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AS Latin: Vocabulary List

this document has been created verbatim from the OCR online materials for Latin the list comprises 799 words ( gratias ago appears twice in the original 800) links to online flashcards etc. can be found here: a; ab + abl absum abesse afui ac; atque (indeclinable) accido accidere accidi accipio accipere accepi acceptus acer acris acre acies aciei f. ad + acc addo addere addidi additus adeo (indeclinable) adhuc (indeclinable) adipiscor adipisci adeptus sum adiuvo adiuvare adiuvi adiutus adsum adesse adfui advenio advenire adveni aedificium aedificii n. aedifico aedificare aedificavi aedificatus aequus aequa aequum ager agri m. aggredior aggredi aggressus sum agmen agminis n. agnosco agnoscere agnovi agnitus ago agere egi actus agricola agricolae m. aliquis aliquid alius alia aliud alter altera alterum altus alta altus ambulo ambulare ambulavi amicus amici m. amitto amittere amisi amissus amo amare amavi amatus amor amoris m. an (indeclinable) ancilla ancillae f. animus animi m. annus anni m. ante + acc antea (indeclinable) antequam (indeclinable) aperio aperire aperui apertus appareo apparere apparui appropinquo appropinquare appropinquavi + dat apud + acc aqua aquae f. ara arae f. arbor arboris f. arcesso arcessere arcessivi arcessitus arma armorum ars artis f. ascendo ascendere ascendi ascensus at (indeclinable) attonitus attonita attonitum audax audacis audeo audere ausus sum audio audire audivi auditus aufero auferre abstuli ablatus aut (indeclinable) autem (indeclinable) auxilium auxilii n. avidus avida avidum bellum belli n. bene (indeclinable) from; by; (in compounds) away (preposition; topic: general) be out; be absent; be away; be distant (verb irreg; topic: general) and (conjunction; topic: general) happen (verb 3; topic: general) accept; take in; receive (verb 3; topic: general) keen; sharp; fierce (adjective; topic: general) line; battle line; army (noun 5; topic: military) to; towards; at; about; near (preposition; topic: general) add; join (verb 3; topic: general) so much; so greatly (adverb; topic: general) till now; still (adverb; topic: general) obtain (verb 3 dep; topic: general) help (verb 1; topic: general) be here; be present (verb irreg; topic: general) arrive (verb 4; topic: general) building (noun 2; topic: general) build (verb 1; topic: general) equal; fair; favourable; calm (adjective; topic: general) field; land; territory (noun 2; topic: general) attack; approach (verb 3 dep; topic: military) column of men; army; procession (noun 3; topic: military) recognise (verb 3; topic: general) do; act; drive (verb 3; topic: general) farmer (noun 1; topic: general) someone; something (pron; topic: general) other; one; another; else (pron. / adjective; topic: general) the other; one (of two); another; a second (pron. / adjective; topic: general) high; deep (adjective; topic: general) walk (verb 1; topic: general) friend (noun 2; topic: general) lose (verb 3; topic: general) love; like (verb 1; topic: general) love (noun 3; topic: general) or (conjunction; topic: general) slave-girl; slave-woman (noun 1; topic: domestic) spirit; soul; mind; courage (noun 2; topic: general) year (noun 2; topic: general) before; in front of (preposition; topic: general) before; previously (adverb; topic: general) before (conjunction; topic: general) open; reveal (verb 4; topic: general) appear (verb 2; topic: general) approach; come near to (verb 1; topic: general) among; at the house of; according to (preposition; topic: domestic) water (noun 1; topic: general) altar (noun 1; topic: religious) tree (noun 3; topic: general) summon; send for (verb 3; topic: general) arms; weapons; armour (noun 2; topic: military) art; skill (noun 3; topic: general) climb (verb 3; topic: general) but (conjunction; topic: general) astonished (adjective; topic: general) bold; daring (adjective; topic: military) dare (verb 2; topic: military) hear; listen to (verb 4; topic: general) take away; carry off; steal (verb 3; topic: general) or; either (conjunction; topic: general) but; however (conjunction; topic: general) help (noun 2; topic: military) greedy; eager (adjective; topic: general) war (noun 2; topic: military) well (adverb; topic: general)

bibo bibere bibi bonus bona bonum brevis breve cado cadere cecidi casus caedes caedis f. caelum caeli n. canis canis m. canto cantare cantavi cantatus capio capere cepi captus captivus captivi m. caput capitis n. carmen carminis n. carus cara carum castra castrorum n. pl. causa causae f. caus gen + caveo cavere cavi cautus celer celeris celere celo celare celavi celatus cena cenae f. centum (indeclinable) centurio centurionis m. certamen certaminis n. certus certa certum certiorem facere ceteri ceterae cetera cibus cibi m. circum + acc civis civis m.f. civitas civitatis f. clades cladis f. clamo clamare clamavi clamatus clamor clamoris m. clarus clara clarum coepi coepisse coeptus cogito cogitare cogitavi cogitatus cognosco cognoscere cognovi cognitus cogo cogere coegi coactus cohors cohortis f. colo colere colui cultus comes comitis m.f. committo committere commisi commissus comparo comparare comparavi comparatus con- col- com- corcondemno condemnare condemnavi condemnatus confero conferre contuli conlatus conficio conficere confeci confectus confido confidere confisus sum coniunx coniugis m.f. conor conari conatus sum consilium consilii n. consisto consistere constiti constitus conspicio conspicere conspexi conspectus constituo constituere constitui constitutus consul consulis m. consulo consulere consului consultus consumo consumere consumpsi consumptus contendo contendere contendi contentus contra + acc copiae copiarum corpus corporis n. corripio corripere corripui correptus cotidie (indeclinable) cras (indeclinable) credo credere credidi creditus + dat crimen criminis n. crudelis crudele cubiculum cubiculi n. culpa culpae f. culpo culpare culpavi culpatus

