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HowTo: Flash Operator Panel 2 Installation

This upgrade applies to the ks16 or ks16alt install of 32 bit PiaF. Asterisk,,,, with FreePBX and, PiaF Purple, FreePBX, It can be used as a guideline. To start you should have the FreePBX Parkinglot, Conference (Meetme) and Queue modules installed. 1. Stop FOP from the Linux command prompt: amportal stop_fop 2. Install FOP2 packages to PiaF server: a. From the Linux command prompt, change to /usr/local/src: cd /usr/local/src b. Download from the latest version at For PiaF, use Centos 5 i386 for 32 bit and Centos 5 64 bit for 64 bit. Download to your PC and then use Webmin-Others- Upload and Download - Upload to Server and Extract archive or compressed files? Yes to upload and uncompress the file to the server. Upload to /usr/local/src directory. It's pretty slick way to do it. c. SSH into your server using puTTY (free SSH client) and cd /usr/local/src/fop2 then make install d. The installation will copy the server files under /usr/local/fop2 and the web pages under /var/www/html/fop2 3. Configure FOP2 a. Check that the fop2 user account matches the Asterisk manager account. Heres how to check. They should be the same by default. b. Edit /usr/local/fop2/fop2.cfg for the following (optional but handy!): monitor_ipaddress = 1 <= this shows the IP address when hovering over extension (good for troubleshooting) master_key = 5678 <= allows admin to login with this password for any extension (make it a secure key!) 4. Configure PiaF to use FOP2 a. Edit /etc/asterisk/sip_general_custom.conf (it may be blank), add the following line: callevents=yes b. Edit /etc/asterisk/queues_custom.conf (it may be blank), add the following:

[testqueue] eventwhencalled=yes c. Modify extensions_override_freepbx.conf: cat /usr/local/fop2/extensions_override_freepbx.conf >> /etc/asterisk/extensions_override_freepbx.conf 5. Check /etc/asterisk/manager.conf and add "originate" to the admin account permissions if it is not already there. [admin] secret = amp111 deny= permit= read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user, <== add originate to end! write = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user, <== add originate to end! (Sorry, the above string exceeds vBulletin's max "word" length and screws up the formating if I add the word originate to the lines) 6. To change FreePBX Main Menu to point to FOP2, In /var/www/html/welcome/.htindex.cfg a. Change this line: 1,panel,./panel,Flash Operator Panel,ico_fop.png b. To this line: 1,panel,./fop2,Flash Operator Panel 2,ico_fop.png 7. For FOP2 to show up on the FreePBX Panel tab: a. edit /var/www/html/admin/views/panel.php, change code: '<iframe width="97%" height="600" frameborder="0" align="top" src="../panel/index_amp.php?context='.$deptname.'" ></iframe>'. b. To: '<iframe width="97%" height="600" frameborder="0" align="top" src="../fop2/index.html"></iframe>'. 8. Test, from the Linux command prompt: amportal restart then

/usr/local/fop2/fop2_server --test Should respond with: Flash Operator Panel 2 - No valid license found. Demo Mode Connection to manager OK! If you see errors like: ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 1: Table 'asterisk.queues_config' doesn't exist ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 1: Table 'asterisk.meetme' doesn't exist It means you don't have the modules (queues and meetme) loaded through FreePBX, load the modules, then run the test option again. 9. If you run into problems try testing using debug /usr/local/fop2_server -X 3 It will provide lots of text based messages. Ctrl C to shut off. 10. Stop FOP (original) from running at start-up. Edit /etc/amportal.conf and change the FOPRUN=true line to false FOPRUN=false 11. FOP2 will start automatically using init.d at boot-up. Or start it using "service fop2 start", stop it using "service fop2 stop". 12. Good references: Flash Operator Panel 2 Installation and User Manual ElastixConnection Installation Instructions 13. Install FOP2 Phonebook Now go to post #5 in this thread to install the FOP2 Phonebook. 14. Install FreePBX FOP2 Modules Go to post #9 in this thread to install the FOP2 FreePBX admin modules.

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