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(Mostly adapted from the book Electricity and Magnetism by Benjamin Crowell) We all know that a lot of people have done a lot of experiments and finally proved that there are 2 kinds of charges. In particular, historically, Benjamin Franklin (1706 90) is the one who named these charges as positive and negative. He could have named them black and white or even as good and bad! But he named it positive and negative surely for some clear logical reason. However, one thing was clear whatever the nomenclature, like charges repel and the unlike charges attract. A fundamental reason for using positive and negative signs for electrical charge is that experiments show that charge is conserved according to this definition: in any closed system, the total amount of charge is a constant . This is why we observe that rubbing initially uncharged substances together always has the result that one gains a certain amount of one type of charge, while the other acquires an exact equal amount of the other type. Conservation of charge seems natural in our model in which matter is made of positive and negative particles. If the charge on each particle is a fixed property of that type of particle, and if the particles themselves can be neither created nor destroyed, then conservation of charge is inevitable. It is also noticed that an electrically charged object can attract objects that are uncharged. The key is that even though a piece of paper, say, has a total charge of zero, it has at least some charged particles in it that have some freedom to move. Suppose a positively charged rod is brought near bits of paper which is neutral. The mobile particles in the paper will respond to the rods forces, causing the end near the tape to become negatively charged and the other to become positive. The attraction between the paper and the tape is now stronger than the repulsion, because the negatively charged end is closer to the tape. Exercise 1: What would have happened if the tape was negatively charged? The second idea about charge is that they are quantized! It simply means that they come in discreet packets of a fundamental charge which we now know equals the charge of one electron . This was experimentally proved by Robert Andrew Millikan (1868-1953) in his famous Oil Drop Experiment 1. The idea of the experiment was to find the charge per mass ratio of tiny oil drops. Millikan explained the observed charges as all being integer multiples of a single number, 1.641019 C (Keep in mind that the experiment was done around 1910 so error is expected) Millikan states in his paper that these the result of his experiment (that won him the Nobel Prize) were a direct and tangible demonstration . . . of the correctness of the view advanced many years ago and supported by evidence from many sources that all electrical charges, however produced, are exact multiples of one definite, elementary electrical charge, or in other words, that an electrical charge instead of being spread uniformly over the charged surface has a definite granular structure, consisting, in fact, of . . . specks, or atoms of electricity, all precisely alike, peppered over the surface of the charged body In other words, he had provided direct evidence for the charged particle model of electricity and against models in which electricity was described as some sort of fluid. The basic charge is notated e, and the modern value is . The word quantized is used in physics to describe a quantity that can only be whole number multiples (1, 2, 3, etc) of a certain numerical value and cannot have any of the values between those (fractions, 1.5, 1.3, 7.7 etc). So, we conclude that Millikan discovered that charge is quantized. The charge e is referred to as the quantum of charge. Exercise 2: Is money quantized? What is the quantum of money? A Historical note on Millikans fraud: Very few Physics textbooks mention the well-documented fact that although Millikans conclusions were correct, he was guilty of scientific fraud. His technique was difficult and painstaking to perform, and his original notebooks, which have been preserved, show that the data were far less perfect than he claimed in his published scientific papers. In his publications, he stated categorically that every single oil drop observed had had a charge that was a multiple of e, with no exceptions or omissions. But his notebooks are replete with notations such as beautiful data, keep, and bad run, throw out. Millikan, then, appears to have earned his Nobel Prize by advocating a correct position with dishonest descriptions of his data. Why do textbook authors fail to mention Millikans fraud? It may be that they think students are too unsophisticated to correctly evalua te the implications of the fact that scientific fraud has sometimes existed and even been rewarded by the scientific establishment. Maybe they are afraid students will reason that fudging data is OK, since Millikan got the Nobel Prize for it. But falsifying history in the name of encouraging truthfulness is more than a little ironic. English teachers dont edit Shakespeares tragedies so that the bad characters are always punished and the good ones never suffer! Another possible explanation is simply a lack of originality; its possible that some venerated textbook was uncritical of Millikans fraud, and later authors simply followed s uit. Biologist Stephen

You will have to study the Millikans Oil Drop Experiment as part of your syllabus later in the year.

