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Past to Remember

Present to Celebrate

Future to Generate

Celebrating in Waiuku
GREETINGS FAMILY Our reunion is to be held in beautiful Waiuku, from Saturday, 25th to Monday 27th January 2014! Please remember mark your calendars, schedule your time off, book your motel room and attend the...2014 BELL FAMILY REUNION. You want to be a part of this event . . . theres much history here!

Andrew & Eleanor, with there growing children, living in Golf Ave, Otahuhu. In the photo they all seem to be very happy- glad to have a new life in New Zealand.

From Our Roots We Grow Strong

Contact Details
Gerry & Yvonne Jamieson George & Carol Craig Page 1 26 Pohutakawa Ave Ohope Bay of Plenty 07-312-4421 Phil & Jan Harrison

Our History- Up date

Thank you to those who have already contributed photos and information- you know who you are! Fresh Information Received! It seems the family travel to NZ on the RMS Remurea, a ship built around 1911 and refitted before they travelled. They left from Southampton in England 17 February 1928 and landed in Auckland on 25 March 1928. Eleanor was a seamstress although it is possible she had been a teacher- See Character Focus. The 2 or 3 storey house where they lived at No.38 Golf Ave, Otahuhu is gone now, it was next to the Kings College entrance. Keep that information coming in. And dont forget, if you do spot something that you can help with or something you believe to be wrong- wed love to know.

New Zealand Bell Family

Whether you are Born or Married into or are part of an extended Bell family, we should all celebrate. This will be a time of remembering, but

We have been working diligently to plan a happy and memorable reunion for our family. The plans are going well and the hall is book. Local companies have confirmed that there are plenty of motels & caravans, available at that time. A photographer has been retained and we have found a kind volunteer to organise the childrens event.

more importantly, reuniting. Thats what its all aboutBringing Family Together.

We will be having a PowerPoint display- so sort out and scan your own family snapshots- ready. We are hoping to produce a Bell Family Reunion Book. This book would contain the information about our ancestors, Character Profiles, Family Tree, old photos, documents and also reunion photos and details. We have started setting up a NZ Bell Family website and hopefully that will all come together soon.

Support the Reunion

It is encouraging to say that the reunion is receiving enormous support, from everyone. There will be a cost for the reunion, to pay for hiring the hall, food, beverages, etc. this amount will be announce ASAP. We are committed to keeping these costs as affordable as possible while maintaining a quality event. Meanwhile we are asking for a small registration fee/donation, this will allow us to better plan the event and activities, have sufficient working capital for the venue deposits or payments due before the event. We will be setting up a bank account in the next few months. THANKS IN ADVANCE Registration $25 per household Registration brings its own Rewards. For those that pay this fee/ donation, they will be sent a DVD containing copies of photos, documents, other detail found or put together, over this period and also containing a copy of reunion photos. These DVDs will be posted after the reunion regardless of whether you make it to Waiuku or not. Please make sure we have your physical address.

BELL Family Tree

We have had a lot of up-dated information come in and these details will be added to the Heritage Site. If you havent sent through your family up-dates the Family Tree document was attached to our original email in early June. We invite you to up-date and fill in your familys detail i.e. correct full name, spouses surnames, add date-of-birth, death and check spelling etc. Please email (preferred) or send your details through.

Character Focus
Find attached profiles of Eleanor (nee Trotter) and Andrew Thomas Bell Our next profile will be on Win & Dave JAMIESON and Eddie BELL

Searching for Treasure

We have received some photos but we are still looking for copies of old photos and documents, if you are able to contribute, it would be appreciated (these will be displayed at the reunion). Please send through scanned copies (no originals please). We are still particularly looking for a wedding photo of each of the original children (an A4 size copy of The Couple would be perfect), if you have any problems regarding scanning or sending, give Gerry a call. NB: All information and documentation given or found will be shared with anyone who is interested.

We have most email addresses now with just a few to missing. Below is a list of people that we have sent to, please check that no one has been missed. We need to have everyones postal addresses by 1 October 2013. Please send by return email, post or call. Sent To: Gerry & Yvonne JAMIESON Maralyn & Colin CAMPBELL Pam & Gary NAKOVICS Linda & Lance PALMER Jorel & Rhonda JAMIESON Mikeal & Jaime JAMIESON Dave JAMIESON Ellie PYE Phil & Jan HARRISON Julia & Gavin THORNBER Andrew HARRISON Paul HARRISON Larraine & Franz ENNON Heath & Natalie MOY George & Carol CRAIG Lisa, Amy & Andrew STEPHEN Shelley & Dominic MOYNIHAN Kylee & Mathew DALE Kym & Stephen MAYNARD Adrienne FRASER Brenda BELL Carolyn & Ben VOS David & Paula JAMIESON Deborah HANCOCK Diane & Wayne DONNELLY Faye & Colin HARRISON Grant & Rachael BELL Harvey & Betty BELL John & Lyn BELL John THOMAS Joneen & Des RIDDLE Katy CROWLEY Maree HANCOCK Richard DONNELLY Wendy REVELL & Kevin GREAD Pat FRASER Geraldine THOMAS Ruth BELL Pauline & Craig PYE Janice & Bob GRIFFITHS Ron THOMAS

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