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Southern IlliIllinnoioiss Uni

Southern Univversi
2008 NSAC AIM Campaign Book

2008 NSAC AIM Campaigns Book

The Great Sphinx in Egypt is carved out of rock. It has the head of a
Pharaoh and the body of a lion, representing wisdom and strength.

Carbondale is the heart of “little Egypt” in Southern Illinois. It is the home

to Southern Illinois University, the Salukis, and Sphinx Advertising.

Sphinx measures and defines success by building relationships

with clients and providing innovative solutions to their challenges.
In the spirit of our namesake, we believe that the best ideas come from
a synergistic blend of integrated marketing communications.

Brains and brawn. Youthfulness and yearning. Intelligence

and instinct. Learning and living. It is our belief that each of these elements
is fundamental in creating an invigorating and successful campaign.

Delivering strong results and powerful ideas, we are

Sphinx Advertising--an Integrated Marketing Agency.

Executive Summary Table of Contents
The case study provided by AOL directed us Other features include a new dynamic interface,
to develop a recommendation for the implementation synchronization of the Xdrive with the USB storage
of an advertising plan targeted at men and women, device, and AIM Tunes. About Sphinx 2
ages 18-24. Emphasis is placed on nontraditional We chose to name our brand strategy 20/20 Executive Summary 3
marketing vehicles and a creative strategy that will because it reflects a plan that not only addresses the
make AIM top of mind among our target audience. Situation Analysis 4-11
problems of today, but plans for the long-term future
The budget for the campaign is $25 million. of AIM. This plan will bring the AIM brand out of its Company analysis 5
The objectives addressed by this campaign are; current myopia and provide perfect 20/20 vision for Competitive Analysis 5
1) to increase trial and drive usage of AIM AIM and its users.
Consumer Analysis 6-7
products by 15%, In order to execute this strategy, Sphinx
2) to bridge the gap between AIM Messaging Advertising conceived tactics that adopt a 360° Market Trends 8
and AIM Social Media, and touch-point approach. The approach expands upon
Product Analysis 9
AIM’s role in social media and online communication.
3) to increase AIM brand awareness. One of our tactics involves a nationwide college Brand Analysis 10
To ensure that the campaign resonates with promotional event to publicize and distribute AIM
our target market, Sphinx Advertising undertook Flash drives to our target audience members. Another Problems and opportunities 11
extensive primary research. We initiated an online tactic involves AIM Chats, in which users can have
survey and conducted a focus group to understand their questions answered by various celebrities.These Brand Strategy 12-13
the buying habits, media usage, and attitudes about tactics, along with others, are designed to engage the
Creative Executions 14-21
online communication of those in our target audience in interaction with the brand while providing
audience. them a unique brand experience. Media Strategy 22-26
The information presented by the client The recommended media strategy reflects References 27
and our primary research led Sphinx Advertising the media consumption of our target market and
emphasizes nontraditional marketing vehicles to Acknowledgments 28
to the following conclusion: In order to increase
the audience size of AIM, we need to enhance the efficiently reach its members.The budgetary allocation
product with certain features that would serve as for the media mix is well balanced and uses different
drivers for usage. These features are designed to IMC elements such as traditional media, the Internet,
provide convenience and expedience by using a social promotional events, and other non-traditional and
networking framework. This led to the conception of ambient media. The campaign will be evaluated
AIM Flash, a portable drive programmed with already at different stages to gauge its effectiveness and
existing AIM products. This device capsulates many of corrective actions will be taken if necessary.
AIM’s best products, and it is the primary element of
our campaign.


As a part of the digital generation, the executives at Sphinx Advertising have

been active users of online communication for several years. Growing up in this
technological era has given us the opportunity to fully explore the past and create
the future of AOL Instant Messenger. This campaign has proven to be a challenge as
the advances in instant messenger services and social networking sites are becoming
increasingly innovative and ever changing.

We will be introducing you to our primary research findings throughout the

Situation Analysis. The methodology used in our primary research consisted of an
online survey and a focus group discussion. We surveyed over 400 college students
across universities in the Midwest, and our results indicate that AIM greatly exceeds
its competition in likeability and everyday usage when compared to other messenger

