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Extra Listening Tapescripts and Keys

Extra Listening, Unit 1 Part 2: Sara - Hi, Im Sara. Taro - Hi, Sara. Im Taro. Nice to meet you. Sara - Nice to meet you too. Taro - What do you do Sara? Sara - Im a student. Taro - Oh really, I am too. Where do you go to school? Sara - I go to Super University? How about you? Taro - Im a Freshman at Japan University. Sara - What are you studying? Taro - English. And you? Sara - My major is Math. But I like English too. Taro - So what year are you in? Sara - Im in my 4th year. Taro - So where do you live Sara? Sara - In Chiba. But Im from Fukushima. How about you? Taro - I live in Tokyo. Sara - Oh yeah. So do you work part time, Taro? Taro - Yeah, I work at a restaurant 3 days a week. How about you? Sara - No, Im too busy with my studies right now.I had a part-time job last year at a ramen shop, but I quit. Taro - Well, heres my train, it was nice meeting you. Take it easy. Sara - Nice meeting you too, Taro. Bye.

Part 3: 1. What do you do? 2. What year are you in? 3. What do you like to do in your free time?

4. What do you want to do after you graduate?

Extra Listening, Unit 2 Part 1: Hi, my name is Taro, and Id like to tell you a little bit about my family. My wifes name is Sachiko, and we have a daughter named Mio. I have a sister named Junko, and a nephew named Junichi. My brother-in-law is named Kazuki. My mothers name is Sumiko, and my fathers name is Yoshikuni. I have an uncle named Naoki. My grandparents are both still alive, and their names are Ryotaro and Yoko. My fatherin-laws name is Takashi. My mother-in-law, Michiyo, passed away last year.

Part 2: 1. How many people are in your family? 2. Do you have any brothers or sisters? 3. Whats your neighborhood like? 4. How far is your home from the nearest station?

Extra Listening, Unit 3 Part 2: Sara -Hi, Tom, hows it going? Tom - Great. Thanks. And you. Sara - Im okay. I just had a really interesting lunch. Tom - Oh, yeah? What? Sara -Shiokara and rice. Tom - Oh, yuck, I cant stand shiokara! Sara - Really? I love it. Tom - How can you eat that? I suppose you like natto too. Sara -Yeah, its okay. How about you. Tom - Actually, I really like natto. Its my favorite Japanese food. Sara - Wow, thats unusual. I love sashimi. Tom - You know, I dont really like sashimi. I prefer my fish cooked.

Sara - Well, I gotta go. Nice talking with you Taro. Tom - Yeah, see you.

Extra Listening, Unit 4 Part 1: 1. A - Hey, whens the concert next month? B - Its on the 26th. 2. A - Excuse me, could you tell me the time? B - Sure, its a quarter after four. A - Thanks. 3. A - Is that our train? B - No, ours departs at 20 after 8. 4. A - Hey, youre birthdays tomorrow, isnt it? B - No, its on the 13th. 5. A - What time does class finish today? B - Half past 10, I think. 6. A - Pardon me, do you know what time it is? B - Yeah, its 2 am. 7. A -Mr. Smith, when is our final exam? B - Good question, Taro. Its on the 21st. 8. A - Whats the date today? B - Uhh, I think its the 15th.

Part 2:

1. Whens your birthday? 2. What time do you go to bed at night? 3. Whats the day after tomorrow? 4. What was the date yesterday?

Extra Listening, Unit 5 Part 1: 1. A - Excuse me, how much is the book? B - Its $ 6.15. 2. A - Did you have to pay sales tax? B - Yeah, it came out to $20.70 3. A - How much do you make an hour at your part-time job? B - $8.25. 4. A - How much did you say the price was? B - Its 12,000 yen. 5. A - Could I borrow some money? B - Sure. How much? A - Uhh, maybe 70 dollars? 6. A - Okay, thats $9.99 in total. B - Here, keep the change. 7. A -How much money do you have on you right now? B - Oh, about $1.50. 8. A - Okay, and .04 cents is your change.

B - Thanks.

Part 2: 1. A - How many people can fit on the bus? B - Oh, around 75, suppose. 2. A - Is your city fairly large? B - No, I think it has only around 54,000 people. 3. A - How many people are in the world? B - Around 6 billion, I guess. 4. A - Did you hear about the earthquake? B - Yeah, I heard over 1800 people were killed. 5. A - How many people live in Seattle? B - About 2 million. 6. A - Do you know how high Mt. Everest is? B - Its around 26,000 feet. 7. A - How much does this CD hold? B - Uhh, around 720 MB. 8. A - Did you know that over 18,000,000 people live in the Tokyo-Yokohama area? B - Really? I didnt know that! 9. A - Its estimated that over 750,000,000 million sq. meters are deforested in the world each year. B - That much?