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ELECTROSTATICS Jay Gould has written an essay tracing an example of how authors of biology textbooks tend to follow a certain traditional treatment of a topic, using the giraffes neck to discuss the non-heritability of acquired traits. Yet another interpretation is that scientists derive status from their popular images as impartial searchers after the truth, and they dont want the public to realize how human and imperfect they can be. (Millikan himself was an educational reformer, and wrote a series of textbooks that were of much higher quality than others of his era). We have begun to encounter complex electrical behavior that we would never have realized was occurring just from the evidence of our eyes. Unlike the pulleys, blocks, and inclined planes of mechanics, the actors on the stage of electricity and magnetism are invisible phenomena alien to our everyday experience. For this reason, the flavour of the second half of your physics education is dramatically different, focusing much more on experiments and techniques. Even though you will never actually see charge moving through a wire, you can learn to use an ammeter to measure the flow. Students also tend to get the impression from their first experience of physics that it is a dead science. NOT SO! We are about to pick up the historical trail that leads directly to the cutting edge physics research you read about in the newspaper. The atom smashing experiments that began around 1900, were not that different from the ones of the last year 2008 just smaller, simpler, and much cheaper!!! Ok enough History and pep talk! Now, straight to ISC 2011!


We have talked about the properties of charges being Conservation and Quantization. The unit of charge is Coulomb (C) named after the French scientist Charles Augustin de Coulomb (1736 1806) who formulated the Coulombs law. 1C of charge equals the amount of charge that flows though conductor when one Ampere of current passes for one second. It has to be kept in mind that 1C of charge is a very large amount of charge. The earth for instance can be considered to be having only 10 C of charge in total. Exercise 3: Given the charge of one electron, charge. find the number of electrons that constitute 1C of

Charles Coulomb showed using experiments that the force of attraction between any two given charges is directly proportional to the product of the charge and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. Mathematically, we have,

and o is known as the Permittivity of free space. This o is replaced by when we talk about the force in any medium where and r is known as the Relative Permittivity of the medium or the Dielectric Constant which is 1 for vacuum and greater than 1 for all other media (air = 1.0006 and water 80!). This means that, for a given two charges, the force of attraction or repulsion between them will be about 80 times less in water than in air. It must always be kept in mind that the above equation of force is only gives the magnitude of the force between the two charges and that this force will be attractive for unlike charges and repulsive for like charges and will act along the line joining the two charges. If we include the signs for the charge q in the above equation, then a negative force will signify attraction and a positive force will signify repulsion ( two negatives will still give you a + force which again signifies repulsion). The value of o in SI unit is and therefore we have the value of We know that force is a vector. Therefore, it is important that we express coulombs law in the vector form. Imagine two positive charges q1 and q2 separated by a vector distance r with magnitude r. We know from mathematical convention that the displacement vector from point 1 to point 2 is written as vector r21. Keeping this in mind, the force on charge q1 due to q2 is written as ( ) is the unit vector that points from q2 to q1 (as the charge q1 goes away from the charge q2 in the line joining the two charges2. As evident from the equation, this is also the direction of action of F12. On the other hand, ( ) is the unit vector that points from q1 to q2 along the line joining the two charges. Here again, as evident from the equation, is also the direction of action of F21. It must be always known that

Also notice that it is convenient to have the suffix of Force and the suffix of the unit vector the same, to avoid confusion!

