Dream For Tomorrow, Plan For Today: Practical Solutions For Tough Challenges

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26th Annual Involved

Exceptional Parents’
Day Conference
Dream for Tomorrow, Plan for Today:
Practical Solutions for Tough Challenges

ONLINE Congreso Anual #26

Día del Padre Involucrado Excepcional
858-576-2966 English Sueñe para Mañana, Planéelo Ahora:
858-576-2831 Español Soluciones Prácticas a Situaciones Difíciles

ONLY $35 FOR Saturday

May 30, 2009
Handlery Hotel
Mission Valley
San Diego, CA

Keynote Speaker/Oradora Principal

Joan Medlen, R.D., L.D., M.Ed.
Forgiveness and Advocacy: An Effective Complement
Many times the best way to advocate is from a place of forgiveness.
Joan Medlen is the mother of two sons, one diagnosed with Down Syndrome,
Celiac Disease and Autism. Ms. Medlen is a nutritionist, speaker, editor
of Disability Solutions, and the author of the Down Syndrome Nutrition
Handbook: A Guide to Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle.

Perdón y Abogacía: El Complemento Perfecto

Con frecuencia, el perdón es el mejor aliado de la abogacía.
Joan Medlen es madre de dos hijos, uno de ellos con sìndrome de Down, enfermedad
celiaca y autismo. La Sra. Medlen is nutrióloga, oradora, editora de Disability
Solutions (Soluciones para la discapacidad), y autora de Down Syndrome Nutrition
Handbook: A Guide to Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle (Manual de Nutrición para el
síndrome de Down: guía para promover una vida sana.)
Conference Schedule/Horario de las Conferencias
7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
Registration, Exhibits & Continental Breakfast/
Inscripcin, Recursos y Desayuno Continental
8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Keynote Address/Orador de Honor
9:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. Exhibits/Recursos
9:45 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. Concurrent Workshops A/Talleres Simultáneos A
11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Lunch and Exhibits/Almuerzo y Recursos
12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Concurrent Workshops B/Talleres Simultáneos B
2:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. Exhibits/Recursos
2:15 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. Concurrent Workshops C/Talleres Simultáneos C
3:45 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Break/Descanso
4:00 p.m. Parent Wrap-Up Session and Raffle/Sesión de Despedida y Rifa

9:45 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. ~ Concurrent Workshops/Talleres Simultáneos

A1 See What You Mean! Creating a “How-To” Plan Using Powerful Tools Joan Medlen
Learn tangible strategies to promote friendships, independence, and build community. We’ll talk about ways to decode behavior
to understand its meaning, build peer mentors and friendships, use visual strategies to promote independence, and create circles of
support. We will work together, in large and small groups, to use these tools to brainstorm ideas and develop “next steps” for you as
parents and in the coming school year.
A2 Special Education You Can Do It! Part 1 Laura Giardina
Learn about special education eligibility and assessments. What should you and your child expect? How do you request assessments
and what types of assessments are available? Who can come with you to the IEP meeting? How should you prepare for the IEP
A3 Assistive Technology 101: What It Is and How to Get It for Your Child Nicole Thomason; Joy Cole
Learn about assistive technology and how it can help people with disabilities. Learn about different types of communication devices,
computer software and hardware for children with special needs. Find out about loan programs and funding sources.
A4 The 3 R’s: Recreation, Relaxation and Rejuvenation Nili Mathews; Julie Gregg; Matt Winkley; Clara Downs
Learn about community recreation, social and sports programs available to youth and adults with special needs. The panel will include
program experts from San Diego Park & Recreation Therapeutic Services, Sports for Exceptional Athletes and XCite Steps.
A5 Cómo Prepararse Para la Junta del IEP Moisés Barón, Ph.D.; Cara Lucier, Esq.
Este taller ayudará a los padres a comprender las diferencias entre la Parte B y la C de IDEA, la ley federal que rige el IFSP y el IEP.
Los padres aprenderán cada paso del proceso de transición; cómo recibir las listas de comprobación y las preguntas que deben hacer
en las reuniones al equipo del IEP, como también podrán participar en una sesión de preguntas y respuestas con la presencia de un
abogado con experiencia en educación especial.