drink (verb 3; topic: domestic) good (adjective; topic: general) short; brief (adjective; topic: general) fall; perish (verb 3; topic: general) slaughter; killing; murder (noun 3; topic: military) sky; heaven (noun 2; topic: religious) dog (noun 3; topic: domestic) sing; chant (verb 1; topic: general) take; catch; capture; choose (verb 3; topic: military) captive; prisoner (noun 2; topic: military) head (noun 3; topic: general) song; poem; spell (noun 3; topic: general) dear (adjective; topic: domestic) camp (noun 2; topic: military) cause; reason; case (noun 1; topic: legal) for the sake of (noun 1; topic: general) beware (of); take care (verb 2; topic: general) quick (adjective; topic: general) hide (verb 1; topic: general) dinner (noun 1; topic: domestic) a hundred (adjective; topic: general) centurion (noun 3; topic: military) contest; battle; struggle (noun 3; topic: military) certain; sure (adjective; topic: general) inform (verb phrase; topic: general) the rest; the others (adjective; topic: general) food (noun 2; topic: domestic) around (preposition; topic: general) citizen (noun 3; topic: pol) citizenship; state; city (noun 3; topic: pol) disaster; loss; defeat (noun 3; topic: military) shout; exclaim; proclaim (verb 1; topic: general) shout; uproar; noise (noun 3; topic: general) clear; famous; distinguished (adjective; topic: general) began (verb defective; topic: general) think; consider (verb 1; topic: general) get to know; find out; learn (verb 3; topic: general) force; compel; drive; assemble (verb 3; topic: general) cohort; company (noun 3; topic: military) cultivate; worship; honour (verb 3; topic: general) comrade; companion (noun 3; topic: military) commit; fight (verb 3; topic: military) prepare; provide; obtain; compare (verb 1; topic: general) (in compounds) together (prefix; topic: general) convict; condemn (verb 1; topic: legal) collect; compare; confer (verb irreg; topic: general) complete; wear out (verb 3; topic: general) trust; believe; have confidence (verb 3; topic: general) husband; wife; spouse (noun 3; topic: domestic) try (verb 1 dep; topic: general) council; plan; advice; prudence (noun 2; topic: pol) halt; stand; stand firm (verb 3; topic: military) notice; observe; see (verb 3; topic: general) decide; establish (verb 3; topic: general) consul (noun 3; topic: pol) consult; consider; advise (verb 3; topic: general) eat; consume; spend (verb 3; topic: general) hurry; march; contend (verb 3; topic: military) against (preposition; topic: military) troops; forces; supplies (noun 1; topic: military) body (noun 3; topic: general) seize; carry off (verb 3; topic: military) every day; daily (adverb; topic: general) tomorrow (adverb; topic: general) believe; trust; entrust (verb 3; topic: general) accusation; charge; crime (noun 3; topic: legal) cruel (adjective; topic: general) bedroom (noun 2; topic: domestic) fault; blame (noun 1; topic: general) blame (verb 1; topic: general)

cum (indeclinable) cum + abl cunctus cuncta cunctum cupidus cupida cupidum cupio cupere cupivi cupitus cur? (indeclinable) cura curae f. curro currere cucurri cursus custodio custodire custodivi custoditus custos custodis m.f. de + abl dea deae f. debeo debere debui debitus decipio decipere decepi deceptus defendo defendere defendi defensus defessus defessa defessum deinde (indeclinable) deleo delere delevi deletus denique (indeclinable) densus densa densum descendo descendere descendi descensus desino desinere desii desitus despero desperare desperavi desperatus deus dei m. dextra dextrae f. dico dicere dixi dictus dies diei m. difficilis difficile dignitas dignitatis f. dignus digna dignum + abl diligens diligentis dimitto dimittere dimisi dimissus dirus dira dirum discedo discedere discessi disco discere didici dissimilis dissimile diu (indeclinable) dives divitis divitiae divitiarum divido dividere divisi divisus divus diva divum do dare dedi datus doceo docere docui doctus doleo dolere dolui dolor doloris m. dolus doli m. domina dominae f. dominus domini m. domus domus f. donum doni n. donec (indeclinable) dormio dormire dormivi dubito dubitare dubitavi dubitatus duco ducere duxi ductus dulcis dulce dum (indeclinable) durus dura durum dux ducis m. e; ex + abl ecce! (indeclinable) efficio efficere effeci effectus effugio effugere effugi ego mei egredior egredi egressus sum emo emere emi emptus enim (indeclinable) eo ire i(v)i epistula epistulae f. eques equitis m. equus equi m.

when; since; although (conjunction; topic: general) with (preposition; topic: general) all; whole (adjective; topic: general) eager; greedy (adjective; topic: general) desire; wish; want (verb 3; topic: general) why? (adverb; topic: general) care; charge; anxiety (noun 1; topic: general) run (verb 3; topic: general) guard (verb 4; topic: military) guard (noun 3; topic: military) about; from; down from (preposition; topic: general) goddess (noun 1; topic: religious) owe; ought (verb 2; topic: general) deceive (verb 3; topic: general) defend (verb 3; topic: military) tired (adjective; topic: general) then; next; afterwards (adverb; topic: general) destroy (verb 2; topic: military) at last; finally (adverb; topic: general) thick; dense; crowded (adjective; topic: general) descend; come down (verb 3; topic: general) cease (verb 3; topic: general) despair (verb 1; topic: general) god; deity (noun 2; topic: religious) right hand; right side (noun 1; topic: general) say; speak; tell (verb 3; topic: general) day (noun 5; topic: general) difficult (adjective; topic: general) rank; dignity; importance; honour (noun 3; topic: pol) worthy (of); deserving (of) (adjective; topic: general) careful; diligent (adjective; topic: general) dismiss; scatter (verb 3; topic: military) dreadful (adjective; topic: general) depart; leave (verb 3; topic: general) learn (verb 3; topic: general) different (adjective; topic: general) for a long time (adverb; topic: general) rich (adjective; topic: general) riches; wealth (noun 1; topic: general) divide; separate (verb 3; topic: general) divine (adjective; topic: religious) give (verb 1; topic: general) teach; inform (verb 2; topic: general) hurt; be in pain; lament (verb 2; topic: general) pain; sorrow; anger (noun 3; topic: general) trick; fraud (noun 2; topic: general) mistress (noun 1; topic: domestic) master (noun 2; topic: domestic) house; home (noun 4; topic: domestic) gift; present (noun 2; topic: general) until (conjunction; topic: general) sleep (verb 4; topic: domestic) doubt; hesitate (verb 1; topic: general) lead; take; marry; consider (verb 3; topic: military) sweet; pleasant (adjective; topic: general) while; until (conjunction; topic: general) hard; harsh; rough (adjective; topic: general) leader; general; ruler (noun 3; topic: military) from; out of; (in compounds) out (preposition; topic: general) look; behold; see; here is (adverb; topic: general) carry out; accomplish (verb 3; topic: general) escape (verb 3; topic: military) I; me (pron; topic: general) go out; come out (verb 3 dep; topic: general) buy (verb 3; topic: general) for (conjunction; topic: general) go (verb irreg; topic: general) letter (noun 1; topic: general) knight; horseman; (pl.) cavalry (noun 3; topic: military) horse (noun 2; topic: military)

