2011 WECC TRDTD Users Guide (Doc) 7-19-11

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Users Manual for Reporting: WECC Transmission Reliability Database (TRD) & NERC Transmission Availability Database Systems


Written by WECC RPEWG November 15, 2007 Revised February 20, 2008 Revised November 20, 2008 Revised July 27, 2009

Revised October 14, 2010

Table of Contents
II.Timelines for Submittals..........................................................................................5 NERC IDs and TO Names..............................................................................................7 III.Forms/Sheets for WECC/NERC Data Submittal....................................................7 a)Form 1.1 Non-Reporting Transmission Owner Statement.......................................7 b)Form 1.2 Reporting Transmission Owner Information............................................8 c)Form 2: Forms for Jointly-Owned Facilities ...........................................................8 d)Form 2.1 Jointly-Owned AC and DC Circuits ........................................................9 e)Form 2.2 Jointly-Owned AC/DC Back-to-Back Converter ...................................10 h)Transmission Circuit Attribute Table ....................................................................................................................................10 i)Transformer Attribute Table....................................................................................15 j)Form 3.3 AC/DC BTB Converter Inventory Data..................................................16 k)WECC Common Structure and ROW Reporting TO Form................................17 l)FORM 4.4 AC DC BTB Converter Outage.........................................................19 m) Outage Information Table....................................................................................20 IV.Applications of Addition and Modifications to the Tables..................................25 Appendix A WECC Members ..............................................................................34 Appendix B TRD/TADS Outage Cause Codes......................................................38 Weather, excluding lightning ....................................................................................38 Lightning....................................................................................................................38 Environmental............................................................................................................38 Contamination ...........................................................................................................38 Foreign Interference ..................................................................................................38 Fire ............................................................................................................................38 Vandalism, Terrorism or Malicious Acts ..................................................................38 Failed AC Substation Equipment...............................................................................38 Failed AC/DC Terminal Equipment..........................................................................38 Failed Protection System Equipment.........................................................................39 Failed AC Circuit Equipment....................................................................................39 Failed DC Circuit Equipment....................................................................................39 Vegetation .................................................................................................................39 Power System Condition ...........................................................................................39 Human Error..............................................................................................................39 Unknown ...................................................................................................................40 Other .........................................................................................................................40 Appendix C WECC TRD Definitions.....................................................................41 Appendix D NERC TADS Definitions...................................................................43 Element......................................................................................................................43 Protection System......................................................................................................43 AC Circuit..................................................................................................................43 Transformer ...............................................................................................................45 AC Substation............................................................................................................45 AC/DC Terminal........................................................................................................45 AC/DC Back-to-Back Converter...............................................................................45

DC Circuit..................................................................................................................45 Overhead Circuit........................................................................................................45 Underground Circuit..................................................................................................45 Circuit Mile................................................................................................................45 Multi-Circuit Structure Mile......................................................................................46 Voltage Class.............................................................................................................46 Automatic Outage .....................................................................................................46 Momentary Outage ...................................................................................................46 AC Multi-Owner Common Structure Flag................................................................47 In-Service State..........................................................................................................47 Substation, Terminal, or Converter Name.................................................................50 TO Element Identifier................................................................................................50 Outage Start Time......................................................................................................50 Outage Duration.........................................................................................................50 Outage Continuation Flag..........................................................................................50 Outage Identification (ID) Code................................................................................51 Event..........................................................................................................................51 Event Identification (ID) Code..................................................................................51 Event Type Number...................................................................................................51 Fault Type..................................................................................................................52 Normal Clearing.........................................................................................................53 Element-Initiated Outage...........................................................................................53 Other Element-Initiated Outage.................................................................................53 AC Substation-Initiated Outage.................................................................................53 AC/DC Terminal-Initiated Outage............................................................................53 Other Facility-Initiated Outage..................................................................................53 Single Mode Outage..................................................................................................54 Dependent Mode Initiating Outage............................................................................54 Dependent Mode Outage...........................................................................................54 Common Mode Outage..............................................................................................54 Common Mode Initiating Outage..............................................................................54 Initiating Cause Code.................................................................................................55 Sustained Cause Code................................................................................................55 Common Corridor......................................................................................................55 Continuous right-of-way or two parallel right-of-ways with centerline separation less than the longest span length of the two transmission circuits at the point of separation or 500 feet, which ever is greater, and no natural barriers (such as hills, rivers, etc.) between the transmission circuits. This separation requirement does not apply to the last five spans of the transmission circuits entering into a substation.. .55

Section 1



This document serves as the instructions for submission of outage data for the WECC Transmission Reliability Database, TRD and the NERC Transmission Availability Database Systems, TADS. This combined database submittal will serve the two purposes of the voluntary WECC data submittal and the mandatory NERC TADS submittal. This document also covers Phase II non-automatic outage submittal of TADS. The data collected through the use of the following Forms and Sheets are to be supplied to WECC. Then WECC will pull off the data for the WECC TRD database the remaining data will be used to create the NERC TADS Forms, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.0, 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3. All data submitted to NERC from WECC will be submitted on an individual TO basis. Forms completed by WECC and submitted to NERC: Form 3.1 AC and DC Circuit Inventory Data Form 3.2 Transformer Data Inventory Form 3.4 Summary Automatic Outage Data Form 4.1 AC Circuit Detailed Automatic Outage Data Form 4.2 DC Circuit Detailed Automatic Outage Data Form 4.3 Transformer Detailed Automatic Outage Data Form 5.0 Event ID Code and Event Type Number Data Form 6.1 AC Circuit Detailed Planned Outage Data Form 6.2 DC Circuit Detailed Planned Outage Data Form 6.3 Transformer Detailed Planned Outages Data


Timelines for Submittals

WECC: The sixth year of the TRD submittal will be for the calendar year outage data of 2011. The TRD timeline is listed below which is coordinated with the TADS timeline. WECC Members follow the WECC timeline and the NERC timeline will be automatically covered. September 1, 2011 RPEWG releases to the WECC Members

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TRD/TADS data submittal sheets that will be used for the data collection for calendar year 2011 (TRD)Updated TRD and TADS Users Manual for the combined WECC/NERC data collection

October, 2011 A WECC/NERC TRD and TADS data training webinar for all WECC Members of the data submittal sheets will be held especially focused to the WECC TRD data submittal. WECC TOs supply data to WECC with CY 2011 transmission outage data in the proper Forms. .NERC: Table 1.6.2 Schedule for Calendar Year 2011 Data Entry Date December 1, 2011 February 1, 2012 Late June, 2012 Action Re-open webTADS for 2011 calendar year data entry. Instructions for re-starting TADS data entry will be provided by e-mail. Reporting TOs complete submission of all calendar year 2011 data. NERC completes a final 2011 report on the results, after performing its data checks.

February 1, 2012

General Reporting Requirements: There are 11 Forms listed in the data submittal spreadsheets. These Forms are a combination of the WECC TRD and the NERC TADS. The goal of the RPEWG, Reliability Performance Evaluation Work Group, is to have no duplication of data submittal for the WECC and NERC submittals. The TADS data entry software described in Section 1.5.1 will transmit data securely. Until this software is completed, transmittals will be made by e-mail. To securely transmit TADS data securely by e-mail (which contains CEII), the following process should be followed by TOs and REs:

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1. Password-protect the document to be transmitted, and send via e-mail to the recipient. Do not include the password in this email. 2. In a second separate e-mail, send the password to the recipient of the document.

NERC IDs and TO Names

Each Transmission Owner is identified by a NERC ID. NERC IDs are not regionspecific, i.e., the same Transmission Owner may have the same NERC ID in different regions if the TO owns transmission facilities in different regions. The name of each Transmission Owner on the NERC Compliance Registry and its NERC ID is available at http://www.nerc.com/page.php?cid=3|25 under the Compliance Registry Files file at the bottom of the page. This registry is updated monthly. 1. For TADS, pseudo NERC IDs have been assigned for various purposes, including allowing for one reporting pseudo TO to make one TADS submission for multiple NERC-registered TOs that are owned by a single entity. For example, five NERC-registered Southern Company TOs were given one pseudo NERC ID for a pseudo entity named Southern Transmission Company. The pseudo NERC IDs are for TADS reporting only. A document entitled NERC ID Exceptions for TADS dated February 18, 2008 and posted at http://www.nerc.com/filez/tadstf.html explains the TOs that have been assigned pseudo NERC IDs and why they were assigned. 2. For 2011 calendar year reporting, an Excel file named 2011 TRD rev6272011contains the 2011 calendar year consolidated TADS NERC IDs and TO names (i.e., NERC IDs from TOs on the NERC Compliance Registry as well as those with pseudo NERC IDs). This file also shows each TOs region and whether the TO is a non-reporting or reporting TO. It may be downloaded at http://www.nerc.com/filez/tadstf.html. 3. For 2011 calendar year reporting, an Excel file 2011 TRD rev6272011 contains the 2011 calendar year consolidated TADS NERC IDs and TO names (i.e., NERC IDs from TOs on the NERC Compliance Registry as well as those with pseudo NERC IDs) as of July 27, 2009 and may be downloaded at http://www.nerc.com/filez/tadstf.html. This file will be updated after the Compliance Registry is updated September 2011. The reporting status of TOs will be updated after Forms 1.1 and 1.2 are received in August 2011.