Involved Exceptional Parents’ Day Conference ~ Día del Padre Involucrado Excepcional
12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. ~ Concurrent Workshops/Talleres Simultáneos
B1 Living with Intellectual Development and Learning Challenges Joshua D. Feder, M.D.
This audience driven interactive discussion will cover the ups and downs of living with developmental and learning disorders,
emphasizing how to support development and learning through whatever practical means we have at hand. (NOTE: This
information as it pertains to children with autism spectrum disorder will be presented in session C3: Living with Autism
Spectrum Disorders)
B2 Special Education You Can Do It! Part 2 Laura Giardina
Demystifying the IEP process. Learn about the process, what it means, what do all those initials stand for and more. What to do if
you disagree with the school district’s assessment? Who can intervene in your behalf? How to assure that your child’s needs are
being met?
B3 Life After High School Eric Latham; Patti Flores-Charter; Janice Goforth-Melroy
Learn about post secondary education programs, services, and resources for transition age youth and adults with disabilities. The
panel will include program experts from Pathway UCLA Extension Program, Southwestern Community College District and the
Center for Emerging Leadership: California’s State Youth Information, Training, and Resource Center.
B4 El Distrito Escolar y las Familias Latinas: Aprendiendo Juntos Josefina Nieves; Guadalupe Barrera
Se explicará el evento Fiesta Educativa, Inc., que ya se está implementando en algunas escuelas. Este programa ayudará a los
participantes a tener acceso a recursos claves y a entender sus derechos fundamentales como padres de niños con necesidades
especiales. Se explicará cómo pueden trabajar juntos padres y distrito escolar cómo defensores de los niños con necesidades
B5 Controlando el Enojo Martha E. Favela, RN
Se ensenaran habilidades especificas para controlar y manejar el enojo, reforzar las relaciones familiares y manejar adecuadamente
las presiones cotidianas.

2:15 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. ~ Concurrent Workshops/Talleres Simultáneos

C1 Speech & Language Therapy: Who, What, Where, Why & How Long? Karyn Lewis Searcy, M.A. CCC-SLP
An overview of the diverse role of Speech Language Pathology including treatment experience with a variety of ages, skill levels
and disorders. General techniques will be reviewed. The importance of direct parent coaching and involvement in therapy will also
be addressed. Also included, tips on funding sources including insurance, SDRC and school districts.
C2 Special Education You Can Do It! Part 3 Laura Giardina
Special education for your child. Explore ongoing advocacy, discipline, due process, compliance and complaints. How does one file
an appeal? Consider full inclusion or integration opportunities. How to monitor your child’s progress? What are the most effective
ways to advocate for your child?
C3 Living with Autism Spectrum Disorders Joshua D. Feder, M.D.
This audience driven interactive discussion will cover the ups and downs of living with autism spectrum disorders, emphasizing
how to support development and learning through whatever practical means we have at hand.
C4 Adaptive Mobility Equipment Frank Zugovitz, CRTS; Patrick Wilkens, PT, DPT; Raina Wilson, MS, PT
Choosing the right adaptive mobility equipment is key in making your child’s and your family’s lives easier. Learn about the
available options, funding opportunities and what questions to ask when selecting mobility equipment.
C5 Mesa Redonda Sobre Recursos Laura Cervantes; Maria Pedroza; Tessie Salcedo; Delia Lopez
Representantes de diversas agencias contestarán sus preguntas sobre recursos, apoyo, abogacía, servicios y programas en la
comunidad. Presentadores: SELPA del Sur, Centro de Recursos para Familias Excepcionales (EFRC), Centro Regional de San
Diego (SDRC), y Equipo de Abogados para Niños Especiales (TASK).

Saturday, May 30, 2009 ~ Sábado, 30 de mayo 2009

Conference Sponsors
Patrocinadores de la Conferencia

Foundation for
Developmental Disabilities
www.sdrc.org/sdicdsf www.dsaonline.org


Community Advisory Committee

From Interstates 805, 163 & 15

• Take 8 West to Hotel Circle North
• Turn left at stop sign
• Turn right into the Handlery Hotel and Resort parking
Directions/Direcciones From Freeway 5 (San Diego International/Lindbergh Field)
• Take 8 East to 2nd Hotel Circle North Exit
Handlery Hotel • Turn left at stop sign
950 Hotel Circle No. • Follow road back under freeway to North Side
• Go through two signals and one stop sign
San Diego CA 92108 • Turn right into the Handlery Hotel and Resort parking
From Downtown
• Take 163 North to I-8 West
• Follow I-8 West
• Use the Hotel Circle exit and veer left at the stop sign