ergo (indeclinable) erro errare erravi erratus et (indeclinable) etiam (indeclinable) etsi (indeclinable) excipio excipere excepi exceptus excito excitare excitavi excitatus exercitus exercitus m. exilium exilii n. exitium exitii n. exspecto exspectare exspectavi exspectatus extra + acc fabula fabulae f. facilis facile facinus facinoris n. facio facere feci factus fama famae f. familia familiae f. faveo favere favi + dat felix felicis femina feminae f. fere (indeclinable) fero ferre tuli latus ferox ferocis ferrum ferri n. festino festinare festinavi fidelis fidele fides fidei f. filia filiae f. filius filii m. finis finis m. fio fieri factus flamma flammae f. flos floris m. flumen fluminis n. foedus foederis n. fortasse (indeclinable) forte (indeclinable) fortis forte fortuna fortunae f. forum fori n. frango frangere fregi fractus frater fratris m. frumentum frumenti n. frustra (indeclinable) fuga fugae f. fugio fugere fugi fundo fundere fudi fusus fur furis m. furor furoris m. gaudeo gaudere gavisus sum gaudium gaudii n. gens gentis f. genus generis n. gero gerere gessi gestus gladius gladii m. gratia gratiae f. gratias ago gravis grave habeo habere habui habitus habito habitare habitavi habitatus hasta hastae f. haud (indeclinable) heri (indeclinable) hic haec hoc hic (indeclinable) hiems hiemis f. hinc (indeclinable) hodie (indeclinable) homo hominis m.

therefore (adverb; topic: general) wander; make a mistake (verb 1; topic: general) and; both (conjunction; topic: general) also; even; still (adverb; topic: general) although (conjunction; topic: general) receive; take; welcome (verb 3; topic: general) wake; rouse; excite (verb 1; topic: general) army (noun 4; topic: military) exile (noun 2; topic: pol) ruin; destruction (noun 2; topic: general) wait for; expect (verb 1; topic: general) outside (preposition; topic: general) story; play (noun 1; topic: general) easy (adjective; topic: general) crime; outrage; deed (noun 3; topic: legal) make; do (verb 3; topic: general) rumour; fame; glory (noun 1; topic: general) family; household (noun 1; topic: domestic) favour; support (verb 2; topic: general) fortunate; happy; prosperous (adjective; topic: general) woman (noun 1; topic: general) nearly; about (adverb; topic: general) bear; carry; say (verb irreg; topic: general) fierce; cruel; brave (adjective; topic: military) iron; sword (noun 2; topic: military) hurry (verb 1; topic: general) trustworthy; faithful; loyal (adjective; topic: general) trust; faith; confidence; loyalty (noun 5; topic: general) daughter (noun 1; topic: domestic) son (noun 2; topic: domestic) end; boundary (noun 3; topic: general) become; be made; happen (verb irreg; topic: general) blaze; flame; passion (noun 1; topic: general) flower (noun 3; topic: general) river (noun 3; topic: general) treaty; agreement (noun 3; topic: military) perhaps (adverb; topic: general) by chance (adverb; topic: general) brave; strong; bold (adjective; topic: military) fate; luck; fortune (good or bad) (noun 1; topic: religious) forum; market place (noun 2; topic: general) break; crush (verb 3; topic: general) brother (noun 3; topic: domestic) corn; grain (noun 2; topic: general) in vain (adverb; topic: general) flight; escape (noun 1; topic: military) flee; run away; avoid (verb 3; topic: military) pour; shed; rout (verb 3; topic: military) thief (noun 3; topic: legal) rage; fury; madness; passion (noun 3; topic: general) rejoice (verb 2; topic: general) joy; delight (noun 2; topic: general) race; people; family; tribe (noun 3; topic: general) race; descent; birth; kind (noun 3; topic: general) bear; wear; wage; manage (verb 3; topic: military) sword (noun 2; topic: military) favour; thanks (noun 1; topic: general) thank; give thanks (verb phrase; topic: general) heavy; serious (adjective; topic: general) have; hold (noun 2; topic: general) live; dwell (verb 1; topic: domestic) spear (noun 1; topic: military) not (adverb; topic: general) yesterday (adverb; topic: general) this (pron; topic: general) here (adverb; topic: general) winter; storm (noun 3; topic: general) from here; hence; henceforth (adverb; topic: general) today (adverb; topic: general) man; person (noun 3; topic: general)

hora horae f. hortor hortari hortatus sum hortus horti m. hospes hospitis m. hostis hostis m. huc (indeclinable) humus humi f. iaceo iacere iacui iacio iacere ieci iactus (in compounds -icio) iam (indeclinable) non iam (indeclinable) ianua ianuae f. ibi (indeclinable) idem eadem idem igitur (indeclinable) ignavus ignava ignavum ignis ignis f. ille illa illud illic (indeclinable) impedio impedire impedivi impeditus imperator imperatoris m. imperium imperii n. impero imperare imperavi imperatus + dat impetus impetus m. in + abl in + acc incendo incendere incendi incensus incipio incipere incepi inceptus incito incitare incitavi incitatus infelix infelicis ingenium ingenii n. ingens ingentis ingredior ingredi ingressus sum iniquus iniqua iniquum initium initii n. iniuria iniuriae f. inquam inquit inquiunt insidiae insidiarum insignis insigne inspicio inspicere inspexi inspectus instruo instruere instruxi instructus insula insulae f. intellego intellegere intellexi intellectus inter + acc interea (indeclinable) interficio interficere interfeci interfectus intra + acc intro intrare intravi intratus invenio invenire inveni inventus invito invitare invitavi invitatus invitus invita invitum ipse ipsa ipsum ira irae f. iratus irata iratum is ea id iste ista istud ita (indeclinable) ita vero (indeclinable) itaque (indeclinable) iter itineris n. iterum (indeclinable) iubeo iubere iussi iussus iudex iudicis m.f. iungo iungere iunxi iunctus iustus iusta iustum iuvenis iuvene labor labi lapsus sum labor laboris m. laboro laborare laboravi lacrima lacrimae f.

