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Farnborough Police Safer Neighbourhood Team Monthly Newsletter

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Introduction Since the last Newsletter there have been several major changes to affect your local Farnborough Safer Neighbourhood Team. PS Paul Maginnis was promoted to Inspector and has left to take up post in Basingstoke. PC Stuart Rodgers resigned from Hampshire Constabulary to take up employment with the nuclear agency in Kent. We wish them both all the best in their careers. Coupled with the loss of PC Rich Smith and PCSO Beth Pantlin last month our remaining Officers have required a little juggling; but with continued assistance from the Targeted patrol Teams and Investigation teams we continue to deliver a quality service to all the residents of Farnborough. Following the gloomy news at the recent budget that the Chancellor requires further significant financial savings from the Police Service, the Chief Constable, Andy Marsh and the PCC Simon Hayes have both signalled their determination to continue to improve frontline Policing and drive down crime throughout Hampshire. Farnborough SNT have been allowed to actively recruit Officers from around Hampshire to join our excellent team and increase our Officer numbers. PCSO Matthew Tulett is currently in training at Netley, he will be joining the team in July. Further Officers are expected in the next few months. Local News As the Summer Holidays approach Farnborough SNT are preparing to launch their annual Operation Jacobson into the prevention of anti social behaviour. This year we will concentrate on three identified hotspots and ensure increased patrols are dedicated to those areas, although all reports of antisocial behaviour will be reviewed for investigation. The first three areas identified will be; King George V playing fields. Cove Green

PS Kevin Futers

Contact the Police

999 - emergencies 101 - non emergencies

Moor Road playing fields. The hotspots will be reviewed fortnightly to identify continued necessity. Force News and Crime Please visit the Hampshire Constabulary website at for the latest up to-date news affecting Hampshire. Please visit The Police and Crime Commissioners' website at to read Simon Hayes monthly newsletter effecting Hampshire Residents. Please visit Crime reports at to view the latest crime figures, beat events and engagements for your Neighbourhood. Kevin Futers Police Sergeant

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EMPRESS & TOWN CENTRE WARD Your SNT team is PC Rob Dunster and PCSO James Charlton. A prolific Cycle Thief who has stolen a number of bikes from the Town Centre and Empress Ward has been caught and sent to prison. The offender was arrested by Farnborough Safer Neighbourhood Team in the Lynchford Road area of Farnborough after he was spotted by Rushmoor CCTV Operators. The offender was sent to court charged with 8 offences and the Judge sent him to prison. A large number of bikes stolen do not have strong enough locks which are easily cut through such as coil locks. We recommend that you use nothing less than a D-Lock. SNT are currently able to supply Kryptonite Silver Secure D-Locks for 20 (RRP 40!) If you would like to obtain a D-lock then please contact us by e-mail to:'

Contact the Police

999 - emergencies 101 - non emergencies

PC Dunster

PCSO Charlton

CHERRYWOOD WARD Your SNT team is PC Mark Ranola, PC Ian Stewardson, PCSO Lynn Anderson, PCSO Gordon Pengilley and PCSO Rai. We have had a number of Thefts from vehicle this month in which multiple work vans were targeted and tools stolen. Please remove all valuables and tools from your vehicle and if you do need to keep tools in the van please ensure they are secured inside. PC Ranola A child safety event was held at Totland Close on 26th June; this was attended by local school children and was aimed at promoting safety when at home and while out and about. Topics included Road Safety, Home Safety, Stranger Danger, Internet Safety, Water Safety and many more. Feedback so far has been very positive. Two persons were arrested after a birthday party became out of control in the area of Aldwick Close. One male was arrested for Public Order offences and the second for Assault both received Police Cautions.

PCSO Pengilley


PC Stewardson

PCSO Anderson

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COVE & SOUTHWOOD WARD Your SNT team is PCSO Michelle Curtis. Burglaries on St Christopher's Estate - There has been a spate of burglaries on the St Christopher's estate where Nepali families have been targeted and amounts of cash and jewellery have been stolen. Distraction techniques have been used on one occasion where the family members were led outside by one male and another male then entered the property and went upstairs. Please be vigilant and if you see anything suspicious please report it on 101. Works vans and vehicles are being targeted again and tools stolen. Please take extra care to ensure that tools are not kept inside vehicles and consider extra security where you can.

Contact the Police

999 - emergencies 101 - non emergencies

PCSO Curtis

FERNHILL WARD Your SNT team is PC Martin Cole and PCSO Mitch While. A MAN has been charged with assaulting a 12-year-old girl by touching. The alleged attack took place outside the Londis store in Chapel Lane, Farnborough, between 4.30pm and 5pm on Monday June 10. Police were called after a man approached the girl and touched and kissed her on the face. The male was later charged and appeared at Basingstoke Magistrates' Court. He is being remanded in custody until July when he will appear at Winchester Crown Court.

