Guidelines and Formats For Capstone Projects

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GUIDELINES FOR CAPSTONE PROJECTS/PROJECTS 1. Applicability: The following guidelines shall be applicable to all U.G. and P.G.

programs (wherever projects applicable) for session 2012-13. 2. Purpose of Project: The project work provides the students an opportunity to integrate and implement the knowledge and skills gained during their studies to generate new knowledge. The aim is to carry out an independent work of practical importance. While working under the supervision of his/her project supervisor, the student uses rigorous methods to solve research problems related to concerned area of the study and therefore, attains a comprehensive knowledge about the area being studied. Important Notes: I. Each project shall be assigned in a group of 3 to 5 student(s). II. The group of students must meet their project supervisor on weekly basis to formulate goals and objectives of the study and to seek clarifications on problems faced during their project work. III. The group of students must work closely under the supervision of the project supervisor throughout the project. It is the responsibility of the group of students to provide regular progress reports to the supervisor. IV. The project work should be the original work done by the group of students. In case a group presents the work of someone else as their own or copies large portion from academic or other sources without properly referencing them even if unintentionally, it will be considered as violation to the university policy on academic misconduct. There will be zero tolerance for academic misconduct or plagiarism. All the matters related to plagiarism will be dealt as per the university policy on academic misconduct. V. All publications and Intellectual Property Rights arising out of project work shall be made as per the university policy guidelines issued by Division of Research and Development. 3. Capstone Project-I: Capstone Project-I will be carried out in Autumn Term. It is expected that the preliminary project work must begin in this semester.

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Allocation of project supervisors to students:

DAA will seek information from all discipline heads regarding details of faculty available for guiding students in projects along with their specialization area and number of seats fixed with each faculty. This information will be notified by DAA on UMS for the purpose of allocation of project supervisors to students. Projects will be accomplished in group of 3 to 5 students. The student can form intra disciplinary groups with students registered in same course having same research interest. The group of students shall meet the prospective project supervisors. The faculty shall accept the group of students for guiding projects as per the seats fixed with them. The students who do not form a group within the stipulated time will deliberately be put in a group by PAC for the purpose of accomplishment of project. The group of students who do not consult any faculty for supervision will be allocated an appropriate supervisor by the DOD (Chairperson of PAC). HODs must ensure that all the students under their direct control have formed a group and all the groups have been allotted a project supervisor and the information is duly communicated to the office of the DOD. The Academic Operation Coordinator (AOC) must maintain the record of allocation of supervisor to each group of students in a discipline and this information must be sent to DAA through the office of DOD in the format attached as Annexure I (Database of students registered in Capstone Project).

3.2 Re-allocation of Project supervisor: In case a project supervisor goes on long leave or resigns from the University the AOC shall liaison between the group of students and PAC for re-allocation of project supervisor with the same approved topic. Reallocation of project supervisor must be done within 10 days after the old supervisor has put his resignation. Details of new supervisor shall be communicated to the group of students through student announcement within this 10 day period. In case of immediate resignation group of students must be allotted to a new project supervisor with same specialization field within 10 days of putting of resignation by the old supervisor.

3.3 Appointment of Project Appraisal Committee (PAC): A PAC will be appointed in every discipline. Its membership will be as follows: a. DOD/ CD Chairperson
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b. HOS/COS c. HOD / COD of different domains d. Any other member deemed fit by the DOD. This committee will be proposed by DOD/CD to DAA. DAA will get the approval of PAC from competent authority, i.e. Office of Pro-Chancellor. Approved PAC will be a standing committee and changes if any, will be approved from the Office of Pro-Chancellor.