10. A - How many people were killed during the civil war? B - Somewhere around 650,000.

Extra Listening, Unit 6 Part 1: Ken - Hi, Mary, whats up? Mary - Not much. How about you? Ken - Im okay. Are you going to the culture festival on Saturday? Mary - No, I cant. I work part-time in the afternoons. How about you? Ken - I cant either. I work part-time, too - in the afternoon AND the evening. Mary - Sounds tiring. What do you usually do on Saturday nights? Ken - Uh, I usually meet my friends. How about you? Mary - I just relax at home. I do homework in the evening, and Im usually pretty tired after working. And I also get up early on Saturdays and do laundry. Ken - You do laundry on Saturday morning? Wow, Im still in bed sleeping. Mary - Yeah, I sleep in on Sunday mornings. Ken - Well, I sleep in on Sundays too.. And then I usually do homework in the afternoon and surf the internet after dinner. Do you work at all on Sunday, Mary? Mary - No way. I meet my friends, and in the evenings I do homework. Usually at night I just chat on the phone. Ken - Really, I always read for an hour or so before falling asleep. Mary - Well, speaking of reading, I have to go do my homework. See you. Ken - Alright, catch you later.

Extra Listening, Unit 7 Part 1: Number 1 A) Hi John, hows it going? Dij ya have a good holiday? B) Yeah thanks it was really cool. I went to the beach in Chiba and surfed for three days.

A) I guess it was really hot here in Japan, right? B) Yeah it sure was. A) So how dijya get to Chiba? By car? B) Yeah thats rightI drove with my friends. There were 4 of us. Well, Im late for class, catch ya later. A) Ok, talk to you soon. Bye. Number 2 A) Hey Mariko, how ya doing? B) Pretty good thanks and you? A) Im fine thanks. So, how was your summer? B) Actually, it was pretty boring. I only worked at my part-time job.,and,erm the rest of the holiday I just stayed home and watched TV. A) Well, I must get to my part-time job now so Ill see ya later. B) Yeah, see ya bye. Number 3 A) So Hide, where jya go in the summer vacation? B) I went to Australia on a homestay was great. A) Wow, Wha diddya do? B) Oh I studied English and saw lots of interesting places in Sydney, oh and I went swimming in the Ocean. A) Really? Sounds wonderful. How long were you there? B) Ermlet me seeI stayed for about 4 weeks. The time went so quickly. Well, I gotta run, catch ya later. A) Yeah, see ya later. Number 4 A) Hi Tomoko, hows it going? B) Good thanks and you? A) Pretty good. Sooolong time no see, B) Yeah its been a while hasnt it. How was your summer vacation? A) Very nice thank you, I went to Shizuoka for a week. B) Really? Who jya go with?

A) Oh just a few friends. How about you? Where jyu go? B) I went cycling and camping around Chichibu. It was really nice. A) Sounds like fun. Who did you go with? B) My boyfriend, it was very romantic actually. A) Thats nice. Dijya buy him anything? B) No I didnt. I had to save my money. Well, must run, talk to ya later. A) Yeah see ya. Part 2: Q1: Where did you go in the summer vacation? Q2: What did you do there? Q3: How long were you there? Q4: Did you buy anything? Extra Listening, Unit 8 Part 1: 1: The movie theater A) Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the movie theater? B) Sure no problem. Go straight down this street for 2 blocks. Its easy to find. Its across form the computer office. A) Thank you very much. B) Youre welcome. 2: The station A) Erm excuse me, Im looking for the station. Is there one near here? B) The station? Yes, ok, it is next to the post office. From here go straight and turn left. Go down Maple street for 2 blocks and its just A) Great. Thanks for your help. B) No problem. 3: The university A) Erm, (cough) excuse me, Im sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you could help me. Do you know how to get to the university from here? B) Yeah sure..erm..turn left at the first intersection, er..let me see a sec, erm past the post office. The post office is on the corner of Oak street and Maple street. You cant miss it.

then go straight and the university is behind the bakery. A) Thanks a lot. B) Not at all. My pleasure.

Extra Listening, Unit 9 Part 1: Message 1: A) Hi, this is Tom here. Can I speak to Hiroshi please? B) Sorry but hes not in right now. Can I take a message? A) No, its ok, Ill call him back later. B) Oh Ok, good bye. A) Good bye.

Message 2: A) Hello, Mariko? Is that you Mariko? B) No this is her sister Maki, shes busy at the moment. Shall I ask her to call you back? A) Yes, can you? This is her friend Tomoki. B) Ok, Ill ask her to give you a call when shes free. Bye-bye. A) Thank you. Good bye. Message 3: A) Hello, is Tom there please? B) Sorry but Im afraid Tom is on holiday and isnt coming back until Friday. A) Oh I see, well this is Tooru, can you tell him that were going to the local pub on Saturday night? B) Hang on, let me get a pen..Tooru pubSaturday nightwhat time are you meeting on Saturday evening? A) Half past 6. B) Ok, Ill give him the message A) Thanks , bye. B) See you , good bye. Message 4: A) Hi May I speak to Hiroko?

