/A!

Error code Description

The column isnt wide enough to display the value. The formula has the wrong type of argument (such as text in a cell where a numerical value is required). The formula contains text that Excel doesnt recognize (such as an unknown named range). The formula refers to a cell that doesnt exist (which can happen whenever cells are deleted). The formula attempts to divide by zero. The formula attempts to use a value that is not available in the target range. This error often occurs when a user enters an invalid lookup value in a vlookup formula

This site gives easy to understand help for 50 of most frequently used excel formulas. Click on the belo Mathematical Text Functions Logical & Reference Average Formula Concatenate Formula And Formula Int Formula Find Formula Countblank Formula Mod Formula Left Formula Countif Formula Rand Formula Len Formula If Formula Round Formula Lower Formula Large Formula Sum Formula Mid Formula Max Formula Proper Formula Min Formula Rept Formula Not Formula Substitute Formula Or Formula Trim Formula Small Formula Upper Formula Sumif Formula Value Formula Vlookup Formula

used excel formulas. Click on the below sections or formulas to get started. Date & Time Functions Financial Functions Information Day Formula Fv Formula Column Formula Hour Formula Ipmt Formula Isblank Formula Minute Formula Npv Formula Iserror Formula Month Formula Pmt Formula Isnumber Formula Networkdays Formula Ppmt Formula Istext Formula Now Formula Row Formula Second Formula Today Formula Weekday Formula Year Formula

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