Desde las autopistas 805, 163 y 15
• Tome la autopista 8 West (oeste) y salga en Hotel Circle North
• Dé vuelta a la izquierda en el semáforo
• Dé vuelta a la derecha de inmediato en el estacionamiento del
hotel Handlery
Desde la autopista 5 (a la altura del aeropuerto internacional
Lindbergh Field)
• Tome la autopista 8 East (este) hasta la segunda salida de Hotel
Circle North
• Dé vuelta a la izquierda en el semáforo
• Siga por el camino bajo el puente hacia el otro lado de la
autopista (lado norte)
• Pase dos semáforos y una señal de alto
• Dé vuelta a la derecha de inmediato en el estacionamiento del
hotel Handlery
Desde el centro de la ciudad
• Tome la autopista 163 North (norte) hasta la autopista 8 West
• Continúe por la 8 West
• Salga en Hotel Circle y de vuelta a la izquierda en la señal de alto
• Dé vuelta a la derecha de inmediato en el estacionamiento del
hotel Handlery
IEP DAY ~ May 30, 2009
Please return this form along with your payment by May 22, 2009.
Por favor, adjunte el pago con la forma de registro antes del 22 de mayo 2009.
Make checks payable to: IEP Day and mail to: Extienda el cheque: IEP Day y mándelo a:
San Diego Regional Center, C.S. Dept., Attn: Barbie Lynch, 4355 Ruffin Road, #104, San Diego CA 92123

Print Legibly/Escriba Claramente

Submit a separate form for each attendee and complete all information. If you have questions contact Barbie Lynch at 858-576-
2966 (Español: Sonia Griffin, 858-576-2831). If you need special accommodations, please contact Michele Geving at 619-645-
3000 no later than May 15, 2009. Complete toda la información requerida en ésta hoja. Por favor, haga una copia de ésta hoja para cada persona
que se registre. Si necesita arreglos especiales o tiene preguntas, por favor deje un mensaje al 619-645-3000 antes del 15 de mayo 2009.
Name/Nombre ____________________________________________________________________________
Agency/Agencia _________________________________________________________________________
Address/Direccion _________________________________________________________________________
City/Ciudad _______________________ St/Est _________ Zip/Cod Postal ______________________
Daytime Phone/Telefono Dia ( ) _______________________________________________________
E-mail: __________________________________________________________________________________

Payment Information/Informacion del Pago

 Online Registration/registro en línea ~ www.iepday.org
   Check Enclosed/Cheque Incluido  $35 (Parent/Family Member) (Padre/de Familiar)  Professional ($40)
   I would like to sponsor another parent to attend this conference ($35 or extra amount enclosed):__________
   Scholarship (funded by)/Beca (patrocinada por): _______________________________________________

Workshop Selection/Preferencia de FEES

Conferencias Parking
Parking Fee is $3 for the day. Sorry, no in and out. El
Please provide your 1st & 2nd choices for each time slot: Por costo del estacionamiento es de $3 por dia. No puede salir durante
favor escoja su seleccion #1 o #2 y marquela en el espacio: el dia.
A_______ A_______ Registration
(1st choice/opción) (2nd choice/opción) Includes a continental breakfast, box lunch and
B_______ B_______ conference materials. NO REFUNDS for no-shows
(1st choice/opción) (2nd choice/opción) or cancellations received after 5/22/09. El costo incluye
C_______ C_______ desayuno continental, almuerzo y todos los materiales necesarios.
(1st choice/opción) (2nd choice/opción) No habra reembolsos por cancelaciones recibidas despues del
5/22/09 o por no presentarse.

Space is limited and workshops fill up quickly. Every

 Child’s Primary Diagnosis/Diagnosis Primario del Niño effort will be made to assign your first choices, however,
___________________________________________ room sizes are limited and conference choices will be
 Child’s Age/Edad del Niño _______________________
assigned on a first come, first serve basis. El espacio es
limitado y los talleres se llenan rapidamente. De cualquier manera,
 Primary Language/Lenguaje Primario________________
se hara cualquier esfuerzo para asignarle su primera opcion, el
 How did you hear about IEP Day?/¿Cómo usted oyó espacio de los salones es limitado y las opciones de clases seran
hablar de IEP Day? asignadas en el orden en que lleguen, quien llegue primero se le
___________________________________________ atendero primero.

Scholarship Information
Some scholarships are available for this conference. Please check with your school district or organizations you are affiliated with.
For a partial list of those who may provide scholarships visit www.iepday.org.
Información de la Beca
Hay un número limitado de becas para el congreso. Por favor pregunte a su distrito escolar o a las organizaciones que colaboran
con su familia. Para una lista parcial de las agencias que le pueden proporcionar una beca, por favor visite www.iepday.org

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