B) Sorry she out right now. Is that you kaori? A) Yeah this is Kaori, sorry but whos that? B) This is Hirokos father, Taro, so how are you doing Kaori? A) Good thanks and you? B) Pretty good. So hows school? A) Fine thanks. Im very busy but having fun. B) Im glad to hear it. Anyway, can I ask Hiroko to call you back when she gets in? A) Great, yes please, but I just changed my cell number so can you write it down? B) Sure, go ahead. A) Its 080 425 6757 B) Ok, Ill tell her. It was nice talking with you again Kaori. See you then.A) thank you. Bye bye. Part 2: Question 1: Hi could I reserve a table? Question 2: Hello, may I speak to Maki? Question 3: Can you lend me a pen? Question 4: Could you tell her to call me back? Yeah,

Extra Listening, Unit 10 Part 1: 1 A) Hi John, hows it going? Are you doing anything tonight? B) Ermno not really. A) Well, Im going to the local pub. Do you wanna come? B) Yeah sure. What time are you going? A) Were gonna get there about 7. OK? B) Yeah greatsee ya there. A) Ok, see you soon. Bye. 2 A) Hi Maya, Teru here, how ya doing?. B) Pretty good thanks and you? A) Im fine thanks. Was just wondering if youre free Saturday night? B) Actually, Ive got something on then, but Im not doing anything Sunday. Why?

A) Well, I was thinking of catching a movie. Dyou fancy going on Sunday evening then? B) Yeah, sure, sounds good. Shall we meet outside the cinema?. A) Yeah, great. Lets say half past six. Cool, ok, well Ill see ya later then. B) Ok, see ya, bye. 3 A) Hello Tom, this is Ben. Are you doing anything on Friday afternoon? B) Erm I dont think soerwhy? A) Well, Im going shopping? Jya wanna come with me? It will be fun. B) Oh actually, sorry I forgot, erm I have to prepare for a test. A) Really? We could meet at Takashimaya if you can make it. B) Ermsorry, like I say, Ill be busy. A) Ok, well may be some other time. Ok, see you soon I hope. B) Yeah, see ya later.

Extra Listening, Unit 11 Part 2: Conversation 1: A) Hi, are you eating in or taking out? B) Erm eating in. Ill have a cheeseburger and large fries please. A) Okay, a cheeseburger and large fries. Would you like anything to drink with your meal?. B) Oh yeah, erm a coke please. A) Ok, a coca cola. What size would you like? Super large, Large, medium or small? B) er.large please. A) Regular or diet? B) regular please. A) Ok, will that be all? B) Yeas thats all. A) Thank you, thatll be 5 dollars 50 please

Conversation 2: A) May I take your order now? B) Yes, Ill have the margherita pizzaermoh and a minestrone soup as a starter, and ermshed like the steak and chips. A) How would you like your steak done madam? C) Well done please. A) Ok, and what would you like to drink? B) Well have a bottle of the house red wine please, and can we have some coffee after our meal?. A) Certainly sir, will that be all for now? B) Yes thanks. A) OK, Ill be back with your order shortly. Conversation 3: A) Hello there, are you ready to order? B) Yeah, erm Can I have a salad followed by the grilled salmon please. A) Of course, sir, and what salad dressing would you like? B) Weller what kind of dressing do you have? A) Ceasars, Italian, Ranch, and French. B) Ok, Ill have the Italian dressing please. And a glass of white wine. A) Certainly. And can I get you anything for dessert?. B) Oh I suppose so, why dont I treat myself. Ok, Id like the chocolate cake. A) very good sir. Can I get you anything else? B) No thanks that will be all.

Extra Listening, Unit 12 Part 1: 1: Hiromi A) Hi Hiromi, wow, you look awful, whats the matter? Are you alright? B) No, I feel really terrible. (cough) I think I have a bug of some kind. I hear theres

one going around. A) Yes thats right. Many of my friends have really high temperatures at the moment. You hould take it easy and lie in bed till you get better. It takes time getting over influenza. B) Thanks, I wish I could take your advice, but I have to study for my final exams. 2: Nano Chan A) Erm Hi Nano chan, are you ok? You dont look so good. Whats up? B) Well, I dont feel so good, I can tell you. I went to an Indian restaurant last night and ate a really spicy curry, and I had quite a few beers too, so now my stomach is not so \ good. A) Im sorry to hear that, but I guess its your own fault. Why dont you take some aspirin for it. B) Thanks maybe I will. 3: Meg A) Erm, Meg you look pretty bad, whats wrong? B) (cough) well I sang and shouted too much at karaoke yesterday so I can hardly speak now. A) Oh thats too bad, you should take some cough sweets for that. B) Yeah, (cough). I think I should, and I probably will. A) Well, good luck, hope you get better soon. B) Thanks, see you later.

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