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The above formula gives us the force between two charges. When there are more than two charges to find the resultant force on any one charge due to the other charges we use the PRINCIPLE OF SUPERPOSITION that states that the net force on any one charge will equal the vector sum of the forces exerted on it by all other charges. The Principle of super position says that the force on, say, charge q1 due to another charge, say q2, is unaffected by the presence of the any other charges, q3, q4, q5 etc. However, since this applies to all pairs of charges, to find the total force on any one particular charge, we have to resort to vector addition. So for a system of N charges, we have, the force on any charge say given by This of course has to be added NOT using algebra but using the vector rules of addition. ( )[ ]

) [

| |


The idea of an electric field is really the product of sheer imagination by one man an experimental genius Michael Faraday3 (1791 1867). The field forces can act through space, producing an effect even when there is no physical contact between the objects. Electricity, Magnetism and Gravity are all examples for such field forces (or force at a distance unlike the Newtonian contact forces that act only when two bodies are in contact). Luckily for us, the three laws of motion holds good for these field forces as well. The gravitational field at a point in space is defined to be equal to the gravitational force acting on a test particle of a given mass or as the force per unit mass given by the equation or more specifically, A similar approach to electric forces was developed by Faraday and is of such(remove) practical use. However, generally speaking, since we cannot physically see the force pulling or pushing two charges (just as we dont see any force pulling an object to the surface of the earth), we develop this into a mathematical construct that becomes a very convenient methodology in solving practical problems. In this approach, an electric field is said to exist in the region of space (called the sphere of influence) around a charged object. When another charged object enters this electric field an electric force acts on it. By definition, to find the electric field at any point, keep a positive test charge at that point. Now calculate the Force acting on that charge. The force divided by the test charge value gives the value of electric field. However, it is of utmost importance in this definition that the test charge is small enough that it does not change the field produced by the source charges. Hence we amend the equation to [ ( )] The simplest example would be to find the E due to a point charge q at a point P at(include) distance r from the charge q. To do this, we follow our definition and place a test charge qo at the point P. Now the force on the charge at P due to the charge q is given by coulombs law ( ) ( )

So, the Electric Field at a point is in the direction of the force exerted by a unit positive charge at that point. This can be extended to Field due to a collection of charges using the principle of super position. ( ( )[ ) ] [ ]

In a way, we could say that Faraday sow the seeds to (sowed the seeds of)the very idea of fields that is now being used in the concept of Electric Fields, Magnetic Fields, Gravitational Fields and Quantum Fields The Idea of Field Theory itself!

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One way of representing the E is to draw all the electric field vectors in space around a given charge distribution. This gives us the magnitude and direction of the electric field at any given point. Remember that to draw such a representation all one has to do (in theory of course) is to put the source charge in place and then bring a positive test charge ( q0) at the position where the E vector needs to be drawn4. Calculate the Force on the test charge, and then, by definition we have . The length of each vector will be proportional to the strength of the field at that point. So, if a 10 N/C field vector is 2cm long, then a 5 N/C field vector will be only 1 cm long. So, to know the magnitude of E we have the length of the vector and to know the direction, we have the direction in which the vector is pointing. This method however, can be quiet tedious and impractical5. So we have a more convenient way of visualizing electric field pattern. Join all these field vectors together continuously to get what we call as a field line. These lines, called elec tric field lines, are related to the electric field in any region of space in the following manner: The electric field vector E is tangent to the electric field line at each point. The number of lines per unit area (or the density of field lines) through a surface perpendicular to the lines is proportional to the magnitude of the electric field in that region.

Thus, E is great when the field lines are close together and small when they are far apart. These properties are illustrated in the density of lines through surface A is greater than the density of lines through surface B in the first figure above. Therefore, the E is more intense on surface A than on surface B. Furthermore, the fact that the lines at different locations point in different directions indicates that the field is non uniform. Representative E lines for the field due to a single positive and negative point charges are shown above in the second and third diagram. Note that in this two-dimensional drawing we show only the field lines that lie in the plane containing the point charge. The lines are actually directed radially outward from the charge in all directions. Thus, instead of the (include)flat wheel of lines shown, you should picture an entire sphere of lines (like a ball stuck with pins all around). Since a positive test charge placed in this field would be repelled by the positive point charge, the lines are directed radially away from the positive point charge. The E lines representing the field due to a single negative point charge are directed toward the charge. In either case, the lines are along the radial direction and extend all the way to infinity. Note that the lines become closer together as they approach the charge indicating that the strength of the field increases as we move toward the source charge because the force on a unit positive test charge increases as we get closer to the charge. The rules for drawing E lines are as follows: The lines must begin on a positive charge and terminate on a negative charge. The number of lines drawn leaving a +ve charge or approaching a ve charge is proportional to the magnitude of the charge. No two field lines can cross. (If they cross, then by definition, they will have two tangents and therefore two directions of E at that point which is absurd) But is this visualization of the E in terms of field lines consistent with the equation

