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Antonio Snchez 100% Rotary Engine

V1.2 July 2011 Antonio Snchez Mlaga. Spain Pat. ES200502516

1 Antonio Snchez 100% rotary engine

This novel rotary engine project, developed by Antonio Snchez, is the last evolution of its previous toroidal rotary engine models (1.986). The A.S. 100% Rotary Engine also operates in four stroke Otto cycle. Consists of a stator (casing), that contains the toroidal rotors. The rotors making a continuous scissors action movement. However, in this engine pistons and stator have semi-toroidal form, what allows that the airtightness rings are conventional as well as that the foundry of the estator is made in a single part. In this way is guaranteeing thermal and mechanics stability and fuel efficiency. To simplify the understanding, this initial engine version have no pressured oiling device.

The 'A.S. 100% Rotary Engine', mainly parts are the stator block (1), that is a semi-toroidal cavity opened in the inner half, and two rotors (rotors A and B), whose pairs of segmented semi-toroidal pistons (2a y 3a), traveling adjusted within the closed toroidal stator block. This stator block has an intake port (1a) and an exhaust port (1b), with the width and angular distribution represented in figure 3. This block also has a spark plug (9) located in the represented point (fig. 3). The stator block is closed with two covers (6 and 7), on those is supported the output shaft (4). Each rotor is composed by a central cylindrical part (2 and 3) and by two semitoroidal pistons diametrically opposed and linked with the cylindrical part as is represented in figures. The two pistons pairs have an angular width of 48. Each rotor rotates supported on the output shaft. The different turn regime of each rotor is regulated by the planetary gear train (7a,5a and 4a). Inside the stator block cavity, and between each adjacent semi-toroidal piston and the cylindrical parts, is formed a toroidal chamber, open or closed according to the position of the pistons. When the engine rotates, in each toroidal chamber are developed the four stroke phases (intake, compression,power and exhaust). The different turn regime of each rotor produces the fresh gas intake, the compression, the ignition and the exhaust of these.

2 Antonio Snchez 100% rotary engine

Fig. 2 The planetary gear train is located on the rear cover and is composed by the planet gear (7a) with the satellites (5a) and the carrier (4a). The planet gear is stationary, when being mechanized on the rear cover, that is screwed to the stator. The satellites gears are mechanized in the rear end of each crankshaft (5). The planet gear has double diameter relating with the satellites, and therefore double number of teeth that the satellite gear. Each crankshaft have two angles (5b), two supports (5c), and a gear (5a). Each crankshaft rotates supported on the carrier. Each crankshaft occupies, inside the body of the carrier, a diametrically opposed position.
3 Antonio Snchez 100% rotary engine

Each cylindrical part of the rotor is linked with a pair of cross-bearer pin (2b and 3b) in the form represented in the figures. Each pair of crossbearer pins contacts permanently with a crankshaft angle, so that each crankshaft is connected permanently with the two rotors by means of its two angles. When the output shaft rotates, the crankshafts are forced to rotate with him, and moreover, these crankshafts that turn are forced to spins on its own axis (due to be geared with the planet, that is fix). In this way, the turn of the output shaft is transmitted to each rotor by means of the angles of the crankshafts, that are permanent caught among the cross-bearer pin of each cylindric part. But also, as the angles of the crankshafts are decentered in relation to the axis of the crankshaft, when the crankshaft rotate on their axis, two angles are ahead and the other two angles are late in relation to the output shaft. In this way, when the output shaft rotates, the rotors rotate with the shaft, but a rotor accelerates and another decelerates. Each quarter of turn in the output shaft, result in that the satellites rotate this quarter of turn with the main shaft, and also a half turn on its own axis. If the engine starts to run in a situation in which the two angles of each crankshaft are equidistant with the output shaft, 90 of turn in this output shaft produce a resulting turn of 128 in the accelerated rotor, and a turn of only 52 in the deccelerated rotor. Therefore, for each turn rotated by the output shaft, also rotate a turn each rotor, however in each one, and in an alternative way, produces two acceleration phases and two deceleracin phases, resulting synchronized the acceleration of a rotor with the decceleration of the other one.