Company Analysis Competitive Analysis
AOL LLC. is an Internet service and media AOL Instant Messenger is a social media Userplane. AIM Pages also falls behind Blogger and
company that is owned by Time Warner and based product that allows users to chat and share content Myspace Blogs in posting comments on other users’
in New York City. The company began in 1985 as free of charge. It has positioned itself as the national pages. In the same realm, AOL Groups ranks last in
an Internet Service Provider known as Quantum leader in usage among the messaging market. average monthly unique visits, with Yahoo! Groups at
Computer Services, and later changed its name However, it remains in stiff competition with Yahoo! the top of the list. In mobile usage, however, AOL’s
to America Online in 1989. By 2000, AOL usage Messenger and MSN Messenger as well as third parties mobile Web site receives more traffic in the U.S. than
exceeded 30 million and its stock value reached Trillion and ICQ both nationally and worldwide. As that of Google, MSN, and Yahoo! (Hitwise).
$226 billion. Since its merger with Time Warner, opposed to in the United States, AIM ranks 4th in According to our primary research, the most
however, AOL has seen a significant plummet in its usage in the worldwide market. Yahoo! Messenger, popular email service used is the School Account (30%),
value and subscription rates, and is now barely worth MSN Messenger, and Google Talk are AIM’s chief followed by Yahoo! (21.3%), Hotmail (19.2%), Gmail
$20 billion with less than 13 million subscribers. contenders, but Yahoo! and newcomer Skype are (11.2%), & AOL (5.3%). About 60% say they do not have
Currently, Time Warner is trying to spin off AOL looking to incorporate video and voice chat into their their own website or blog, but 96% say they do have a
as two separate businesses: instant messengers as well, creating even tougher profile page on a social network. 58% of respondents
competition for AIM (AIM Case Study). are on Facebook, 38% are on Myspace, and1.8% use
1) an Internet Service Provider
Instant messaging services such as AIM have another social networking site. Only 76% responded that
2) a Content Provider.
begun to see a slow decline in users due to the rising they used instant messaging regularly. AIM is the most
As an ISP, AOL is attempting to popularity of free, ad supported, social networing sites frequently used messaging service with 82%, followed by
reposition itself as a free open Internet content such as Facebook, Myspace, and Bebo. Due to their MSN Messenger with 27% of respondents and Yahoo!
provider similar to Yahoo!, rather than offering a increasing usage, these sites are seen as competitors Messenger with 7%.
closed set of services to subscribers. AOL’s revised to AIM Pages, People Connection, and
mission, as of mid-2006, is “to serve the world’s largest
and most engaged community,” looking to push the
Brand Unique selling point and features
company forward. Among AOL’s brands and services
are Quigo, Tacoda, Netscape, Moviefone, Mapquest, Yahoo! Messenger Has 17.7 million users. Offers conferencing and is supported by advertising. Partnerships include
Truveo, Goowy, and Weblogs, and the company is Micrsoft, Lotus, and Reuters Communication Services. Currently #2 in messaging.
also partnered with the antivirus software provider, Windows Live Has 14.6 million users. Formerly known as MSN Messenger. Their current advertising slogan is “I’m
Messenger Making a difference. You IM. We give.” Promotions are currently with Cause and Effect by mtvU called “The
McAfee ( I’m Inititave.” It is also incorporated with Xbox Live.
As a Content Provider, AOL was the first ICQ Has 29 millions users. Current slogan is “Everybody, Everywhere.” Some of its features are greeting cards,
Internet service to integrate a web browser into mobile, video chat, groups, and forums.
content, and the company also introduced the Skype 3.3 million users. Known mostly for their use of PC phone calling and is incorporated with Sony PSP.
Buddy List in order to leverage instant messaging. In Google Talk 12.6 million users. It is a IM system that is bundled with Gmail and has been growing in popularity in the last
May of 1997, AOL released AOL Instant Messenger, two years.
a free instant messaging application that now allows Myspace A social networking site that offers IM, TV, Mobile, and is based around profiles. It is also
advertising-supported. It is currently the 5th most popular website in the U.S.
users to communicate over the Internet via text
Facebook An advertising-supported social networking site. It offers games and applications, and is also based around
messaging, voice, and video.
profiles. Started as a site exclusively for college students and largely popular among
18-24 year olds.

Our data shows that our audience spends do on food (Research Wikis). However, the purchase
Consumer Analysis 3-4 hours either hanging out with friends or on the
Internet. Most spend 1-2 hours watching TV, reading
of cell phones, digital audio players, and hand-held
computer devices threaten the hold of the apparel
the newspaper, or listening to the radio. industry, as well as the spending priorities of this
Demographics age group. Among college students, 41% own digital
Ethnicity Breakdown White
audio players and 90% own cell phones. These cell
Consumers ages 13-28 make up the Hispanic
second largest generation known as the Millennials, African American phone users are more likely to use their phones for
or sometimes called Generation Y or Eco Boomers. 17%
Asian text messaging and Internet use, making 18-24 year
As of 2006, this generation totalled over 75 million olds the “leading market” in text messaging (Research
people, with a growing market value of over $100 Wikis).
billion. Approximately 37.3% of 18-24 year olds are
full time college students.They are also more ethnically
diverse than other generations, with 61% White,
17% Hispanic, 15% Black and 4% Asian. According to 15% Key characteristics of Millennials are:
Deloitte Development LTC. 2006, “38% of Millennials • Tech savvy
identify themselves as ‘non-white.’ ” Also, another 4% Deloitte Development LTC • Optimistic
study presented by Teenage Research Unlimited in • Diverse
Northbrook, IL concluded that 6 out of every 10 teens Purchasing behavior • Open-minded
said that “their friends included members of diverse • Impatient
racial backgrounds.” Our audience communicates Not only are Millennials a large market
• Connected 24/7
face to face mostly with classmates, co-workers, and but they also have a spending power of around
• Independent
friends. With acquaintances, our age group prefers $400 a month. The average adult consumer spends
• Lifestyle-centered
to use social networking to get in contact with them. 80% of their before-tax income, whereas under-25
• Seek to make a difference
The phone is used mostly to communicate with family consumers spend 108% of their before-tax income,
• Comfortable with change
members. which is over the index by 28! These figures are
expected to continue to grow, reaching a 14.6% This generation has grown up around the
increase and total income of $555 billion by 2009. Internet and has a more advanced way of seeking out
Teens and adults13-24 years old have an aggregate information. They want instant gratification and look
income of $335 billion and they are characterized as at information as simply being a “click away.” They also
having excessive spending habits. They spend more hold a strong sense of individualism, self-assurance,
on things like clothes and entertainment than they and freedom.

The 18-24 year old age group
is the “leading market” in
Media and Technology ideas and usage
text messaging.
Millennials want and expect to have control over their media experiences through technology. Teens
do not see technology such as DVRs, instant messaging, and wireless phones as anything “new.” Instead,
they are considered fundamental extensions of their consciousness. According to Simmons, 15.5% of 18-
24 year olds agree that the Internet changed the way that they obtain information, compared to 19.7% that
disagreed. Clearly, rather than seeing technologies like the Internet as innovations, Millennials view them as a
way of life.