4 5

Like how you drew the Magnetic lines of forces keeping a bar magnet in your lower classes. Imagine in the given space, drawing a field vector that is 500 N/C; we cannot possibly make it 100 cm long!

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ELECTROSTATICS To answer this question, consider an imaginary spherical surface of radius r concentric with a point charge. From symmetry, we see that the magnitude of the E is the same everywhere on the surface of the sphere. The number of lines N that emerge from the charge is equal to the number that penetrates the spherical surface. Hence, the number of lines per unit area on the sphere is (where the surface area of the sphere is ). Since E is proportional to the number of lines per unit area, we see that E varies as ; this finding is consistent with the above equation. ELECTRIC DIPOLE: Two equal and opposite charges (+q and q) separated by a small vector distance 2l (We use 2l instead of l because in problems we very often come across half the distance between the charges. So taking 2l will avoid fractions in where l and p are in the same direction. our calculation.) (was missing) The dipole moment is defined as

The concept of electric field lines is described qualitatively in the previous section. We now use the concept of Electric Flux to treat electric field lines in a more quantitative way. Consider an E field that is uniform in both magnitude and direction, as shown in the figure below. The field lines penetrate a rectangular surface of area A, which is perpendicular to the field. Recall that the number of lines per unit area (or, the line density, N) is proportional to the magnitude of the electric field. ( ) ( ( ) ) ( ) ( )

where k is just the proportionality constant. Therefore, the total number of lines penetrating the surface is proportional to the product EA. This product of the magnitude of the electric field E and surface area A perpendicular to the field is called the Electric flux ( ) From the SI units of E and A, we see that field lines penetrating some surface. has units of (Nm2/C). Electric flux is proportional to the number of electric

If the surface under consideration is not perpendicular to the field, the flux through it must be less than that given by . We can understand this by considering the second figure above, in which the normal to the surface of area A is at an angle to the uniform E. Note that the number of lines that cross this area A is equal to the number that cross the area , which is a projection of area A aligned perpendicular to the field. From second figure we see that the two areas are related by . Since the flux through A equals the flux through , we conclude that the ux through is

From this result, we see that the flux through a surface of fixed area has a maximum value when the surface is perpendicular to the field (in other words, when the normal to the surface is parallel to the field that is ) and the flux is zero when the surface is parallel to the field (in other words, when the normal to the surface is perpendicular to the field, that is, .

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We assumed a uniform E in the preceding discussion. In more general situations, the E may vary over a surface. Therefore, our definition of flux given by has meaning only over a small element of area. Consider a general surface divided up into a large number of small elements, each of area A (Figure on the left above). The variation in the E over one element can be neglected if the element is sufficiently small. It is convenient to define a vector Ai whose magnitude represents the area of the ith element of the surface and whose direction is defined to be perpendicular to the surface element, as shown in the figure. The electric flux through this element is where we have used the definition of the scalar dot product of two vectors By summing the contributions of all elements, we obtain the total flux through the surface. If we let the area of each element approach zero, then the number of elements approaches infinity and the sum is replaced by an integral. Therefore, the general definition of electric flux is