Forms/Sheets for WECC/NERC Data Submittal

a) Form 1.1 Non-Reporting Transmission Owner Statement

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Form 1.1 is for TOs who do not own any TADS Elements as of the date they submit it. It will be submitted to WECC by August 1, 2011 for the calendar year of 2011. If a Transmission Owner owns no TADS Elements as of its submission date, it provides the contact information of the person completing the form on behalf of the TO who is attesting to that fact. However, if after submitting From 1.1, a TADS Element is added by the TO prior to December 31 of the year prior to the reporting year, the TO must notify NERC and submit Form 1.2.

b) Form 1.2 Reporting Transmission Owner Information

Form 1.2 asks for three types of TO information. 1. It requests the business contact information for the primary and back-up TADS contact person for the Transmission Owner. a. It contains a list to confirm which forms were filed and which forms were not filed. The list has drop-down menus for Submission Status and Reason Not Submitted for the TO to explain which forms were submitted and if not submitted, why they were not submitted (e.g., TO has none of the Elements reported on the form, the TO had no outages, etc.). This ensures that inadvertent form omissions are corrected prior to submittal. b. At the end of the reporting cycle with all other forms. c. Contact updates or newly registered TOs will need to submit this by September 16, 2011 d. Contact information will automatically be populated for the next years submittal with the information that was provided in the February submittal. 2. Finally, it lists the NERC default confidentiality status of TO data on each form. See Section 1.5 for instructions regarding changing the default confidentiality status.

c) Form 2: Forms for Jointly-Owned Facilities

These two forms are used to ensure that one TO takes on the TRD/TADS reporting responsibility for jointly-owned facilities. If a TO has less than 100% ownership interest in such facilities, each TO must enter this facility on Form 2.1 or 2.2. These multiple entries will be checked by WECC staff. The coordinated entries should indicate which single TO will take reporting responsibility. This will avoid duplication of outage and inventory reporting, and the other TOs who are joint-owners must be aware that they should not report to TADS on that facility. In addition to the names of all owners, their NERC ID is also
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requested. The name of each Transmission Owner as well as its NERC ID is available at http://www.nerc.com/~org/. If a TO owns 100% of a facility, the reporting responsibility of that facility belongs to the TO. Do not enter the facility on Forms 2.1 or 2.2. For 100% owned AC Circuits, communication among the TOs who own the AC Substations that bound the circuit is expected for the purpose of identifying data related to the cause of outages which the reporting TO must supply. These forms are submitted twice for each reporting cycle: 3 1 1. At the end of the reporting cycle with all other forms. The second submission reflects any additions to facilities that are covered by these forms.

d) Form 2.1 Jointly-Owned AC and DC Circuits

The characteristics of each multiple-owner circuit are input on this form (one circuit per row). As discussed in Section 2, we expect TOs to mutually agree on who should report outage and inventory information (on Forms 3, 4 and 5) of the multiple-owner circuit information for TADS and which other owners should not report. Do not enter circuits that you do not partially own. Table 2.1
Column None Form 2.1 Descriptor Questions 1 and 2 in the top of the form ask whether there were any additions of multiple-owner circuits during the reporting year and if so, whether those changes were incorporated into the response. These questions apply to the second submittal only, and appropriate NA responses are provided as an answer associated with a first submittal. The type of circuit (AC or DC), input from a drop-down menu, describes the main characteristic of the Element. From Substation or Terminal Name. The alphanumeric code designating one of the Substation Names for an AC Circuit or one of the Terminal Names for a DC Circuit. To Substation or Terminal Name. The alphanumeric code designating a second Substation Name for an AC Circuit or a second Terminal Name for a DC Circuit. To2 Substation or Terminal Name. The alphanumeric code designating a third Substation Name for an AC Circuit or a third Terminal Name for a DC Circuit. The Voltage Class of the Element, input from a drop-down menu. The 400-599 kV Voltage Class can only be used if AC is selected in column A, and the 400-499 kV and 500-599 kV Voltage Classes can only be selected if DC is selected in column A. Other Voltages Classes (200-299 kV and 600-799 kV) can be used for either AC or DC Circuits. Data that does not conform to this requirement will be rejected and an error notice provided. Underground or Overhead. This Element characteristic is input from a drop-down menu. See the definition of Overhead and Underground in Appendix 6, Section A.


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Section 1 Column G-H I J-W Form 2.1 Descriptor The NERC ID number and name of the TO with TADS outage reporting responsibility for the multiple-owner circuit. The reporting TOs Element Identifier. This is required. The NERC ID numbers and name of the TOs that have an ownership interest in the Element. Up to ten owner names are provided. One of the TOs must be the TO with TADS reporting responsibility input in columns G-H

e) Form 2.2 Jointly-Owned AC/DC Back-to-Back Converter

f) The characteristics of each multiple-owner AC/DC Back-to-Back Converter are input on this form (one Element per row). This form is not to be used for AC/DC Back-to-Back Converters owned 100% by a single TO. g) Table 2.2
Column None Form 2.2 Descriptor Questions 1 and 2 in the top of the form ask whether there were any additions of multiple-owner AC/DC BTB Converters during the reporting year and if so, whether those changes were incorporated into the response. These questions apply to the second submittal only, and appropriate NA responses are provided as an answer associated with a first submittal. Converter Station Name. The alphanumeric code designating the converters name. HIDDEN The AC Circuit Voltage Class, input from a drop-down menu, on one side of the converter The AC Circuit Voltage Class, input from a drop-down menu, on the other side of the converter HIDDEN The NERC ID number and name of the TO with TADS reporting responsibility. The reporting TOs Element Identifier. This is required. The NERC ID numbers and names of the TOs that are multiple owners of the Element. Up to four owner names are provided. One of the TOs must be the TO with TADS reporting responsibility input in column G-H.


h) Transmission Circuit Attribute Table

Reporting Transmission Owner Name: The company name of the WECC TO with TRD/TADS reporting responsibility. See Appendix A for current list of WECC Members. Reporting TO Element Identifier (Circuit Code):

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The circuit code is an operators unique identifier for each reporting transmission circuit. Each operator can define as needed an alphanumeric designator up to 15 characters. Only include circuits which are normally energized, fully connected to the system, and declared commercially in service by the TO. From: The From Bus is a descriptive name of the facility where one of the circuits automatic isolation devices is located. To: The To Bus is a descriptive name for the facility where the other circuits automatic isolation devices are located, other than the From Bus. Tertiary Bus: The third bus on 3-terminal lines, if applicable. Miles: Enter the length of the transmission circuit to the nearest 10th of a mile, including the length of line taps. Circuit Type: Circuit Type identifies the transmission element as overhead or cable depending on which is the majority of the circuit length. Majority is the section of the transmission circuit that is 50 percent or greater of the total length of the circuit. There are four identified circuit types based on the voltage type and construction. Select one three letter abbreviation list below. ACO AC overhead ACC AC cable DCO DC overhead DCC DC cable Voltage Class: The circuits nominal operating voltage. The operating voltage may be different from the design voltage. The kV voltage level of the circuit is entered as one of either 200-299, 300-399 or 500-599 from the drop down lists on the spreadsheet. Conductors Per Phase:
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Enter the number of conductors per phase. 1, 2, 3, or 4 Overhead Ground Wire: Enter the number of overhead ground wires. 0, 1, or 2. Insulation Type: This indicates the insulation material and assembly. If more than 80% of the circuit length was constructed using one type insulation material and assembly, enter that insulation material and assembly three letter code, otherwise use Mixed for type of material. CEP = Ceramic Post CES = Ceramic Suspension POP = Polymer Post POS = Polymer Suspension GLS = Glass Suspension MXD = Mixed OTH = Other Cable Type: This indicates the type of insulation and trenching structure. Enter the type of insulation and trenching structure three letter codes: SWD = Solid with conduit SND = Solid with no conduit OWD = Oil filled with conduit OND = Oil filled with no conduit GWD = Gas filled with conduit GND = Gas filled with no conduit.

Structure Materials: This indicates the type of material used in the construction of the supporting structures. If more than 80% of the circuit length was constructed using one type of material, enter that
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material type code, otherwise use Mixed for type of material. If the material is not listed, use Other code. Enter one of the following three letter abbreviations material types. AL = Aluminum CN = concrete FG = fiberglass ST = steel WD = wood CM = composite OT = other MX = mixed. Structure Types: Structure type is the design of the structure use in the circuit. If more than 80% of the line of the circuit length was constructed using one type of design structure, enter that design structure three letter code, otherwise use Mixed for type of structure. If the structure design structure is different from those listed use Other code. Enter one of the following three letter abbreviations structure types. DLC = Double Lattice Column HFR = H Frame KFR = K Frame LAT = Lattice Tower SPG = Single Pole Guyed SPU = Single Pole Un-guyed DOP = Double Pole SLC = Single Lattice Column YTY = Y Type OTH = other MXD = Mixed. Circuits Per Structure: Enter the number of circuit positions per structure that are actually occupied. Do not include circuit positions that otherwise are not reported (i.e. circuits below 230 kV) 1, 2, 3, etc. Terrain: Terrain describes the type of geography or environment the circuit traverses. If more than 80% of the line of the circuit length is in one terrain, enter that terrain two letter
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code, otherwise use Mixed for type of terrain. If multiple terrain types are applicable for a given area, select the type that is most likely to cause outages. For example, if a line traverses a forest on the coast, select coastal if airborne salt content is more likely to cause outages. Enter one of the following two letter abbreviations for terrain types: CO = Coastal DS = Desert MT = Mountains FR = Forest UR = Urban PR = Prairie MX = Mixed. Elevation: Elevation describes the range of altitude above sea level that the circuit traverses. If more than 80% of the circuit length is at one elevation range, enter that elevation range number, otherwise use 99 if elevation range is greater than 2000. Enter one of range elevation number as indicated below: 1 = less than 2000ft. 2 = 2001 to 4000ft. 3 = 4001 to 6000ft. 4 = 6001 to 8000ft. 5 = 8001 to 10000ft. 6 = 10001 to 12000ft. 99 = elevation varies more than 2000ft. In Service Date Enter the date the transmission circuit was placed in service. This could be as a new circuit or a reconfiguration for an existing circuit; a significant change in the current length of the circuit or change in route. Enter the date in the mm/dd/yyyy format. It is very important that the install dates of lines entered in the current year are entered, this will allow WECC to calculate the partial year number for the NERC TADS sheets accurately. Retirement Date The date the transmission circuit was removed from service. Enter the date in the mm/dd/yyyy format. Parent Code
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The parent code is used to record the parent/child relation of reconfigured circuits. Assign a new Circuit Code(s) to these modified lines, and record the original Circuit Code as the Parent code. Comments: Intended for any additional pertinent information that is related to this circuit.

