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Yoav Stramer

303 Ellis Avenue Iowa City, IA 52246 (319) 400-8227

The University of Iowa BBA, Finance with an emphasis in Accounting Anticipated graduation date: May 2010
Iowa City, Iowa G.P.A.: 4.16/4.00
University of Judaism September 2005 – December 2005
Bel-Air, California; Semester in Jerusalem, Israel G.P.A.: 3.74/4.00


Beta Gamma Sigma International Honor Society (upper 10% of class) November 2008 – Present
University of Iowa Honors Program; University of Iowa Dean’s List (3.50+ G.P.A.) December 2006 – Present
University of Iowa President’s List (4.00+ G.P.A. two consecutive semesters) May 2007

University of Iowa Krause Fund: Research Analyst Iowa City, IA August 2008 – Present
Constructed Excel valuation model based off historical data and key economic growth assumptions to forecast Microsoft target price
using Discounted Cash Flow, Economic Profit, Relative P/E, and Dividend Discount Model; Created analyst report including
discussions on Economic, Industry, Company-Specific, Sensitivity, and Valuation Application analysis.
DT Trading, Chicago Board of Trade: Intern Chicago, IL June 2008 – August 2008
Assisted Eurodollar options broker; Completed and managed option order tickets for 10+ clients
Developed knowledge of option spreads and trading strategies through daily one-on-one meetings with broker
Identified transaction points based on support and resistance levels, to maintain delta-neutral position for client accounts
Calculated option spread prices based on daily settlement sheets for use in broker’s client marketing activities
Hebrew School, Agudas Achim Synagogue: Teacher Iowa City, IA February 2007 – Present
Teach Hebrew language to fourth and fifth grade students; Developed a point system to reward students for hard work
Merrill Lynch Global Private Client: Intern Tel Aviv, Israel December 2007 – January 2008
Assisted in portfolio analysis for 20+ clients; Verified financial data in spreadsheets
Researched new investment opportunities in emerging markets
Merrill Lynch Global Private Client: Intern New York, NY June 2007 – August 2007
Executed, followed up and confirmed wire transfers for 20+ clients; Produced various portfolio management spreadsheets for clients
Assisted in creation of a presentation to senior management illustrating the importance of increasing alternative investment allocation
Solely created mathematical illustration of financial benefit of alternative investment project implementation

Haifa Fire Department: Volunteer (Full-time) Haifa, Israel March 2006 – May 2006
Assisted in the daily inspection for proper equipment in department vehicles; Often participated in 24-hour on-alert emergency shift
Accompanied firefighters on calls to assist with oxygen masks, hoses, flashlights, and other needed assistance
Shalom Achshav (Peace Now): Volunteer Tel Aviv, Israel December 2005 – March 2006
Regularly campaigned on behalf of Amir Peretz, Israel Prime Minister candidate, in downtown Tel Aviv
Helped structure Shalom Achshav campaign in Rabin Square for the 10 th anniversary of Yitzhak Rabin’s assassination
Hatikvah High School for Children at Risk: Volunteer Tel Aviv, Israel December 2005 – March 2006
Guided students with homework and special projects; Organized weekend activities in order to keep at risk students out of trouble


Federal Reserve Challenge Spring 2008 – Present
Research macroeconomic data, Fed news/statements/monetary policy in preparation for competition at Chicago Fed
H. John Hawkinson Institute of Business Finance Fall 2007 – Present
Accepted as one of the top finance students based on GPA/leadership/interpersonal skills/potential in professional field
Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity
Exchequer Fall 2007 – Present
Manage budget of $72,000; Determine amount of money allotted to various accounts based on fraternity’s financial status
VP of Programming December 2006 – Present
Organize recreational, dining, and other social activities; Coordinate and manage events with various Greek organizations
Steward December 2006 – Present
Executed overhaul of catering system. Negotiated catering deals with 5 new restaurants; Manage budget of $15,000
Financial Management Association September 2006 – Present
Participate in biweekly seminars led by financial executives

Personal Portfolio Management, Weightlifting/Basketball, Traveling

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