3.4 Submission of project topic to PAC: i. The group of students in consultation with the project supervisor must propose topic/topics for project work along with scope of project in the format attached as Annexure II (format attached for reference) as per the timelines prescribed by DAA. ii. One copy of the format will be retained by the each student of the group. Original copy must be handed over to HOD/COD for approval by Project Approval Committee (PAC). iii. The group of students will be allowed to work only on the topic which is approved by the PAC. iv. In case a group of students do not meet their project supervisor and do not submit any topic for project to PAC. The project supervisor will allot a project topic to the group of students on his own after approval from PAC. 3.5 Approval of topic by PAC: i) The PAC shall analyze the topics with respect to: Scope Appropriateness Originality Feasibility Innovation Potential for intellectual property, patent, new software, model, or a refereed publication in a journal. ii) On the basis of above criteria, the PAC will accept or suggest modification in the proposed topic. iii) PAC must ensure that each topic is unique and it is not overlapping with any other topic. iv) PAC shall handover all the forms to HOD/COD after approval and HOD/COD shall handover forms to the AOC and AOC shall handover all the forms to concerned project supervisor. This will enable the project supervisors to enter the approved topic in the interface. v) A copy of approved topic in the given format shall be retained by the AOC in a file properly maintained in the office of DOD/CD.
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vi) Topics must be approved by PAC and information must be sent to DAA as per the timelines prescribed by DAA in the format attached as Annexure I (Database of students registered in Capstone Projects/Projects). vii) A copy of format of approved topic must be included in the final report of Capstone Project-I and Capstone Project-II. 3.6 Submission of requisitions for Project: Once the topic has been approved by the PAC, the supervisor shall work in coordination with the group of students to prepare all requirements related to softwares/instruments/chemicals/animals etc (whether available/ to be purchased) as per the approved budget of concerned discipline. The project supervisor shall finalize the requirements in terms of necessity, cost, quantity and availability of suppliers and submit electronically to the Academic Operation Coordinator (AOC) as per the timelines prescribed by DAA. The AOC must compile and submit all the requirements to be purchased to Central Purchase Cell (CPC) as per the timelines prescribed by DAA. The AOC shall ensure that all the requirements are received as per the prescribed timelines so that the students are able to start the preliminary project work. Here, the AOC will be required to take follow ups from CPC regarding timely availability of requirements and shall report to DOD if exceptional delay is happening. DOD shall take necessary action for the receipt of mentioned requirements and inform to DAA about the delay in receipt of mentioned requirements. AOC must ensure that the requirements are issued to the supervisor immediately after receipt of requirements from CPC. The project supervisor must authenticate to the concerned AOC that all the requirements have been received by him. The confirmation shall be done through interface. 4. Capstone Project-II: In Capstone Project-II, the students are expected to complete the experimental/project work and write the report as per the prescribed timelines. Project work must be completed and compiled one month before the last day of final submission so that report is written and submitted by the last teaching day of Spring Term. 5. 5.1 i. Guidelines for Report Submission Electronic submission of monthly progress report to project supervisor: The group of students must submit their monthly progress report electronically to their project supervisor for evaluation in the last week of every month. One member of the group can submit the report on behalf of the group.
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ii. iii.

The supervisor will assess the monthly progress based on the criteria for continuous assessment given in this policy. The supervisor shall evaluate and electronically return the report to the group of students with recommendations within one week of receipt of report.

5.2 Time lines for Final Report Submission : The report submission dates shall vary for courses falling in Autumn and Spring terms in the following manner: 5.2.1 Courses Falling in Autumn Term (e.g. Capstone Project I)

Report Submission


Up to the Last teaching day of the term No fine One week after the last teaching day of Rs 1000/the term Any Later Instance Student(s) shall be awarded R Grade

5.2.2 Courses Falling in Spring Term (Capstone ProjectII)

Report Submission Up to the last teaching day Two weeks after the last teaching day Any Later Instance

Fine No fine Rs 1000/Student(s) shall be awarded R Grade

Note: No extension beyond the timeline for submission with late fee shall be given to the students. Late fee is applicable for group (wherever applicable) as a whole. It implies that all the group members taken together shall pay the fine of Rs. 1,000/ Combined report shall be submitted by all the group members taken together. 5.3 Final report submission: In last month of session, if the project supervisor is satisfied with the quality of project the group of students will be asked to submit printed copy as well as e-copy of report on or before the last teaching day.
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5.3.1 i.