i) Transformer Attribute Table

Reporting TO: Enter the WECC Member abbreviation of the operator for the circuit. See Appendix A for current list. Reporting TO Element Identifier (Transformer Code): The transformer code is an operators unique identifier for each reporting transmission element. Enter one code for all 3 phases of single phase transformer bank or three Phase Transformer. Each operator can define as needed an alphanumeric designator up to 8 characters. Only include circuits which are normally energized, fully connected to the system, and declared commercially in service by the TO. Transformer Location: Transformer Location indicates the physical location of the transformer. Enter the substation name or facility location of the transformer. High Side kV: The kV voltage level of the high side of the transformer is entered as one of the following 200-299, 300-399 or 500-599 from the drop down lists on the spreadsheet. Low Side kV: The kV voltage level of the low side of the transformer is entered as one of the following 200-299, 300-399 or 500-599 from the drop down lists on the spreadsheet. Single Phase or 3 Phase Bank: This describes the 3-phase transformer by the type of connection. Enter A or B for the type of transformer connection. A = 3 Phase Bank
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B = Single Phase of 3 phase bank Three Phase Bank Rating in MVA Enter the highest MVA rating of the transformer bank, (such as FO or FOA), continuous rating. For single phase transformers bank, enter the rating for the entire bank. In Service Date: Enter the date the transformer was placed in service at present location. Enter the date in the mm/dd/yyyy format. It is very important that the install dates of lines entered in the current year are entered; this will allow WECC to calculate the partial year number for the NERC TADS sheets accurately. Retirement Date: Enter the date the transformer was removed from service from that location. Enter the date in the mm/dd/yyyy format. Comments Intended for any additional pertinent information that is related to this transformer. (The Transformer Attribute table is intended to describe the location of the transformer, not the transformer.)

j) Form 3.3 AC/DC BTB Converter Inventory Data

The inventory data for AC/DC BTB Converters is input on this form. Table 3.3
Form 3.3 Descriptor Rows 1-4: The Voltage Class of the reported AC/DC BTB Converters is the highest AC terminal voltage in the AC/DC BTB Converter. This is a phase-tophase voltage. AC/DC BTB Converter Inventory Data Appendix 7 has an example that illustrates the data requirements for the equivalent number of circuits. The equivalent number of AC/DC BTB Converters follows a similar methodology. Appendix 7 illustrates how to make this calculation for an annual submittal. B The number of AC/DC BTB Converters that are installed and in-service at the end of the reporting year of in each Voltage Class. This includes multipleowner AC/DC BTB Converters that are reported by the TO. The term inservice refers to the accounting state of the AC/DC BTB Converter, not its operational state. If you have no AC/DC BTB Converters in a particular Voltage Class, a blank is the default entry in columns B through F. C The number of AC/DC BTB Converters that were added during the year. D The equivalent number of AC/DC BTB Converters added. TADS Data Reporting Instruction Manual November 21, 2008 16 Column A

Section 1 Column E F G Form 3.3 Descriptor The number of AC/DC BTB Converters that were removed. The equivalent number of AC/DC BTB Converters removed. This is a calculated value for the equivalent annual number of AC/DC BTB Converters for the reporting year. Note that column E is not used; it is requested as a sanity check for column F.

k) WECC Common Structure and ROW Reporting TO Form

This Table is to capture WECC Members transmission circuits common exposure to common structures and to common ROWs. The Reporting TO is to enter one row in the sheet for each circuits exposure to any of the listed commonalities. Reporting TO of Circuit #1 Enter the WECC Member abbreviation of the operator for the circuit. See Appendix A for current list. Reporting TO Element Identifier (Circuit Code): The circuit code is an operators unique identifier for each reporting transmission element. Each operator can define as needed an alphanumeric designator up to 8 characters. Reporting TO of Circuit #2 Enter the WECC Member abbreviation of the operator for the circuit. See Appendix A for current list. Reporting TO Element Identifier (Circuit Code): The circuit code is an operators unique identifier for each reporting transmission element. Each operator can define as needed an alphanumeric designator up to 8 characters. Common Miles Enter the length in miles of the of the transmission circuit commonality that is reported in this row. Common Corridor
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TOC = Common Tower. The circuit in this listed segment is on a common tower with another TRD/TADS Element. CRW = Common Right of Way. The circuit in this listed segment is in a Common Right of Way with another TRD/TADS Element. .

Example A NCE bubble is the No Common exposure portion of the D circuit. The TRD/TADS circuit is only on its own structure without Common ROW exposure.

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TOC bubble is the Common Tower exposure portion of the Circuit D. The TRD/TADS circuit is on a Common Tower with another Element. In Example A, this is the portion of the circuit in common with circuit B on a common structure. CRW bubble is the Common Right of Way exposure of the portion of the Circuit D. The TRD/TADS circuit is in a Common Right of Way with another Element. In Example A, this is the portion of the circuit in common with Circuit C. For every TRD/TADS circuit, for each type of exposure for each circuit will be given a row in the sheet. Even if there are repeats of the commonality, there must be an entry for each. This is because there may be different circuits in the different commonalities.

l) FORM 4.4 AC DC BTB Converter Outage

This form contain data for Automatic Outage of an Element, both Sustained and Momentary for only AC-DC BTB Converter Outages. This form does not have row numbers. Since each line represents an outage and each outage has a unique Outage ID Code, this code is used to identify outage entry. The first several columns (A-I) contain information that generally describes the Element that was outaged. The single exception is the Event ID Code. The remaining columns (JP) describe the outage itself. Since there is so much similarity between the columns, all descriptors will be provided once, using the generic term of Element instead of AC Circuit, Transformer, etc. Although we maintain the same column letter designations, some columns do not apply to some types of Elements and are therefore hidden. The hidden columns are listed below. Form No. 4.4 Hidden Columns H, I Table 4.4
Column A B C Data for AC-DC BTB Converter That Had an Automatic Outage Form 4.4 Descriptor The Outage ID Code assigned to the outage. This is assigned by the TO. See Appendix 6, Section B for the definition of Outage ID Code. The Event ID Code associated with the outage. This is assigned by the TO on Form 5. See Appendix 6, Section B for the definition of Event ID Code. The Event ID Code must be appended with the reporting year (e.g., WXY-2008). The Elements Voltage Class. This is consistent to the Voltage Class definitions used for Inventory Data on Forms 3.1-3.3.
AC/DC BTB Converter= highest AC terminal voltage (phase-to-phase)


Data that provides a description of the physical location of the Element.

AC/DC BTB Converter= Its name

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Section 1 Data for AC-DC BTB Converter That Had an Automatic Outage Form 4.4 Descriptor The TO Element Identifier is a required alphanumeric field that has the TOs internal identifier of the Element. This could be a circuit or transformer number or other identifier recognized by the TO.

Column G

H I The descriptions that follow use defined terms that the TO should become familiar with. They will not be repeated here. Most data fields have drop-down menus. They each describe various facets of the outage. J The Fault Type (if any) for each circuit Outage, input from a drop-down menu. K The Outage Initiation Code, input from a drop-down menu. L The Outage Start Time, in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), not local time. There is one exception: TOs who submit outage data into webTADS using the graphical user interface (GUI) may select the appropriate local time for their data; webTADS will then convert it to UTC and store the time as UTC within webTADS. This feature is not available for bulk loading UTC must be entered on bulk-loaded data. The use of UTC will allow related outaged occurring on Elements reported by different Transmission Owners to be linked. See instructions Section 4.1 below for outages that continue beyond the end of the reporting calendar year. The Outage Duration expressed as hours and minutes. Momentary Outages will enter a 0 (zero) in this field since we round to the nearest minute. A zero entry in column M tells the reviewer that the outage was Momentary. See instructions in Section 4.1 below for outages that continue beyond the end of the reporting year. Note that the format is a text field and requires a colon (:) be entered between the hours and minutes. Enter 860 hours and 20 min. as 860:20. If the colon is absent the entry will be interpreted as hours. If the Outage Duration exceeds the number of hours remaining in the year (based upon the Outage Start Time), the data will be rejected and an error notice provided. If the previous entry of 860:20 were entered as 86020, it would be read as 86, 020 hours and rejected. 1. The Initiating Cause Code, input from a drop-down menu. All Momentary Outages must supply this code. The Sustained Cause Code, input from a drop-down menu. This only applies to Sustained Outages. Momentary Outages enter NA-Momentary. The Outage Mode, input from a drop-down menu. The Outage Continuation Flag described whether the outages stated and ended within the reporting year or not. The flag is explained in a footnote on the data form as well as in Appendix 6, Section B where the term is fully defined.


m) Outage Information Table

This form contains information for both forced and non-automatic outages. For nonautomatic outages use either the Planned or Operational codes but never use both for an outage. Reporting TO/TOP:

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Enter the WECC Member abbreviation of the operator for the circuit. See Appendix A for current list. Equipment Code: Enter the Circuit Code or Transformer Code from attributes tables. Start Date/Time: Enter the date in mm/dd/yyyy format and the Time in GMT to nearest second, if available, otherwise to the nearest minute of when the outage started. End Date/Time: Enter the date in mm/dd/yyyy format and the Time in GMT to nearest second, if available, otherwise to the nearest minute of when the outage ended. If an outage begins in a reporting calendar year and continues beyond the end of the year (December 31) 2009, the calculation of a total Outage Duration is not possible. In this case, the following process will be observed. 1. Two separate Outage Durations will be input. a. For the reporting year when the outage started, the TO inputs the Outage Start Time and calculates an Outage Duration from the Outage Start Time until the end of the reporting year. The Outage Continuation Flag is input as 1. b. For the next reporting year, the same Event ID Code and same Outage ID Code will be entered for the outage with an Outage Start Time equal to January 1, 00:00 UTC of that reporting year. If the outage is concluded in that reporting year, an Outage Duration is calculated from the Outage Start Time. If the outage continues to the subsequent reporting year, the Outage Duration is entered as 8760:00, or 8784:00 for a leap year. The Outage Continuation Flag is input as 2. c. Most outages that are not concluded by the end of a reporting year will conclude in the next reporting year. However, an outage may span three or more reporting years. This process described in b. above continues until the outage ends. Cause Code
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Enter one of the three letter causes from the Cause Code Table, multiple common mode events must have the same Cause Code; dependant outages may have different Cause Codes. See Appendix B for cause code details. For Non-Automatic Outage codes see Planned or Operational Cause codes below. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. Weather, excluding lightning 2. Lightning 3. Environmental 4. Contamination 5. Foreign Interference 6. Fire 7. Vandalism, Terrorism or Malicious Acts 8. Failed AC Substation Equipment 9. Failed AC/DC Terminal Equipment 10. Failed Protection System Equipment 11. Failed AC Circuit Equipment 12. Failed DC Circuit Equipment 13. Vegetation 14. Power System Condition 15. Human Error 16. Unknown

1 17. Other Planned Outage Cause Codes: Used for Non-Automatic outages only. See Appendix B for cause code details . 1. NA-used if the outage is a Operational outage 2. Maintenance and Construction 3. Third Party Request 4. Other Planned Outage Operational Outage Cause Codes: Used for Non-Automatic outages only. See Appendix B for cause code details. 1. NA- used if the outage is a Planned Outage
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2. 3. 4. 5.