Teens are also now known as “content
Traditional media creators.” More than half of online teens say they
create content through a variety of sources such as
Males in this generation tend to read the blogs, social networking sites, or personal websites.
traditional male magazines such as Maxim and Playboy, They also take existing content on the Internet and
and Gamepro remains popular with the younger male make it their own by remixing it, and they often share
segment. Females tend to read the same magazines as content that they have created with their friends.
the younger females with the addition of Cosmopolitan Creating content on the Internet empowers teens
to the mix. Popular magazines for females focus on to express themselves and be heard in ways never
lifestyles and celebrities such as Seventeen, People, before imagined. According to a Pew Internet study,
and YM. 39% of teens share their own artistic creations online,
According to Nielsen’s Media Research, such as artwork, photos, stories, and videos, while
American Idol is among the Top 10 television shows another 51% say they currently download music only 19.5% of adults as a whole. About 25% of college
in teen homes. Generally, there are a higher number and 31% download videos. Teen downloaders get students receive cell phone ads, but only 5% of the
of TV addicts among 18-24 year olds, yet they watch their music from multiple sources, either paying for recipients can recall the advertiser and a mere 1%
one-third less television programming than 13-17 it through services like iTunes and or responded to the ads. Of these recipients, 92% say
year olds. using peer-to-peer websites. that the ads are annoying, and 67% are less likely to
Age Internet TV Radio Phone/cell purchase a product that uses text message advertising
hrs/week hrs/week hrs/week hrs/week Advertising views (U.S. Youth Market Study 2005).
13-25 17.4 15.0 14.4 8.1
16-18 17.3 12 11.3 7.6
Young women are said to pay great attention
19-20 16.2 12 936 6.8 to celebrity endorsements and movie theater AIM Users
21-24 15.5 13.7 10.9 7.5 advertisements. Among 18-24 year old women, 27.6% Of the 22 million AIM users, 20.7% are
Yahoo! and Carat Interactive, 2003 enjoy reading magazine advertisements, compared between the ages of 18 and 24, over indexing total
to AIM users by 77. An overwhelming 10.7% of those
Internet and Social media users are students, with an index number of 299!
Internet has become a vital part of the teen Top Websites Visited Among users, 75% log onto AIM every day, and the
consumer’s everyday life. Approximately 88.7% of same percentage has sent instant messages in the past
18-24 year olds are using the Internet, compared 30 days. According to the same study, 21% of AIM
12% Other
to 77.3% of the adult population. Millennials are also 29% users have published blogs and 34.8% have visited
very likely to purchase items online, such as computer someone else’s blog in the same time period. With
products, travel services, and tickets to entertainment 22% the increase in popularity of cell phones, 28.1% of
events. Overall, about 51% of females and 43.3% AIM users download content to their cellular devices,
of males are active online buyers. Among college and 47.5% have sent or received text messages in the
students, 97.7 million males and 98.8 million females past month (AIM Case Study).
use the Internet, and 27.8% of men and 18% of female
Internet users are considered to be heavy users.
Furthermore, 49.4% of 18-24 year old Internet users
say that they are less likely to use television, magazines,
newspapers, and radio due to the prevalence of the 37%
Sphinx Advertising Primary Research
Internet (Pew Internet, 2004).
• Blogging - Blog advertising accounted for 81.4%, or $16.6 million, of total
Market Trends spending on user-generated online media in 2005, but blog ads will comprise only
39.7%, or $300.4 million, of overall spending in 2010, according to the Center for
• Use of online video and advertising - Media Research.
marketers spent an estimated $225
million on Internet video advertisements Forms Of Communication most frequently used
in 2005, and that amount is said to • Virtual worlds - Parks Associates estimated in June 2007
exceed $1.5 billion by 2009, according to Face to Face that $15 million was spent advertising in virtual worlds in
eMarketer Instant Message the United States in 2006 and projected that it would rise
Social Networking
tenfold to $150 million in 2012 (eMarketer).
Text Messaging
• Mobile advertising - text messaging, Web Email
Phone • Video game advertising - 2005 spending on in-game
mobile, content (i.e. viral videos, music
advertising was $56 million, and this figure is estimated
videos, commercial messages) - spending in
to grow to $1.8 billion by 2010 according to Massive
U.S. on mobile ads exceeded $421 million
Incorporated, although Yankee Group gives a lower estimate
in 2006 is expected to reach $5 billion by
at $732 million
2011, according to research by eMarketer.
• Within instant messaging: offline messaging, video chat &
• The main form of communication most voice chat - will they become more widely used?
frequently used is the cell phone, followed
closely by face-to-face interaction. Social
networking on a day-to-day basis ranked last as
the most frequent form of communication.
0 20 40 60 80 100

• 37% of the target audience spends 3-4 Sphinx Advertising Primary Research
hours on the Internet per day, which account for both
personal and work related usage. About 26%
spend 5-6 hours on the Internet a day, and 3% of students
spend more than 10 hours a day browsing the Web. “All new technology comes from old
technology, and is going somewhere else,
• 99.2% have a cell phone, so mobile alerts would be a very effective way to reach
and leaves a trail of terminology, ideas and
our audience..
techniques in its wake. Change is inevitable;
• Social networking - eMarketer projects that advertisers will spend over $1.3 preparedness for change can spell the
billion on social networking sites by the end of 2008.
difference between survival and extinction.”
-David Lance Goines

According to our survey, 54% of more than 400 Ease of Use
File Transfer

Product Analysis respondents said that their IM was not constantly logged
in on their computer. Nearly 40% of those surveyed have
Most Important Features Chatting
Buddy Info
8% 5% Customization
more than 100 friends on their Buddy List. 65% say 19%
AOL Instant Messenger, dubbed AIM, is an they exchange more than 10 messages in a typical 11% Privacy Setting

ad-supported instant messaging program that is free conversation. 46% of the responses used IM Notifications
to registered users under certain copyrights and during the times of 5pm-10pm.
terms of use. Overall, current awareness of AIM is Mobile capabilities make AIM even 10%

above 80% and has a market share of about 70% more universally appealing, giving users the
(AIM Case Study). The majority of current AIM users option to have IM’s forwarded to their mobile 9%

are now college students entering the job market. AIM devices, send an IM from your computer to a 18%
became extremely popular among this generation friend’s phone, change your away message or status 11% Sphinx Advertising Primary Research
throughout middle and high school. However, today’s by sending a text message to your AIM, or make a
teens are more likely to use social networking sites phone call to a mobile phone or land line directly AIM Pro, powered by WebEx, was developed specifically
as a means for online messaging, leaving them even from your AIM. Along with mobile messaging, AIM for corporate usage. AIM Pro allows business professionals
Universial Address book by Plaxo

less likely to sign up for AIM once they graduate provides users with several other driving features to communicate via instant message, video conferencing
IM Forwarding (to cell Phone)

high school and head to college. Targeting college- and online meetings, and desktop and file sharing

age AIM users in marketing AIM Social Media is ideal, AIM Tunes allows users to create their own playlists with
Emotions/Buddy Icons

and there are certainly ways to appeal to a younger music files on their own computers as well as stream music AIM Pages, a free service to all AIM users, enables the
audience as well. from that of buddies on their creation of a personal social networking page that may
be shared with friends. An individual’s AIM Pages can
Group Chat