Printed report: Final report of Capstone Project-I should be submitted to the project supervisor by student(s) for approval at least one week before the last teaching day of the term. However, in case of Capstone Project-II it should be submitted to the project supervisor for approval at least two weeks before the last teaching day of the term. Final report of Capstone Project-I shall be in spiral bound shape while it should be hard bound in Capstone Project-II (An outline for the report is given in Annexure III). Wherever a report is to be evaluated by one or more external evaluators, N+2 copies of the reports shall be submitted by the student in the administration office of the concerned school as per prescribed timelines. Here N stands for number of students in a group. Wherever a report is to be evaluated by internal evaluators, N+1 copy of the report shall be submitted by the student in the administration office of the concerned school as per prescribed timelines. Here N stands for number of students in a group. All the reports duly approved (signed) by the Project supervisor shall be assigned a unique number which will be auto-generated through an electronic interface. The numbers shall be assigned to reports submitted by the due date (without fine) and by the last day for submission with fine. N number of copies of the numbered reports will be returned to the student to bring along at the time of viva. Here N stands for number of students in a group. The Administration office of the concerned school will provide one numbered copy of the report to the panel members for review before the viva. Finally, after the viva one copy of the report will be retained by the Project supervisor & the other copy (available in case of external evaluation only) will be deposited in the library. Hence, the library will NOT retain any copy of reports which are evaluated internally. The Academic operation coordinator (AOC) must forward the final reports to the respective panel members at least one week before the evaluation is scheduled.







5.3.2 Electronic report: An e-copy of the report shall be submitted by the group of students on the UMS interface in a secured pdf format as per prescribed timelines. Submission of electronic copy is required in addition to the printed copy. Any member of the group can upload the e-copy of the report on behalf of the group. Note: If a student submits e-copy on time but fails to submit the printed copy, one is liable to pay the fine and face any other consequence of non-submission of report.
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5.4 i. ii.

Report submission with late fee: In case of late submission, the group will deposit late fees in the Accounts Department and obtain a receipt of the same. The receipt will be generated through the electronic interface which will be date and time sensitive. Hence the last report will be accepted by 5:00 p.m. on the last day of report submission with fine. Thereafter the interface will STOP assigning report numbers and generating late fee receipts. All the remaining students who are registered in courses to which this policy applies will automatically be awarded R grade. The group of students who submit the report with late fees must submit the receipt of deposition of late fee along with the printed report duly signed by the project supervisor on or before the last date of submission with fine. Guidelines for Evaluation of Capstone Project-I and Capstone Project-II Evaluation Criteria and Weightage for all programmes: Marks 40 60


6. 6.1

Criteria Continuous Assessment by the Project supervisor End Term Evaluation


For Capstone Project-I & Capstone Project-II:

6.2.1 Parameters of continuous assessment (CA) by project supervisor:

Parameters Regularity (Weekly attendance) Progress of Work plan Quality of work done Progress in Report Writing Total

Marks 10 05 20 05 40

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6.2.2 Parameters of ETE Evaluation in Capstone Project-I and Capstone Project-II: Parameters Innovativeness of the project Amount of work done Quality of work done Written Report Presentation Response to questions Total Marks 10 20 20 10 20 20 100

6.3 i. ii.

