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17 of the coolest hidden Google tricks

By Lauren Granger: Staff Reporter
03.27.12 | 77 Comments and 0 Reactions 366 82 1.4k 117

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Google is awesome. Yes, there have been questions raised about its new privacy policy and creepy
Safari tracking and frankly, it just knows way too much about everyone who has ever created a Google [ advertising enquiries ]
account. But let’s put that aside for a moment and focus on all its cool quirks, shall we?
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1. Walking to Mordor:
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If you’ve ever watched The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (or just seen various versions
of the meme) you may never stop laughing at this Google Maps quirk (or maybe it’s just me). If you try
to get walking directions from “The Shire” or “Rivendell” to “Mordor” (and ignore the suggestions that
pop up), Google will give you the route… and a warning. In other news, according to my Google Maps,
Mordor is located just outside Cape Town, South Africa. Nice.

2. Barrel roll:
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Endlessly entertaining, this one trended worldwide on Twitter in November. Simply search “do a barrel
roll” — if you have Google’s instant results functions enabled, your results page will be spinning before
you’ve completed the instruction.

3. 42: 2/15
2/27/13 17 of the coolest hidden Google tricks | memeburn

What is 42, you ask? Geez, it’s only the answer to life, the universe and everything. Ok, so if you’ve
never read or watched The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, you won’t get this one. But Google’s built-
in calculator will.

4. Gravity:

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If, by any chance, you feeling like searching “Google gravity” and hitting “I’m feeling lucky”, don’t be
surprised if Google comes crashing down around you the second you move the mouse.

5. Recursion:

Google pokes fun at its own “did you mean” suggestions if you search recursion (repetition or
returning) by questioning your spelling even though you didn’t make a mistake. 3/15
2/27/13 17 of the coolest hidden Google tricks | memeburn

6. Klingon:

So “GoogleDaq ylnej” means “Google search”. Hmmm. Who knew? Well, you, if you speak Klingon.
Yes, there is a Klingon version of Google. There is also a pirate and Elmer Fudd version, if that’s more
your thing.

7. Kerning:

Designers will love this one — kerning is the spacing between letters in a word. When you do a search
for kerning, Google changes the spaces between letters in the word ‘kerning’ in all the results. Heehee.
You see what they did there?

8. Hello, Nessy: 4/15
2/27/13 17 of the coolest hidden Google tricks | memeburn

Picture this: You’re working under a tight deadline, your clock is slowly counting the minutes past 3AM
and your coffee and Red Bull combo is failing. The sleep deprivation is starting to affect you — you are
starting to see things. You click to your home page, and there, rising gracefully from the dark waves in
your iGoogle theme, is the Lochness Monster.

No, you’re not hallucinating — you really did see Nessy. If you are ever awake and online at 3:14 AM
(those are the first three digits in Pi, by the way. Gosh, those Google nerds), and have the iGoogle
beach theme installed, Nessy will come to visit for a minute. If you’re not an insomniac, you can always
just change the timezone on your computer and in your iGoogle settings and just wait until 14 minutes
past the hour (I was in Bangkok last night, as far as Google knows).

9. Nagging Rams:

Similar to the ‘recursion’ response, if you search for ‘anagram’ (rearranging the letters in a word to
make a new word or phrase, in case you didn’t know), Google rearranges the letters to suggest you
were really searching for ‘nag a ram’.

10. Antarctic Penguins: 5/15
2/27/13 17 of the coolest hidden Google tricks | memeburn

If you ever want to creep the Antarctic on Google Maps, you may be surprised to find the little orange
peg man you drag and drop to change to Google Street View has transformed into a fat little penguin.

11. Doodles:

What do you get if you don’t actually search for anything, and just hit ‘I’m feeling lucky’? A catalogue of
all the Google doodles — all the way back to 1998. There were just three in that year — there have
already been 69 in 2012.

12. Konami ninja:

If you type in the Konami code (a cheat code used in Konami games) in Google Reader, the side panel 6/15
2/27/13 17 of the coolest hidden Google tricks | memeburn
will turn blue and a cute ninja will appear on the left of your screen. Use your arrow keys and keyboard
to enter the code — it’s up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, followed by the letters B and A.

13. Street View team:

Ever wanted to see the people who work at Google doing cool things like Google Street View? Well, if
you hop along to the back of the Google offices in Mountain View, you can see them all.

14. Laundry:

There are a lot of things Gmail can do for you — filter spam, flood you with ads, apply a plethora of
pretty coloured labels to your messages — but, as yet, it can’t do your laundry. However, it is an option
on the ‘suggest a feature’ page for Gmail.