Audio Chat

Buddy List.
Video Chat

Text Chat

Aim Page

include photos, videos, music, and news, and skins. AIM’s


AIM MusicLink detects what song users are currently other social media products include People Connection,
AIM Features Used listening to through various media players and displays the Userplane, Groups, Comments, and Polls.
Video Chat song or video title as the current status as it appears on the
Audio Chat
Buddy List and in the Buddy Info ( People Connection is a hub that allows users to connect

Text Chat
to each other through message boards, blogs, photo uploads,
IM Forwarding (to cell phone)
Xdrive provides 5GB of free file storage through the web chat rooms, and profile searches (peopleconnection.aim.
Aim Page and accessible on any computer with the use of your AIM com).

Universial Address book by Plaxo

screenname as the log-in.
Group Chat
Emotions/Buddy Icons
Userplane is an open-widget communication platform for
AIM bots provide an interesting medium by which AIM online communities widely used by companies that have a

users may receive information or post updates. These strong web base (
special screennames may be sent messages in order to
receive search engine-like results or have some specific Social Media Blog, informing users of the latest AIM

action taken on your behalf. updates and developments. The site links to several other
blogging sites, such as the popular gossip blog TMZ, as well
AIM WIMZI is a downloadable widget that may be placed

as AIM’s charity website, AIM for Good.

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 on a personal blog or webpage to allow instant message
capabilities while keeping a user’s screenname anonymous. All of these products and features are available via links
on the AIM Dashboard, or AIM Today, the live welcome

AIM Whimsicals use lines of HTML to place similar

page that pops up upon user sign-in.
applications on web pages (

Sphinx Advertising Primary Research

Brand Analysis Perceptual Map
The AOL/AIM brand has maintained a high
level of awareness among those in our target market X ebay
X Google

throughout its transition from an Internet service X You Tube

provider to content provider. However, the AIM X Facebook
brand does not hold a top of mind position among X Myspace
these users when compared to the competition. X Twitter
X Yahoo
This is due to less public relations efforts on behalf X Imeem
of the AIM brand, and a lack of marketing the new X Pandora
and innovating products AIM offers.
There appears to be a sense of confusion Bottom of Mind Top of Mind
among the users of AIM products. Although AIM
X Xanga
and AOL Social Media have features that are
popular among the target audience, it is becoming X Wikipedia
X Blogger
increasingly difficult to explore these features
due to the inconsistent strategy currently being X AIM

implemented by AIM. AIM appears to have spread

itself thin by offering too many features, each with its X Microsoft
own design and web presence. In order to effectively
reach new and existing users, AIM should implement
and create a cohesive web presence highlighting the
features that will continue to drive the brand.
Not So Exciting
This graph illustrates the positioning of AIM
in relation to other online brands. AIM is well known
and close to the top of the target market’s minds,
but also perceived as unexciting. AIM’s familiarity
stems from its long run as the most popular instant
messenger, but AIM’s unfamiliar array of products
overwhelms users, which leads to dullness and
disengagement in the minds of the target market.
Other sites, such as Google, Ebay, MSN, and
Youtube, offer users exciting, relevant content, while
competing social networking sites such as Facebook
and Myspace are closer to the top of the target
market’s minds. AIM needs to increase its level of
excitement, and brand awareness will surely follow.

Problems &
• Strong recognizable global brand

s trengths • Potential synergies with Time Warner properties

• Dominant share of instant messaging market Problem: “Dominance of Facebook and Myspace in
• Established presence in mobile media social networking.”
• Wide range of online applications offered
• Decreasing popularity, usage, and growth Opportunity: We have a chance to gain a whole new
• Poorly organized, inconsistent, and helter-skelter audience from our successes with instant messaging

W eaknesses web presence

• Lack of focus on core businesses
while gaining new ground with AIM Pages.

• Low key advertising & promotions resulting in low awareness Problem: “Clutter on the website and other various
• Lacking online presence / buzz / innovations when compared applications from AIM.”
to peers
Opportunity: We have a chance to build a cohesive
• Abundance of features available
O ppor tunities • Exponential growth in mobile web usage
• Fickle and constantly shifting loyalties among target audience
website and fully integrate all of AIM applications into
an easy-to-navigate website.
• Existing users as influencers of product
• Amount of time spent online by target audience
Problem: “The decreased usage of AIM and AIM
products to the rise of other popular social networks.”
• Popularity of social networking applications
T hreats • Text messaging on phones over instant messaging
• Development of IM applications within social networking sites
Opportunity: We have a chance to create a place
where all aspects of social networking can be found
• Uncertain company future due to corporate upheaval within AIM and its many products.
• A new generation of web users who did not grow
up with AIM Problem: “The Younger generation does not know
about AIM and its many applications.”

Opportunity: Existing users will serve as an influence

on new users who are unfamiliar with what AIM and its
applications have to offer.