Appointment of evaluation panel: Each panel shall consist of two neutral evaluators belonging to the domain in which students are pursing the project work. The Project supervisors are required to be present during the evaluation of their students but the Project supervisor shall not evaluate the students. In a rare instance if the Project supervisor is unable to be present, the evaluation will not be rescheduled. The evaluation panel will consist of internal experts. In case one or more external expert is to be invited (applicable for ETE of capstone project II only) it shall be approved by the appropriate authority through Division of Academic Affairs. Division of Academic Affairs and Division of Examination can add external evaluators to the list proposed by department after obtaining approval from competent authorities. The evaluation panels proposed by HOD/COD will be approved by the office of DOD / CD in the format titled Database of Project supervisors and Panels for ETE (Annexure IV). This information will be communicated to Division of Academic Affairs (DAA) by the office of DOD/ CD at least 15 days before ETE so that this data can be provided to Examination Division after audit.

iii. iv.



6.4 Award of R Grade: R grade stands for resubmission. In case a student is awarded this grade then one is required to re-submit the report and reappear for viva. The resubmission of the report is to be made within two weeks of the declaration of
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result as per process applicable for normal submission of printed as well as electronic report. In case a student fails to make the resubmission by the due date R grade will be converted to F grade. A student will obtain R grade in the following cases: In case the student fails to submit the report in all the permissible time limits. In case a student is unable to secure enough marks to meet the passing condition. In case a student is absent in ETE. Note: 1. In case R grade is awarded due to non-submission of report in all the permissible time limits, the student will get one chance to clear the R grade and it will be within one month of start of new session in case of Spring Term and within one month of declaration of result in case of Autumn Term. If the student does not submit the report as per prescribed timelines or does not appear in the exam or fails it, F grade will be awarded. 2. The reappear exam for Capstone Project shall be scheduled only once. It shall not be scheduled in batches for different candidates. 3. R grade will be allotted to student not to the group as a whole. Thus Resubmission fee shall be paid by each student (who has been awarded R grade) individually not by group as a whole. After award of R grade student will be required to pay a resubmission exam fee of One Thousand Rupees within 15 days of declaration of result. R grade viva shall be taken as per schedule prescribed by Division of Examination. The Division of Examination will provide the proposed dates of viva to concerned discipline so that the discipline can invite the external examiners. If the students are unable to pass the R grade viva at first instance, then F grade shall be awarded to the student. No additional chance to reappear shall be available and the student will be required to re-register for the course as a backlog student. Students who require hostel facilities to pursue project work during the summer vacation or due to pendency of their ETE (reappear) or due to any reason will be required to pay the prescribed hostel charges. In case a student obtains R grade in Capstone Project-I then one can provisionally register in Capstone Project-II. In case one is not able to pass the R grade exam, F grade will be awarded and student will be deregistered from Capstone Project-II. Once the deregistered student clears the Capstone Project-I the student must register himself as backlog student in Capstone Project-II.

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6.5 Award of F grade: i. F stands for fail grade. In case of F Grade the student is required to re-register for the course in the next term. The student is required to repeat the project and rewrite the report. One can select a fresh topic in case of backlog in Capstone Project-I. However, in case of Capstone Project-II the student has to work on the same topic as chosen in Capstone Project-I. ii. F grade shall be awarded to the student in the following cases: The student could not pass the R grade viva In case of plagiarism. In this case a UMC case is to made and referred to Examination Division. If the plagiarism is finally proved then UMC Board may order the award of F grade in the course and any other suitable punishment as may be deemed fit. Reasons for the decisions so taken shall be recorded in writing. The Student did not appear in R grade viva. The Student did not submit his project report after award of R grade. The student did not register himself in Division of Examination for appearing in R grade viva in prescribed timelines. 6.6 Record Keeping i. The marks of Continuous Assessment shall be uploaded on UMS by the students Project supervisor every month. The marks uploaded each month will be auto calculated at the end of term as per the actual weightage of CA. ii. The award lists of ETE evaluations for all course codes to which this policy applies shall be sent to Division of Examination by the office of DOD within three days of conduct of evaluation iii. The award list must specify the R grade for the group of students who did not submit the reports in all permissible time limits. iv. The marks of ETE evaluations shall be uploaded on UMS by the Division of Examination. 7. Role of the Teaching Disciplines: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. To provide information to DAA regarding the availability of faculty for guiding students for capstone Projects. Allocation of group of students to Project supervisors based on their area of specialization and number of seats fixed. Finalization of project topics by PAC. Issuing of project requisitions to project supervisor as per prescribed timelines. Constitution of ETE panels. Receiving the project reports from the group of students as per prescribed timelines. Marking R Grades in award list in case report submission is delayed beyond the prescribed timelines.
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viii. ix. x.

xi. xii. xiii.