Emergency System Voltage Limit Mitigation System Operating Limit Mitigation, ex Voltage Other Operational Outage

Outage Mode Codes: The outage mode describes the initiating characteristics of an outage. . See Appendix C for definitions on initiating modes. Enter the initiating outage mode defined in the Definitions Section: For Non-Automatic Outages this section is not needed. IND Independent Mode DEP Dependent Mode COM - Common mode DEPI - Initiating outage for a Dependent Mode COMI Initiating Common Mode outage for Dependent Mode outage(s) Note: If an initiating event is not within the scope of this database, the event will may not have a DEPI, e.g., a 500kV breaker failure causing a 500kV line outage. Fault Type: The descriptor of the fault, if any, associated with an Automatic Outage. Several choices are possible. For Non-Automatic Outages this section is not needed. 1 - No fault 2 - Phase to Phase fault 3 - Single Phase to Ground fault 4 - Phase-Phase-Ground, 3 Phase, or 3 Phase-Ground fault 5 - Unknown Fault Type. Outage Initiation Code: The Outage Initiation Codes describe where an Automatic Outage was initiated on the power system. Non-Automatic Outages use either Planned or Operational. 1 Element-Initiated Outage 2 Other Element-Initiated Outage 3 AC Substation-Initiated Outage 4 AC/DC Terminal-Initiated Outage 5 Other Facility-Initiated Outage 6 Planned 7 Operational
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Outage Type: Used to identify if the event was automatic versus manual forced. Options are Auto, Forced Manual and Manual. An automatic outage is one which is protective equipment initiated, and a forced manual outage is one that was operator initiated and could not be delayed beyond 30 minutes and Manual is for Planned and Scheduled outages. Event Type Number: Not needed for Planned outages. Enter the code that describes the type of Automatic outage.
Table 1 Category Event Type from the TPL No. Standards 10 B 20 B 30 C 40 C 50 NA

Description Automatic Outage of an AC Circuit or Transformer with Normal Clearing. Automatic Outage of a DC Circuit with Normal Clearing. Automatic Outage of two ADJACENT AC Circuits on the same structure with Normal Clearing. Automatic Outage of two ADJACENT DC Circuits on the same structure with Normal Clearing. Other - please describe the event

Event ID Code: Up to 10 alphanumeric characters - Each event shall have a unique Event ID. Dependent mode and common mode outages have the same Event ID. For Non-Automatic Outages this section is not needed. Disturbance Reported:

Select if an outage report (EOP-004) was filed at NERC for this event or not. Options are Yes, No, and Dont Know.
Outage Continuation Code: If an outage begins in a reporting calendar year and continues beyond the end of the year (December 31) or , the calculation of a total Outage Duration is not possible. In this case, the following process will be observed. 1. Two separate Outage Durations will be input. a. For the reporting year when the outage started, the TO inputs the Outage Start Time and calculates an Outage Duration from
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the Outage Start Time until the end of the reporting year. The Outage Continuation Flag is input as 1. b. For the next reporting year, the same Event ID Code and same Outage ID Code will be entered for the outage with an Outage Start Time equal to January 1, 00:00 UTC of that reporting year. If the outage is concluded in that reporting year, an Outage Duration is calculated from the Outage Start Time. If the outage continues to the subsequent reporting year, the Outage Duration is entered as 8760:00, or 8784:00 for a leap year. The Outage Continuation Flag is input as 2. c. Most outages that are not concluded by the end of a reporting year will conclude in the next reporting year. However, an outage may span three or more reporting years. This process described in b. above continues until the outage ends.


Applications of Addition and Modifications to the Tables

Additions and Modifications to the Transmission Circuit Attribute Table

Attribute and outage information tables were designed with the understanding that most transmission system operators record or have access to the data required. Unless the data is a mandatory requirement, the operator will have to enter data to the best of their knowledge until more accurate data is available. The operator is to provide the attribute data for circuits and transformers with a nominal operating voltage above 200kV in order to comply with outage data requirements. There are two types of transmission circuit attributes, operational and physical characteristics. The operational characteristics provide data that describes the transmission circuit in terms of system operation and identifying parameters. These include system identification of the circuit, start and end dates of service, nominal voltage of the transmission element, points of connection to the system and origin (parent code). The physical characteristics describe the circuit in terms of its physical properties and provide data that describes the elements environment. The physical properties data include circuit type, structure and material type, length, conductors per phase, overhead ground wire, and insulator type. The circuit environment is described by the terrain, elevation, and common corridor data.
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Data entry maybe done by a translation program or manually depending on the number of data records required. It is expected that the first submission of data will require the most effort. Subsequent data submission will basically be a replication of the existing data with minor updates for configuration changes to the system and new additions. The following is an explanation of the methodology to address the entry of new data records. The primary need for a new data record is the addition of a newly constructed circuit that was place in service during the current reporting year. Circuits have to be included in order to have a link for assigning outage data In Example 1.1, the operator and the alphanumeric circuit code were entered to uniquely identify the circuit. Most operators will use an alpha numeric number to identify transmission elements within their system. As long as the identifier conforms to WECC outage data submission for circuit codes, the operator circuit identification can be used. All other data will describe the circuit by its operating and physical attributes. Example 1.1


Circuit Code



A second requirement for the creation of a new data record is for an extension or rerouting of an existing circuit that effectively changes the exposure of the circuit. As seen in Figure 1.1, the circuit length may also increase due to a radial section being tapped off an existing circuit. For this case, the circuit code for the existing circuit will have to be retired and a new circuit code created for the new circuit length addition. Figure 1.1

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Original Circuit Configuration Bkr Bkr

Bus A

New Circuit Configuration Bus C

Bus B



Bus A

Bus B

In Figure 1.1, the original circuit had its length increased by the addition of a radial tap, but the circuits bounds did not change. Example 1.2 shows the changes required in the Transmission Circuit Attribute table for the circuits in Figure 1.1. Shown as Retired Circuit Code table in Example 1.2, the original circuit was retired by simply placing a retirement date on the existing circuit code. An entry was made in the Comments column that provides an explanation for the retirement of the original circuit in Figure 1.1. In the New Circuit Code example, a new circuit code was created to account for the addition of the tap: the circuit length was increased, the original circuit code was noted as the parent code, and a comment was added to provide an explanation for the new circuit code. Example 1.2 Original Circuit Code Circuit Length in Miles


Circuit Code

From To

In service Retirement Date Date


Parent Code


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Retired Circuit Code Circuit Code



From To


In service Retirement Date Date

1/15/1975 2/25/2005

Parent Code

Added tap

New Circuit Code Circuit Length in Miles



Circuit Code

From To

In service Retirement Date Date


Parent Code


A1B2C3D4 Added tap

New data records are also created by the reconfiguration of an existing circuit. System reconfigurations can occur when an isolation device is inserted between the existing isolation devices (breakers) that bound a circuit. These reconfigurations may or may not change the length or reroute the existing circuit, but do create a new isolation boundary. The reconfiguration of an existing circuit will create two new circuit codes and retire an existing circuit code in the Transmission Circuit Attribute table. The creation of the two new circuit codes is independent of the insertion point of the new isolation device. Figure 1.2

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Original Circuit Configuration Bkr Bkr

Bus A

New Circuit Configuration

Bus B




Bus A

Bus C

Bus B

Figure 1.2 shows a reconfiguration of a circuit by the insertion of a breaker between two existing breakers that bound the original circuit. The changes required to the Transmission Circuit Attribute table are shown in Example 1.3. In Example 1.3, the original circuit configuration circuit record is shown as Original Circuit Code. The original circuit has a circuit code PODX1234. PODX1234 was placed in service in 1/15/1975 and has a length of 100 miles between Bus A and Bus B. A new breaker was inserted at Bus C between Bus A and Bus B in 9/14/2001. The reconfigured existing circuit code was retired and two new circuit records were created in the table. Shown as Retired Circuit Code table in Example 1.3, the original circuit was retired by placing a retirement date on the existing circuit code and comment explaining the retirement of the circuit code record. In this example, two new circuit code table records were created. Shown as New Circuit Codes in Example 1.3, the two new circuit codes are PODX2485 and PODX2486. PODX2485 has a length of 25 miles and is bounded by the breakers at Bus A and Bus C. PODX2486 is 75 miles long and is bounded by the breaker at Bus B and Bus C. Bus C is a common isolation point for both new circuits. Example 1.3 Original Circuit Code

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Circuit Code

From To
Bus A Bus B


In service Retirement Date Date


Parent Code


Retired Circuit Code Circuit Operator Code


From To
Bus A Bus B


In service Retirement Date Date

1/15/1975 9/14/2001

Parent Code

New station

New Circuit Code Circuit Operator Code


From To
Bus A Bus C


In service Retirement Date Date


Parent Code


PODX1234 New station 9

New Circuit Code Circuit Operator Code


From To
Bus B Bus C


In service Retirement Date Date


Parent Code


PODX1234 New station 9

Modifications to the Transformer Attribute Table

Modifications to the Transformer Attributes table are different than modification to the Transmission Circuit table. The Transformer Attribute table describes the location of the transformer, not the transformer. For this reason, retirement of transformers can only take place when the location of the transformer bank is actually retired from service. This eliminates the need to create a new Transformer Attribute record for a single phase of a three phase bank being removed from service or the transformer is moved from its present location and replaced with another transformer.