hour (noun 1; topic: general) urge; encourage (verb 1 dep; topic: military) garden (noun 2; topic: domestic) guest; host (noun 3; topic: domestic) enemy (noun 3; topic: military) here; to this place (adverb; topic: general) ground; earth (noun 2; topic: general) lie (verb 2; topic: general) throw (verb 3; topic: military) now; already (adverb; topic: general) no longer (adverb; topic: general) door (noun 1; topic: domestic) there; then (adverb; topic: general) the same (pron; topic: general) therefore; and so (adverb; topic: general) cowardly; lazy (adjective; topic: military) fire (noun 3; topic: general) that; he; she; it (pron; topic: general) there (adverb; topic: general) delay; hinder; prevent (verb 4; topic: military) emperor; general; leader (noun 3; topic: pol) command; power; empire (noun 2; topic: pol) order; command (verb 1; topic: military) attack; impulse (noun 4; topic: military) in; on (preposition; topic: general) into; onto; at; against (preposition; topic: general) burn; set on fire; inflame (verb 3; topic: general) begin (verb 3; topic: general) urge on; arouse; encourage (verb 1; topic: military) unlucky; unhappy (adjective; topic: general) character; ability (noun 2; topic: general) huge (adjective; topic: general) enter; undertake (verb 3 dep; topic: general) unfair; unjust; unfavourable (adjective; topic: general) beginning (noun 2; topic: general) injustice; injury; wrong (noun 1; topic: legal) say (verb irreg; topic: general) ambush; trap; trick (noun 1; topic: military) distinguished; glorious (adjective; topic: general) look at; inspect; examine (verb 3; topic: military) draw up; prepare (verb 3; topic: military) island; block of flats (noun 1; topic: domestic) understand; perceive; realise (verb 3; topic: general) between; among (preposition; topic: general) meanwhile (adverb; topic: general) kill (verb 3; topic: military) inside; within (preposition; topic: general) enter (verb 1; topic: general) find; discover (verb 3; topic: general) invite (verb 1; topic: general) unwillling; reluctant (adjective; topic: general) -self (pron; topic: general) anger (noun 1; topic: general) angry (adjective; topic: general) this; that; he; she; it (pron; topic: general) that (pron; topic: general) in this way; so; thus (adverb; topic: general) yes (adverb; topic: general) and so; therefore (adverb; topic: general) journey; march; way (noun 3; topic: military) gain (adverb; topic: general) order; command (verb 2; topic: general) judge; juror (noun 3; topic: legal) join; unite; fasten (verb 3; topic: general) right; just; lawful (adjective; topic: legal) young (adjective; topic: general) glide; slip; fall (verb 3 dep; topic: general) work; toil (noun 3; topic: general) work; toil (verb 1; topic: general) tear (noun 1; topic: general)

lacrimo lacrimare lacrimavi laedo laedere laesi laesus laetus laeta laetum latus lata latum latus lateris n. laudo laudare laudavi laudatus lectus lecti m. legatus legati m. legio legionis f. lego legere legi lectus lentus lenta lentum leo leonis m. levis leve libens libentis liber libera liberum liber libri m. liberi liberorum m. pl. libero liberare liberavi liberatus libertas libertatis f. libertus liberti m. littera litterae f. (usually plural with singular meaning) litus litoris n. locus loci m. longus longa longum loquor loqui locutus sum ludus ludi m. lumen luminis n. luna lunae f. lux lucis f. magis (indeclinable) magister magistri m. magnopere (indeclinable) magnus magna magnum malo malle malui malus mala malum mando mandare mandavi mandatus mane (indeclinable) maneo manere mansi manus manus f. mare maris n. maritus mariti m. mater matris f. medius media medium mens mentis f. mensa mensae f. mercator mercatoris m. metus metus m. meus mea meum miles militis m. mille pl. milia minor minari minatus sum + dat mirabilis mirabile miser misera miserum mitto mittere misi missus modo (indeclinable) modus modi m. moenia moenium n. pl. mollis molle moneo monere monui monitus mons montis m. monstro monstrare monstravi monstratus mora morae f. morbus morbi m. morior mori mortuus sum moror morari moratus sum mors mortis f. mos moris m. moveo movere movi motus mox (indeclinable) mulier mulieris f.

cry (verb 1; topic: general) hurt; injure; harm (verb 3; topic: military) happy; glad (adjective; topic: general) wide; broad (adjective; topic: general) side; wing (noun 3; topic: military) praise (verb 1; topic: general) couch; bed (noun 2; topic: domestic) (legionary) commander; ambassador; envoy (noun 2; topic: military) legion (noun 3; topic: military) read; choose (verb 3; topic: general) slow (adjective; topic: general) lion (noun 3; topic: general) light; slight (adjective; topic: general) willing; glad (adjective; topic: general) free (adjective; topic: general) book (noun 2; topic: general) children (noun 2; topic: domestic) free (verb 1; topic: legal) freedom (noun 3; topic: legal) reedman; ex-slave (noun 2; topic: legal) letter (noun 1; topic: general) sea-shore; beach (noun 3; topic: general) place; position; situation (noun 2; topic: general) long (adjective; topic: general) peak; talk (verb 3 dep; topic: general) game; school (noun 2; topic: general) light (noun 3; topic: general) moon (noun 1; topic: general) light; daylight (noun 3; topic: general) more; rather (adverb comp; topic: general) teacher; master (noun 2; topic: general) very much; greatly (adverb; topic: general) big; large; great (adjective; topic: general) prefer (verb irreg; topic: general) evil; bad (adjective; topic: general) commit; entrust; command (verb 1; topic: general) in the morning; early (adverb; topic: general) remain; stay; (verb 2; topic: general) hand; band (noun 4; topic: military) sea (noun 3; topic: general) husband (noun 2; topic: domestic) mother (noun 3; topic: domestic) middle (of) (adjective; topic: general) mind (noun 3; topic: general) table (noun 1; topic: domestic) merchant (noun 3; topic: general) fear (noun 4; topic: general) my (adjective; topic: general) soldier (noun 3; topic: military) thousand (noun irreg; topic: general) threaten (verb 1 dep; topic: military) strange; wonderful (adjective; topic: general) miserable; wretched; sad (adjective; topic: general) send; throw (verb 3; topic: general) just; now; only (adverb; topic: general) manner; way; kind (noun 2; topic: general) city walls; city (noun 3; topic: military) soft; tender; gentle (adjective; topic: general) warn; advise; teach (verb 2; topic: general) mountain (noun 3; topic: general) show; point out; indicate; instruct (verb 1; topic: general) delay (noun 1; topic: general) sickness; disease (noun 2; topic: general) die (verb 3 dep; topic: military) delay (verb 1 dep; topic: general) death (noun 3; topic: military) habit; custom; (pl.) character; morals (noun 3; topic: general) move (verb 2; topic: general) soon (adverb; topic: general) woman (noun 3; topic: general)