This is a surface integral, which means it must be evaluated over the surface in question. In general, the value of flux depends both on the field pattern and on the surface. We are often interested in evaluating the flux through a closed surface6. The surface of a sphere, for example, is a closed surface. Consider the closed surface in the figure above on the right. The vectors point in different directions for the various surface elements, but at each point they are normal to the surface and, by convention, always point outward. This is the Area Vector and in this case of course is a small element. At the element labeled (1) in the figure, the field lines are crossing the surface from the inside to the outside and hence, the flux through this element is positive. For element (2), the field lines graze the surface (perpendicular to the vector ) thus, and the flux is zero as no field lines penetrate the surface. For elements such as (3), where the field lines are crossing the surface from outside to inside, the flux is negative because is negative. The net flux through the surface is proportional to the net number of lines leaving the surface, where the net number means the number leaving the surface minus the number entering the surface . If more lines are leaving than entering, the net flux is positive. If more lines are entering than leaving, the net flux is negative. Using the symbol for integral over a closed surface, we write, the flux through a closed surface as ( )

where En represents the component of the E normal to the surface ( ). Evaluating the net flux through a closed surface can be very cumbersome. However, if the field is normal to the surface at each point and constant in magnitude, the calculation is pretty straightforward.

A closed surface is defined as one that divides the universe into two parts one inside and one outside; so one cannot move from one region to the other without penetrating the surface.

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We have seen that the flux through any closed surface is

Coulombs Law is the governing law in electrostatics, but it is not cast in a form that particularly simplifies the work in situations involving symmetry. The Gauss Law formulated by Karl Friedrich Gauss (1777 1855), a German mathematician is a new formulation of the coulombs law. It relates the net flux of an electric field through a closed surface (a Gaussian Surface) to the net charge qenc that is enclosed by that surface. It tells us that Substituting this equation in the above equation, we get ( )

This equation can be used to take advantage of special symmetry situations and to thereby find the E due to certain charge distribution in 2D and 3D situations. The following examples demonstrate ways of choosing the Gaussian surface over which the surface integral given by the above equation can be simplified and the E determined. In choosing the surface, we should always take advantage of the symmetry of the charge distribution so that we can remove E from the integral and solve for it. The goal in this type of calculation is to determine a surface that satisfies one or more of the following conditions: 1. 2. 3. 4. The value of the E can be argued by symmetry to be constant over the surface. The dot product in the above equation can be expressed as a simple algebraic product parallel. The dot product in the above equation is zero because E and dA are perpendicular. The E can be argued to be zero over the surface.

because E and dA are


In our pursuit of learning about Electric fields and charges, we often come across problems involving what is known in physics as a Continuous Charge Distribution. If we take a sheet of isolated conductor and give it some very small excess charge, we see that the charge is always uniformly distributed all over the surface. It must be remembered how ever that this is not the case with a non conductor. If we are on the other hand, dealing with a solid conductor, then the excess charge is distributed equally, all over the solid. Therefore, while doing problems, we often find it easy to deal with continuous charge distributions instead of discreet individual charges. We have three ways in which charge is distributed equally and continuously (i) When a charge q is distributed equally over a length say L we reduce it to a Linear Charge Density (lambda). (ii) When a charge q is distributed equally over an area say A we reduce it to a Surface Charge Density (sigma). (iii) When a charge q is distributed equally over a volume say V we reduce it to a Volume Charge Density (rho). [ ] [ ] [ ]

Electric Field due to the following charge distributions are found in your text. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. E due to a uniformly charged ring (Pg 33 NOT IN SYLLABUS but is a good introduction to mathematical techniques) Torque on a Dipole (Pg 36) E at a point near a line of charge (Pg 70) E due to a charged infinitely long straight cylindrical rod (Pg 71) E due to an infinite parallel sheet of charge (Pg 72) E due to two infinite parallel sheet of charge also called a Capacitor (Pg 73) E due to hollow conducting sphere also called a spherical shell (Pg 74) E due to a charged non conducting sphere (Pg 75)

Please understand that although this may seem too many to learn, it is important that you learn the common methodology as to how to go about applying Gauss Law. This way, you will find that once you know how to crack the charge distribution, application of the theorem will be just cake walk at the most you would have to remember the result of certain integrations. But since you all learn Math that would not be a problem either!