Additions and Modifications to the Outage Information Table

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Most Outage Information table data is generally already recorded by most operators. There may be a need for a conversion in both time entry information and cause codes. The time entries for outage records should be in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) for the Standard Time where the outage occurred. If possible, the recording time should mm/dd/yyyy format for the date and should be recorded to the nearest second. GMT Example: A Standard Mountain Time of 9:00AM will be 15:00 PM GMT. Cause codes for outages should be reported using one of the WECC General Outage Cause code for each equipment outage. This may require the operator to translate from the operator outage cause code to one of the WECC General Outage Cause code. If a transmission equipment outage is an element of a dependent mode outage, it may or may not have the same cause code as the initiating outage. For example, lightning may have initiated the original outage for a set of dependent outages, but the sequent outages may have been caused by system protection failure. The initiating outage will be assigned the Lightning (LIG) cause code and the subsequent outage will be assigned the cause code Terminal Equipment (TER) for system protection failure. Outage Mode not may be part of most WECC operators outage recording information or may be recorded differently. The Outage Information table requires two record entries to account for different initiating modes. The first of the entries is the Outage Mode. The Outage Mode describes the initiating mode for an outage or set of equipment outages. There are five Outage modes: Independent, Dependent, Initiating Dependent, Common and Common Initiating. Most outage will be classified as Independent Mode outages. The Event ID is use to identify the outage within the table and also serves as a link to identify a set of dependent or common mode outages. Dependent and Common mode outages will be assigned only one Event ID per related outages. A group of Dependent mode outages will usually have an Initiating Dependent Mode (DEPI) and a Dependent Mode (DEP) outage mode. If an initiating event is not within the scope of this database, the event will may not have a DEPI. This may include outages such as a 500kV breaker failure causing a 500kV line outage or a 69 kV under built circuit causing a 230kV outage. Independent Mode outages are outages that were isolated within the transmission element isolation devices and did not impact other elements in the system. As seen in Example 1.4, these outages records will only require an IND in the Outage Mode column and Event ID in the Outage Information table. Example 1.4

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Operator CBA

Equipment Code J36X100

Start Date/Time (GMT) End Date/Time (GMT) 11/12/2003 18:06:39 11/12/2003 18:15:23

Cause Code TER

Outage Mode IND

Event ID 789123456

Common Mode outages involve two or more transmission elements and occur almost simultaneously due to the same outage cause. Shown in Example 1.5, Common Mode outages should have the same outage Cause Code and Event ID. The duration for the elements could be different in a Common Mode outage. Example 1.5
Operator XYZ XYZ Equipment Code 150 361 Start Date/Time (GMT) End Date/Time (GMT) 06/08/2004 21:32:11 08/06/2004 22:31:16 06/08/2004 21:32:11 08/06/2004 23:26:00 Cause Code WEA WEA Outage Mode COM COM Event ID AUG6803A AUG6803A

Dependent Mode outages occur from an initiating outage and subsequently cause the outage of other transmission element(s) in the system. Example 1.6 shows that the Event ID for a Dependent Mode outage should be the same for all the associated elements. The initiating outage should be identified by placing the Initiating Dependent Mode (DEPI) identifier in the Outage Mode column. The restoration time for the elements in a Dependent Mode outage may differ in length. The initiating outage may not be within the scope of recordable outage data required for the Outage Information table. Outages that do not have an initiating outage within the scope of the Outage Information table requirements will not have a DEPI for the set of dependent outages.

Example 1.6
Operator ABC ABC ABC Equipment Code CGE54 FRG55 153 Start Date/Time (GMT) 07/12/2005 18:22:59 07/12/2005 18:23:01 07/12/2005 18:23:01 End Date/Time (GMT) 07/13/2005 02:22:59 07/12/2005 18:35:59 07/12/2005 18:35:59 Cause Code FIR TER LOS Outage Mode DEPI DEP DEP Event ID T-5588 T-5588 T-5588

A Common Mode outage could be the initiating outage event for a set of subsequent outage. As shown in Example 1.7, these outages should be identified with a Common Mode Initiating (COMI) identifier in the Outage Mode column and subsequent outages should have the same Event ID. Example 1.7

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Operator GTO GTO GTO

Equipment Code T525099 T525100 T525136

Start Date/Time (GMT) 05/17/2002 16:33:44 05/17/2002 16:33:44 05/18/2002 16:34:16

End Date/Time (GMT) 05/17/2002 18:52:25 05/17/2002 18:52:25 05/18/2002 18:35:25

Cause Code TER TER TER


Event ID GT517C2 GT517C2 GT517C2

All outage records in the Outage Information table should be submitted complete. The accuracy of the start and End time should be the only variance.

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Appendix A WECC Members

ADOE Alberta Department of Energy AESO Alberta Electric System Operator AEUB Alberta Energy and Utilities Board AESC Allegheny Energy Supply Company, LLC ALTA AltaLink L.P. AWEA American Wind Energy Association WPE Aquila Networks-WPC ACC Arizona Corporation Commission AEPC Arizona Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. APA Arizona Power Authority APS Arizona Public Service Company ATCO ATCO Electric Ltd. AUR Auriga Corporation APX Automated Power Exchange, Inc. AVA Avista Corp. BEPC Basin Electric Power Cooperative BMI Battelle Memorial Institute BHP Black Hills Power BPAP Bonneville Power Administration Power Business Line BPAT Bonneville Power Administration Transmission Business Line BCHA British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority BCME British Columbia Ministry of Energy & Mines BCTC British Columbia Transmission Corporation BCUC British Columbia Utilities Commission BURB Burbank Water and Power CBC California British Columbia Transmission Company, LLC CDWR California Department of Water Resources CEOB California Electricity Oversight Board CEC California Energy Commission CFBF California Farm Bureau Federation CISO California Independent System Operator CORA California Office of Ratepayer Advocates CPUC California Public Utilities Commission CALP Calpine Corporation CES Cambridge Energy Solutions CRGL Cargill Power Markets, LLC CEOE CE Obsidian Energy CAWC Central Arizona Water Conservation District CINE Cinergy Services, Inc. HHWP City and County of San Francisco Hetch Hetchy Water & Power ANHM City of Anaheim GLEN City of Glendale Public Service Department RDNG City of Redding RVSD City of Riverside COPC Colorado Public Utilities Commission CSU Colorado Springs Utilities CFE Comision Federal de Electricidad COMP Compusharp Inc. CCG Constellation Energy Commodities Group, Inc. DGT Deseret Generation & Transmission Co-operative DENA Duke Energy North America, LLC DETM Duke Energy Trading and Marketing, LLC ECON Economic Insight EMMT Edison Mission Marketing & Trading, Inc.

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EQI EleQuant, Inc. EPE El Paso Electric Company ECI Electrical Consultants, Inc. ENW Energy Northwest ESL Energy Strategies LLC ENMX ENMAX Corporation EMC EPCOR Merchant and Capital L.P. EMCU EPCOR Merchant and Capital (US) Inc. EWEB Eugene Water & Electric Board FARM Farmington Electric Utility System FBC FortisBC FPLE FPL Energy LLC GEO Geo-Energy Partners-1983 Ltd. GBPP Gila Bend Power Partners, LLC PGR Gila River Power, L.P. GBT Great Basin Transmission, LLC HGC Harquahala Generating Company, LLC HESI Henwood Energy Services, Inc. HPLP Hunt Power, L.P. IPC Idaho Power Company IPUC Idaho Public Utilities Commission IID Imperial Irrigation District KEMA KEMA Inc. LCG LCG Consulting LAC Los Alamos County LDWP Los Angeles Department of Water and Power MLCI Merrill Lynch Commodities, Inc. MWD Metropolitan Water District of Southern California MTI Micron Technology Inc. MIR Mirant Americas, Inc. MID Modesto Irrigation District MATL Montana Alberta Tie Ltd. MDEQ Montana Department of Environmental Quality MPSC Montana Public Service Commission MWEC Morenci Water & Electric Company NGU National Grid USA Service Company, Inc. NREL National Renewable Energy Laboratory NCI Navigant Consulting, Inc. NVOE Nevada State Office of Energy NMPRC New Mexico Public Regulation Commission NTD New Transmission Development Company [A Trans-Elect Company] NAPG North American Power Group, Ltd. NCPA Northern California Power Agency NPCC Northwest Power and Conservation Council NWMT NorthWestern Energy NRG NRG Power Marketing, Inc. OCES Oak Creek Energy Systems, Inc. OOE Oregon Department of Energy OPUC Oregon Public Utility Commission PG&E Pacific Gas and Electric Company PAC PacifiCorp PACM PacifiCorp Merchant Function PASA Pasadena, City of PBEC Peabody Energy Corporation PRPA Platte River Power Authority PGE Portland General Electric Company PWX Powerex PPLE PPL EnergyPlus, LLC PPLM PPL Montana, LLC PPM PPM Energy, Inc. PRAX Praxair, Inc. PSC Public Service Company of Colorado PNM Public Service Company of New Mexico NPUC Public Utilities Commission of Nevada CHPD Public Utility District No. 1 of Chelan County DOPD Public Utility District No. 1 of Douglas County

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GCPD Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County PSE Puget Sound Energy REI Reliant Energy, Inc. RES RES-North America RVE Roseville Electric SMUD Sacramento Municipal Utility District SRP Salt River Project SDGE San Diego Gas & Electric Company SME Saracen Merchant Energy LP

WECC Members (continued)

SBP Sea Breeze Pacific Regional Transmission Systems, Inc. SCL Seattle City Light SWPC Siemens Westinghouse Power Corporation SER Sempra Energy Resources SETC Sempra Energy Trading Corp. STGP Shell Trading SPR Sierra Pacific Resources Transmission SNCL Silicon Valley Power City of Santa Clara SNPD Snohomish County Public Utility District No. 1 SCE Southern California Edison Company SWTC Southwest Transmission Cooperative, Inc. SWPG Southwestern Power Group II, LLC SUEZ SUEZ Energy Marketing NA, Inc. SC2G SWRTA Class 2 Group TPWR Tacoma Power TNSK Tenaska TNP Texas-New Mexico Power Company AES The AES Corporation BOE The Boeing Company TAUC TransAlta Utilities Corporation TCP TransCanada Energy Ltd. TANC Transmission Agency of Northern California TSGT Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc. TSMD Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc. TEP Tucson Electric Power Company TIDC Turlock Irrigation District USBR U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation USDO (Denver Office) USGP (Great Plains) USLC (Lower Colorado) USMP (Mid-Pacific) USPN (Pacific Northwest) USUC (Upper Colorado) UAMP Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems UCCS Utah Committee of Consumer Services DPU Utah Division of Public Utilities UEO Utah Energy Office UMPA Utah Municipal Power Agency UPSC Utah Public Service Commission USE Utility System Efficiencies, Inc. VEA Valley Electric Association, Inc. OTED Washington State Office of Trade & Economic Development WUTC Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission WECI Wellhead Electric Company, Inc. WAPA Western Area Power Administration WAHQ (Golden, Colorado) WACM (Loveland, Colorado)

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WALC (Phoenix, Arizona) WASN (Sacramento, California) WAUC (Salt Lake City, Utah) WAUW (Billings, Montana) WLB Westmoreland Coal Company WEMT Williams Power Company, Inc. WIA Wyoming Infrastructure Authority WPSC Wyoming Public Service Commission

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Appendix B TRD/TADS Outage Cause Codes

There are no differences in these outages codes between WECC and NERC.