multitudo multitudinis f. multus multa multum munio munire munivi munitus murus muri m. muto mutare mutavi mutatus nam (indeclinable) narro narrare narravi narratus natura naturae f. nauta nautae m. navigo navigare navigavi navis navis f. -ne (indeclinable) ne (indeclinable) nequidem (indeclinable) nec; neque (indeclinable) neco necare necavi necatus neglego neglegere neglexi neglectus nego negare negavi negatus negotium negotii n. nemo nullius nescio nescire nescivi nihil (indeclinable) nimis (indeclinable) nisi (indeclinable) nobilis nobile noceo nocere nocui nolo nolle nolui nomen nominis n. non (indeclinable) nondum (indeclinable) nonne? (indeclinable) nonnullus nonnulla nonnullum nos nostrum noster nostra nostrum notus nota notum novus nova novum nox noctis f. nullus nulla nullum num (indeclinable) numerus numeri m. numquam (indeclinable) nunc (indeclinable) nuntio nuntiare nuntiavi nuntiatus nuntius nuntii m. nuper (indeclinable) nusquam (indeclinable) ob + acc obliviscor oblivisci oblitus sum obsideo obsidere obsedi obsessus obviam eo ire i(v)i + dat occasio occasionis f. occido occidere occidi occisus occupo occupare occupavi occupatus oculus oculi m. odi odisse offero offerre obtuli oblatus officium officii n. olim (indeclinable) omitto omittere omisi omissus omnis omne onus oneris n. opera operae f. oportet oportere oportuit oppidum oppidi n. opprimo opprimere oppressi oppressus oppugno oppugnare oppugnavi oppugnatus opus operis n. opus est esse fuit + abl ora orae f. oratio orationis f.

crowd; multitude (noun 3; topic: general) much; many (adjective; topic: general) fortify; defend; guard (verb 4; topic: military) all (noun 2; topic: general) change; alter (verb 1; topic: general) for (conjunction; topic: general) tell; relate (verb 1; topic: general) nature (noun 1; topic: general) sailor (noun 1; topic: military) sail (verb 1; topic: military) ship (noun 3; topic: military) (introduces question) (partic; topic: general) lest; that not (conjunction; topic: general) noteven (adverb; topic: general) and not; nor; neither (conjunction; topic: general) kill (verb 1; topic: military) neglect; disregard (verb 3; topic: general) say no; deny; refuse (verb 1; topic: general) business (noun 2; topic: general) no one; nobody (noun irreg; topic: general) not know (verb 4; topic: general) nothing (noun irreg; topic: general) too; too much (adverb; topic: general) unless; if not; except (conjunction; topic: general) noble; famous (adjective; topic: pol) hurt; harm (verb 2; topic: general) not want; be unwilling; refuse (verb irreg; topic: general) name (noun 3; topic: general) not (adverb; topic: general) not yet (adverb; topic: general) surely? (adverb; topic: general) some; several (adjective; topic: general) we; us (pron; topic: general) our (pron; topic: general) known; well-known; famous (adjective; topic: general) new; fresh; recent (adjective; topic: general) night (noun 3; topic: general) no; none; not any (adjective; topic: general) surelynot; whether (partic; topic: general) number (noun 2; topic: general) never (adverb; topic: general) now (adverb; topic: general) announce; report (verb 1; topic: general) messenger; message; news (noun 2; topic: military) recently (adverb; topic: general) nowhere (adverb; topic: general) because of; on account of (preposition; topic: general) forget (verb 3 dep; topic: general) besiege; blockade (verb 2; topic: military) meet; go to meet; oppose; resist (verb phrase; topic: military) opportunity; occasion (noun 3; topic: general) kill (verb 3; topic: military) seize; take possession of; occupy (verb 1; topic: military) eye (noun 2; topic: general) hate (verb irreg; topic: general) present; offer (verb irreg; topic: general) duty; task; function (noun 2; topic: pol) once; formerly; one day (adverb; topic: general) neglect; disregard; make no mention of (verb 3; topic: general) all; every (adjective; topic: general) burden; load (noun 3; topic: general) work; effort; attention (noun 1; topic: general) be necessary; ought; must (verb 2 impersonal; topic: general) town (noun 2; topic: military) overwhelm; crush; weigh down (verb 3; topic: military) attack (verb 1; topic: military) work; toil; construction (noun 3; topic: general) here is need (of) (verb phrase impersonal; topic: general) coast (noun 1; topic: general) speech (noun 3; topic: legal)

orior oriri ortus sum orno ornare ornavi ornatus oro orare oravi oratus os oris n. ostendo ostendere ostendi ostentus otium otii n. paene (indeclinable) par paris parco parcere peperci + dat parens parentis m.f. pareo parere parui + dat paro parare paravi paratus pars partis f. parvus parva parvum pater patris m. patior pati passus sum patria patriae f. pauci paucae pauca paulatim (indeclinable) paulisper (indeclinable) pauper pauperis pavor pavoris m. pax pacis f. pecunia pecuniae f. pedes peditis m. pello pellere pepuli pulsus per + acc perdo perdere perdidi perditus pereo perire perii perficio perficere perfeci perfectus periculum periculi n. permitto permittere permisi permissus persuadeo persuadere persuasi + dat perterritus perterrita perterritum pervenio pervenire perveni pes pedis m. peto petere petivi petitus pilum pili n. placet placere placuit plebs plebis f. plenus plena plenum poena poenae f. poeta poetae m. pono ponere posui positus pons pontis m. populus populi m. porta portae f. porto portare portavi portatus portus portus m. posco poscere poposci possum posse potui post (indeclinable) post + acc postea (indeclinable) postquam (indeclinable) postremus postrema postremum postridie (indeclinable) postulo postulare postulavi postulatus potestas potestatis f. potius (indeclinable) praebeo praebere praebui praebitus praeda praedae f. praemium praemii n. praesidium praesidii n. praeter + acc praeterea (indeclinable) praetor praetoris m. precor precari precatus sum pretium pretii n. primus prima primum