PC Cole

PCSO While

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KNELLWOOD & ST MARKS WARD Your SNT team is PC David McDonald and PCSO Jenni Lawrence. About six weeks ago we asked residents to send us their views on what they wanted the local police priorities to be. After we received only 7 replies out of 2500 people emailed, we decided to try a different approach. PC McDonald created a survey through 'Survey Monkey' which achieved a much better response. The results of the survey were: From the postcodes provided it illustrates that those who completed the survey were from all over the Knellwood & St. Marks ward. The highest proportion of those replying have lived in Knellwood & St Marks for between 11 and 20 years. Over a quarter of those replying state they use the local parks moderately. Only 1 person who completed the survey said they did not feel safe in Knellwood & St. Marks and nearly 80% of people felt moderately, very or extremely safe after dark. 38% of people say they know a few of their neighbours and 34% say to know most of their neighbours. The following priorities have been set for the next 6 months:

PC McDonald

Priority 1 Speeding vehicles in Woburn Avenue, Sycamore Road & Salisbury Road. Priority 2 Parking in Canterbury Road next to the bowls club & Salesian College drop off / pick up. Priority 3 Antisocial behaviour associated with parks and older children misusing the equipment. We will be looking to liaise with the council to assist us in solving these priorities. This month we have noticed a number of bicycles being stolen and whilst two known thieves have been arrested and formally dealt with, we are still noticing bikes going missing. We would urge you to make sure your bikes are locked up securely with a D-Lock to an immovable object.

PCSO Lawrence

We have also had several reports of non-dwelling burglaries in the area. We have arrested a male and he has since been charged and is due to attend court mid-July.

ST JOHNS WARD Your SNT team is PC Lee Jeffers and PCSO Lisa Attwood. Melrose Avenue: With the summer evenings now upon us, we are continuing to receive complaints from residents living in Melrose Avenue about young children playing out in the streets into the late evening. The children in the street are causing a disturbance to other residents who are attempting to get their young children asleep and an element of anti social behaviour is occurring including climbing fences and running through the communal gardens of the nearby flats.

PC Jeffers

Your local SNT team will continue to patrol this location and will be speaking with parents who allow their children out in the street during the late evenings. We will also be discussing these issues with Sentinel Housing Association to see if they can assist with a solution to this ongoing problem. Parsonage Farm School: We have recently received complaints from local residents around the school in relation to the inconsiderate parking of parents when dropping off and collecting children from the school. A letter to parents from PC 1145 JEFFERS has now been circulated by the school to all parents who have children at the school. Police will be following up on this letter with patrols in the area during the mornings and afternoons and will initially be giving advice to those parents who park their vehicles causing an obstruction to either the road or footpath. It is hoped that the need for enforcement by way of fixed penalty notices will be avoided. Trunk Road: As one of the community priorities for St. John's Ward, we have now completed the speed data collection for this road. In brief it was found that the average speed of the road is currently in the region of 27 mph, it was found that a car would exceed the speed limit at enforcement level once every two hours, the fastest speed recorded was between 46 and 51 mph and the slowest speed was under 16 mph. On the completion of the speed data collection, we commenced monitoring this road through speedwatch with the assistance of our volunteers. To date we have conducted two speedwatch operations on Trunk Road and have checked the speed of 532 cars, all of which have been travelling below the speed enforcement criteria.

PCSO Attwood

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WESTHEATH WARD Your SNT team is PCSO Harry Collins-Hardman . A couple of burglaries were reported on West Heath - one incident, no entry gained and marks left on a window where something had been used to try and force entry. The other incident of note was that entry was gained by way of a rear patio door and a search was conducted on the premises. There are reports of a motorcyclist using the alleyway between Holly Road and West Heath Road. If this is affecting you or you have any information that would be helpful, please contact PCSO Michelle Curtis on 101. Vehicle Crime - three incidents reported of thefts from vehicles - works vans were targeted and tools stolen on all three occasions.

Contact the Police

999 - emergencies 101 - non emergencies

PCSO CollinsHardman


FORTHCOMING EVENTS Fernhill beat surgery held first Sat of each month at The Fox Public house between 1000 and 1200 hrs. St Johns beat surgery held first Sat of each month at the Plough & Horses Public House, Fleet Road, between 1000 - 1200 hrs. St Johns beat surgery held third Thu of each month at the Partnership Building, (behind) Whetstone Road Shops between 1500 - 1600 hrs.

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