4 Antonio Snchez 100% rotary engine

fig. 3

5 Antonio Snchez 100% rotary engine


fig. 5

6 Antonio Snchez 100% rotary engine

fig. 6

7 Antonio Snchez 100% rotary engine



8 Antonio Snchez 100% rotary engine



9 Antonio Snchez 100% rotary engine


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Fig. 12 The engine operation shows in figures 13, 14 and 15. Between the figure 13 and 14 occurs a positive turn of 45 in the output shaft. Equally, between the figure 14 and 15 occurs another turn of 45 in the output shaft. Between the figure 13 and the figure 15 the output shaft has rotated 90 positive, and have been carried out four complete strokes between the pistons of the engine that belong together with the intake, compression, power and exhaust. Therefore, each 90 of turn in the main shaft are carried out a complete operation cycle of the engine and for each turn in the output shaft are carried out four powers or motive phases In figure 13 a situation is represented in that the rotor A has finished its acceleration phase, as well as the rotor B has finished its decceleration phase. The angles of the crankshafts are equidistants of the output shaft and the two rotors rotate with a speed similar with the main shaft. If in this situation the turn of the output shaft continues, within the first 90 of turn of
11 Antonio Snchez 100% rotary engine

this, the pistons B will accelerate until rotating 128 as long as the pistons B deccelerates rotating only 58. These resulting turns shows in figure 15. During the explained turn (figures 13, 14 and 15), at the start, the piston B has opened the intake port. Because this piston has also accelerated in relation with the piston A, between these two pistons has increased the angular distance, causing the suction of fresh air-fuel mixture from the carburetor. In turn, between the piston B and the piston A' has decreased the angular distance, for what occurs the compression of the airfuel mixture,that was aspired in a previous phase. Simultaneously, between piston A' and piston B' occurs the ignition of the air-fuel mixture, that was admitted and compressed in previous phases (this ignition by the spark plug is detailed in figure 13, exactly in the moment in that these two pistons are equidistants with the spark plug). Simultaneously, between the pistons B' and A occurs the exhaust of the gases that was admitted, compressed and ignited in previous phases. Just as has been described, in figure 13, between the piston A' and B' a timed firing in the spark plug ignites the mixture. Here starts a power phase that pushes the piston A' backward and simultaneously pushes forward the piston B'. Because to the inertia that possess all the parts that rotate, the output shaft and the crankshafts tend to follow their turn regime, and during all the power phase, the cross-bearers of the cylindrical parts are applied against the angles of the crankshafts, pushing them in the direction in that they rotate and transmitting them the power of the gas inflamation generated between the pistons. Simultaneously, in this way, this power also has favored the acceleration of the rotor B and the decceleration of the rotor A. Therefore, in the described way, the rotors will remain rotating in an uninterrupted way and carrying out the four operation phases as long as the combustible mixture is given, and the spark plug ignites this mixture

12 Antonio Snchez 100% rotary engine

Fig. 13. Operation. Stroke start

13 Antonio Snchez 100% rotary engine

Fig. 14. Operation. Intermediate stroke

14 Antonio Snchez 100% rotary engine

Fig. 15. Stroke end

15 Antonio Snchez 100% rotary engine


Fig 16. Cylinder and seals Sealing of the combustion chambers is made by rings (13), one on a cylindrical part and two on the other one. This rings guarantee the airtightness from the estator toward the shaft. These rings are flexible and open, and tends to open up radially, as conventionals. Also, the 8 bands attached in the ring internal face, push them outside its housing. In this way no gas leakage is guaranteed (from the combustion chambers toward the center of the engine).