Weather, excluding lightning

Automatic Outages caused by weather such as snow, extreme temperature, rain, hail, fog, sleet/ice, wind (including galloping conductor), tornado, microburst, dust storm, and flying debris caused by wind.

Automatic Outages caused by lightning.

Automatic Outages caused by environmental conditions such as earth movement (including earthquake, subsidence, earth slide), flood, geomagnetic storm, or avalanche.

Automatic Outages caused by contamination such as bird droppings, dust, corrosion, salt spray, industrial pollution, smog, or ash.

Foreign Interference
Automatic Outages caused by foreign interference from such objects such as an aircraft, machinery, a vehicle, a train, a boat, a balloon, a kite, a bird (including streamers), an animal, flying debris not caused by wind, and falling conductors from one line into another. Foreign Interference is not due to an error by a utility employee or contractor. Categorize these as Human Error.

Automatic Outages caused by fire or smoke.

Vandalism, Terrorism or Malicious Acts

Automatic Outages caused by intentional activity such as shot conductors or insulators, removing bolts from structures, and bombs.

Failed AC Substation Equipment

Automatic Outages caused by the failure of AC Substation; i.e., equipment inside the substation fence including Transformers and circuit breakers but excluding Protection System equipment. Refer to the definition of AC Substation.

Failed AC/DC Terminal Equipment

Automatic Outages caused by the failure of AC/DC Terminal equipment; i.e., equipment inside the terminal fence including PLC (power-line carrier) filters, AC filters, reactors and capacitors, Transformers, DC valves, smoothing reactors, and DC filters but excluding Protection System equipment. Refer to the definition of AC/DC Terminal.

Failed Protection System Equipment

Automatic Outages caused by the failure of Protection System equipment. Includes any relay and/or control misoperations except those that are caused by incorrect relay or control settings that do not coordinate with other protective devices. Categorize these as Human Error.

Failed AC Circuit Equipment

Automatic Outages related to the failure of AC Circuit equipment, i.e., overhead or underground equipment outside the substation fence. Refer to the definition of AC Circuit.

Failed DC Circuit Equipment

Automatic Outages related to the failure DC Circuit equipment, i.e., overhead or underground equipment outside the terminal fence. Refer to the definition of DC Circuit. However, include the failure of a connecting DC bus within an AC/DC Backto-Back Converter in this category.

Automatic Outages (both Momentary and Sustained) caused by vegetation, with the exception of the following exclusions which are contained in FAC-003-1: 1. Vegetation-related outages that result from vegetation falling into lines from outside the right of way that result from natural disasters shall not be considered reportable with the Vegetation Cause Code. Examples of disasters that could create non-reportable Vegetation Cause Code outages include, but are not limited to, earthquakes, fires, tornados, hurricanes, landslides, wind shear, major storms as defined either by the Transmission Owner or an applicable regulatory body, ice storms, and floods, and 2. Vegetation-related outages due to human or animal activity shall not be considered reportable under the Vegetation Cause Code. Examples of human or animal activity that could cause a non-reportable Vegetation Cause Code outage include, but are not limited to, logging, animal severing tree, vehicle contact with tree, arboricultural activities or horticultural or agricultural activities, or removal or digging of vegetation. Outages that fall under the exclusions should be reported under another Cause Code and not the Vegetation Cause Code.

Power System Condition

Automatic Outages caused by power system conditions such as instability, overload trip, out-of-step, abnormal voltage, abnormal frequency, or unique system configurations (e.g., an abnormal terminal configuration due to existing condition with one breaker already out of service).

Human Error
Automatic Outages caused by any incorrect action traceable to employees and/or contractors for companies operating, maintaining, and/or providing assistance to the Transmission Owner will be identified and reported in this category. Also, any human

failure or interpretation of standard industry practices and guidelines that cause an outage will be reported in this category.

Automatic Outages caused by unknown causes should be reported in this category.

Automatic Outages for which the cause is known; however, the cause is not included in the above list.

Planned Outage Cause Codes:

Maintenance and Construction
Use for Non-Automatic Outages caused by maintenance or construction of facilities including testing.

Third-Party Requests
Non-Automatic Outage that is taken at a request from a third party such as a highway department, the Coast Guard, etc.

Other Planned Outage

Non-Automatic Outage for reasons other then listed above, including human error.

Operational Outage Cause Codes

Non-Automatic Outage caused for the purpose of avoiding risk to your equipment or human life.

System Voltage Limit Mitigation

Non-Automatic Outage cause to maintain the voltage on the system.

System Operating Limit Mitigation, excluding system Voltage Limit Mitigation

Non-Automatic Outage to keep the system within its operating limits, except for the voltage limit. Definition of operating limits is defined in the NERC Glossary of Terms Used in Reliability Standards seen below.

The Value (such as MW, MVar, Amperes, Frequency or Volts) that satisfies the most limiting of the prescribed operating criteria for a specified system configuration to ensure operation within acceptable reliability criteria. System Operating Limits are based upon certain operating criteria. These include, bat are not limited to: 1. Facility Ratings (Applicable per- and post-Contingency equipment or facility ratings) 2. Transient Stability Ratings (Applicable pre- and post-Contingency stability Limits) 3. Voltage Stability Ratings (Applicable pre- and post-Contingency Voltage Stability) 4. System Voltage Limits (Applicable pre- and post-Contingency Voltage Limits).

Other Operational Outage

Non-Automatic Outage for reasons other than listed above, including human error.

Appendix C WECC TRD Definitions

Transmission Element: The Transmission Element is the reporting element (transmission line, cable or a transformer) bound by automatic protective devices (a.k.a. breaker to breaker). In-Service : The transmission element is energized and fully connected to the system. Outage : The transmission element is not in the in-service state; i.e., it is partially or fully isolated from the system. Single pole successful re-closing events are not considered outages. De-rated : This is a state where the operation of the transmission element is only possible in a less than full design capability, which is in the In-Service State. Automatic Outage: An outage initiated by an automatic protection device. Manual Outage: An outage initiated by intentional or inadvertent operator action.

Forced Outage: An Automatic Outage or a Manual Outage that cannot be deferred more than 30 minutes. Planned (Scheduled) Outage: An intentional Manual Outage that could have been deferred more than 30 minutes. Operational Outage: An intentional Manual Outage for the purpose of an emergency or to maintain the system within its limits. Momentary (transient) outage: A Forced Outage of duration of less than one minute and is therefore recorded as zero duration. Generally, it covers only automatic re-closure events. Sustained Outage: A Forced Outage of duration of one minute or more. It does not include automatic reclosure events. Outage Mode: One of three initial outage characteristics: independent, dependent, and common mode. Independent Outage Mode: A Forced Outage of a single transmission element that does not impact other transmission elements. Dependent Outage Mode: An outage that would not have occurred without an initiating outage on another circuit. Example: The outage of a 500kV circuit that causes the outage of 230kV circuits that are radial fed from the 500kv line. Dependent Mode Initiating: The initiating outage that cause outage(s) on another circuit(s). Common Mode Outage: A common mode outage is an outage that results from the same outage cause as another concurrent outage; example, double circuit tower failure. Common Mode Initiating: An initiating common mode outage that initiated outage(s) on another circuit(s). Operator: The operating agent has operational control of the transmission element. The operating agent may not be the owner of the transmission element or conduct maintenance on the circuit.

Appendix D NERC TADS Definitions Element

The following are Elements for which TADS data are to be collected: 1. 2. 3. 4. AC Circuits 200 kV (Overhead and Underground) Transformers with 200 kV low-side voltage AC/DC Back-to-Back Converters with 200 kV AC voltage, both sides DC Circuits with +/-200 kV DC voltage

An Element may also be referred to as a TADS Element in the Manual. They have the same meaning.

Protection System
Protective relays, associated communication systems, voltage and current sensing devices, station batteries and DC control circuitry.1

AC Circuit
A set of AC overhead or underground three-phase conductors that are bound by AC Substations. Radial circuits are AC Circuits. The boundary of an AC Circuit extends to the transmission side of an AC Substation. A circuit breaker, Transformer, and their associated disconnect switches are not considered part of the AC Circuit but instead are defined as part of the AC Substation. The AC Circuit includes the conductor, transmission structure, joints and dead-ends, insulators, ground wire, and other hardware, including in-line switches. The AC Circuit includes inline switches used to sectionalize portions of the AC Circuit as well as series compensation (capacitors and reactors) that is within the boundaries of the AC Circuit even if these in-line devices are within an AC Substation. If these devices are not within the AC Circuit boundaries, they are not part of the AC Circuit but instead are part of the AC Substation. The diagrams on the next several pages explain this concept. The red arcs define the AC Circuit boundaries.2 In Figure 1 (next page), the series capacitor, bypass circuit breaker, and numerous disconnect switches are in a fenced AC Substation that is within the boundaries of the AC Circuit itself. When the series capacitor is connected and the bypass breaker is open, the capacitor and its disconnect switches are part of the AC Circuit. When the bypass breaker is closed, the bypass breaker and its disconnect switches (not shown) are part of the AC Circuit.

1 2

This definition is in the current NERC Glossary of Terms Used in Reliability Standards. To simplify future diagrams, disconnect switches may not be shown.

Figure 1
Two in-line NC switches and one series capacitor are part of the AC Circuit between AC Substations A and B. When the bypass breaker and its disconnect switches (not shown) are closed and the capacitor switches opened, the breaker and its switches are part of the AC Circuit. NO



In Figure 2, the series reactor and in-line switches are part of the AC Circuit since they are within the AC Circuit boundaries even though they are within the AC Substation boundaries. In Figure 3, they are not part of the AC Circuit because they are not within the AC Circuit boundaries. Figure 2
Two in-line NC switch and one series reactor are part of the AC Circuit between AC Substations A and B. The AC Circuit boundaries are the breaker disconnect switch in AC Substation A and the high-side disconnect switch on the Transformer in AC Substation B. NO



Figure 3
Two in-line NC switches and one series reactor are part of the AC Substation and not part of the AC Circuit between AC Substations A and B NO




A bank comprised of three single-phase transformers or a single three-phase transformer. A Transformer is bounded by its associated switching or interrupting devices.

