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How To Install Windows 7

AR MacLaren
Smashwords Edition
Copyright 2012 AR MacLaren
Winnipeg, Manitoba
IS!" #$%&1&'00&10#(0&1
A)) rights reser*ed+ !o part o, this boo- may be .sed or reprod.ced by any means,
graphic, e)ectronic, or mechanica), inc).ding photocopy, recording, taping or by any
in,ormation storage retrie*a) system witho.t the written permission o, the a.thor e/cept
in the case o, brie, 0.otations embodied in critica) artic)es and re*iews+ o, the dynamic o, the internet, any web addresses or )in-s contained in
this boo- may ha*e changed since p.b)ication and may no )onger be *a)id+
Website .r)"
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Table of Contents
1. How To Reinstall Windows
2. Configuring Windows asil!
". #ree Computer $oftware
1-How To Reinstall Windows
%&'$ ()T: When re*installing Windows+ !our data will ,e lost -!our data is
!our music+ !our photos+ !our mo.ies: an!thing that !ou/.e created or installed on
!our computer0. 'lwa!s ,ac1 up!thing !ou can ,efore reinstalling Windows.
$tep 10 1)ace the Windows $ 232 in yo.r ).&ray or 232 dri*e+ Restart yo.r comp.ter
and tap the 4% -ey a ,ew times .nti) the boot men. appears+ Se)ect yo.r ).&ray or 232
dri*e and )et Windows )oad+
$tep 20 5nce Windows )oads, ta-e a moment to ma-e that yo.r 6time and c.rrency
,ormat6 are set correct)y to yo.r co.ntry+ 7hen, at the bottom right hand side o, the
screen, press the 6!e/t6 b.tton+
$tep "0 Since we are reinsta))ing windows, not ,i/ing it+ C)ic- the 6Insta)) !ow6 b.tton in
the midd)e o, the screen+
$tep 20 7he ne/t screen is the )icense agreement ,or yo.r copy o, windows+ Ma-e 6I
accept the )icense terms6 bo/ is chec-ed o,, and then sing)e )e,t c)ic- the 6!e/t6 b.tton+
$tep 30 5n this screen it gi*es yo. two choices" .pgrade or c.stom+ Choose 6C.stom6 we8re going to be erasing the bro-en *ersion o, Windows and reinsta))ing a new
%lease (ote: this is the part where!thing on !our computer will ,e erased4
$tep 50 e)ow yo. wi)) see what )oo-s )i-e two di,,erent dri*es 9& It8s act.a))y the same
dri*e+ Windows creates a 100M 6System Reser*ed6 partition that is norma))y .sed in
case o, a disaster+ 7he 6it)oc-er6 component a)so .ses this partition+
Se)ect the 62ri*e options :ad*anced;6 )in- at the bottom+
C)ic- the 64ormat6 )in-9& 7his is what act.a))y erases yo.r hard dri*e+
Windows wi)) prompt yo. one more time to ma-e that yo. rea))y want to erase yo.r
hard dri*e+ Windows wi)) not wor- proper)y d.e to a *ir.s in,ection, erasing
e*erything and starting o*er is what we want to do+
!ow c)ic- 6ne/t6 to contin.e with yo.r new insta))ation o, Windows+
7his is the best part" <.st sit bac- and wait ,or the so,tware to ,inish+ e)ow are the
screenshots yo. wi)) see as Windows is reinsta))ed+
A,ter the ,i)es are copied o*er, yo. wi)) notice yo.r comp.ter reboot a ,ew times+
$tep 70 5nce Windows has started ,or the ,irst time, enter yo.r name in the top bo/= this
is the .sername yo. wi)) )ogin with e*ery time yo. .se yo.r comp.ter+ 7hen c)ic- 6!e/t+6
$tep 60 5n the ne/t screen, Windows wi)) as- yo. to set .p a password+ >o. can )ea*e
this b)an- b.t i, yo. enter a password it ma-es yo.r comp.ter a )itt)e more C)ic-
$tep 70 5n the ,o))owing screen, Windows wi)) as- yo. how yo. want to he)p protect yo.