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We have dealt with the idea of potential energy in class. I again urge you to read potential energy as the POTENTIAL7 energy rather than as potential energy! And, also to be kept in mind is, as I always did remind you in class, that the potential energy has to do with a system rather than with any particular single object. So it is the potential energy of a system of charges that we would talk about here and not that of a single charge alone because a single charge under no other influence what so ever from any other fields of any other kind will not have any potential energy. When we talk of the potential energy of a pendulum, it is in fact the potential energy of the pendulum earth system that we talk about! If the earth is not there, there is no gravity and there is no force and there is no work and therefore no potential energy (gulp!). Unlike Kinetic energy that comes into being due to the motion of an object, potential energy is the result of an objects position. If you stress the object from its natural way of being, you increase its potential energy. Therefore, a compresse d spring, a stretched rubber band, two North poles of two magnets togethe r etc are all examples of systems with potential energy. We know that this energy is stored in it only if we supply external work to it because the body all by itself will NOT increase its energy in any way whatsoever! So once the work is done on the system, the energy of the system increases. This energy can be tapped back because we have to make some arrangement to keep the system in that stressed state (it will not stay that way on its own) and if we were to let go of this stressed state, it would co me to its original relaxed state where the energy is less! From Newtons mechanics, we know that energy and work has the same dimensions. The work that you do on a body is what is stored as its energy kinetic energy if the work done gets it to move or potential energy if it changes its position from what it would like to be! We give the letter U to represent energy and W to represent work. Now, we know that And, if the body is moved from initial position B to final position A then we write the following Remember that Work is a scalar quantity and it is the dot product of two vectors Force F and displacement dS. Now how does work and energy relate to each other? For this, we have the relation meaning that the work done is the negative of the change of energy. Why negative? To understand this, first accept that when we consider a system, everything that is not the system is called the surrounding. So, when the system does work, it does not make sense to do work on itself (this is called internal work and hence internal energy), instead, it does it on the surroundings (external work and hence external energy). When the system does positive external work (work done by the system on the surroundings), the systems energy will decrease9 and so, it had an initial energy say Uinitial (UB) and now it has energy Ufinal (UA). If all of the energy is accounted for, then, ( ) ( ) So, now we have, . Doing this, we get,

Now, since we are dealing with electrostatics, we have to replace F with the formula Dividing throughout by q, we get the following ( ) ( ) ( )

where we define V as the potential. WAIT!!! Now that the Math is over, I want you to stop and think what all this means. Imagine a charge q0 in a room (source charge). This charge will produce a spherically symmetric E field where the field decreases in intensity (magnitude) with the square of the distance ( relation). So, E is a function of the displacement from q0, r. This relation is given by ( ) ( ) ( )

Potential meaning Existing in possibility; expected to become or be; in prospect; the inherent capacity for coming into being. Especially in this context, it means that this potential energy is there in the system and can be tapped later if required and if possible! 8 We assume in all this discussion that the work done does not increase the bodys (or systems) Kinetic Energy but only the Potential Energy. 9 And similarly, when a system does negative work (meaning that the work is done on the system by the surroundings), the system s energy will increase

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Now, I put a charge q in my pocket and walk towards this room. As I get closer and closer to the source charge q0 inside the room, the o(typo-remove) the force on the charge in my pocket F will increase with the square of the distance as E changes just like that and because we already have the basic relation . Of course, if I have to walk towards the source charge, I have to do work as the source charge is pushing me away (both q0 and q are positive and so the force is repulsive). The closer I get, the more the force. So, how much work do I have to do? I have to do a work equal to the equation give by the above equation

Now the question, what is B and what is A (remember that we came from B to A)? Let us say that we are coming from a place very far away where the influence of the source charge q0 is NOT felt and so we have . So we have, Now, from the equation, it is clear that if we change the charge in our pocket from q to 2q, we have to do 2W work, if it is 10q, we have to do 10W work! It also is intuitively pleasing. If I put a huge charge in my pocket, the repulsive force will be huge so I have to do much more work. That is what it means. Now, remember what we wrote ( )

From this we see that Electric Potential is defined as the work done per unit charge and it has the unit J/C which is also called as Volt (V). The text book definition of Electric Potential (which I am sure you have learned in lower classes) is The work done per unit charge to bring it from infinity to a given point is called the Electric Potential at that point . What does this mean? If we choose , then the above equation will reduce to ( )