rise; start; originate (verb 4 deponent; topic: general) adorn; decorate (verb 1; topic: general) beg (verb 1; topic: general) mouth; face (noun 3; topic: general) show; point out; indicate (verb 3; topic: general) leisure; idleness (noun 2; topic: general) almost; nearly (adverb; topic: general) equal (adjective; topic: general) spare (verb 3; topic: military) parent; (pl.) relations (noun 3; topic: domestic) obey (verb 2; topic: general) prepare; provide (verb 1; topic: general) part; some; direction (noun 3; topic: general) small (adjective; topic: general) father (noun 3; topic: domestic) suffer; endure; allow (verb 3 dep; topic: general) homeland; native land (noun 1; topic: pol) few; a few (adjective plural; topic: general) gradually; little by little (adverb; topic: general) for a short time (adverb; topic: general) poor (adjective; topic: general) fear; terror (noun 3; topic: general) peace (noun 3; topic: military) money (noun 1; topic: general) infantry (noun 3; topic: military) push; drive; rout (verb 3; topic: military) through; throughout; along (preposition; topic: general) destroy; lose (verb 3; topic: general) die; perish; be ruined (verb irreg; topic: general) bring about; complete; perfect (verb 3; topic: general) danger (noun 2; topic: general) hand over; entrust; permit; allow (verb 3; topic: general) persuade (verb 2; topic: general) terrified (adjective; topic: general) reach; arrive (verb 4; topic: general) foot; paw (noun 3; topic: general) seek; ask for; make for; attack (verb 3; topic: general) javelin (noun 2; topic: military) please; suit (verb 2 impersonal; topic: general) the people; common people (noun 3; topic: pol) full; filled (adjective; topic: general) punishment; penalty (noun 1; topic: legal) poet (noun 1; topic: general) put; place; put up (verb 3; topic: general) bridge (noun 3; topic: general) people; nation (noun 2; topic: pol) gate (noun 1; topic: general) carry; bear; take (verb 1; topic: general) harbour; port (noun 4; topic: general) demand; ask for (verb 3; topic: general) can; be able (verb irreg; topic: general) afterwards; next (adverb; topic: general) behind; after (preposition; topic: general) afterwards; then (adverb; topic: general) after; when (conjunction; topic: general) last (adjective; topic: general) on the next day (adverb; topic: general) demand; ask (verb 1; topic: general) power; authority (noun 3; topic: pol) rather; more (adverb; topic: general) provide; give; show (verb 2; topic: general) booty; plunder (noun 1; topic: military) prize; reward (noun 2; topic: general) protection; garrison; fortification (noun 2; topic: military) beyond; except; besides (preposition; topic: general) besides; moreover; in addition (adverb ; topic: general) praetor (noun 3; topic: pol) pray; pray to; beg (verb 1 dep; topic: religious) price; value (noun 2; topic: general) first; chief (adjective; topic: general)

princeps principis m. prior prioris prius (indeclinable) priusquam (indeclinable) pro + abl procedo procedere processi procul (indeclinable) proelium proelii n. proficiscor proficisci profectus sum progredior progredi progressus sum promitto promittere promisi promissus prope + acc propter + acc provincia provinciae f. proximus proxima proximum publicus publica publicum pudor pudoris m. puella puellae f. puer pueri m. pugna pugnae f. pugno pugnare pugnavi pulcher pulchra pulchrum punio punire punivi punitus puto putare putavi putatus quaero quaerere quaesivi quaesitus qualis quale quam (indeclinable) quamquam (indeclinable) quando? (indeclinable) quantus? quanta quantum quasi (indeclinable) -que (indeclinable) queror queri questus sum qui quae quod quia (indeclinable) quidam quaedam quoddam quidem (indeclinable) quies quietis f. quis? quid quisquam quicquam quisque quaeque quidque quisquis quicquid quo? (indeclinable) quod (indeclinable) quomodo? (indeclinable) quoniam (indeclinable) quoque (indeclinable) quot? (indeclinable) quotiens (indeclinable) rapio rapere rapui raptus ratio rationis f. re- (indeclinable) recens recentis recipio recipere recepi receptus se recipere recito recitare recitavi recitatus reddo reddere reddidi redditus redeo redire redii refero referre rettuli relatus reficio reficere refeci refectus regina reginae f. regnum regni n. rego regere rexi rectus regredior regredi regressus sum relinquo relinquere reliqui relictus reliquus reliqua reliquum repente (indeclinable) res rei f. res publica rei publicae f. resisto resistere restiti + dat