The AOC must forward the final reports to the respective panel members as per prescribed timelines. Coordination with Division of Examination for preparation of ETE schedule. Coordination with Division of Academic Affairs for providing the necessary information regarding Approved Topics, Project supervisors, status of project requisitions, evaluation panels and guidelines for accomplishing the project. Impartial conduct of evaluation. Submission of ETE marks to Division of Examination. Information to Division of Examination for constitution of UMC Board in case plagiarism is suspected.

8. i.

Role of Project supervisor:

The supervisors role is to guide and encourage the group of students throughout the project work. The project supervisor shall help the group of students to formulate an appropriate, feasible and innovative project. ii. The supervisor shall provide timely feedbacks to the group of students. iii. The project supervisor must reserve at least 1 hour per week per group and mark attendance of group through interface. Failure to do so will reflect negatively on the performance of the supervisor. iv. The supervisor shall monitor the progress of group towards completion of project work as per prescribed timelines. v. The supervisor shall also provide constructive feedbacks/recommendations while evaluating monthly reports to move the students forward in preparing final project. 9. Role of Division of Examination: i. ii. The ETE evaluation shall be conducted by Division of Examination in a centralized manner during ETEs. Division of examination shall release the date sheet for ETE of such courses in coordination with the concerned teaching discipline. A copy of the final date sheet shall be sent to DQA (Academics) so that flying squad duties can be allotted. To convert R grade to F grade in case a student is not able to pass the R grade exam. In case a student is not able to pass the R grade viva of Capstone Project-I and R grade is hence converted to F grade then this information is to be given to the Division of Academic Affairs for de-registration of such students from Capstone Project-II. Constitution of UMC Board wherever information about suspected plagiarism is received from any teaching discipline. Conducting R grade viva: The Examination Division will be responsible for taking application for R grade exams on payment of prescribed fee & completion of all necessary documentation by the student.
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iii. iv.

v. vi.

10. i. ii. iii. iv. v.

Role of Division of Infotech: Assigning a unique report number to reports submitted on the due date and upto the last day with fine. A date and time sensitive system for auto-generation of late fee receipts and nonacceptance after the expiry of last date with late fee. Mechanism for marking weekly attendance of students on UMS by the respective project supervisor. Mechanism for entry of monthly continuous assessment marks on UMS by the respective project supervisor. Any other requirement to be communicated by DAA.

11. i. ii. iii. iv. v.

Role of Division of Academic Affairs: To seek information from all disciplines regarding the details of faculty available for supervision. To notify the data on UMS for allocation of project supervisors to students. To seek approval of PAC from the Office of Pro-Chancellor. To coordinate with Division of Infotech for communicating the requirements for software development. In case a student is not able to pass the R grade exam of Capstone Project-I, R grade is hence converted to F grade then de-registration of such students from Part II of the Capstone Project shall be done by Division of academic Affairs. Division of Academic Affairs shall verify the ETE panel composition received from the disciplines. This information will be sent to examination department for scheduling the evaluation. Division of Academic Affairs shall send its representatives for monitoring ETE evaluations as per the date sheet approved by Division of Examination. DAA shall provide necessary clarification on the policy and update the same as per requirement. Role of Division of Quality Assurance (Academics):


vii. viii.


Division of Quality Assurance (Academics) shall send its representatives for inspections for ETE evaluations as per the date sheet approved by Division of Examination.


Role of Accounts Department:

The Accounts department shall receive the late fee from the students in case of late submission and generate the receipt of the same.
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