The 20/20 Campaign

Brand Strategy
Objectives: Target Audence Tone
1) Increase trial/usage by 15% The primary target for this campaign will be The tone of our creative executions is
18-24 year olds, with a heavy focus on full-time energetic yet pragmatic, and it emphasizes the
Primary Communication Objective: Promote trial
college students in the United States. These tech-savvy, importance of AIM in the day-to-day lives of our
and usage among college students/target audience target audience. This campaign gives members of our
trendsetting individuals are connected 24 hours a day, 7
members through consumer promotions and target audience a chance to strengthen and develop
days a week, and have grown up with the Internet involved
innovations. a relationship with AIM, thus achieving the established
in their daily lives. The online world is ever changing, and
this age group is comfortable with adapting to change. objectives.
2) Bridge the gap between AIM messaging and AIM
social media. 13-17 year olds will be the focus for the
Primary Communication Objective: Encourage secondary target. This younger group is the future of
existing and new users to explore different features our brand and will soon become online influencers, so We have identified four main categories of
incorporated within AIM. attention to this younger market is essential. touchpoints that AIM has with the target audience.
We have created and executed our branding strategy
3) Brand Awareness based on these touchpoints.
Support 1) Advertising and promotions
Primary Communication Objective: Through the use
In order to provide an innovative online
of traditional and non-traditional media, make AIM 2) Interaction between users and AIM client
portal, we have emphasized the strengths of AIM to
once again a top of mind brand. 3) Direct contact between user and AIM personnel
expand on its popularity. We will appeal to the target
market by making AIM the gateway to the Internet 4) Unexpected contact which includes chatter
Key Selling Idea through the promotion of AIM Flash. The elements of among users and target audience influencers
the 20/20 Campaign link existing AIM products such as bloggers.
Key Selling Idea: The goal of the 20/20 and innovations together through the use of online
Campaign is to create a clean, integrated, and collaborations and event marketing. Through both
navigable online presence for the AIM brand. The traditional and non-traditional advertising, we will
20/20 Campaign will bring clarity and a futuristic promote the elements of the 20/20 Campaign
vision to the brand as well as focus on the essentials and encourage user participation. Both the AIM brand
to make the brand usable and stand out among the and today’s youth place a high emphasis on social
competition. We will identify the unique features and media, hence making the 20/20 campaign the
drivers of the AIM brand and utilize these features to best fit for AIM in gearing towards the future.
create an innovative and top of mind product.

Creative Executions

Product Intergration

AIM Flash
The portable drive itself is a bracelet
designed for a comfortable, light fit. It is easy to carry
and can be worn anywhere at anytime, making it a
device that teens will be less likely to lose compared
to other flash drives. AIM Flash will prompt a browser
that manages your personal settings, and it may be
used at any computer with an available USB port
and Internet connection.

The bracelet design consists of a solid AIM Flash

color with the AIM logo, with the color being at the
discretion of the consumer. University logos, names,
and colors will be used for AIM Flash drives available
at various college bookstores across the United

The browser will contain a scroll of icons
representing customized applications for personal
use. These icons will link up to AIM products and
other chosen widgets. We plan to give away a free
512MB AIM Flash at our special events, and 1GB and
2GB AIM Flash drives will be for sale at university
bookstores. The space will be available to store any
files in addition to the 5G of space on the Xdrive
with which your AIM Flash will link.

AIM Flash Login Screen

The Browser Window Anatomy

Once a user plugs in the AIM Flash, a browser

window will appear, prompting users to log in with their
AIM screenname and password. Upon log-in, the user
is to click on the AIM logo at the top left, dropping a
list of icons linking to different AIM products and other
user-customized features. As shown, when an icon is
scrolled over with the mouse, the icon enlarges and
the application name appears.The arrow button is used
to continuously scroll through a user’s customized list,
and clicking on an icon will prompt the corresponding


The links across the bottom of the browser window

are used to edit various features of the AIM Flash device and
all AIM products. As demonstrated in the illustrations, the AIM
Flash browser may be personalized with multiple colors and
typefaces. These features will allow users to interact with various
AIM products on a more personal level, and the AIM Flash may be
used as a universal tool for organization.

AIM and AIM Flash and engage consumers in using
the products.
Brand Experience
Mall and Poster Advertisements
Promotional Events To promote the “RockYour Campus” concert,
AIM Flash will set up shop at concerts on 11X17 inch posters will be displayed in shopping malls
and around 50 college campuses nationwide. This and on the designated college campuses. The poster
promotional event will focus on larger schools and is bold and eye-catching in order to attract out target
those with a high concentration of 18-24 year olds audience’s attention and a grungy, youthful theme is
in the surrounding areas. Free 512MG AIM Flash used.The “Rock Your Campus” logo is placed boldly in
drives will be handed out to students at booths, and white over a blue background at the top of the page.
AIM Ambassadors will demonstrate to students how The date and AIM sponsorship is also in white, and is
AIM Flash works. This provides consumers with one- placed below the logo in a complementing font. The
on-one customer service and immediately employs featured Warner Bros. Records band, Green Day, is
interaction with the product. placed in a large, sans serif font in the center of the
page. The blue rays of the background draw the eye
AIM Ambassadors will be paid for identifying in to focus on the band name. AIM’s logo is placed in
which concerts to sponsor, setting up the booths at the lower right corner nest to a button, which when
each concert, handing out AIM Flash wristbands, and pushed, plays a MIDI file of the band.
demonstrating product usage. Each ambassador will
be trained on how to use and customize AIM Flash
and will be equipped with knowledge of the
various AIM products associated with it. It
will also be their responsibility to
implement several marketing efforts
for the concert and scavenger hunt, and
to facilitate the scavenger hunt that is
taking place on their designated campus. Event Poster
The number of ambassadors will be
determined by the size of the
campus and the anticipated
concert attendance.
AIM Flash will provide
promotional funding for the event
in order to attach the brand and
product name. “Rock Your Campus,”
the AIM Flash promotional
Event Booth
event, will increase awareness of

Scavenger Hunt
The “Rock your Campus” viral campaign
will be a mixture of Internet, mobile, and instant
messaging. The brand ambassadors will facilitate and
organize a viral scavenger hunt on each individual
campus on which these concerts will be held. One
month before each concert date, marketing efforts
for the scavenger hunt will commence, encouraging
students and community youth to become involved.
The advertisements will explain that contestants
need to log into AIM and go to the “Rock Your
Campus” microsite. A demonstration video and
instructions will appear on the web page, and
contestants will be asked to enter their screennames
and cell phone numbers. Soon after, they will receive
an instant message from an AIM bot. The message
will contain a picture and a Rock and Roll riddle,
and it will be the user’s task to walk around campus
and follow the clues. Users can solve the riddle by
taking a digital picture of the object and submitting
it through the AIM bot or a mobile phone. If the
correct image is submitted, the user will receive the
next clue. This will continue until there are only four
contestants left. Winners of the contest will receive
numerous prizes as well as the chance to go back
stage at the concert and meet the band.
This promotion will not only generate
excitement, but will also engage users in use of AIM
bots, AIM File Share, and AIM mobile capabilities.
In addition, the AIM brand will resonate with our
target audience by being associated with a fun event,
a popular band, and awesome prizes.