Fig. 16a. Rings of the piston. Operation

16 Antonio Snchez 100% rotary engine

Fig. 16b. Seal rings of the segmented pistons The piston rings (figure 16) are of two types, five semicircular in the contact surface with the stator. These segments are flexible and pushes constantly against the stator in all their contact surface, applying the piston against the cylindrical part, and assuring in this way the airtightness along the piston faces. Each piston have another five rectilinear seals that are in the contact surface with the cylindrical part. These seals have welded several flexible bands in the piston housing face, that apply constantly them against the cylindrical part.

Fig. 17.- Side seal ring

17 Antonio Snchez 100% rotary engine

Fig. 18 Semicircular piston seal OILING In this initial version, the pistons and cylindrical parts oiling will be provided by lubricant addition on the gasoline. The internal parts (carrier, crankshafts, gears, bearings, links and cases) will be greased permanently, being the group sealed by the front and rear covers, as well as for the seal rings of the links cylinders.


Fig. 19. Cotter Pins Each cotter pin (figure 19) links a piston with its corresponding cylindrical part, allowing the piston looseness in radial direction. In this way, the
18 Antonio Snchez 100% rotary engine

semicircular rings of the piston apply it against the cylindrical part, improving the airtightness of the combustion chambers.

Fig. 20. Cross-Bearer/Crankshaft adapter, with de circlips mounted The cross-bearer/crankshaft adapters (figure 20) have the function of increasing the contact surface of the crankshaft angle with the cross-bearer pins of the cylindrical part. Each pair of adapters hugs to a crankshaft angle and slides housed in the inner guides of the cross-bearer. The circlips of the cross-bearer/crankshaft adapters assure on one hand that the pairs of adapters remain joined, and fix the whole group of parts housed inside the carrier. Once carrier is mounted inside the engine, these circlips assure to each part in its place (figure 21), for what this circlips should be disassembled first before disassembling the carrier.

Fig. 21. Output shaft/Carrier with the crankshafts mounted

19 Antonio Snchez 100% rotary engine

PARTS 1.- Stator Block 1a.- Intake Port 1b.- Exhaust Port 2.- Cylindrical Rotor A (Rear) 2a.- Semitoroidal Pistons (Pair A) 2b.- Cross-bearer Pin of Cylindric Link A 3.- Cylindrical Rotor B (Front) with cotter pins 3a.- Semitoroidal Pistons (Pair B) 3b.- Cross-Bearer Pins of cylindric links 4.- Carrier / Output shaft 4a.- Carrier 5.- Crankshafts 5a.- Satellite Gear 5b.- Crankshaft angles 5c.- Crankshaft Supports 6.- Front cover 7.- Rear Cover 7a.- Planet Gear (Stationary) 8.- Screws 9.- Spark Plug 10.- Upper-Cover 11.- Bearing 12.- Cross-Bearer /Crankshaft Adapter 13.- Circular Cylindrical Part Rings 14.- Semicircular piston rings

20 Antonio Snchez 100% rotary engine


Fig 25. Cylinder with compression rings and pins mounted

Fig. 26. Crankshafts

Fig. 27. Connecting rod

21 Antonio Snchez 100% rotary engine

Fig. 28.Connecting rod and caps

Fig. 29. Crankshaft, caps and connecting rods

Fig. 30. Shaft and cyilinders Mounting

22 Antonio Snchez 100% rotary engine

Fig. 31. Complete front rotor

Fig. 22.- Rotor Assembly

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24 Antonio Snchez 100% rotary engine


25 Antonio Snchez 100% rotary engine

26 Antonio Snchez 100% rotary engine

27 Antonio Snchez 100% rotary engine

28 Antonio Snchez 100% rotary engine

29 Antonio Snchez 100% rotary engine

30 Antonio Snchez 100% rotary engine

31 Antonio Snchez 100% rotary engine

32 Antonio Snchez 100% rotary engine

33 Antonio Snchez 100% rotary engine

34 Antonio Snchez 100% rotary engine

35 Antonio Snchez 100% rotary engine

Antonio Snchez Mlaga. Spain App. Pat. ES200502516

36 Antonio Snchez 100% rotary engine

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