15. Pacman: 7/15
2/27/13 17 of the coolest hidden Google tricks | memeburn

It started out as a Google doodle to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Pacman in 2010, but the
Google Pacman game was so popular, it was given a permanent home.

16. Zerg rush:

Google “zerg rush” and prepare to defend your browser against hordes of the letter ‘o’ in Google’s
logo, which will start to destroy your search results. They’re apparently undefeatable, but you can try to
fight them off by clicking on them and share your high score on Google +. For those who aren’t familiar
with StarCraft, a ‘zerg rush’ is a tactic where swarms of aliens known as ‘zergs’ descend in multitudes in
order to overwhelm their enemies.

17. You’ll never find Chuck Norris 8/15
2/27/13 17 of the coolest hidden Google tricks | memeburn

Because Chuck Norris jokes never get old, there is a warning hidden in Google search results to ward
off those who dare to attempt to find him. Just search ‘find Chuck Norris’ and hit ‘I’m feeling lucky’ and
you’ll see what I mean.


Still not convinced that Google is awesome? Maybe our new list (of 13 more cool hidden Google tricks)
will be able to persuade you.

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H u m a n -d i cti o n a ry • 10 months ago

I've no chance to click "I'm feeling lucky" cause it always go to another web page
whenever i type something. :(
45 • Reply • Share ›

Kl 9 1 5 9 0 Human-dictionary • 10 months ago

If you hover over the drop downlist to the right of the options you can click I'm
Feeling Lucky
11 3 • Reply • Share ›

Aye a rke y Human-dictionary • 9 months ago

You can change your search settings.
to and click on the search settings. Make sure your Google
Instant predictions is set to "never show instant results". NOW go back
to the Google search page and type in: "Find Chuck Norris." Now push the 9/15
2/27/13 17 of the coolest hidden Google tricks | memeburn
to the Google search page and type in: "Find Chuck Norris." Now push the
"I'm Feelin' Lucky" button. Then laugh.
2 • Reply • Share ›

Fe n z Ayearkey • 7 months ago

Where are the search settings?
1 • Reply • Share ›

Ee ve e In Human-dictionary • 9 months ago

turn instant results off :|
1 • Reply • Share ›

p ra j w a l Human-dictionary • 8 months ago

just click the first/top one
it means the same
0 1 • Reply • Share ›

Fre e s n a ch e r Human-dictionary • 8 months ago

well some but just type in Google gravity then u will see it below before you even
typed in gravity go to the side of it and you will see im feeling lucky at the right side click
on that and you will luv it
0 1 • Reply • Share ›

Sp a rkl e Human-dictionary • 8 months ago

All you have to do is type in what ever your looking for but dont press enter or
click it just go over it and it will say "I'm Feeling Lucky"
0 1 • Reply • Share ›

Oo Human-dictionary • 9 months ago it is just another website.
0 1 • Reply • Share ›

jaideep s ingh Human-dictionary • 5 months ago just check this link ,its where it finally end up
0 • Reply • Share ›

u tta m Human-dictionary • 6 months ago

u can just start typing it will go to another page....then roll mouse over results on
search windows to right side ..

you can use im feeling lucky

0 • Reply • Share ›

Gu e s t Human-dictionary • 9 months ago

if you go to google and then type something in when the screen pops up go to
your settings which should be on the right hand side under sign in if you click on it and go
to search settings scroll down and under google instant predictions click never show
instant results and then scroll down some more and click on the save button and then if
you ever go to google again you can type in something and you'll always have the chance
to click i'm feeling lucky
0 • Reply • Share ›

Pe o p l e Guest • 9 months ago

1 • Reply • Share ›

D e h R o d ri g u e s Human-dictionary • 9 months ago

At the results page there is a setting buttom on the right corner, click to set
Then you turn off Google Instant . Problem solved!
0 • Reply • Share ›

Je n n i fe r Human-dictionary • 9 months ago

Go to search settings after you search something!(: 10/15
2/27/13 17 of the coolest hidden Google tricks | memeburn
Go to search settings after you search something!(:
0 • Reply • Share ›

e xp e ri m e n ts te a m Human-dictionary • 10 months ago

turn off google instant
0 • Reply • Share ›

Kre s h n a • 11 months ago

try goolging "askew"
14 • Reply • Share ›

em m a • 10 months ago
google find chuck norris
5 • Reply • Share ›

D i rki e Me ye r • 11 months ago

The guess on Mordor was close. It's located in South-Africa, but can be found in the
student capital of Hatfield, Pretoria. 'Drop Zone' a.k.a. 'Mordor' is always the last club you'll visit
when you go drinking in Pretoria. No matter how hard you try, you'll always end up there at
4am. What happens in Mordor... stays in Mordor.