emperor; chief; chieftain (noun 3; topic: pol) previous; former; superior (adjective; topic: general) before; previously (adverb ; topic: general) before; until (conjunction; topic: general) in front of; for; on behalf of; in return for (preposition; topic: general) advance; proceed (verb 3; topic: general) far away; distant (adverb; topic: general) battle (noun 2; topic: military) set out; depart (verb 3 dep; topic: general) advance; proceed (verb 3 dep; topic: general) promise (verb 3; topic: general) near (preposition; topic: general) on account of; because of (preposition; topic: general) province (noun 1; topic: pol) nearest; next; last (adjective; topic: general) public; common (adjective; topic: pol) shame; modesty; honour; disgrace (noun 3; topic: general) girl (noun 1; topic: general) boy (noun 2; topic: general) fight; battle (noun 1; topic: military) fight (verb 1; topic: military) beautiful; handsome; fine (adjective; topic: general) punish (verb 4; topic: legal) think; consider; reckon (verb 1; topic: general) search for; ask for; ask; inquire (verb 3; topic: general) what sort of (adjective; topic: general) how; than; as (adverb; topic: general) although (conjunction; topic: general) when? (adverb; topic: general) how big? how much? (adjective; topic: general) as if; just as; nearly (adverb; topic: general) and (conjunction; topic: general) complain (verb 3 dep; topic: general) who; which (pron; topic: general) because (conjunction; topic: general) one; a certain; some (pron; topic: general) indeed; in fact; however (adverb; topic: general) rest; peace; quiet (noun 3; topic: general) who? what? any (pron; topic: general) anyone; anything (pron; topic: general) each; each one; every (pron; topic: general) whoever; whatever (pron; topic: general) where to? (adverb; topic: general) because; (as to) the fact that (conjunction; topic: general) how? in what way? (adverb; topic: general) since (conjunction; topic: general) also; too (conjunction; topic: general) how many? (adjective; topic: general) how often? as often as (adverb; topic: general) seize; grab; carry off; plunder (verb 3; topic: military) account; reckoning; manner; reason (noun 3; topic: general) (in compounds) back; again (prefix; topic: general) recent; fresh (adjective; topic: general) regain; receive; welcome (verb 3; topic: general) retreat; withdraw (verb phrase; topic: military) recite; read aloud (verb 1; topic: general) give back; restore; hand over; make (verb 3; topic: general) return; go back; come back (verb irreg; topic: general) bring back; report; refer (verb irreg; topic: general) repair; restore; refresh (verb 3; topic: general) queen (noun 1; topic: pol) kingdom; reign; rule (noun 2; topic: pol) rule; direct (verb 3; topic: pol) go back; return (verb 3 dep; topic: general) leave; leave behind; abandon (verb 3; topic: general) the rest of; the other (adjective; topic: general) suddenly (adverb; topic: general) thing; affair; matter; business (noun 5; topic: general) state; republic (noun phrase; topic: pol) resist; oppose (verb 3; topic: military)

respondeo respondere respondi responsus responsum responsi n. retineo retinere retinui retentus rex regis m. rideo ridere risi ripa ripae f. rogo rogare rogavi rogatus rumpo rumpere rupi ruptus ruo ruere rui rursus (indeclinable) rus ruris n. sacerdos sacerdotis m.f. saepe (indeclinable) saevus saeva saevum salus salutis f. saluto salutare salutavi salutatus salve salvete sanguis sanguis m. sapiens sapientis sapientia sapientiae f. satis (indeclinable) saxum saxi n. scelus sceleris n. scio scire scivi scitus scribo scribere scripsi scriptus scutum scuti n. se sui secundus secunda secundum sed (indeclinable) sedeo sedere sedi sedes sedis f. semper (indeclinable) senator senatoris m. senatus senatus m. senex senis m. sententia sententiae f. sentio sentire sensi sensus sequor sequi secutus sum servo servare servavi servatus servus servi m. si (indeclinable) sic (indeclinable) sicut (indeclinable) signum signi n. silentium silentii n. silva silvae f. similis simile simul (indeclinable) simulac simulatque sine + abl sinistra sinistrae f. sino sinere sivi situs sive seu socius socii m. sol solis m. soleo solere solitus sum solum (indeclinable) solus sola solum somnus somni m. sonus soni m. soror sororis f. specto spectare spectavi spectatus sperno spernere sprevi spretus spero sperare speravi speratus spes spei f. statim (indeclinable) sto stare steti studium studii n. stultus stulta stultum suavis suave

answer; reply (verb 2; topic: general) answer; reply (noun 2; topic: general) hold back; restrain; keep (verb 2; topic: general) king (noun 3; topic: pol) laugh; smile (verb 2; topic: general) bank (noun 1; topic: general) ask; ask for (verb 1; topic: general) break; burst; break through (verb 3; topic: general) rush; collapse (verb 3; topic: general) back; again (adverb; topic: general) country (noun 3; topic: general) priest; priestess (noun 3; topic: religious) often (adverb; topic: general) savage; cruel (adjective; topic: general) health; safety; greeting (noun 3; topic: general) greet (verb 1; topic: general) hello (verb imperative; topic: general) blood (noun 3; topic: general) wise; sensible (adjective; topic: general) wisdom; good sense (noun 1; topic: general) enough (adjective; topic: general) rock (noun 2; topic: general) crime; wickedness (noun 3; topic: legal) know (verb 4; topic: general) write (verb 3; topic: general) shield (noun 2; topic: military) himself; herself; itself; themselves (pron; topic: general) following; next; second; favourable (adjective; topic: general) but (conjunction; topic: general) sit (verb 2; topic: general) seat; temple; home (noun 3; topic: domestic) always (adverb; topic: general) senator (noun 3; topic: pol) senate (noun 4; topic: pol) old man (noun 3; topic: general) opinion; judgement; sentence (noun 1; topic: legal) feel; notice; hear; judge (verb 4; topic: general) follow; pursue; attend (verb 3 dep; topic: general) save; protect; keep (verb 1; topic: general) slave (noun 2; topic: domestic) if (conjunction; topic: general) thus; in this way (adverb; topic: general) just as; like; as; as if (adverb; topic: general) sign; signal; standard (noun 2; topic: military) silence (noun 2; topic: general) wood; forest (noun 1; topic: general) similar; like (adjective; topic: general) at the same time; together (adverb; topic: general) as soon as (conjunction; topic: general) without (preposition; topic: general) left hand; left side (noun 1; topic: general) allow; permit (verb 3; topic: general) or if; whether (conjunction; topic: general) ally; comrade; companion (noun 2; topic: military) sun; sunlight (noun 3; topic: general) be accustomed (verb 2; topic: general) only (adverb; topic: general) alone; only; alone (adjective; topic: general) sleep (noun 2; topic: general) noise; sound (noun 2; topic: general) sister (noun 3; topic: domestic) look at; watch (verb 1; topic: general) despise; reject; scorn (verb 3; topic: general) hope; expect (verb 1; topic: general) hope (noun 5; topic: general) at once; immediately (adverb; topic: general) stand; stand firm (verb 1; topic: general) eagerness; study; devotion (noun 2; topic: general) stupid; foolish (adjective; topic: general) sweet; pleasant (adjective; topic: general)