Newspaper Insert

Brand Interaction
PS3 Integration
AIM will implement a new downloadable
version of its software specially designed for the
Playstation 3. Currently, Playstation allows users to
add friends and chat via the Playstation 3 Network,
but we find this limiting. By incorporating AIM into
the PS3, Sphinx wants to allow gamers to chat in
between sessions with other friends on AIM, and to
stay connected with AIM buddies as well as friends
on the PS3 Network. Incorporating AIM into the
PS3 Network will also allow users to message AIM
buddies who might not be on PS3, and invite them
to join you online to play a certain video game. Since
the PS3 also has Bluetooth capability, users will have
better quality voice chat and video chat. Not only
that, but by providing a more unified chatting system
on PS3, AIM will be expanding its network.

In addition, working with Playstation and its Mobile

upcoming project HOME, a virtual world much like After conducting research on the latest advertising trends, it became
Second Life, AIM has another foothold in the virtual apparent that there should be much emphasis in the mobile spectrum. Our
world. Within HOME, AIM will purchase multiple team wanted to incorporate new ideas, as well as integrate mobile with other
advertising media and create small shops and virtual advertising media. To accomplish this without being intrusive, we feel it would
games. be effective for AIM to combine mobile with the scavenger hunt. AIM users
registered for the scavenger hunt would receive the latest clues via text message.
This feature is exclusively for AIM users, in hopes that AIM will acquire new users
through participation in this event.
In addition, we have also devised a program called “My AIM Updates.”This
feature gives AIM users the option to receive text messages on their cellphones
about content they are interested in. Upon logging into their AIM accounts, users
can choose from a list of possible features such as horoscopes, sports, news,
weather predictions, and the like. The chosen features will then be texted to the
AIM user’s cell phone on a daily basis until the user opts-out. Furthermore, AIM
users would also be able to change their status, info, and photo by sending a text
or picture message to their screenname.

AIM Chats will allow users to submit questions to celebrities that are deemed popular and respected by the members of our target market. AIM
Bots will relay these questions to the chosen celebrities, such as Perez Hilton or Rihanna, who will then read them and respond to questions they choose
to answer. The celebrities’ responses will be sent back to the users who asked the questions via the same AIM Bot. This promotion will appeal teens and
young adults who look to admirable celebrities for trends within multiple facets of life. This will attract new users as well as encourage current AIM users
to more frequently use instant messaging.

Internet Advertising
Our Internet advertising will comprise of banners and skins that incorporate the same design
elements as the AIM Flash browser window. The banner ads will promote AIM Flash, “Rock Your
Campus,” the scavenger hunt, and the 6.5K Charity Run. Throughout the year, the banner ads will
change to correspond with each promotion.
Myspace Skins Banner Ads

In Store Ads LED Billboards
Point of Purchase displays featuring AIM Our 18-24 year old target frequently uses text messaging throughout the day, every day. AIM will
Flash will be assembled in college campus bookstores take this popular, growing form of communication to a larger level by placing large, LED billboards featuring
across the United States.The displays will exhibit the 30-character text messages at college sports arenas and outdoor stadiums.These electronic billboards will be
1GB an 2GB flash drives and their prices. The in- sponsored by AIM and encased in AIM’s signature red speech bubble.They will allow game spectators to send
store displays will remain consistent with the overall their text message to a server, which will then be displayed on the large screen.
theme of the campaign and its design elements.
In addition, $50,000 of the profits from AIM Flash Large-scale sports stadiums, such as Busch Stadium in Saint Louis, MO, charge $2.99 for each text
wristbands sold will go to a non-profit organization message that is published on the LED screen. This $2.99 cost is a bit steep for our 18-24 year old target
featured on the AIM for Good website. audience, so a cheaper $0.99 fee will be charged per message. The revenue for these messages will benefit
one of the charities sponsored by AIM for Good.
Banner Ad The LED billboards are a great way for users to merge text messaging with a social cause, while
incorporating a fun way to publish a simple “I love you” or “Happy Birthday” message at a live sports event.

Charity Run Text

AIM for Good will partner up with one of its
featured charities and holding a 6.5k run, sponsored
by AIM 6.5. Participants will receive free 512MB
AIM Flash wristband, which will be co-branded with
the featured charity. The run will take place in cities
across the nation with high concentrations of 18-24
year olds.

. Send Your Text To #5555 .

. Max. 30 Characters . $0.99 Per Message .

Web Redesign Social Networking
As mentioned, some of the major problems Since AIM has one of the largest instant messaging networks, it needs to utilize its current user base to
facing AIM are the vast amount of websites, develop the groundwork for a social network. This network could start off as an independent entity and then
inconsistent navigation, and low awareness of be integrated with Bebo at a later stage. By doing this, AIM can break free from a one-dimensional messaging
certain products. Sphinx Advertising has developed service to that of a multi-pronged networking system.
a list of Web suggestions to minimize these setbacks
in order for AIM to become a front-runner in the IM Window and AIM Page
social media category, while also becoming more We also suggest that AIM integrate a mini AIM Page into the IM window, while still allowing users to
attractive to new and current users. manage their tabs as they chat with multiple buddies. Users can customize their mini AIM Page, and all users
will have a link their AIM Page and their AIM Tunes. This will make both AIM Pages and AIM Tunes more visible
AIM Homepage to AIM users, and we feel that more users will utilize these social networking tools with this integration.
Sphinx suggests that the AIM homepage,
Buddy List, AIM email, and AIM Pages all be integrated
into AIM Dashboard. This would create a seamless
product encompassing all of what AIM has to offer.
Consequently, this will eliminate the large number of
AIM web pages that currently exist, making it much
easier for users to navigate and locate various AIM
products and affiliates.

