Design and Construction of Counter

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DIGITAL COUNTER PROPOSAL ABSTRACT In digital logic and computing, a counter is a device which stores (and sometimes displays)

the number of times a particular event or process has occurred, often in relationship to a clock signal. This project will be design to count, numerically the number of event or objects that passes through the sensor view, the objects being displayed by means of seven segment displays. The maximum count is expected to display only 0000- 9999, this counter is simply a four digit display system, This type of circuit could be developed for use in banks stadiums gates, schools, homes and other public places where restricted number of persons are required and in industries for counting of daily production or even in determining the number of good or bad products.

INTRODUCTION 1.1 General Introduction In digital logic and computing, a counter is a device which stores (and sometimes displays) the number of times a particular event or process has occurred, often in relationship to a clock signal. In practice, there are two types of counters: Up counters, which increase (increment) in value and the Down counters, which decrease (decrement) in value. In electronics, counters can be implemented quite easily using register-type circuits such as the flip-flop, and a wide variety of designs such as Asynchronous (ripple) counter changing state bits are used as clocks to subsequent state flip-flops, Synchronous counter all state bits change under control of a single clock, Decade counter counts through ten states per stage, Updown counter counts both up and down, under command of a control input ,Ring counter formed by a shift register with feedback connection in a ring, and Johnson counter a twisted ring counter.Each is useful for different applications.

Usually, counter circuits are digital in nature, and count in natural binary. Many types of counter circuit are available as digital building blocks. Occasionally there are advantages in using a counting sequence other than the natural binary sequence -- such as the binary coded decimal counter, a linear feedback shift register counter, or a Gray-code counter. Counters are useful for digital clocks and timers, VCR clocks and in oven timers [1]. One of the most common requirements in digital equipment is counting. And the most common counting requirement has to do with time. From a basic digital clock (which is incorporated into most digitally-controlled appliances) to interval timers and event counters, the need for counting circuits is very great. Counters are required for various counting ranges and in all sorts of circumstances. A simple digital clock, for example, requires a decimal counter for the units positions of seconds and minutes, but must count only from 0 to 5 (modulo-6) for the tens positions of minutes and seconds. Hours digits require special handling, since the two-digit output must count either from 1 to 12 or 0 to 23, depending on how we want the display to appear. Some clocks skip the 0 to 23 military displays and run from 1 to 24 in that mode. And some simple clocks make no effort at that, or to distinguish between AM and PM. No matter how the hours are handled, the basic element required to make any digital clock work is the counter circuit. Indeed, counters are so important in so many applications that many different kinds of counter ICs have been designed for both TTL and CMOS logic families. Some count up for clocks and time intervals; others count down to show time remaining until some event. Some are specifically designed to count in decimal mode, while others count in binary, and still others have selectable counting ranges. The list of capabilities and options is quite large, leaving the circuit designer with only the task of selecting the particular option that best suits the need.

In this project, we design a counter which can count up and in either decimal mode. It can also be preset with any initial count, and is designed so that multiple ICs can be cascaded and still maintain fully synchronous counting either up. 1.2 Statement of the Problems In the past most counters are designed to count events based on the used of timers, assuming that these events are time dependent. Most designer fail to acknowledge, the fact that some events are random and independent of time and therefore carry out their design base on timing. In other design the range of measurement display is limited by the complexity of the circuit design and availability of components, other major factors which defects most counters circuits are their accuracy, visibility and speed of operation. 1.3 Aim and Objectives The fact that not all events are time dependent and owing to the development in digital electronic objective of the design and implementation of a four digit digital counter project includes; (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Provides a more visible display. Provide low maintenance system. Provide a relatively accurate but stable counting system. Provide a relatively low cost system .

1.4 Significant of Study The application of counters to different areas such as banks; for counting of money, in security and high traffic, restricted area, industrial operation, as well as in the implementation of several

machine parts call for a closer study. This study provides a mean to produce a more visible counter using light dependent resistor and locally available components hence easier to be maintained and repair. 1.5 Methodology The design of this project is base on the application of locally available complimentary metal oxide semiconductor integrated circuit chips due to their low power consumptions capabilities. The figure 1 shows a typical block diagram used in this project work.

Fig. 1 Block Diagram of Four Digit Counter The method employed in this design is based on the block diagram shown in figure 1, the design has a sensor which detects the object to be counter with the help of a light dependent resistor, this generates pulses which are used to trigger a mono stable multi vibrator here referred to as the detector unit, utilizing the resistor capacitor network arrangement. The signal generated by the detector circuit is used as pluses to the unit display unit, which is a simple the BCD counter. The

counts by the BCD counter are in binary coded decimal hence a BCD decoder and a seven segment display driver is used as the next unit to display the clock pulses. The last unit is the seven segment display unit which made up of light emitting diodes arranged to produce an alphanumeric display of characters the remaining parts of the circuits are simply cascaded units ,as the counted clock pulses from the unit are also used as triggering signals to the tenths counter and other units. 1.6 Scope of Work This project is designed to count, numerically the number of event or objects that passes through the sensor view, the objects being displayed by means of seven segment displays. The maximum count is expected to display only 0000- 9999, this counter is simply a four digit display system, which operates with a 220V mains supply and is base on the used of light dependent resistor as the sensing element. It is also designed with a reset option and a disable function. The intended report for this project shall comprise of five chapters, with chapter one giving a general introduction into the work while chapter two discusses the detailed literature reviews of related works and developments in the industry. Chapter three discusses the design analysis, while chapter four talks of the construction testing and packaging with the last chapter giving out the conclusion and recommendations 1.7 Conclusion and Recommendations The implementation of the design will no doubt provides a more visible, low maintenance system, relatively accurate but stable counting at a relatively low cost .This type of circuit could be developed for use in banks stadiums gates, schools, homes and other public places where restricted number of persons are required and in industries for counting of daily production or

even in determining the number of good or bad products. The counter may also be seen as and aid in taking statistics of vehicles passing through a particular road and in traffic light design.

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