We dont have to do any work ( ) to keep an external charge at infinity (a place where the influence of the source charge q0 is not felt and hence ). However, if we come any closer from that infinite point, to say point A, we have to do work W. For example, if we take a 1C charge and march from infinity to a point where the potential is 50V, then we have to do 50 J or work and this will be stored as Potential energy (provided of course that the kinetic energy is absent (velocity = 0). If we come with a 2C charge instead to this point A where , then I have to do 100J of work. If I have only a 0.5C charge with me, then I need to do only 25J of work! Now you see, the magnitude of Potential (50 in this case) will equal the magnitude of work, only when the charge we carry is unit charge (1 C). That is how potential is defined. Now look at the definition and you will understand what it means The work done per unit charge to bring it from infinity to a given point is called the Electric Potential at that point. It must be remembered that in the example we have taken, we have assumed that the potential in space exists (include) due to the presence of a single charge q0 but this not the case in most cases. The potential at a point may be due to any kind of random distribution of charge. So in short, if you do a certain work on one charge and the system increases its energy by a certain amount. If the same work is done on 2 charges, then the energy increased doubles! This means that the potential energy is proportional to the charge under consideration. The idea of defining the potential of a field is so that we can have a quantity independent of the charges used to assess the quality of the system. Now an important question... When we move from infinity to a point A with potential , does it matter what path we take or is this idea of potential only valid for a straight line from infinity to A? As we saw in the case of gravitation, Electric fields are also conservative, which means that the path taken does not matter. The work done depends only on the initial and final position! So, again, Exercise 4: If the path between A and B does not make any difference in the above, why bother using an integration, why dont we just use the expression where d is the straight-line distance between A and B? Now, imagine the same example of coming from infinity to a point A having potential ( say) near a single positive charge +q0. If I am bringing a 1C charge, I have to do 50 J of work, if I bring 7C, I have to do 350J of work and if I bring ,I have to do only 10 J of work. Now, I can show you many other points in space where we have to do the same amount of work for a given charge to be brought there. It means that all these points will have a potential of 50V each! Now these points will

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ELECTROSTATICS always be continuous in any charge distribution and so if I join all these point, I get what is called as an Equipotential Surface. Given below are the pictures of equipotential surface for a dipole and for a random charge distribution.

Exercise 5: Show how Electric field is the negative gradient of potential and hence show that E can also have the unit Volt per meter (V/m) other than N/C. Also mention what the crowding of equipotential lines in the above two figure means. Study the following from the book (Pages 96 onwards) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Potential due to Point Charge, number of point charges, and due to charge distribution Potential due to an Electric Dipole Potential due to spherically symmetric charge distribution Potential inside and outside a charged spherical shell Work done in rotating a Dipole and Potential energy of a dipole in an electric field.

Also have a look at Kinetic Energy of a Charged Particle accelerated through a Potential Difference in an E and the idea of an Electro-Volt. These notes will only help you to get introduced to the subject. This is NOT a substitute for reading your text. Infact these notes will have very little to do directly as far as your exam is concerned. So read the notes and then study from your text book. Do refer to your syllabus to see what to study and what not to study. PLEASE I WANT FEED BACK about these notes. Study well. CHEERS!

REFERENCE AND BIBLIOGRAPHY (Kindly get in touch with me if you want access to these books)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. SERWAY AND JEWETT, Principles of Physics, 3rd Edition, Thomson, Brooks/Cole [2006] BENJAMIN CROWELL, Electricity and Magnetism, e-copy HALADAY, RESNICK & WALKER, Fundamentals of Physics, 6th Edition, John Wiley & Sons Inc [2004] KUMAR, MITTAL, GUPTA, Nootan ISC Physics, Nageen Prakashan Pvt. Ltd [2008] P. VIVEKANANDA & D.K. BANERJEE, ISC Physics Book II for Class XII, S. Chand & Company Ltd [2009]

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