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Question 1) Should Max Eisenbud and other members of team Sharapova engage in the Motorola Partnership?

Should they consider any other opportunity?

1. Yes they should engage in the Mototrola partnership especially after the live transmission episode of mobile phone not working. 2. Razor phone would be targeted towards youth, so it would be appropriate for her to endorse and associate with the brand. 3. Yes they can target other opportunities of endorsing other new products. But it should be made sure that she maintains her Premium status. 4. Also Motorola had a very strong presence in US at that time. Hence it would be a very good option to associate with the Brand. Maria Sharapova was a new success and Motorola was planning to launch Razor , a new product, hence it would be a very good match with her characteristics.

Question 2 ) What should be teams general marketing strategy for Maria?

The teams marketing strategy would be to project Maria Sharapova as a great tennis player. 1. As Eisenbud of IMG has developed a strategy that she would interact with the media only after

winning. 2. The positioning of Sharapova would be that of a winner as she will get good media attention. 3. The other strategy would be to highlight her skills in tennis and achievements rather than looks and features. 4. The marketing strategy needs to be developed such that endorsements and fame doesnt affect their game. 5. Associating herself to many brands related to sports would be an ideal option. 6. Establishing endorsements deals with well known companies and making most of the opportunities in establishing herself as a big brand. 7. Knowing her schedule in advance and plan accordingly for relevant endorsements deals. 8. Capitalizing on her victory would be a great opportunity but the marketing strategy needs to strike a balance between her game and endorsements.

Question 3 ) How can we describe brand Sharapova ?

Brand Sharapova can be described as a brand with discipline , right attitude and rigor. She was also a very attractive brand. But in terms of tennis she was a potential lottery ticket because of her youth and talent combined with her good looks. The brand Maria sharapova can appeal to the youth and sport lovers. Her determination can also position her among various brands that associate themselves with being headstrong.

Her backstory is also fascinating and can showcase team sharapovas determination to make it. She dreamt of being number one so we can describe her brand as being aspirational and always seeking greater heights. Sharapova as a brand can majorly appeal to women and she can act as an icon for women all over the world. Other words to describe her brand can be : Winner , Brilliance , Graceful and Intelligence.

Question 4 ) What is agent Eisenbuds role? What can he do for Sharapova and for IMG? How is he compensated for his efforts??

1. He is the Brand Manager for Brand Sharapova. 2. His work involves identifying new brands to associate with Maria Sharapova and match the attributes that the brand and Sharapova have. 3. He also manages the tournament trips for her. 4. He is responsible for maintaining good relationships with the existing brands. 5. He is compensated with a bonus and also gets a share of the money that Maria Sharapova earns.

Question 5)How would you describe IMG's approach to selling athelete endorsements? What are its strengths and weaknesses? How easy is it for competitors to replicate IMG's model?

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