From the AIM Dashboard, also known as
AIM Today, users can access their email account, AIM
Page, and the various blogs and links on the current
website. User and software updates will also be
available and may be customized. Furthermore, the
homepage will be a dynamic interface that allows
users to arrange features however they so choose.

Widgets and Applications

The latest widgets and AIM Plug-ins will
be available for download by AIM users through
the homepage. These may also be customized to a
user’s liking and may be added or removed from the
AIM Dashboard at any time.


Media Strategy Budget
Media Objectives Item Budget % Amount Spent
1) Create national awareness of AIM and its Media Buying 58% $14,500,000
products among 18-24 year olds. AIM Flash Production 10% $2,500,000
2) Target advertising to 18-24 year old college Charity Promotions 10% $2,500,000
students because of the influencer effect. P.O.P. Displays 8% $2,000,000
Celebrity Chats 8% $2,000,000
3) Reach 60% of target audience an average of
Ambassador Salaries 2% $500,000
3 times and 40% of target audience an
average of 5 times during the campaign. Contingency 4% $1,000,000
100% $25,000,000
4) Increase overall registration for AIM by 15%
by the end of the campaign year.

Media Plan
The execution of this campaign will Target Markets: Top 50 Universities in the United States
concentrate in 50 United States cities that Sphinx
Advertising has identified as cities with a growing
population of 18-24 year old college students.
Internet advertising and product placement will
supplement these efforts and reach members of
the target audience who do not reside in these pre-
determined cities.

Media Strategy
Sphinx Advertising will use traditional as
well as non-traditional media. The message will be
visually placed in front of a captive target audience
via the web, print, mall displays, and video games.The
message will be carried through popular, influential
disk jockeys, creating a positive image for the brand.
Product placement will allow AIM Flash to t be
integrated into situations that reflect how pervasive
AIM has become in our daily communication

Media Tactics

Internet: Banner Ads, Skins, Keywords Website

Ad Type
Banner Ads
Reach %
Unique Imp. (1000s)
Gross Imp. (1000s)
Total $
MySpace Banner Ads/Skin 68% 36,500 3 $8 109,500 875,000
Internet advertising will be focused on Perez Hilton Banner Ads/Skin 42% 15,000 6 $5 90,000 450,000
websites that are popular with the target audience ESPN Banner Ads 26% 18,750 3 $8 56,250 450,000
to increase brand presence. Banner ads will be CNN Banner Ads 16% 20,000 4 $3 80,000 240,000
Digg Banner Ads 10% 7,300 8 $3 58,400 175,000
placed on YouTube, MySpace, Perez Hilton, ESPN, IMDB Banner Ads/Skin 18% 10,800 6 $4 64,800 260,000
CNN, Digg, IMDB, IGN, Pandora, E! Online, and IGN Banner Ads 15% 7,300 8 $3 58,400 175,000
Pandora Banner Ads 15% 5,000 10 $1 50,000 50,000
Career Builder. In addition, AIM Flash skins will E! Online Banner Ads 25% 8,750 8 $5 70,000 350,000
be placed on MySpace, Perez Hilton, and IMDB. Career Builder Banner Ads 14% 6,250 8 $2 50,000 100,000
Internet advertising will take place throughout the
year, focusing on promotions and events that are Google Keywords • • • • • 500,000
occurring during the current month. Yahoo! Keywords • • • • • 500,000

As of March 2008, the competition is

not taking advantage of search engine marketing.
Relevant keywords and names of competitors will
be bid on through Google Adsense and Yahoo! PS3 In Game Ads
Search Engine Marketing. Gamers are able to recall about 25-30% of brands in the short-term, and their attitudes toward
product placement in video games is generally positive. In-game advertising is a profit-heavy endeavor that
will generate millions for AIM in terms of reach. Both males and females in our target market are heavily into
playing video games. 18-24 year olds are gaming approximately 8 hours a week. The market for hardcore
Facebook gamers, who play 15 hours or more a week, will grow 40% to 17 million this year.
Facebook is one of the most popular AIM will tap into this medium by advertising in the virtual arenas and playing fields of the hottest
websites among the members of our target audience. sports games titles through companies such as Double Fusion, IGA, and Adscape.
Frequent visits to Facebook will allow for increased
ad exposure and help drive our promotional efforts Video Game Type of Ad Cost
for the scavenger hunt and “Rock Your Campus.” NCAA March Madness Billboard $500,000
Madden NFL Billboard $500,000
Ads and News Feeds will give event information as $1,000,000
well as scavenger hunt updates and will be catered
to each school’s network.

Product Placement Newspaper Insert
Sphinx has chosen three television programs Full color inserts will be placed in campus newspapers at the 50 colleges at which AIM will be holding
that have a large reach among our primary and promotional events. Color inserts have greater visibility and exposure than a standard newspaper ad of similar
secondary target audiences - The Office, Gossip Girl, size. Also, these newspapers are a niche media directed specifically to our target market.
and American Idol. These programs will be used as
a vessel to broaden the awareness of AIM through
product placement. Not only is this a more cost
Radio Live Liners
efficient way to penetrate televised media, but Members of the target audience are active consumers of radio. Popular disk jockeys in the selected
it is also more positively viewed than television college towns will announce live liners to further promote “Rock Your Campus” and remind listeners of the
commercials among our target audience members. event. Local disk jockeys are key influencers to the target audience and will allow for a familiar and local
Mall Displays
To promote “Rock Your Campus,” Sphinx Sidewalk Chalk
will advertise through the use of mall displays. Sidewalk chalk is an affordable way to get information out on college campuses. Chalking will be done
Shopping centers are a commonplace frequently in high traffic areas that are frequented by students on the average school day. This will create awareness of
visited by the target audience, not only to make “Rock Your Campus” and will also serve as reminder advertising.
purchases but also to socialize.