sub + abl or + acc subito (indeclinable) sum esse fui summus summa summum sumo sumere sumpsi sumptus superbus superba superbum supero superare superavi superatus supremus suprema supremum surgo surgere surrexi suscipio suscipere suscepi susceptus suspicor suspicari suspicatus sum suus sua suum taberna tabernae f. taceo tacere tacui tacitus tacita tacitum talis tale tam (indeclinable) tamen (indeclinable) tamquam (indeclinable) tandem (indeclinable) tango tangere tetigi tactus tantum (indeclinable) tantus tanta tantum telum teli n. tempestas tempestatis f. templum templi n. tempus temporis n. teneo tenere tenui tentus tergum tergi n. terra terrae f. terreo terrere terrui territus terror terroris m. timeo timere timui tollo tollere sustuli sublatus tot (indeclinable) totus tota totum trado tradere tradidi traditus traho trahere traxi tractus trans + acc tristis triste tu tui tum (indeclinable) tumultus tumultus m. turba turbae f. tutus tuta tutum tuus tua tuum ubi (indeclinable) ullus ulla ullum ultimus ultima ultimum umquam (indeclinable) una (indeclinable) unda undae f. unde (indeclinable) undique (indeclinable) urbs urbis f. usque (indeclinable) ut (indeclinable) + indic. ut (indeclinable) + subjunc. uter? utra utrum uterque utraque utrumque utrum (indeclinable) utor uti usus sum + abl uxor uxoris f. vale valete validus valida validum -ve (indeclinable) vehementer (indeclinable) veho vehere vexi vectus vel (indeclinable) velut (indeclinable)

under; beneath (preposition; topic: general) suddenly (adverb; topic: general) be (verb irreg; topic: general) highest; greatest; top (of) (adjective; topic: general) take; take up (verb 3; topic: general) proud; arrogant (adjective; topic: general) overcome; overpower (verb 1; topic: military) highest; last; final; supreme (adjective; topic: general) get up; stand up; rise (verb 3; topic: general) take up; undertake; begin; bear (verb 3; topic: general) mistrust; suspect (verb 1 dep; topic: legal) his (own); her (own); its (own); their (own) (pron; topic: general) shop; inn (noun 1; topic: general) be quiet; be silent (verb 2; topic: general) quiet; silent; in silence (adjective; topic: general) such (adjective; topic: general) so (adverb; topic: general) however; nevertheless; yet (adverb; topic: general) just as; like; as; as if (adverb; topic: general) at last; finally (adverb; topic: general) touch (verb 3; topic: general) only (adverb; topic: general) so great; such a great; so much (adjective; topic: general) weapon; javelin; missile (noun 2; topic: military) weather; storm; time (noun 3; topic: general) temple (noun 2; topic: religious) time (noun 3; topic: general) hold; keep; maintain (verb 2; topic: general) back; rear (noun 2; topic: military) ground; land; earth (noun 1; topic: general) frighten (verb 2; topic: general) terror (noun 3; topic: general) fear; be afraid (verb 2; topic: general) raise; lift up; remove (verb 3; topic: general) so many (adjective; topic: general) the whole; entire; all (adjective; topic: general) hand over; entrust; hand down (verb 3; topic: general) pull; drag; draw (verb 3; topic: general) across; over (preposition; topic: general) sad; gloomy; grim (adjective; topic: general) you (singular) (pron; topic: general) then; next (adverb; topic: general) uproar; disturbance; civil war (noun 4; topic: military) crowd; mob; disturbance; multitude (noun 1; topic: general) safe (adjective; topic: military) your; yours (pron; topic: general) where? where; when (adverb; topic: general) any (adjective; topic: general) furthest; last; utmost (adjective; topic: general) ever (adverb; topic: general) together (adverb; topic: general) wave (noun 1; topic: general) from where; whence (adverb; topic: general) from all sides; on all sides (adverb; topic: general) city; town; Rome (noun 3; topic: general) all the way; right up to; continuously (adverb; topic: general) as; where; when; how (adverb; topic: general) that; so that (conjunction; topic: general) which (of two)? (pron; topic: general) each (of two); both (pron; topic: general) whether (adverb; topic: general) use; enjoy (verb 3 dep; topic: general) wife (noun 3; topic: domestic) goodbye; farewell (verb imperative; topic: general) strong; powerful (adjective; topic: general) or (conjunction; topic: general) violently; loudly; strongly (adverb; topic: general) carry; bear; convey (verb 3; topic: general) or; either (conjunction; topic: general) just as; like; as; as if (adverb; topic: general)

vendo vendere vendidi venditus venio venire veni ventus venti m. verbum verbi n. vereor vereri veritus sum vero (indeclinable) verto vertere verti versus verus vera verum vester vestra vestrum vestis vestis f. veto vetare vetui vetitus vetus veteris via viae f. victor victoris m. victoria victoriae f. video videre vidi visus videor videri visus sum villa villae f. vinco vincere vici victus vinum vini n. vir viri m. virtus virtutis f. vis pl. vires f. vita vitae f. vito vitare vitavi vitatus vivo vivere vixi vivus viva vivum vix (indeclinable) voco vocare vocavi vocatus volo velle volui volvo volvere volvi volutus vos vestrum vox vocis f. vulnero vulnerare vulneravi vulneratus vulnus vulneris n. vultus vultus m.

sell (verb 3; topic: general) come (verb 4; topic: general) wind (noun 2; topic: general) word (noun 2; topic: general) fear; be afraid (verb 2 deponent; topic: general) indeed; in fact; however (adverb; topic: general) turn (verb 3; topic: general) true; real (adjective; topic: general) your; yours (pron; topic: general) clothes (noun 3; topic: general) forbid; ordernot (verb 1; topic: general) old (adjective; topic: general) street; road; way; path (noun 1; topic: general) victor; conqueror (noun 3; topic: military) victory (noun 1; topic: military) see (verb 2; topic: general) seem; appear; be seen (verb 2 deponent; topic: general) country-house; estate; farm (noun 1; topic: domestic) conquer; defeat; win; be victorious (verb 3; topic: military) wine (noun 2; topic: general) man; husband (noun 2; topic: general) courage; virtue (noun 3; topic: military) force; violence; (pl.) strength; forces (noun irreg; topic: military) life (noun 1; topic: general) avoid (verb 1; topic: general) live; be alive (verb 3; topic: general) alive; living (adjective; topic: general) hardly; scarcely; with difficulty (adverb; topic: general) call; summon; invite; name (verb 1; topic: general) want; wish; be willing; intend (verb irreg; topic: general) turn; roll; consider (verb 3; topic: general) you (plural) (pron; topic: general) voice; shout; word (noun 3; topic: general) wound; injure (verb 1; topic: military) wound; injury (noun 3; topic: military) face; expression (noun 4; topic: general)

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