AC Substation
An AC Substation includes the circuit breakers and disconnect switches which define the boundaries of an AC Circuit, as well as other facilities such as surge arrestors, buses, Transformers, wave traps, motorized devices, grounding switches, and shunt capacitors and reactors. Series compensation (capacitors and reactors) is part of the AC Substation if it is not part of the AC Circuit. See the explanation in the definition of AC Circuit. Protection System equipment is excluded.

AC/DC Terminal
A terminal that includes all AC and DC equipment needed for DC operation such as PLC (power-line carrier) filters, AC filters, reactors and capacitors, Transformers, DC valves, smoothing reactors and DC filters. On the AC side, an AC/DC Terminal is normally bound by AC breakers at the AC Substation bus where it is connected. On the DC side, it is bound by DC converters and filters. Protection System equipment is excluded.

AC/DC Back-to-Back Converter

Two AC/DC Terminals in the same location with a DC bus between them. The boundaries are the AC breakers on each side.

DC Circuit
One pole of an Overhead or Underground DC line which is bound by an AC/DC Terminal on each end.

Overhead Circuit
An AC or DC Circuit that is not an Underground Circuit. A cable conductor AC or DC Circuit inside a conduit which is not below the surface is an Overhead Circuit. A circuit that is part Overhead and part Underground is to be classified based upon the majority characteristic (Overhead Circuit or Underground Circuit) using Circuit Miles.

Underground Circuit
An AC or DC Circuit that is below the surface, either below ground or below water. A circuit that is part Overhead Circuit and part Underground Circuit is to be classified based upon the majority characteristic (Overhead Circuit or Underground Circuit) using Circuit Miles.

Circuit Mile
One mile of either a set of AC three-phase conductors in an Overhead or Underground AC Circuit, or one pole of a DC Circuit. A one mile-long, AC Circuit tower line that carries two three-phase circuits (i.e., a double-circuit tower line) would equate to two Circuit Miles. A one mile-long, DC tower line that carries two DC poles would equate to

two Circuit Miles. Also, a one mile-long, common-trenched, double-AC Circuit Underground duct bank that carries two three-phase circuits would equate to two Circuit Miles.

Multi-Circuit Structure Mile

A one-mile linear distance of sequential structures carrying multiple Overhead AC or DC Circuits. (Note: this definition is not the same as the industry term structure mile. A Transmission Owners Multi-Circuit Structure Miles will generally be less than its structure miles since not all structures contain multiple circuits.) If a line section contains two or more Multi-Circuit Structures which form one or more multi-circuit spans, the total span length can be measured and the associated mileage should be reported in the Multi-Circuit Structure Mile total inventory. If multiple circuits are connected to only one common structure, that structure should be ignored for outage and inventory mileage purposes.

Voltage Class
The following voltages classes will be used for reporting purposes: 200 299 kV 300 399 kV 400 499 kV 500 599 kV 600 799 kV For Transformers, the Voltage Class reported will be the high-side voltage, even though the cut-off voltage used in the definition is referenced on the low-side. Voltages are operating voltages. Outage Reporting Definitions

Automatic Outage
An outage which results from the automatic operation of switching device, causing an Element to change from an In-Service State to a not In-Service State. A successful AC single-pole (phase) reclosing event is not an Automatic Outage.

Momentary Outage
An Automatic Outage with an Outage Duration less than one (1) minute. If the circuit recloses and trips again within less than a minute of the initial outage, it is only considered one outage. The circuit would need to remain in service for longer than one minute between the breaker operations to be considered as two outages.

Sustained Outage3

The TADS definition of Sustained Outage is different that the NERC Glossary of Term Used in Reliability Standards definition of Sustained Outage which is presently only used in FAC-003-1. The

An Automatic Outage with an Outage Duration of a minute or greater.

AC Multi-Owner Common Structure Flag

This flag identifies whether the outaged AC Circuit is on common structures with another circuit that is owned by a different Transmission Owner. This flag does not apply to DC Circuits which by default are all assumed to be on common structures with the circuits owned by the same Transmission Owner. Flag Flag Interpretation 0 Not applicable. The circuit is not on common structures with another circuit, or the circuit is on common structures, but all circuits are reported by the same Transmission Owner. No analysis of the Event ID Code or the Event Type Number is required by the Regional Entity. 1 Circuit is on common structures with another circuit that is being reported by a different Transmission Owner. The Regional Entity will need to examine Outage Start Times with this same flag to determine whether a second circuit had an outage with nearly the same Outage Start Time, and if so, whether the TOs properly coordinated their Event ID Codes and Event Type Numbers.

In-Service State
An Element that is energized and fully connected to the system. Examples of reportable AC Circuit and Transformer Automatic Outages are illustrated below. In Figure 4, AC Circuit A is bound by the disconnect switches (not shown)4 of two breakers, and Transformer A is bound by a breaker and a disconnect switch. AC Circuit B is bound by a breaker and a disconnect switch, and Transformer B is bound by a breaker and a disconnect switch. 230 kV bus fault opens the green breakers. The TADS Transformers each report an outage. AC Circuit A reports an outage, but AC Circuit B does not. It is defined by the breaker on the left and the disconnect switch on the right. Since the breaker associated with AC Circuit B did not experience and automatic operation, it was not outaged. It remains fully connected by the breaker and the disconnect switch.

Figure 4
Transformer A
glossary defines a Sustained Outage as follows: The deenergized condition of a transmission line resulting from a fault or disturbance following an unsuccessful automatic reclosing sequence and/or unsuccessful manual reclosing procedure. The definition is inadequate for TADS reporting for two reasons. First, it 500 kV 230 kV has no time limit that would distinguish a Sustained Outage from a Momentary Outage. Second, for a circuit with no automatic reclosing, the outage would not be counted if the TO has a successful manual AC Circuit B reclosing under the glossary definition. 4 Transformer B a circuit breaker or For simplification, disconnect switches may not be show in some figures. When Transformer disconnect switch define an AC Circuit boundary, we may just refer to the circuit breaker and the Transformer as defining the boundary without reference to their disconnect switches.

AC Circuit A


In Figure 5, we have a similar situation, except that the Transformers are not reportable since their low-side voltages are less that 200 kV. The AC Circuit outages are reportable exactly the same as in Figure 4; however, the Transformer outages are not reportable. Figure 5
Transformer A

AC Circuit B

Transformer B

In Figure 6 (next page), AC Circuit 22, the only source connecting AC Substations A and B, has a fault. As a result, AC Circuits 84 and 88 are deenergized but remain fully connected. Three outages are reported: circuits 22, 84, and 88. None of them meet the In-Service State requirement of being energized and fully connected.

230 kV

AC Circuit A


34 kV

Figure 6

AC Circuit 22

AC Circuit 88


An exception that an Element be fully connected to be considered in an In-Service State is provided for a multi-terminal AC Circuit with a Transformer on one terminal that shares a breaker with the circuit. Figure 7

All circuits are 230 kV In both figures, the AC Circuit is bounded by AC Substations A, B, and C as indicated by the red arcs. Each Transformers boundaries are the red disconnect switch and the red arc before the breaker. Note that the Transformer in either figure may or may not be a reportable Element (i.e., one with a low-side voltage 200 kV).

All circuits are 230 kV

AC Circuit 84

Figure 8

Assume that each Transformer is out of service as a result of the operation of its associated breaker (indicated in green). In Figure 7, the AC Circuit would normally be considered out of service since the breaker at AC Substation C, which is shared by the AC Circuit and the Transformer, is open. Nevertheless, if all other portions of the AC Circuit are in service, the entire AC Circuit is considered to be in an In-Service State even if the Transformer is out of service. Because TADS does not recognize partial outage states, the multi-terminal exception above was developed so as to not overstate the outage contribution of a multi-terminal configuration of this type. In Figure 8, the open breaker is not shared by the AC Circuit, and the AC Circuit remains fully connected. Thus, the exception does not apply in this case since the AC Circuit is fully connected even though the Transformer out of service.

Substation, Terminal, or Converter Name

For Automatic Outages of AC Circuits and DC Circuits, the termination name at each end of the circuit will be reported to help identify where the circuit is located. For AC Circuits, these are the AC Substation Names; for DC Circuits, these are the AC/DC Terminal Names. For AC/DC Back-to-Back Converters, this is the Converter Station Name.

TO Element Identifier
An alphanumeric name that the TO must enter to identify the Element which is outaged (e.g., a circuit name.)

Outage Start Time

The date (mm/dd/yyyy) and time (hhhh:mm), rounded to the minute, that the Automatic Outage of an Element started. Outage Start Time is expressed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), not local time. TADS data is reported on a calendar-year basis, and the TADS Data Reporting Instruction Manual addresses the recording of the Outage Start time of a Sustained Outage that starts in one reporting year and concludes in another reporting year.

Outage Duration
The amount of time from the Outage Start Time to when the Element is fully restored to its original or to normal configuration, including equipment replacement. Outage Duration is expressed as hours and minutes, rounded to the nearest minute. Momentary Outages are assigned a time of zero Outage Duration. TADS data is reported on a calendar-year basis, and the TADS Data Reporting Instruction Manual addresses the recording of the Outage Durations of an outage that starts in one reporting year and concludes in another reporting year.

Outage Continuation Flag

Not all outages start and end in the same reporting year. This flag describes that characteristic for an outage. Flag Flag Interpretation 0 Outage began and ended within the reporting year 1 Outage began in the reporting year but continues into the next reporting year.

Outage started in another (previous) reporting year.

Outage Identification (ID) Code

A unique alphanumeric identifier assigned by the Transmission Owner to identify the reported outage of an Element.

An Event is a transmission incident that results in the Automatic Outage (Sustained or Momentary) of one or more Elements.

