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Temp. Off.:- B-6, Royal Arcade, Padmawati, Dhankwadi, Pune-411043 e-mail-, Website:- Dear Sir, I am very thankful to all of you to attend the historical Electro homoeopathy Scientific conference held on 27 & 28th April 2013 at Mahabaleshwar Maharashtra organized by Dr. Satish Jagdale President MAEH (Maharashtra). The conference become very grateful due to valuable guidance of Dr. C.D. Mishra (Prabhakarji) (Patna Bihar) Dr. V. Kumarji (Lakhnow UP) Dr. M. H. Idarshiji (UP) Dr. P.S. Bajpeyeeji(UP)Dr.Deboshish Kunduji(West Bengol) Dr.Ajit singhji (Panjab) Dr. Sanjeev Sharmaji (Himachal Pradesh)Dr. K.P. Sinhaji(Bihar) Dr. Kaishar Ahemdji (UP) Dr. G. S. Varmaji(MP) Dr. Pramod Shuklaji(UP) Dr. P. S. Meharaji (Aagra) Dr. Trideep Guhaji ( Nagpur) Dr. Nilesh Thawareji (Chattisgad) Dr. J. Shelton (Tamilnadu) Dr. V. S. Patil (Maharashtra) Dr. Surendra Thakurji( Himachal Pradesh) Dr. Aanand Sinhaji (UP) Dr. R. N. Vishavkarmaji(UP) Dr.Home Thakur(MP) Dr. Subhash Kanniji (Maharashtra) Minites of the first All India Electro homoeopathy action Committee held on 29th April 13 at mahabaleshwar(Maharashtra). 1 It has been discussed and agreed that all india Action Committee should be finalized during first official meeting of the committee. 2 Proposal of establishing and functioning of several wings of the Action committee has been discussed and adopted.

3 Those persons /Heads of various organizations were not present should be provided with a copy of the Minutes with request for involvement in Action Committee. 4 Provisions for future add-on for Heads of organization will be discussed and finalized in the second meet of the committee on 31st May 2013. 5 Specially most senior and valuable person Dr. V.B. Sinhaji(Kanpur,UP) were not present in first meet will specially requested for second meet. 6 Five candidates from one state level organization should be enrolled as a member of committee. 7 Second all India Electrohomoeopathy Action Committee meet will be held at Vanamati Hall, 62/1 Civil Lines, Near Bhole Petrol Pump, Nagpur440001(MS) on 31st May 2013 from 11am to 6pm. Meeting agenda are as follows: To Nominate Chairperson of the core committee. To Nominate President of every wings decided in first meet. To make proper planning how to get recognition from Govt. of India. We have different five wings we request all Electro homoeopathy Expert /working peoples/ organizations working in different states of India suggest the respectful names for the wings. Please forword this News to all EH lovers of India. Wings discussed & Finalised 1 Reserch & development wing 2 Political wing 3 Legal wing 4 Academic wing 5 Democratic wing

Consent Letter
(Should be sent on personal/organizational letter head) To, The Proposed Chairman/Secretary, All India Electrohomoeopathy Action Committee. Sub:- Consent Letter. Dear Sir, I hear by agree /disagree to become a member /post holder of the proposed Action committee . I hear with submit/not submit personal/ organizational profile. I hear by recommend / not recommend some person which up to my knowledge & belief are up to the mark for joining the proposed committee(Attach separate sheet)sincerely. Name of the head:Name of Organization/Institute:Address:Phone No.:Fax No.:E-mail.:Web site:Thanking You! Dr. Satish Jagdale(Pune) Dr. Trideep Guha(Nagpur) President- MAEH(MS) President- EMPCI(Nagpur) Mo.-8605105328 Organizer- 2nd Meet
EMPCI of India, N-123, Second Floor,Infrant of Devanjali Flats, Reshimbag, Nagpur, 440009, Maharashtra, Ph.-0091-2700606, 2700777. E-mail-, Visit us at :,

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