Evaluation Media
Objective: Create national awareness of AIM and its products among
Marketing Objectives 18-24 year olds.
Objective: Increase trial and usage of AIM products by 15% Evaluation: Conduct brand performance studies in comparison with other similar
Evaluation: Examine registration data available from AIM to determine if objective brands to gauge top of mind perception.
was met. Objective: Target advertising to 18-24 year old college students because of the
Objective: Bridge the gap between AIM Messaging and AIM Social Media influencer effect.
Evaluation: Incorporate tactics that will encourage existing and new users of AIM Evaluation: Examine profile data of new members to determine the increase in
to supplement their messaging activities with social networking capabilities. registration among 18-24 year olds who are not college students.
Objective: Increase AIM brand awareness Objective: Reach 60% of target audience an average of 3 times and 40% of target
Evaluation: Conduct brand performance studies in comparison with other similar audience an average of 5 times during the campaign.
brands to gauge top of mind perception. Evaluation: Use web metrics and newspaper readership as well as radio listenership
data to evaluate set goals.
Creative Execution Objective: Increase overall registration for AIM by 15% by the end of the
Creative executions will be evaluated by copy testing various creative elements in campaign year.
order to ensure its effectiveness among the target audience.These evaluative tests Evaluation: Examine registration data available from AIM to determine if objective
will be used for likeability, interactivity, and persuasive ability. was met.

Flow Chart

Media Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec % of Budg. Cost
Promotional Event 14% 3,500,000
Radio Live Liners 7% 1,750,000
Mall Displays 5.60% 1,400,000
Posters 1.40% 350,000
Scavenger Hunt 4% 1,000,000
Newspaper Inserts 2.20% 560,000
Facebook 1.20% 300,000
Ambient 0.60% 140,000
Product Placement 8% 2,000,000
The Office 4% 1,000,000
Gossip Girl 2.50% 600,000
Dirt 1.60% 400,000
Other 32% 8,000,000
Internet 20% 5,000,000
Playstation 3 4% 1,000,000
In-Game 4% 1,000,000
Arena Texting Billboards 4% 1,000,000
58% 14,500,000

AOL Instant Messenger Home Page CEO Refresher 2003, MRI Twelve Plus 2003, Projected Steve Whittaker, Rethinking video as a technology US census 2006 for interpersonal communications: theory and
ComScore, 2007a. “New Year’s Resolutions Reflected design implications, International Journal of Human-
Sphinx advertising primary research in January U.S. Web Traffic,” at http://www.comscore. Computer Studies, v.42 n.5, p.501-529, May 1995
com/press/release.asp?press=1214, accessed 16
February 2007. Sweeney, 1999 C. Sweeney, A chat room you can be
Syndicated research studies and software NE1, New York Times Magazine (1999, October 17),
David Lance Goines, A brief history of Electronic pp. 66–68.
US Youth Market Study 2005 printing.
US Census Bureau 2006 Walsh, D. A. (1998). 1998 Video and computer game
Teen Attitudes 2003 Grinter, R. E. and Palen, L. 2002. Instant messaging in report card. Minneapolis, MN: National Institute on 2007 teen life. In Proceedings of the 2002 ACM Conference Media and the Family.
Simmons Media Research on Computer Supported Cooperative Work
SRDS Woodward, E. H., & Gridina, N. (2000). Media in Hitwise, 2007. “MySpace The Top US Search Term in the home 2000: the fifth annual survey of parents 2006 Among All Websites,” at http://www.hitwise. and children (Survey Series No. 7). Philadelphia, PA:
Massive Incorporated com/press-center/hitwiseHS2004/2006-top-search- Annenberg Public Policy Center.
Yankee Group terms.php, accessed 15 February 2007.
Yahoo (2003).Yahoo! and Carat unveil research results
McFarlane, D. Coordinating the interruption of people showing teens are truly born to be wired”. Retrieved
Trade publications
in human-computer interaction. In Proceedings of from
Advertising Age INTERACT’99. IOS Press, Inc., 295--303.
Brand Week Millennials Rising, Neil Howe and William Strauss
Ad Week (Vintage Books, 2000)
Media Life magazine
Media Post MRI Teenmark, 2003, 2003-1 Roper Youth Report
NOP World Company (Feb. 2003)
Academic and Scholarly publications Pew Internet and American Life Project. http://www.
Amy Voida Wendy C. Newstetter , Elizabeth D.
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systems: Changing our world, changing ourselves, April and computing environment, Communications of the
20-25, 2002 ACM, v.36 n.1, p.28-46, Jan. 1993

This campaign was a true collaborative effort involving numerous departments across campus, including:
School of Journalism, Department of Cinema and Photography, Department of Radio and Television, Department of Speech
Communication, American Marketing Association, Saluki Advertising Agency, and Public Relations Student Society of America.

We are extremely grateful to Prof. William Freivogel, Ms. Karen Waldron, and Ms. Sherida Evans at the School of Journalism for their
help in organizing our trip and representing Southern Illinois University Carbondale at NSAC. We would like to thank our professors in the
School of Journalism for laying a strong foundation towards our future careers in advertising.

We would like to extend a special thanks to Professor Linda Correll, Dean Gary Kolb, Ron Graves, and Clare Mitchell

AAF Officers
President: Erin Koelkebeck
Vice President: Jenny Methling
Media Director: Nathan Brendal
Secretary: Ashley Henna
Fundraising Director: Sara Ingold

Presentation Team
Jacob Feasby
Sara Ingold
Cole Singleton
Karyn Graham
Adrian Ortiz

Thanks to the Following AAF Members:

Kelly McCarty, Jenna Smith, Erin Kressner, Dwight Jae Williams, Daniela Burgos, Robert Yancey, Stephen Hardnett, Bryan Haupt,
Meredith Hanson,Tiphani Lenoir, Bridgett Moran, Whitney Priebe, Laura Hackstadt, Scott Kinkelaar

Special thanks to our faculty advisor Prof. Narayanan Iyer


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