Keep the articles coming. Awesome site!

5 • Reply • Share ›

N a th a n D u cke tt • 10 months ago

try googoth and hit im feeling lucky

3 • Reply • Share ›

An t Si m s • 11 months ago
Probably located above Gandalf's where Mordor used to be...
3 • Reply • Share ›

D AVID • 9 months ago

4 1 • Reply • Share ›

ki rs ty • 10 months ago
go to gogologo click im feeling lucky then type your name then press enter
2 • Reply • Share ›

Al e xa n d ra V.H . • 10 months ago

try googling tilt
2 • Reply • Share ›

bih • 5 months ago

you for got google gangster google emo google gothis and elgoog
1 • Reply • Share ›

Pru d y • 8 months ago

You can :)
1 • Reply • Share ›

fre e s n a ch e r • 8 months ago

I honestly like most but the best is the gravity 1
1 • Reply • Share ›

Am i n Mo ti w a l a • 8 months ago
Superb Collection. Loved the post

Google Tricks
1 • Reply • Share ›

El i j a h Jo s e p h Eva n s • 9 months ago

type in epic google
1 Reply Share › 11/15
2/27/13 17 of the coolest hidden Google tricks | memeburn
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C o o ki e m o n s te rXx5 3 0 • 9 months ago

type let it snow in google then click I'm feeling lucky
1 • Reply • Share ›

cyb e rl i o n • 11 months ago

JRR Tolkien, te\he author, was from south africa. so that makes nerds
1 • Reply • Share ›

Bl a h b l a h b l a h • 10 months ago
type in google sphere andclick im feeling lucky
1 1 • Reply • Share ›

ki rs ty • 10 months ago
the chuck norris thing didnt work for me
0 1 • Reply • Share ›

e xp e ri m e n ts te a m kirsty • 10 months ago

you have to write 'find chuck norris' and hit im feeling lucky
1 • Reply • Share ›

C a tKi ttyL o ve r experimentsteam • 2 months ago

you can also type in "where is chuck norris".
0 • Reply • Share ›

El vi e • a month ago
For the latest trick, you also are connected as " "
0 • Reply • Share ›

Ga u ra v Sh a rm a • a month ago
I was surprised not to see the “define:” prefix in there. I constantly use Google as a
dictionary. Just open the browser, hit CTRL+K, then type in something like:

define: pizza

Also visit : Bigrock domaim importance

0 • Reply • Share ›

C a tKi ttyL o ve r • 2 months ago

Lol. The o's ate the search results...then they did this "GG" thing...

BTW, for zerg rush I used each page of results as a different level.
0 • Reply • Share ›

C a tKi ttyL o ve r • 2 months ago

Man, that Mordor thing is SO not working. Grr.
0 • Reply • Share ›

Fra d Fa m p e r • 2 months ago

lol i like that of chuck norris
0 • Reply • Share ›

Ap p l e • 3 months ago
i tried chuck norris and it showed him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 • Reply • Share ›

a n o n ym u s • 4 months ago
Some are good i like it but some are worst
dont work
not finding beach theme and who is nessey all is folks :p
0 • Reply • Share ›

Skyl a r • 5 months ago

I love the PAC-man one! 12/15
2/27/13 17 of the coolest hidden Google tricks | memeburn
I love the PAC-man one!
0 • Reply • Share ›

Mu n n a • 6 months ago
the 17th trick is not working. When I am searching Chuck Norris on google it showing
0 • Reply • Share ›

C a tKi ttyL o ve r Munna • 2 months ago

Did you click "I'm Feeling Lucky"?
0 • Reply • Share ›

Ja ke We l d o n Munna • 5 months ago

Search Chuck Norris in your Google Documents :P
0 • Reply • Share ›

l o l ze r • 6 months ago
love it laughed and laughed
0 • Reply • Share ›

R -Gi rl • 7 months ago

I tried the lord of the rings thing and it didn't work
0 • Reply • Share ›

s a i d e co rs • 7 months ago
0 • Reply • Share ›

n i ce h e re 8 9 • 8 months ago
Those were really nice to me :) thanks for sharing such nice Google Tricks :)
0 • Reply • Share ›

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Chuck Norris, easter eggs, find chuck norris, gmail, Google, Google Maps, google reader, google
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