comp.ter+ A)ways chose 6?se recommended settings,6 which wi)) down)oad and insta))
new .pdates a.tomatica))y+
$tep 180 2o.b)e chec- that the time and date are set correct)y on yo.r comp.ter and then
c)ic- 6ne/t6+
$tep 110 Windows prompts .s with a ,ew di,,erent choices 7he 6@ome networ-6 option
gets yo.r comp.ter ready to share in,ormation+ 7his is norma))y good i, yo. ha*e a
simp)e home networ- set.p+ @owe*er, to get the most sec.rity ,or yo.r comp.ter we
want to c)ic- 61.b)ic networ-6 so that the comp.ter doesn8t want to share+
Remember to r.n Windows .pdate .nti) no more .pdates appear+ 7his can ta-e A or (
tries+ @a*e patience, it pays to stay c.rrent+
2- Configuring Windows Easily
Insta))ing Windows is <.st )i-e adding an engine to a car" It8s the component that ma-es
yo.r *ehic)e act.a))y per,orm+ .t now )etBs ta)- optiona) e/tras+ >o.r comp.ter wi)) need
comp.ter so,tware insta))ed to ma-e it do the tas-s that yo. wo.)d )i-e to do+ 7o ma-e
insta))ation s.per easy, I wo.)d )i-e to introd.ce to yo." W+E+S+
W+E+S stands ,or Windows Easy Set.p, which was origina))y designed as an easy to .se,
high powered batch processor+ 7he E7A is c.rrent)y being de*e)oped in to a ,.))y
a.tomated, hands ,ree insta))ation app)ication+ @owe*er, the beta is sti)) in de*e)opment
and a*ai)ab)e ,or yo. to down)oad ,rom my website+
5nce yo. ha*e down)oaded W+E+S, do.b)e )e,t c)ic- it to )a.nch the so,tware+ 5nce
W+E+S opens, c)ic- the DAdd CommandsE tab in the top midd)e o, the screen+
7o ,.))y appreciate the ,.)) potentia) o, this )itt)e program, i, yo. search the tabs,
yo. wi)) see a )ot o, ,ree so,tware that W+E+S wi)) a.tomatica))y down)oad and start the
insta))ation ,or yo.+
5nce yo. ha*e ,inished se)ecting the comp.ter so,tware yo. wish to insta)), se)ect the
DR.n Easy Insta)) ScriptE at the top )e,t and then press the DStart Insta)) ScriptE at the
bottom and W+E+S wi)) ta-e care o, the rest ,or yo.+
3- Free Computer Software
7here is a )ot o, ,reeware o.t there howe*er= itBs hard to down)oad *ir.s or ma)ware ,ree
app)ications these days+ 7hree good 0.a)ity websites are here"
'nti.irus F is a ha*e comp.ter so,tware these days+ 4reeware has contin.ed to
pro*e its worth and be)ow are a hand,.) o, anti*ir.s so,tware+
Recommended 'nti.irus $canners:
G A*ast ,ree anti*ir.s :,ree;
G Microso,t Sec.rity Essentia)s :,ree;
G 4&prot :Windows and Lin./;
G A3H ,ree Anti*ir.s :,ree;
$p!ware and :alware tools
Spyware is *ery di,,erent ,rom * A) it may not damage yo.r
comp.ter )i-e a *ir.s, it is sti)) good to -eep spyware remo*a) too)s aro.nd to he)p
sa,e g.ard yo.r persona) in,ormation+
; Ma)warebytes :,ree; & 7his )itt)e is rea))y good at remo*ing ma)ware and
G Spybot Search I 2estroy :,ree; & 7his is another 0.a)ity spyware and ma)ware
remo*a) too)+ ecare,.) with the 67ea 7imer6+ I, yo.r <.st .sing this app ,or
c)eaning in,ections, .nchec- the 67ea 7imer6 on insta))ation or it wi)) as-
permission e*ery time a change is made to the systemJ
G Combo,i/ :,ree; & 7his is a *ery strong remo*a) too)+ I .s.a))y sa*e this one ,or
)ast on hea*i)y in,ected comp.ters+ 5n)y r.n this on the pc8s that sti)) ha*e
prob)ems a,ter the ,.)) c)eaning+
G @i<ac-7his :,ree; & Inspects yo.r comp.ters browsers and 5perating system+
7his is an e/treme)y power,.) ma)ware remo*a) too)+ I, yo. do p)an to .se this, do
a )ot o, research with their website+
G S.per Antispyware :,ree; & A strong remo*a) too) ,or adware, ma)ware and
G Adaware :,ree; & A strong adware remo*er :pop .ps and banners;+
Registr! Cleaners
Registry c)eaners and system optimiKers are .s.a))y *ery good at -eeping yo.r system
r.nning we))+
Registry c)eaners are a)ways a good idea to r.n a,ter the *ir.s and spyware scanners ha*e
,inished+ 7hey can repair potentia) damage to yo.r operating system that is not genera))y
protected by anti*ir.s or antispyware so,tware+
G Cc)eaner :,ree; & amaKing ,reeware that does a great <ob ,i/ing and c)eaning the
registry, as we)) as c)earing yo.r browser <.n-+
G System Mechanic :cheap; & Simi)ar to Cc)eaner e/cept yo. ha*e to pay ,or it+
7he tria) period to this program is ,antastic+
G Windows Washer :cheap; & a 7ria) app and not a registry c)eaner, it c)eans
windows so we)) that it is worth mentioning+
If you enjoyed this book, please check out my website for my newest available books and
projects, including my newest FREE boo! "ooberts #uide To $ Simple Home T%eater
Website .r)" http"CCwww+armac)aren+com
AR MacLaren has been wor-ing hard to bring yo. many ,ine 0.a)ity boo-s and pro<ects
inc).ding" out: The $ur.i.e and Thri.e <uide
A boo- written ,or anyone mo*ing o.t on their own ,or the *ery ,irst timeJ My boo- wi))
gi*e yo. a *ery g.ided and straight ,orward step by step g.ide in the basic essentia)s o,
mo*ing o.t and getting yo.r )i,e startedJ
How to ,uild su,scription we,sites
7his boo- wi)) show yo. how to create a pro,essiona) )oo-ing s.bscription website in
@7ML with a payment processor with a)most no e,,ortJ

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