Event Identification (ID) Code

A unique alphanumeric identifier assigned by the Transmission Owner to an Event. Because outages that begin in one reporting year and end in the next reporting year must have the same Event ID Code, the code must have the reporting year appended to it to ensure its uniqueness. For example, an Event ID Code may be W324-2008. This unique Event ID Code establishes an easy way to identify which Automatic Outages are related to one another as defined by their Outage Mode Codes (see Section D). An Event associated with a Single Mode Outage will have just one Event ID Code. Each outage in a related set of two or more outages (e.g., Dependent Mode, Dependent Mode Initiating, Common Mode, or Common Mode Initiating) shall be given the same Event ID Code.

Event Type Number

A code that describes the type of Automatic Outage. The following Event Type Numbers will be used initially:
Event Type No. 10 20 30 40 50 Table 1 Category from the TPL Standards B B C C NA

Description Automatic Outage of an AC Circuit or Transformer with Normal Clearing. Automatic Outage of a DC Circuit with Normal Clearing. Automatic Outage of two ADJACENT AC Circuits on common structures with Normal Clearing. Automatic Outage of two ADJACENT DC Circuits on common structures with Normal Clearing. Other - please describe the event (optional)

To qualify for an Event Type No. 30 or 40, the outages must be a direct result of the circuits occupying common structures. These characteristics will generally apply. 1. The Outage Initiation Codes are either Element-Initiated or Other-Element Initiated. 2. The Outage Mode Codes are one of the following: (a) Dependent Mode Initiating (one outage) and Dependent Mode (second outage); (b) Common Mode Initiating and Common Mode (two outages); or (c) both Common Mode (two outages). Event Type No. 30 and 50 Examples These are examples of Events that are Event Type No. 30: 1. A tornado outages two circuits on common structures. In this example, the outage is Element-Initiated and Common Mode. This is an Event Type No. 30 because the loss of both circuits was directly related to them being on the same structures.

2. On one circuit, a conductor breaks (outaging the circuit), and the conductor swings into a second circuit on common structures. The first circuit outage is Element-Initiated and Dependent Mode Initiating; the second circuit outage is Other-Element Initiated and Dependent Mode. This is an Event Type No. 30 because the second circuits outage was a result of it being on common structures as the first circuit. These Events are not an Event Type No. 30; instead, they are an Event Type No. 50. 1. Two AC Circuits on common structures are outaged due to a bus fault in the AC Substation where the circuits terminate. Both outages are Substation-Initiated and Common Mode. Because the outages are not a result of the two circuits being on common structures, it is not an Event Type No. 30. Therefore, it is an Event Type No. 50. 2. Two AC Circuits are on common structures and terminate at the same bus. Lightning strikes one AC Circuit, but the breaker fails to open due to a failure of a relay to operate properly. The second circuit, which is connected to the same bus, is outaged as a result of the failure of first circuits breaker to open. The first outage is an Element-Initiated and Dependent Mode Initiating; the second outage is Other Facility-Initiated and Dependent Mode. (Note: the relay is excluded as part of an AC Substation, making the Outage Initiation Code Other-Facility Initiated and not Substation-Initiated.) Because the outages are not a result of the two circuits being on common structures, it is not an Event Type No. 30. Therefore, it is an Event Type No. 50.

Fault Type
The descriptor of the fault, if any, associated with each Automatic Outage of an Element. Several choices are possible for each Element outage: 1. No fault 2. Phase-to-phase fault (P-P) 3. Single phase-to-ground fault (P-G) 4. Phase-to-phase-to-ground (P-P-G), 3P, or 3P-G fault 5. Unknown fault type The Fault Type for each Element outage may be determined from recorded relay targets or by other analysis. TOs should use the best available data to determine (1) whether a fault occurred on each outaged Element and, if so, (2) what type of fault occurred. Relay targets should be documented as soon as practical after a fault and the targets re-set to prepare for the next fault. If a single fault results in several Element outages, the protective relay targets associated with each Element indicate the Fault Type for that Outage. Relay targets are not a fool proof method to determine the Fault Type; however, they may be the best available data to determine Fault Type. An Element whose relays did not indicate a fault should be reported as No fault. Example: A 500 kV AC Circuit has a single phase-to-ground fault that also results in an Outage of a 500/230 kV Transformer. The AC Circuit outage would have Single phaseto-ground fault (P-G) selected as the Fault Type, while the Transformer would have No fault selected.

Normal Clearing
A protection system operates as designed and the fault is cleared in the time normally expected with proper functioning of the installed protection system.5 The Outage Initiation Codes describe where an Automatic Outage was initiated on the power system.

Element-Initiated Outage
An Automatic Outage of an Element that is initiated on or within the Element that is outaged.

Other Element-Initiated Outage

An Automatic Outage of an Element that is initiated by another Element and not by the Element that is outaged.

AC Substation-Initiated Outage
An Automatic Outage of an Element that is initiated on or within AC Substation facilities.

AC/DC Terminal-Initiated Outage

An Automatic Outage of an Element that is initiated on or within AC/DC Terminal facilities.

Other Facility-Initiated Outage

An Automatic Outage that is initiated on or within other facilities. Other facilities include any facilities not includable in any other Outage Initiation Code. (Note: An Automatic Outage initiated on a Transformer that is not an Element is considered an AC Substation or an AC/DC Terminal-Initiated Outage since the Transformer would be considered part of an AC Substation or AC/DC Terminal.) Outage Initiation Code Examples 1. A Transformer which is an Element is outaged. Is its outage an Element-Initiated Outage or a Substation-Initiated Outage? It depends. If the outage initiated on or within the Element (e.g., an internal fault or a cracked insulator that caused a fault), the outage is Element-Initiated, even though the Transformer is in a Substation. However, if the Transformer outage was not due to the Transformer itself but due, for example, to a failed circuit breaker, it is Substation-Initiated. 2. An AC Circuit which is an Element has an outage that was initiated by a nonElement AC Circuit. The Element outage is Other Facility-Initiated. 3. An AC Circuit Outage was initiated by an Element Transformer outage. The AC Circuit Outage is Other Element-Initiated. The Outage Mode Code describes whether an Automatic Outage is related to other Automatic Outages.

This definition is in the current NERC Glossary of Terms Used in Reliability Standards.

Single Mode Outage

An Automatic Outage of a single Element which occurred independent of any other outages (if any).

Dependent Mode Initiating Outage

An Automatic Outage of a single Element that initiates one or more subsequent Element Automatic Outages.

Dependent Mode Outage

An Automatic Outage of an Element which occurred as a result of an initiating outage, whether the initiating outage was an Element outage or a non-Element outage. (Note: to re-emphasize, a Dependent Mode Outage must be a result of another outage.)

Common Mode Outage

One of two or more Automatic Outages with the same Initiating Cause Code and where the outages are not consequences of each other and occur nearly simultaneously (i.e., within cycles or seconds of one another).

Common Mode Initiating Outage

A Common Mode Outage that initiates one or more subsequent Automatic Outages. Dependent Mode and Common Mode Outage Examples 1. A Dependent Mode Outage involves two outages, but one of the outages can be a non-Element outage. Therefore, not all Dependent Mode Outages will have an associated Dependent Mode Initiating Outage. If the initiating outage is one of the four defined Elements, that outage will be a Dependent Mode Initiating Outage, and the resulting second Element outage will be a Dependent Mode Outage. For example, suppose a 500 kV AC Circuit is outaged as a result of a 500/230 kV Transformer outage. The AC Circuit outage is a Dependent Mode Outage, and the Transformer outage is a Dependent Mode Initiating Outage. However, if an outage is not initiated by an Element, it will not have an associated Dependent Mode Initiating Outage. If the Transformer in the previous example had been a 345/138 kV Transformer and the AC Circuit a 345 kV circuit, the Transformer would not be an Element and, therefore, the AC Circuit outage would not have an associated Dependent Mode Initiating Outage. The AC Circuit outage would be classified as a Dependent Mode Outage since it was the result of a non-Element outage. 2. A Common Mode Outage involves the two outages, but unlike a Dependent Mode Outage, both outages must be Elements. In addition, one outage must not cause the second outage to occur; i.e., the two outages are not consequences of each other. In addition, they must occur nearly simultaneously. As an example, suppose that lightning strikes two AC Circuits in the same right of way (but not on a common structure) and both circuits are outaged nearly simultaneously. Assume no further outages occur. Both are Common Mode Outages. Now assume the same scenario with a slight difference: one AC Circuit clears normally, the second AC Circuit does not, and there is a circuit breaker failure,

resulting in the outage of a third AC Circuit. The first AC Circuit outage is a Common Mode Outage. The second AC Circuit outage is a Common Mode Initiating Outage, with the third AC Circuit outage a Dependent Mode Outage.

Initiating Cause Code

The Cause Code that describes the initiating cause of the outage.

Sustained Cause Code

The Cause Code that describes the cause that contributed to the longest duration of the outage. Momentary Outages do not have a Sustained Cause Code. Initiating and Sustained Cause Code Examples Suppose a lightning strike on an AC Circuit that should have cleared normally becomes a Sustained Outage because of breaker failure. Lightning is the Initiating Cause Code and Failed AC Substation Equipment is the Sustained Cause Code. To illustrate the meaning of the phrase contributed to the longest duration in the definition above, suppose that lightning caused a conductor to break (Failed AC Circuit Equipment) and that the breaker for the circuit also failed (Failed AC Substation Equipment). This example has two possible Sustained Outage Cause Codes, and the one to select is the one that contributed to the longest duration. If the conductor was repaired before the circuit breaker, then Failed AC Substation Equipment is the Sustained Cause Code since the circuit breaker outage contributed to the longest duration.

Common Corridor
Continuous right-of-way or two parallel right-of-ways with centerline separation less than the longest span length of the two transmission circuits at the point of separation or 500 feet, which ever is greater, and no natural barriers (such as hills, rivers, etc.) between the transmission circuits. This separation requirement does not apply to the last five spans of the transmission circuits entering into a substation.

Planned Outage
A Non-Automatic Outage with advance notice for the purpose of maintenance, construction, inspection, testing, or planned activities by third parties that may be deferred. Outages of TADS Elements of 30 minutes or less duration resulting from switching steps or sequences that are performed in preparation of an outage of another TADS Element are not reportable.

Operational Outage

A Non-Automatic Outage for the purpose of avoiding an emergency (i.e., risk to human life, damage to equipment, damage to property), or to maintain the system within operational limits, and that cannot be deferred.

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